Irritated, Eramis said "What did you say to me bitch? Cause I think I just heard you threaten me. What? Is this thing your pet?" Eramis tossed aside Jack and focused her power on the coffin.
The power of the sun goddess started to push aside the ancient power emanating from the cracked open casket. A feminine pale hand slowly reached out, and said "Shut it, slut." Twisting the hand an immense power rose and began to fight back against Eramis power.
Gritting her teeth poured more power into the aura she was aiming at Everlai. Even though Jack was not the target of the two goddesses, he was being battered under the two's clashing energy's. Sparks began to appear when the two clashed. Poor Aramin, was shoved away by his sisters aura, and barely hung on to the stove Jack made with his legs fluttering in the air.
"Who are you calling slut, bitch? I'll rip out your eyes and shove them up your crack for you to see how big your gaping pussy has gotten whore." Eramis said angry and fighting back against Everlai.
Scoffing emerged from the dark in the coffin "Say's the whore who wants her little brothers dick." Everlai's power was starting to crush Eramis power.
"Fuck You, I was wrong, who would want your frigid pussy, shit's probably so cold a man would break his dick off inside. Maybe you have to use this thing as a ben wa ball, cause that is the only action you're getting." Eramis cursed as Everlais power started to make her sweat.
A voice tinged with anger replied "Is that how you lost your cunt? I thought you were a man at first, no woman could be this ugly." Jack could swear he saw glowing eyes coming from the dark of the coffin and suddenly the power doubled from Everlai, and Eramis dropped to her knees.
Groaning under the weight of the power Eramis said "hah, at least i'm not hiding in the dark, what you too ugly to be seen in the light?"
"Why don't you come over and see for yourself?" Everlai said and beckoned with her hand.
Horror appeared on Eramis face as her body started to be pulled towards the coffin. She tried unsuccessfully to escape the overwhelming grip of power before she reached the coffin. Reaching forward the hand grasped Eramis fire gold hair and dragged her body half into the coffin.
A few seconds later Jack could hear "forgive me!" coming from Eramis. Her legs were wildly kicking about, then she suddenly went limp. Jack went over to Aramin and helped the little guy up. "Are you alright?" Jack asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay, sorry about this, my sister gets really defensive about me. Is my sister alright?" Aramin said looking at the coffin with Eramis hanging half out of it.
Getting closer Jack could hear a slurping and some moans coming from within. "Yeah bud, she will be fine I think. So something happened down in the world. An Evil Goddess was nearly summoned, yet no gods seemed to be alerted to it." Jack said to Aramin.
Aramin looked surprised and said "That's strange! That's a major event!." Aramin looked like he was thinking and said "Almost all the gods were at my sisters party. With all that divine energy in the place, I doubt we would have been able to sense anything happening down on the world."
"So someone knew about this party and likely attempted to summon this Evil Goddess while all the gods were distracted?" Jack said thinking. "Thank you Aramin."
Eramis finally pulled herself from the coffin, looking a little weak kneed. On the floor under her, was a small yellow puddle, from the wet pants of the goddess, Jack could see where it came from. As she stood, he could see marks upon her neck, where she had obviously been bit. Her makeup was smudged, and she held a distant look on her face.
Aramin went to his sister and said "Are you okay sister?"
"Yes, I just got a little too angry. I need to go take a nap." Eramis said and picked up her brother. She passed Jack, she gave him a look that said it was not over between them.
"I can still have the contract with Jack then?" Aramin said.
Gritting her teeth, Eramis said "For now yes." She opened a hole in the white space and was prepared to step out, when a warm voice came from the coffin.
"Make sure to visit again soon, you tasted good slut." Everlai said laughing.
Shame flashed across Eramis face and she quickly left through the hole. Jack turned towards the coffin and approached it. "Thank you, are you Sara?" he said as he started to clean the mess Eramis had left.
"Yes...Tired now....Used a lot of energy.....can't do it too often....beware...." The closet lid closed, a loud burp came through, then the sounds of snoring emerged.
Fear gripped him for a second. He came very close to dying. If Eramis had brought others with her, Everalai would not likely have been able to protect him. Jack needed to have more strength. Anger began to surge through him. Ever since he was born, he was always reacting. He hadn't had a chance to think about what he wanted. It was always do this or die.
Jack felt he was different from other systems. Most of the systems seemed geared to being more automatic, at higher levels he could see it becoming strong enough to force things into itself. Yet that was not the route Jack wanted to head down. He cared for each of his Users, he needed to get stronger to protect himself, so he could continue to help his users.
He cooked some food and left it by the coffin for Kara if she woke up. Then he returned to his Avatar, and was ready to head back down.
Descending back into the inn room with Veronica, Jack found that she was taking a nap. Using examination he took a look at his Paladin.
Jack was happy she had picked up a skill to capture monsters, that would help him in the future. He checked on the progress on the dungeon and found it was halfway complete. As soon as it was done, he would take Veronica out and catch some monsters. Thinking about the future, he decided to think about what he really wanted.
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"Hey Veronica, I'm back." Jack said, shaking her up.
Sitting up onto her elbows Veronica said "Welcome back My Lord"
Jack said "I see you picked out a skill to capture monsters."
"Yes My Lord, I live to serve and help you with your grand plans. I will aid you in any way I can." Veronica said.
Nodding Jack said "Thank you. Speaking of plans, I need to talk to you. When I was away, I was nearly killed."
Veronica looked stunned for a moment then anger appeared "Who was it my Lord? Whose blood must I shed to quench this injustice?"
"It's already dealt with for the moment. What it did was make me aware of how I have been acting. I'm more passive than I thought. I think it's partly because I'm a System, but I'm reacting to things not making things react to me. So I have made several goals for myself." Jack said.
Veronica got off the bed and knelt before Jack "I live to serve. My Lord your goals are mine. Speak and I will carry them out."
"First I want to become stronger. I have already started plans to do this. When I have the training area, I will be more comfortable not completely focusing on my Users, and leave them to fend for themselves. You will help me capture the monsters for it." Jack said.
Veronica said "Yes My Lord."
"Second, I must get more gods under contract with me. I will focus on lower level gods and demigods for now. I refuse to let myself be their punching bag any longer. I can sense other powers in this world as well, they will fall under my control as well. This world is not theirs to play with any longer!" Jack said.
Veronica said enthusiastically "Yes My lord, the world will bow before you."
"Third, I have had a discussion with another User. I will be clear with you Veronica, I feel no romantic feelings for you at all. I see you as a User, and a friend, but I also see you as an attractive woman. You have made it clear that you are attracted to me, and I am to you as well. As long as you accept that is what I want, I would be willing to start a sexual relationship with you." Jack said looking down at Veronica.
"Thank you My Lord, for that is all I have wished for. To be honest, I never expected to be anything but your servant. I know you will have other lovers, other Users, but I will be your first Paladin always." Veronica said. "I took an oath to serve you in any way you wished. Let me show you the way I can serve you."
Standing in front of her, Jack said "I see one way you can serve me today. Lets try out that other skill you picked up." Unzipping his pants he let them fall to the floor, and Jack felt himself to start to harden under the Paladins gaze. Taking his penis in her left hand she started to slowly stroke him up and down, as more blood flowed to it.
"Does that feel good My Lord?" Veronica asked using her thumb to tease the head.
Groaning in pleasure, Jack said "Yes it does. Oh yes." He could feel the enjoyment of the action coming from Veronica, he let out a gasp when she leaned forward and began to trace around the tip with her tongue. The pleasure he had felt from his users was incomparable to what he felt as she played with his shaft.
Gazing up at him, she smiled briefly before opening her mouth and began to take his penis into her head. Using a mixture of her lips and tongue she sent shivers up Jack. Starting slow she moved up and down his dick using a bit of suction here and there.
Pulling off for a second she said "I think you're ready for this My Lord," she gripped the base and started to put the length into her mouth, until he felt himself enter her throat. She held there for a moment, and he could feel her pulsing around him. She started to move again slowly picking up speed, and he groaned under the intensity of the act.
Veronica grabbed on his hands, and placed it on the back of her head encouraging him to push. Using his hand he started to push into her and out. As he did so, he saw her hand go into her pants, and started to fondle herself. He could feel she enjoyed how rough he was getting, switching to both hands, Jack started to really fuck her face.
Tears were starting to well up in her eyes, and black tears from the make up began to fall. He could feel she was starting to reach her peak. Feeling excited, Jack began to feel himself to go as well. Suddenly Veronica grabbed onto his legs and pushed her head all the way to the base. She went over the edge as Jack exploded down her throat.
As the orgasm seemed to last forever, Jack felt his knees nearly buckle. After a bit, Veronica pulled off his sopping spit covered dick, and gasped for air. "Thank you for the meal My Lord." Veronica caught her breath and smiled up at him. "Did you want to continue?" She said indicating the bed.
"No, that was amazing. It's going to take me a bit to fully digest what just happened. For now, I want to head down to the temple area, to see if I can't get some research on the gods. I don't want to be blindsided again." Jack said, taking one of the inns towels to clean his dick off.
"Very well My Lord, let me refresh myself, and I will accompany you. Unless you want me to wear the markings of your grace My Lord?" Veronica asked.
Laughing Jack said "No, not today." Pulling her up, Jack kissed her "Thank you Veronica."
As she went into the bathroom, he thought about what just happened. He had enjoyed the act, and was excited to think about what they would do in the future. Just then a knock came at the door.