Going through the documents from the light coming in through the windows, Nicholas found mostly boring financial transactions and letters. While reading through them, he suddenly heard Frankie giggling madly. Looking over to see what she was doing now, he saw she was holding a rod in her hand. "What are you doing Frankie?" he sighed.
"I think it's a dildo!" Frankie said laughing, she twisted the bottom and Nicholas could hear a buzzing sound as it started to vibrate in her hands.
Looking at Frankie, Nicholas said "You do realize that the noble probably shoved that up his ass right? He probably got off while having visitors sit across from him at the desk."
"Shit, you're right." Tossing it aside, she went back to searching her side of the desk. "Still funny though." She said.
Shaking his head, Nicholas examined the bottom drawer a little closer and realized that there was a false backing to the drawer. Using his knife, he pulled it open and found a cache of papers, and a medallion. Picking up the medallion he took a look at it, and realized it had a strange carving on it. Getting a bad vibe from it, he put it back and picked up the papers.
Using his reading ability he got from the god of knowledge, he was able to quickly read through most of the papers and determine these were what they had come for. They contained maps and locations for each of the temples, now they just needed to go to each. "Frankie, I found what we came here for."
Excited Frankie shoved aside the large chair, and embraced Nicholas into a deep hug. "Thank you so much, I'm not sure what I would've done without you." She pressed her rack into Nicholas.
Having enough of this from his friend, Nicholas pushed her back keeping his hands on her shoulders "Frankie, we need to have a talk about how you have been behaving around me."
Frankie looked to the side "What do you mean, I haven't been acting any different towards you at all."
"You still have a odd sense of humor yes, however, you have been rubbing your body up against me. Not only that you've flirted several times with me. Are you alright Frankie?" Nicholas said.
Pushing aside his arms, Frankie snorted and said "What does it matter any way? Your gay."
"Frankie, I'm not gay. I like women, and you rubbing against me is still an issue either way." Nicholas said.
She looked really surprised at that, and said "What are you talking about? I thought you liked to dress like a woman to attract men?" She looked a little odd at that last part.
"I like to dress like a woman, because that's what I like to do, sometimes I like to feel like a woman, sometimes I like to feel like a guy. I am sexually attracted to women however, so if you keep touching me so intimately, I will start touching right back." Nicholas said.
Staring down, she said "I'm sorry. I just thought you were, I just assumed..."
"Frankie, it's alright." Nicholas said, then continued. "Can you just tell me why you are acting this way?"
Blushing, she said "I don't know, I just feel really good when I touch you."
Nicholas looked at his longtime friend and said "Frankie, I think your body is attracted to me."
"What? No, I like women.." She caught herself and went silent.
"You were attracted to me when I dressed as a woman weren't you?" Nicholas asked.
Looking away she said "Of course not, why would I like such a cute er man who dressed as a woman. Besides, you're not even dressed as a girl right now. What does that have anything to do with what is happening."
"Maybe it does, I think the curse is amplifying your feelings. I think your semi attracted to men, well at least me." Nicholas said. "Now the curse is affecting your mind."
Horror flashed across Frankie's face. "Oh god, you are right, this is affecting my mind." She started to freak out.
"Calm down Frankie. We have a plan to get rid of this curse." Nicholas hugged the girl, calming her down.
Frankie taking a deep breath against Nicholas' chest, said "You are right. Why are you always right."
Holding her until she calmed down completely, Nicholas let her go and put away the papers into his inventory. Heading to the door Frankie said "Hey, do you find me attractive?"
Stopping Nicholas said "What? I thought you were freaking about being attracted to me, and now you want to know if I'm attracted to you?"
"Yeah, well it's only fair. I told you, so you have to tell me." Frankie said defensively.
Turning to look at her, "Yeah, I am attracted to you. It's so hard to keep my hands off you when you touch me. So please just focus."
Frankie let out a grin, and followed behind Nicholas silently as they went out into the hall. As they exited the room, Nicholas was alarmed to find in the hall were several frozen mannequins. They were blocking the way they had come through. Really spooked, he examined the mannequins.
"Shit Frankie, they're alive!" Nicholas said.
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The moment he said that, they began to jerk into motion. Each movement looked tortuous for the things. To his horror, he could hear the sounds of screaming coming out of them. Not wanting to get close to them, He picked up a large vase off the ground and chucked it at the dolls. It crashed into one and destroyed it.
Frankie pulled out a twin set of blades and said "Is every fucking noble in this city a fucking weirdo?"
She dashed at the dolls and began to slash at them. Not wanting Frankie to be overwhelmed by the mannequins, Nicholas followed and using his hand to hand skills he fought through the mannequins dismantling them fairly easily. He was still disturbed by the sounds they were making.
After finishing destroying them all, Nicholas suddenly felt a surge of energy flow through him. Gasping in surprise, he found himself growing instantly hard. Seconds later when the wave of pleasure hit, he grunted as he came inside his pants. As it slowly passed, he found himself on his knees with Frankie looking at him. A blue screen alerted him.
"Are you alright?" Frankie asked.
Getting back up "Yeah, I just gained a level from my god." He pulled up his status to check.
He put the two attribute points into constitution and strength. After the experience with that vampire, he realized how weak he was, so he would focus on upping strength for a while. Nicholas set aside the skill points for now. Turning to Frankie, he said "Let's get out of here before any more surprises come."
Something loud crashed down behind them. "Too late" Frankie said, looking terrified.
Looking back, Nicholas said "oh fuck." A giant Mannequin was stomping down the hall. "Run!" Grabbing Frankie, he took off down the hallway. The giant was following behind them. Nicholas could feel it was gaining on them. Making a decision, he threw Frankie forward and said "Go, I'll distract him. I'll meet you outside."
Frankie hesitated for a second and said "Don't die." Then she kept running. Turning back to the giant Nicholas examined it.
Unlike the other soul dolls this thing had glowing red eyes. On it's chest was the same marking Nicholas had seen on that medallion, and he guessed this was some sort of protection system for the desk. Readying his knife, he prepared to fight the giant. As it got closer, Nicholas activated the rare skill he had gotten.
Suddenly traveling through the dark for a second, he reemerged right behind the giant in it's shadow. Feeling a bit nauseous from the feeling, he quickly slashed at it's back. Confused by losing sight of it's target, it let out a horrific scream as Nicholas' knife sliced through it's back.
Twisting it's body, it attempted to slam it's fist into Nicholas. Stepping through the shadows, fled back down the hallway the opposite way Frankie went. With it roaring behind him, Nicholas ran hard, without Frankie he could just keep ahead of it. When he was passing a door, suddenly a fist came through and slammed him against the opposite wall.
Coughing out blood, Nicholas saw a second giant stepping through the broken door. Not waiting to be crushed by it, Nicholas stepped through another shadow, and arrived into the main hall of the mansion. Several more soul dolls started moving towards him.
Limping he ran towards the door, before he could make it, a doll popped out of the floor and shot several arrows, a few caught Nicholas in the back. Cursing, he threw himself through a window, the breaking glass slicing into him. Landing on the grass below, he rolled, and got to his feet in pain.
None of the dolls inside seemed inclined to follow, so Nicholas slowly made his way to the wall they had come over before. Slowly he made it over and found Frankie was waiting for him. "Nicholas! Are you okay?" She said worried looking at him.
"Been better. Pull out these arrows would you?" Nicholas said.
Frankie shook her head and said "No we should get you to a healer."
"Frankie, I'll be alright, pull out the arrows."
Frowning Frankie grasped the arrows and pulled. Nicholas let out a curse as they were pulled out. Frankie said "Oh god you look bad, we really need to get you to a healer."
"Just keep watching," Nicholas winked in pain. A soft glow began to shine under Nicholas' skin. Slowly the wounds began to close. Standing weakly, Nicholas said "Lets go before a patrol comes along to check out the noise."
Frankie put her hand around Nicholas and helped him along "What is that glow?"
"My blood is filled with life energy, I can heal a lot faster now. Still hurts like a dickens, and I think there is a limit to how much I can heal." Nicholas said.
Making their way back to Nicholas townhouse, he started to feel better as his body healed. Making sure no one was watching them enter, he popped open a window. Frankie slid in followed by Nicholas.
Frankie said "That was close." She stopped and looked at Nicholas "Don't ask me to do that again. Do you know how worried I was?"
"I promise that I will not ask you to run away if we have to fight dolls again." Nicholas said. "I'll take a look over the information we got tonight, and figure out a plan."
Frankie nodded and said "I need a shower, oh yeah, since I'm staying over tonight, I call dibs on your bed."
"No Frankie, you get the couch." Nicholas said.
Frankie looked like she wanted to argue, then she sighed and said "Fine, since you got injured, you can get the bed." She left the room and a few seconds later he heard the shower going.
Sitting at his kitchen table, Nicholas began to look over the maps planning the adventure they were going to go on. He also was thinking about Frankie in his bed.