Chapter 25: Chapter 24: A Avatar descends and gets an overenthusiastic fan.

With a thought Jack appeared on the world of Mantara in his Avatar. Standing in a clearing in front of the temple, Jack could feel the sunlight falling down on him, he lifted his arm and observed the light playing over it. The warm air carried the smells of the forest nearby to his nose, he could smell the damp earth and plants. Standing on the ground he could feel the grass under his feet, and when a breeze caressed his bare skin, he realized he forgot to create clothing.

Seeing it was warm for the moment, he put aside the need for clothing for now. Jack took a look over the temple where he would be enacting his plan. He needed a place where his Users could be trained, and level up safely. Monsters were to far varied in levels around the world, god forbid he sent them on a level 10 quest, and they came across a level 60 monster. No, he needed to create somewhere they can safely train.

This temple would be the test location first. The temple had been long abandoned, Jack could not even feel any divine energy left within. Columns had fallen down, and in several places the roof had collapsed. Moss had started to grow over, and several animals had taken a nest within. First he needed to renovate this temple back to a usable state.

Jack sent his power through the Avatar, and started to cover the temple. He could not create things from scratch, but by using the existing materials Jack started to repair the Temple. To an observer outside the temple, it looked like time was being reversed as the temple was slowly returned to its once great appearance.

As he started to finish with the structure, he started to add his flourishes to it. For the second floor he made several party prepping areas, where parties could meet and plan for the training ahead. The main floor was split into three main rooms. One room would be the entrance for the dungeon he would create. The second room would be for recovery and rest. The third would be for the eventually system application he was planning.

The rooms still needed to be furnished, but the building was complete. Above the entrance he carved into the stone "System Training and Dungeon Zone #1." Jack's plan for the dungeon at the moment was only ten floors, once he got stronger he could make it bigger. This was more of a test of concept, to make sure he got everything right before making more of them.

There were several dungeons around the world, most were just caverns with high levels of mana. However a few were controlled by something that looked like a gem. They appeared to have been created by some gods, and seemingly controlled their dungeons. By focusing his power into a point in front of him, Jack created a small green crystal. This crystal was a facsimile of a dungeon core.

Dropping it onto the ground, it quickly buried itself. Jack could feel the connection between it and him, and ordered it to start building the dungeon according to his schematics. Unfortunately his facsimile core could only build a dungeon. It did not have as much control over a dungeon as did a normal core. It also couldn't create monsters, if Jack wanted monsters, he would have to go out and catch them himself.

He had considered at first just to send his users to one of these natural dungeons, but they were unpredictable. Not to mention they seemed intent on killing all intruders. He wanted a dungeon to be tough, but not lethal for his users. Taking a look at the core, it would take a few days for it to complete the dungeon.

To make sure monsters didn't escape from the dungeon, he created a teleportation circle in the temple that would send you down into the dungeon. It would be soul locked so no monsters could use it. Satisfied with what he had accomplished, he was prepared to head out and get some food for Kara, when he heard a twig snap behind him.

Turning around, he saw a short blond woman step out of the trees and start gawking at him. She was wearing worn leather armor, and carrying a short sword. Her mouth hung slack jawed, and her eyes looked down Jack's body, and her eyes widened. She seemed to faint, and fell to the ground.

Concerned for the woman, he went and took a look at her. She was a human, she had a cute looking face, with a pert little mouth. As he looked at her, he realized that she was actually peeking through her eyelids and pretending to have fainted. Finding her behaviour was strange, he picked her up and carried her to the temple.

In the temple, he placed her on a stone bench near a fountain. Using his power, he created a cup from a stone, and scooped up the water. He returned to the woman and splashed it over her face. Coughing she sat up and said "Oh no, I'm about to be ravished by a god!" She said covering her face, except she was clearly looking through her hands at him.

Frowning at the odd girl, he realized he was still naked. Gathering his power, as he began to create a set of clothes, a strange image appeared in front of him. It was an image of his avatar wearing a set of blue leggings, and a white shirt covered by a black buttoned shirt. Using this as a guide he formed the clothes around him. Satisfied he looked at the girl and said "Hey calm down, I'm not going to ravish you."

The girl put down her hands and said a little dejectedly "Oh, are you sure god? I mean I would be-"

Jack interrupted her and said "First off, yes I am sure. Second, I'm not a god, I am Jack, a system." Taking a look over her status he found her name and said "Now Veronica are you okay?"

Veronica got to her knees and placed her head down to the ground in front of him. "Great holy one, this one is alright. I understand you wish to keep your presence secret, I'll swear to never reveal it."

"Look, seriously I'm not a god, here let me prove it to you" Jack said and sent her a contract detailing what he was.

In a flash Veronica accepted, appearing to not have even thought about it, and said "Thank you My Lord, I swear to serve you always, and in way you wish." She grasped onto his legs.

Getting a feeling his new user wasn't right in the head, Jack took a look at his new users status.

"Okay Veronica, thank you for becoming a new User, now can you tell me why you came to this part of the forest?" Jack said. This part of the forest was far from all roads, and was in a spot where monsters were common.

You are reading story System Is Accepting Applications at

Veronica looked up from hugging his legs and said "My Lord, I was lost, when I felt an immense power coming from here. Reaching here I was struck with your greatness." She said and pressed one of hand's onto his crotch.

Feeling blood started to flow down, and an image of Veronica unzipping his pants came to him. Shaking his head he quickly pulled Veronica up to her feet before he did something he would regret. "Look Veronica, I'm not a god, so you don't have to call me lord, you can call me Jack."

"My Lord, I can't call you something so intimate yet." Veronica said blushing.

Now Jack's head was starting to feel like it was hurting. "Okay Veronica, fine call me whatever you want. Look, I need to get some food, are you familiar with the city of Taras?"

"Yes my Lord, I was born there." Veronica said.

"Great, I will take you there, and you can guide me to places where I can get food. After that, I can use your help to catch monsters for my training area." Jack said gesturing towards the temple. "I will have you fight them, and judge them to see if they will be a good match."

"Yes My Lord, I will kill your enemies, and those who stand in your way!" Veronica said enthusiastically. "Oh and I can show you around the market where you can get food."

Hearing the word market, Jack suddenly realized he had no money to purchase food. Looking over Veronica she had little in the way of coin to purchase the amount of food he needed. "I will be right back Veronica, I'm going to get some gold. While I'm gone, please choose a class."

Using his powers he started to look for the closest amount of gold. Deep in the ground he could feel a deposit of gold ore he could use in the future. Putting that aside for later he found a pile of gold on the surface, not too far away. Heading towards it Jack discovered a small murky pond. In the center of the pond he could feel the gold.

Not wanting to get wet from the water, he waved his hand and split the water into two, shoving it to the sides. In the center he saw a rotting chest. Walking towards it over the muddy path, Jack noticed something move in the water next to him, and a large creature burst forward and attempted to bite him.

Reaching out Jack caught the creature and took a look over it.

Determining it was not useful for his training area, Jack was about to kill it when he realized it would be useful for Veronica to level up on. The crocodile was struggling in his grasp, trying to swipe at him with its tail. Slapping it till it was unconscious, Jack set it down and took a look over the rotting chest.

Most of the wood was decayed, however a strange mark was engraved into a plate on the wood. Examining it Jack got a strange feeling, a sense of overwhelming greed. Without hesitation Jack destroyed the mark, as he could feel it reach out towards him. What ever this mark was, it had obviously affected the crocodile.

Within the chest he found a lot of coins, and some gems. Putting them away he discovered a necklace that while not useful to him, could be used as a quest reward. This sparked another idea in him, he could use his avatar to collect rewards that could be used for quests for his users.

Done with the chest, he grabbed the crocodile and left the pond, returning the water to it's natural state. Walking to the temple, he saw Veronica waiting for him. Her eyes bugged out at the sight of the crocodile and said "Welcome back My Lord, is this one of the monsters you will be using for training?"

"No, you will be using it." Jack said, taking another look at Veronica. She had chosen to be a Paladin. Getting a bad feeling he asked "I see you became a Paladin, which god did you decide to serve?"

"Of you, My Lord" Veronica said happily.

Taking a look at the options, he discovered that the default option for gods was Jack. Armin and the Everlai's were also there, however the user would have to send a petition to become one of their servants. Concerned he said to Veronica "I don't provide divine energy, I'm not sure how powerful you can become as Paladin without a god."

"My Lord, I serve you, and your power will nurture my will, and I will become as strong as you need me." Veronica said.

Sighing Jack said "Okay, I guess, for now let's get you some levels."