Chapter 42: Chapter 41: An Avatar has a Chat

Eramis said after a while "I feel like shitasshole." she got off of Jack and sat down next to him.

Jack found some napkins on the end table of the couch and handed them to Eramis saying, "You look like shit.

Eramis punched him in his side and said "Fucker." She took the napkins and wiped her face. They were sitting in silence for a long time before she said "My parent's were killed in the great war. Aramin was just a baby then, so it was up to me to raise him. Do you have any idea how many gods want to take advantage of him or want to mess with me?"

"Is that why your so bitchy all the time?" Jack asked.

Eramis rolled her eyes and said "Maybe, I've had to put up this act so long, it feels like it's more me than an act now. It's been a struggle just to keep my head position on the court, they are always looking for a weakness."

"If it's that hard, why not step down? Why do you have to have the head position?" Jack asked.

Looking down Eramis said "War. I smell it coming from the others. If I step down, another war will come. Some want more power over the mortals; some want more power over the gods. Whatever there reason, I'm the only one able to keep control over the court. At least until I met your friend, if she joins she could help me control the court better."

"You're the one pushing for the invitation for Everlai?" Jack asked.

Eramis nodded and said "Yeah, I have to admit the bitch has some strength. She also seems like she cares for you. You seem to care about your followers, which means a War would be bad for you, thus she should help me stop a war from occurring."

"Eramis, I think we got off on the wrong foot. You are not what I thought you were." Jack said.

She let out a great laugh and said "Oh, no that bitch was me alright. I was pissed. Would I have killed you? I don't know." Eramis sighed, "My brother is my greatest weakness; I have had to get him out of so many schemes by other gods, that when I found out that he had signed a contract with you, I feared it was another."

"You don't fear it still?" Jack asked.

Looking at Jack, Eramis said "I still don't like it. But at least you don't seem to be a dog for one of the other gods."

"I assure you; I have no ill intentions for your brother." Jack said.

Standing up, she went to the other couch and picked up the skirt and began to put it on. "If I find out you doI will kill you." Eramis said. She stopped and looked at Jack again. "Thank you. I didn't realize just how much stress I was carryingI feel like a weight has been lifted off me."

"No problem," Jack said standing. "If you ever want to confess, I'll be available."

Eramis flipped him off and said "One time thing, bastard."

Jack went to the door and opened it, "Of course, oh and Eramis, next time you clean your mess yourself."

"Oh fuck off and suck..." Eramis was cut off when Jack closed the door behind him.

Seeing it was approaching noon, Jack went to find Veronica. He found her with a large stack of books, making notes in a small notebook. Taking a look through the books, she had picked, he found she had selected a wide variety of gods, everything from a blacksmith god to an etiquette goddess. 

Patting her back, Jack asked "How did the search go?"

"Very well My Lord, I have found several low-level gods that would be perfect for you at the moment. I focused my search for those gods who have fallen into disfavor among the public. They would surely be interested in becoming relevant once again." Veronica said smiling up at him.

Nodding, Jack said "that is a great idea. Let's put these books away and find Maetrin."

"My Lord, we can put these books here in this basket, it's for reshelving." Veronica said placing the books into a basket near the table.

Done putting the books away, they went to find Maetrin near the entrance of the Temple. As they approached him, they found he was in a heated discussion with a man. "No, I'm not interested in joining your group, please stop bothering me."

Jack came up to them and said "Is everything all right Maetrin?"glancing between the man.

The man looked like he was about to say something, then took a good look at Jack and walked away. "Thank you Jack." Maetrin said.

"What was that about?" Jack asked Maetrin.

Maetrin shrugged and said "He overheard me registering as a Healer, and he wished to purchase my services for an expedition."

"Wait was this expedition with Lord Attomas?" Jack asked.

Maetrin shook his head "No. It was with another noble, a Count Indamai."

Veronica said "I would not be surprised if there are multiple expeditions heading to the lost city. No noble would want to miss out on this chance."

"Great, that just means more competition," Jack said. "It's almost noon, would you like to get something to eat you two?"

Veronica nodded and Maetrin said "I'm practically starving."

"Alright lets head out." They left the temple and headed out of the district. Veronica led them to a fairly nice street and into a tavern that was extremely well kept. A waitress greeted them and showed them to a table in the back. Jack ordered a simple lunch and the others followed suit.

While they were waiting, a foppish man walked into the tavern. The waitress brought him and his friends to a nearby table. While they were sitting, the man caught sight of Maetrin and exclaimed to the waitress "What is that filth doing in this establishment?"

"Sir?" the confused waitress said.

"The Hellspawn remove it from my sight. It ruins my appetite." The man said.

The waitress said "That is against our policies sir."

"Do you know who I am? Go get your manager. This is above your head girl." The arrogant man said dismissively to the waitress.

She frowned, turned around and passed Jacks table mouthing sorry to them as she went into the back. The dandy man stood and walked up to their table looking down at them. "Not even a collar on it, You should take this bitch out of here before I sic my men on her."

Jack looked at the man and said "Go the fuck away. The only thing the doesn't belong in this tavern is your ugly ass. Not even your clothes can disguise what a shit eating toad you are."

The man frowned and said "I thought you had some heritage based on your attire, but now I see your nothing but scum trying to be noble. Listen here boy; I trace my heritage back to ancient times. Know your betters.

Contemplating smashing the mans face in, Jack said simply "I've shit better things then you."

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The man's face turned a furious purple, and he turned and was walking away when Maetrin said "What a dick." With a grunt the man spun around with a full palm aiming to slap Maetrin's face "Shut it whore." 

Before the man's hand even got close to Maetrin, a large hand caught it. A deep voice said "I hear you wish to speak with the manager." 

The voice came from tall man. His shoulders were broad, and he was wearing a deep v-neck shirt that showed his showed off his muscles. He stood at six feet and had stubble growing on his face. Several scars on his arms could be seen. The foppish man said, "Unhand me Peasant."

The tall man laughed and said "Sure." With a giant swing the man threw the foppish man into his friends who had come to back up him up. They crashed together, and the tall man said "Now I'm going to give you assholes a chanceleave this establishment or I will make you leave.

The foppish man cursed and said "Just you wait. You'll get yours." Looking at Jack he said "and you, I'll find you and fuck your women right in front of you." With that he stormed out in a rush.

Veronica whispered "Do you want me to go take care of him?"

"Later. I'll keep an eye on him." Jack said. He marked the asshole to keep track of him. Turning to the tall man he said "Thank you for your help."

The tall man laughed and said "I hardly needed to helpI could tell you were about to hit him. Best I do it, otherwise the authorities might get you in trouble."

"I'm Jack. This is Veronica my servant, and this is Maetrin a priest." Jack introduced the group to him.

The tall man said "Maetrin, what a beautiful name for a beautiful creature." 

Maetrin looked a bit flustered and said "I'm a man."

Laughing the tall man said "Of course, you have the scent of a man that makes me want to take a deeper breath."

"Um okay?" Maetrin said a little confused.

The tall man smiled and said "I forgot to introduce myself. I am Jadai. So you are the Jack that my sister mentioned to me last night?"

"You are Lord Jadaibrother of Lady Niadas?" Jack said.

Jadai nodded and said "Please just call me Jadai. I can't stand people calling me Lord."

"You said you are the manager of this place?" Jack said.

Scratching his head, "More like a co-owner actually. I was visiting my friend, when we were informed that there was a problem in the tavern."

"Do you know who that was?" Veronica asked Jadai.

Shrugging Jadai said "Nope, some noble here for the expeditions probably."

"Expeditions?" Jack asked.

Jadai took a seat at their table "Yeah several expeditions are going to be headed to the Lost city. Our expedition will be setting out first. Thanks to your abilitywe will be even faster then we planned, or at least that's what my sister told me. I don't really care, just as long as it's a fun adventure."

"Can you tell me anything about the expedition?" Jack asked.

The waitress came along with a set of lunch for them and passed around the plates. Jadai told her to bring a set of desserts. "Not to much, the planning is coming from my brother and sister. I just know we are setting out this week. So Maetrin will you be joining the Expedition?"

Maetrin nodded and said "I've been hired by Jack as a healer for the expedition."

"Impressive, when I get hurtI'll have to come see you to fix up my wounds with your hands." Jadai said flashing a smile at Maetrin.

Maetrin blushed and said, "Of courseI will make sure to give your body a full examination at that time."

Jack interupted the flirting pair and said "Will you be at the auction tonight Jadai?"

"No, can't stand the things. Especially since my brother has forbidden me from bidding. No tonight I will be going to my favorite gambling den. Would you like to accompany me Maetrin?" Jadai said.

Maetrin looked at Jack and asked "Do you need my services tonight?"

"No, you are free to go if you wish." Jack said. 

Jadai broke into a wide smile and said "Great, where are you staying so I can pick you up?"

"I am going to be staying at the inn Jack is. They will be getting me a room there." Maetrin said.

Veronica said "I have to take my lord somewhere that will take up most of the time before the auction. My lord, I recommend you give Maetrin some coins for the room so that he'll be able to pay for it."

Jack nodded and handed over some gold coins to Maetrin. "Thank you Jack."

Jadai said "Great, how about I take you to the inn?"

"That would be good. The inn is the Beaumo Inn on quarterly street." Veronica said.

Maetrin stood and said "Thank you Jadai."

The two walked away and Jack caught Jadai saying "No problem, how could I refuse an angel like you?

Veronica looked at Jack and asked "Which one do you think will be the top?"

Snorting Jack said "Where did you want to take me?"