After considering the risks and the benefits, Alexia came to the decision that she would try out the machine. With Jack's assurance it wouldn't kill her, the idea of trying out a magic device from the time of Sevaris fascinated her. While she only had a passing knowledge of the Kingdom, she did know they were incredibly knowledgeable about magic.
Alexia might be able to learn something about magic, that could be her ticket into the magic guild. Being a mage was one thing, but one with advanced knowledge of magic, that would surely let her get a higher level in the magic guild. Taking a look at the device, she figured out how to select the vials from the outside.
Selecting the rune for the fourth vial, she was a bit startled when the device began to hum loudly. Although it was faint, she could feel magic energy begin to flow within the machine. Whatever the metal of the device was, seemed to absorb most of the magic being emitted. Opening the pod, she slid the slime suit off, putting it into her inventory.
Feeling a little nervous, she laid down into the pod onto the strange cushions of the bed. The cushions felt a little cool against her skin, and seemed to be filled with a soft gel. As she relaxed, the pod closed around her cutting off the outside light. Several seconds went by and suddenly white lights began to illuminate the interior.
In front of her face, a glass display came down and began to glow. On it she could see the language of Severis that she could not understand. At the top of the screen was the symbol for the fourth vial and a green mark beside it. Underneath were several lines that were grayed out and a green circle at the bottom.
With her finger she touched the display on one of the lines, and it lit up with a green mark beside it. Not sure what it was doing, she ran her finger on the other lines turning them green. She touched the green circle and then the screen changed.
This screen showed several pictures of stones. Touching one, it changed to more pictures of stones, she went through several more stones, before it changed to pictures of strange symbols. Not sure what it was doing, she picked several of the symbols at random, with one of the last being ones that looked kinda like a tortoise. After that were several pictures of eyes of different colors of which she picked a red set.
After the symbols another display with more words she didn't understand. One part was a picture of an eye closed, touching it she changed it to one of an eye open. At the bottom was a gray circle, touching it changed it to green, and touching it again changed the display to of a figure of a person laying down in a pod.
Getting the sense it wanted to assume the same position as the figure in the display, she did so lying both arms down, and relaxed back into the cushions. A symbol appeared on the display, and it began to change like it was counting down, and then all of a sudden she felt a sharp pain at the back of her neck.
With the pain, she suddenly realized that she was unable to move at all. Her body was completely frozen, she could only move her eyes. Feeling scared, she watched as the display went back into a compartment, and a strange mask descended from the ceiling of the pod and covered her mouth and nose. Fresh air began to pour into the mask.
Breathing slowly, Alexia felt a cold liquid on her feet. It was rising fast up her leg, leaving her skin tingling. When it reached her chest, she could just barely see it was some sort of green liquid. Strangely as it climbed, she felt magic seemed to disappear. No, it didn't disappear, it was just fainter. This must be some sort of magic insulator liquid, she guessed.
With a rush, the green liquid poured over her head, completely filling the pod. With the mask on she was able to breathe, but the liquid tingled with her eye's making it hard to see through the liquid. Alexia could barely make out several tubes emerging from the walls, on the ends of each looked like a sharp barb.
A sharp pinch happened as the tubes attached to her. She could feel two of them attached to the sides of her neck, two on each of her arms, and two on each of her legs. Alexia grunted as she felt a large tube attached to her chest above her heart.
Then to her horror, something began to push against her backside. Unable to resist, she felt something cool and smooth enter her asshole, and it kept going for some time, making her feel full. Gradually she managed to bring her breathing back down, slowly getting used to the tube up her rectum.
Through the insulating liquid, Alexia began to feel the pod start to charge up it's magic and it began to pulse. Looking down as best she could, she saw a dark liquid start to flow down the tubes. Alexia guessed it must be the liquid from vial four.
The moment the liquid entered her, it was like she was on fire. Her very veins seemed to carry liquid fire throughout her body. She felt like she was going to burst into flames with every drop that entered her. If Alexia could have moved, she would have screamed.
Relief from the heat came from a liquid suddenly pumped up into her ass. It felt ice cold, leaving her in state of both being burned and frozen. Alexia could feel her very being changing under the assault of the liquids. Without the stability of the system, she would have surely died from the surges of pure fire magic assaulting her.
While she was suffering, she became aware of a massive surge of magical energy emerge from the side of the pod. Alexia could barely see it, on the end of a rod, was a small gem with immense magic in it. If she wasn't in the insulating liquid, she would surely get magic burns from it. She could watch in horror as it moved down to her chest.
Alexia didn't see it touch, but she did feel it touch. The level of pain that came was so immense, Alexia thought she was going to pass out. Then it began to move; everywhere it touched screamed in agony like it was carving out her skin. From being burned within and without, she started to curse herself.
More cold liquid was suddenly pushed up her ass, Alexia felt her body want to cramp from its intrusion. The rod moved up away from her chest apparently done with it. Something emerged from the cushions and pushed her up. Then the rod moved to her back, and she felt the burning on her back.
From this position, she spotted her belly expanding from the liquid being pushed up her ass. More of the dark liquid was being pushed down the tubes, and she suffered once more under the ice and fire war being raged in her body. Every inch of her back screamed in agony as the crystal burned into it.
Finishing it's work, it moved out of the way as Alexia found herself lowered back down to the cushions. The magic crystal went to work on her arms this time. With each line it drew, more liquid pulsed into her. Out of it by the time it finished with her arms, her belly was so large, it looked like she was pregnant.
Then it started on her legs, and Alexia found she was numb to the pain so overloaded from what was happening. She could only focus on breathing. After finishing it's lines on her feet, Alexia could feel the rod carrying the crystal disappears back into the compartment it came from.
Feeling full of the cold liquid she could only groan, as something approached the sides of her head. Alexia felt a tight pinch on her lower earlobes, luckily it was not too painful. Along the top of her ear something clamped down on it, like something had been attached.
A strange thing began to move down her breathing tube. Through the mask she could see it approach her nose, and with a sharp pinch, it attached something to her nose. Moving lower, Alexia felt it force her mouth open and grab onto her tongue. A fierce pain went through her tongue as something went through it. When it retracted, she could feel something on her tongue.
When it was fully retracted, she saw two other devices come down and approach her breasts. They clamped down onto her nipples, and she gasped in pain, when she felt it pierce them. Alexia could feel something had been attached to her nipples.
The tubes attached to her body emptied the last of their liquid into Alexia, then detached. For a few minutes she felt the fires within her slowly subside as her body absorbed the energies and changed. After a bit, the green liquid slowly began to drain out.
As it went, it was like she could feel again, her magic senses exploding with information. Her magic sensitivity had increased significantly, if she focused she could feel through the pod and into the warehouse. When the green liquid was completely gone, the tube in her ass left. With a groan she expelled the ice cold liquid out like a fountain.
When she was completely empty, a large ring detached from the ceiling. She could see it had several holes in it, from which water began to spray out, it went up and down her body several times, cleaning off the green liquid and the mess she made.
After that had finished, she thought it was over, when she felt several pinches in her back. Alexia found that she could now only look straight up. A strange device came down over her eyes. Then she felt a pulse of magic energy, and she felt her eyes burn like a motherfucker.
The device hummed a bit, then it finished whatever it was doing and moved back up into the pod. Alexia's whole body felt sore and rough from that experience and when she felt another prick on her neck she was immensely happy when she could move again. With a hiss, the pod opened, and she stepped out onto the hard floor of the warehouse.
Looking down she examined her body, on her nipples were a pair of rings that had a red gem in them. She faintly felt that it was filled with fire magic. Reaching up to touch her ears, she felt that it had pierced her ears with a gem and a strange clamp on the edge of her ears. Sticking out her tongue, she saw a red gem was planted in it.
What shocked her more, was that she was now sporting several tattoos. All over her body were several designs, from which she recognized as the ones she had chosen earlier. Feeling a strange sense of magic through them, she poured a bit of magic through them, and they lit up. Alexia guessed that they were some form of controlled magic burn.
Feeling a bit drained, Alexia pulled up her status to see what had changed with her.
User Name:
Stage 1 Magically Enhanced Human
Fire Elemental/Hidden Bloodline
Age: 18
Lvl 8
HP 280/280
MP 340/340
Mage Lvl. 8
Exp 40/100
You are reading story System Is Accepting Applications at
Heart of Fire
Child of Fire.
Strength 22
Constitution 28
Dexterity 24
Intelligence 34
Wisdom 26
Charisma 27
Luck 13
Basic Sword Fighting
Lvl. 1 35/100
Basic Tumbling
Lvl. 2 35/100
Lvl.5 75/100
BD 25 + 22
Flame Shield
Lvl.4 10/100
Lvl 4.75 /100
Lesser Renewal Flames
Lvl 3 0/100
Storm of Flames
Lvl 4 20/100
BD 35 + 22
Magical tattoos
Lvl 1 0/100
Pulling out her slime bodysuit, she slipped it on. She let it dry her off, while she took stock of the changes in her status. First of all, her stats had all increased by ten. She had also gained the Fire Elemental bloodline, Alexia surmised that whatever was in the vial contained the bloodline. Opening the equipment menu, she examined herself.
Taking a look at herself in the equipment screen she discovered the piercings were actually something called firestones, and would actually boost her mana production and fire control. In fact she could feel as if she could create her own skills rather than having to purchase more.
On her ears she could see a small red stud in each ear and a clip on the top of her ear. She didn’t seem able to remove them at the moment. Not seeing anything else different about her, she closed the screen.
Deciding that it might not be a good idea to leave these pods here, Alexia placed them into her inventory. She hoped to gain more information from them, perhaps use them to gain a title from the Magic guild. However, she needed the knowledge of an expert to tell her more about them first.
As she put them away, Alexia spotted a handkerchief that had been on the floor under one of the pods. Picking it up she found it held an insignia of a tree. Feeling this was a clue to who had hired Adaka, she put it away to show Megan later. Finished with the warehouse, and still feeling weird, Alexia headed back to Stolen Hearts hoping mother and daughter had stopped fighting.