Chapter 27: Chapter 26: An Avatar goes shipping, and A System needs relationship advice.

Stepping through the entrance of the Market, Jack was struck by the cacophony of sounds. As he walked through the stalls with Veronica following, he saw that a wide variety of things were being sold in the market. Stopping at a stall that was selling produce, he took a look at the strange fruits and vegetables. Deciding that he should buy a wide variety of food, just in case Kara didn't like one thing, he spoke to the merchant.

"Hello, I would like to buy two dozen of each of what you are selling."

The merchant looked shocked and said "Of course Sir. Do you wish to have it delivered somewhere?"

"No, I have a spatial storage available." Jack said.

Startling at the mention of a spatial storage the merchant quickly started to make several stacks of the produce. When he was finished, he said to Jack "That will be Eight Large copper Sir."

Jack pulled out a small silver coin and gave it to the merchant. "Keep the change." Flicking his wrist he put the entire stack of food into his inventory.

"Thank you greatly Sir." The merchant bowed, as Jack and Veronica left.

As they continued walking Jack turned and asked "Just checking all of those things I bought are edible right?"

Veronica said "Most yes, but a few are more for seasoning, then direct consumption."

"Alright, then let's keep going." Jack said and visited several more stalls selling produce and repeated his buying. At the end of the short buying spree he had spent Two large silver, and had a small mountain of fruits and vegetables in his inventory.

"My Lord, down this street is vendors selling Meat and Fish." Veronica said.

Jack headed down the street and saw several merchant's butchering a wide variety of strange and normal looking beasts. Wanting a wide selection for Kara, he went to each and picked out a different beast and bought it's entire body. By the time he left, the merchants were a few gold richer and grateful to him.

As he bought, he did notice increasingly weird looks from the merchants as he put things into his inventory. Veronica said to him "Spatial bags have a limit, the amount you put into your inventory, should be only accessible to high royalty."

Jack said "Will that be an Issue?"

"Perhaps they'll think of you as an undercover prince from another kingdom or empire. Some might target you because of it, won't they be in for a surprise. Don't worry My Lord, I will protect you." Veronica said smiling.

They were walking down a street with mainly Jewelry on display when one of the pieces caught his eye. Taking a closer look he saw it could increase the mana capacity of the user by five percent. Taking a look over the rest of this particular merchants accessories, Jack found most of them had some sort of magical effect. Deciding they would be perfect for rewards for quests, he turned to the short plump merchant.

"Hello, I would like to purchase all of these." Jack said.

The merchant let out a grin and said "Of course Sir." The merchant begin to put the necklaces, rings, and earrings in a set of boxes. As he was doing so, Jack saw he was about to slip in some non magical ones.

"Not those. I just want the magical ones." Jack said.

Startled the merchant said "Oh yes Sir." He quickly put aside a bunch of the accessories. When he was done packing all the magical gear, it took up a large chest. Finished the merchant said to him "That will be eighty big gold coins."

"Very well" Jack pulled out the coins and handed them to the merchant.

The merchant examined them and said "Oh that's interesting."

"What is?" Jack said.

"These coins date back to the age of the Sevaris Kingdom." The Merchant said.

Veronica asked "Does that make them more valuable."

"Nah, Just because it's old doesn't make it valuable. Just a curiosity mostly. Of course the only people that usually use this type of coin, are Nobles." The Merchant said looking at Jack for some kind of response.

"That so." Jack said. He took the chest of jewelry and put it away. Jack said "These are some interesting pieces, could you tell me who made them?"

"Sorry Sir, it is our policy to keep our sources for our goods secret. However if you were to leave me your name, I can get into contact with them and see if they would be willing to speak with you." The Merchant said.

Jack nodded and said "My name is Jack. Let them know I am interested in them crafting a special item for me."

"Very well sir." The Merchant.

Walking away Jack asked “What was the Sevaris Kingdom?”

Veronica said “I’m not sure, I think I heard it was a Kingdom that spanned the entire continent several hundred years ago.”

Looking over the rest of the jewelry area, he did not spot any more magical equipment. They moved on to some stalls selling weapons. Seeing an opportunity to get Veronica a new weapon he stopped at the largest and took a look. Most of the swords available were of mostly poor quality.

Veronica said "Most of the weapons in the market are rejects made by the weapon stores, they keep the best."

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Seeing nothing worth Veronica's new talents, he kept looking at the stalls. At the back of the area, he found a bunch of old swords, some of which were rusting. However one of them had a trace of magic about it. Taking a look over it he found it was a named sword.

The sword was covered in grime and patina of ages. Yet he could not see a speck of rust on it. The edge looked straight and was sharp. Deciding it would be perfect he went to the old merchant that was reading an old manuscript. "Hello, I would like to purchase this blade."

The old man grunted and took a look at the blade and said without blinking "100 Big gold Coins."

Veronica exclaimed and was about to lay into the old man, but was stopped by Jack. "Very well, perhaps you could tell me where you got this sword." Jack said as he handed the old man the coins.

Snorting the old man said "Picked it up north." He didn't seem to want to speak further on it.

Nodding Jack left, and handed the sword to Veronica. "Take good care of it, this blade will serve you well."

Veronica took the blade and said "Thank you My Lord. With it I will strike down your enemies, and cut through all those who oppose you."

"Veronica, all I ask of my Users, is for them to grow in strength, and complete the occasional quest." Jack said. Turning to her he continued "You will have to get yourself new armor."

"Yes My Lord." They had walked to the back of the market and found them in a dark area. Veronica said "My Lord, this is the area where they sell slaves. Did you want to purchase one?"

Jack shook his head, a feeling of distaste overtaking him. "No, I have no interest in owning slaves." As they walked they could see beings being held in cages, most were rough looking men.

Veronica said "Most of them are criminals sentenced to be slaves." They were wearing collars, that held an aura that blocked the slaves from connecting with Jack. "Some of them are debt slaves, and others are ones who sold themselves to slavery."

Seeing a group of women and children in the other cages, a feeling of sickness began to take over him. Finding he needed to get out of there to catch a breath, he quickly left the area, exiting the market, he was able to catch his breath.

Veronica asked "Are you alright My Lord?"

"Yes, I'm feeling better, but it appears I've found something that makes me sick. The very idea of slavery repulses me." Jack said.

"Understood My Lord, I will go back and set them free and slay the slave owners." Veronica said.

"No, if I want to fix it, I will need to get stronger. Tell me about the collar they were wearing, it blocked me from making a connection from them. They did not seem to be worshipers of a god." Jack said.

Veronica said "They are forced to make an oath to the god of binding. This oath forces them to obey the orders of their masters. There are several versions of the oath, including ones that only last a few years."

"I see. I think I need a rest after that, and I need to drop off this food." Jack said.

"Yes My Lord, I will find a suitable inn for us to stay at." Veronica said and led him down several streets that got progressively cleaner, until they were in front a large three story building, with a wooden sign with a bed on it in front. "This is Morning Flower Inn, I hope this Inn is to your liking My Lord."

"It looks good, thank you Veronica." Going in they found a relatively empty tavern next to a counter with a woman standing behind it smiling at them. Walking up to her, Jack negotiated for a room for the night. Paying two small silver for the room, Jack received a key with a six carved onto it.

"Your room is on the second floor, up the stairs, take the left hallway all the way to the end." The woman said.

Nodding his thanks, Jack led Veronica through the tavern, where a lone drunk guy was drinking. As they passed, the guy grabbed Veronica's ass and said "Hey, Sexy lady, why don't you come to my room tonight, and I'll wreck your pussy till you can't even stand."

Veronica shoved him away angrily and said "No thank you, I'm saving myself for my God."

Jack was angry at the man, but when he heard what Veronica said he blanched and quickly headed up the stairs. He didn't know exactly what to say to Veronica as they went to their rooms. As Veronica closed the door behind her, Jack said "Look Veronica, I've never been in a relationship, and to be honest I'm not exactly looking for one at the moment. I'm not asking you to save yourself for me."

Veronica said "I am already satisfied with the relationship we have My Lord. I only desire to serve you, for you to give me orders. What I want is you to fuck me senseless. To use me till I break. There doesn't need to be deeper feelings about it."

Jack sighed and said "I feel like you would be expecting more. What if I do get into a relationship with someone in the future?"

"My Lord, you need not worry about it. I serve your will, I will follow your orders." Veronica said.

Jack said "I will need to think about it. For right now, I'm going up to my space. While I'm gone use your free skill points to upgrade yourself. If I'm not back by dinner, go ahead and get something for yourself." Jack said giving her a few coins for a meal.

Focusing on returning to the white void, he felt his Avatar get pulled through space back into his home.

Returning to the space, he found everything as he had left it. Getting back into his main body felt a little strange. Taking a look at the food supplies he had gotten, he realized that Kara might need some way to cook them. Quickly looking at the world for some inspiration, he started to make a kitchen near the coffin.

Jack could make things in the white void, but could not bring them out, at least he did not have the power to do so at the moment. Making several stoves, and ways to cook the food, he was thinking about Veronica's offer. In a primal way it did appeal to him. As he finished making a storage for the food he had gotten, Jack decided he needed a second opinion who was far more experienced in these matters.

Pulling up the message window he sent a message down to Megan.