Chapter 50: Chapter 49: A Summoner gets a Familiar, A System dreams again.

At the Inn, Jack paid for a large room and carried Ritalassa into the room and carefully placed her against a table in the room. "Do you want to try and summon your familiar here?" he asked.

"Yeah, hopefully, I get something that can carry me easily." Ritalassa said. She started to concentrate and move the magical energy according to the skill, and soon a magical circle appeared in the middle of the room. It started to really drain her mana, then with a loud snap a large black hairy ball popped into existence.

The ball unfurled and eight legs reached out. It was the size of a wolf, and to Ritalassa's horror, it was a spider. "I hate spiders!" She squealed.

"I don't think it can hurt you. It's under your command."

The spider scurried to Ritalassa, and suddenly picked her up and began to wave her around. "What are you doing? Stop waving me around!" The spider stopped and looked a bit sad.

"I think it was just following the first order it received. Did you think of it carrying you while you were summoning it?" Jack asked.

"I was. I was hoping for something more humanoid, though." The spider looked a bit despondent at that.

"Your hurting it's feelings."

"Ugh. I'm sorry uh large spider thing." The spider brightened and began to wave Ritalassa around, making her a little nauseous."Stop!" Again the spider stopped. Ritalassa took that moment to examine her familiar skill and found it was now locked to this thing. Examining it brought up its information.

"What are you going to name it?"

"Well, since it's so black, how about Inky?" Ritalassa said, and the spider started to dance a little while holding on Ritalassa "Agh! Careful!"

"I think we may need to get you a sheathe."

"No, not necessary, while I'm awake I can control whether I cut or not. Though I don't like being banged against things." Ritalassa took a look at her familiar skill and saw that she would gain another familiar when the level of the skill reached level ten. If Inky did die, she could resummon him, though she could only do one familiar summon per day at the moment.

Deciding it would be a good idea to train Inky, Ritalassa began teaching it orders carefully. While she was doing, that Jack said "I'm going to bed, if you need something, please don't hesitate to wake me." With that he collapsed onto the bed.

"Okay Inky, let's test out your Web making skill!" Ritalassa still a little freaked out by the spider, was growing a bit to like this enthusiastic summons.

Tired from all the shit he had to deal with during the day, Jack found himself falling into a deep-sleep quickly after he fell on the bed. Again he was feeling like he was entering that weird dreamlike memories like last time. Blinking, Jack saw that he was now inside a small room.

In front of him was a strange metal door with a seam in the middle. There was a strange calming melody being played, and the room was furnished in a gold trim and a black marble. On one side of the door, was a panel filled with buttons with lettering on them.

Above them was a slot in which Jack placed a card and hit one of the buttons. He then removed the card and placed it back into a jacket pocket. He was wearing a black suit, and he glanced at a gold bracelet on his arm. He got the strange feeling he was late.

Putting down his arm, he felt himself start to move, it was an odd feeling. Looking up, he saw a number start to move down. It counted down to L, when it dinged, and the metal door slid open. Stepping out of the door, he found that he was in the middle of a party.

It looked like a very elegant party. The men were dressed similar to Jack, and the women wore very expensive looking dresses. Several men wearing a vest over a white shirt were carrying platters of drinks around and offering them to the partiers. One of them stopped by Jack, but he waved them by indicating he did not want any.

One of the men spots him and starts to heads towards him. Jack feels a brief annoyance with this man, that passes as the man greets him. Jack cannot understand what he says, but the tone seems to indicate a jovial mood from the man. The man slaps Jacks back and heads back to his circle of friends.

Something flashes above Jack, and he looks up. Through the massive windows outside, he could several bright explosions resulting in trailing lights forming images of stars. Along one of the walls was a massive sign that said 'KP Dynamic Industry: Power the World!'

Moving his gaze back down, he saw a flash of red hair through the crowd, and he started to move towards it. He broke through a small crowd and saw a woman with red hair speaking with another black haired woman. Something seemed strange, like Jack recognized her. Then with a start he realized that this was an older version of Alexia.

She looked over at Jack and waved at him, and Jack waved back. Confused in the dream why she was there, he was walking towards her, when a commotion broke among the crowd, and they started to count numbers down. Looking back, he saw a large screen on a wall depicting a ball dropping down.

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Turning back, he found himself pulled down into an embrace of a woman he did not recognize. But the way he kissed her back seemed like Jack knew her intimately. A sense of wrongness immediately flowed through his body, and he broke the kiss. The woman looked at him seductively but then her eye's widened as she looked behind him, he looked back and saw a fist coming at his face.

When the fist connected, he dropped to his knees and found that he was now in the middle of what looked like a desert. The boiling hot sun was making him sweat, as he was pounding several stakes into the ground. Going to a strange looking metal carriage, Jack pulled out a massive bundle of rope, then two others. He then tied the ropes to the stakes.

Taking one massively heavy bundle of rope, he approached a series of boulders, and Jack spotted a small opening maybe four feet across, in which he tossed the bundle down. It slid down the slope inside into blackness. He did the same with two other sets of ropes.

Then he went to the metal carriage and pulled out a small pack of gear. Then he pulled open a large silver object and it was displaying a screen with a marker on it. Jack examined and then looked at a device that displayed a series of numbers. Satisfied with something, Jack then attached the ropes to himself with a series of buckles, and triple checked each one was secure. Then he went to the opening and got to his knees and began to crawl backwards into the hole.

Before he entered completely, Jack reached up to his head and flicked something, and a light appeared. He climbed backwards slowly, despite the incline of the slope making him want to slide. Every so often he would pound a series of spikes into the surface and attach the rope to it. As he went, it grew darker, though he could still see the light from the outside.

Then he felt his feet go over an edge, and they were no over nothing. He slowly went to the edge and pouned in several spikes, attaching a diferent rope to each. Jack made sure they wouldn't be rubbing against the edge of the rock face. Looking down, his light did not illuminate the bottom.

Feeling a bit nervous, he pushed off the edge and began to slowly descend. Jack thought it would have been cooler out of the sun, but there was a warm air coming from beneath him, and he was dripping sweat. He was in a strange shaft; he was in the middle of it. Eight feet across, he was unable to touch a wall, so he was basically climbing down with the rope only.

The orange rock that made up the surface rocks slowly changed to a dark grey as he went down. Then they went black, taking an almost glassy look to them, as if they were obsidian. He had climbed down at least five hundred feet, when the glassy walls began to reflect his light oddly.

Focusing on his climbing, he ignored the odd things the light was doing and reached the bottom after another three hundred feet. There was a small pile of rope on the ground as he reached it. It looked like he had just barely brought enough rope to climb down.

The odd light effects were stronger here at the bottom. It felt as if he was seeing things in the corner of his eye. Very weird looking things which disturbed him. Jack looked around and saw a crevice through which he could advance. Unhooking himself from the rope, he went forward through the cave. While he went, he pulled out a device out and activated it. Every so often it would let out a clicking sound, Jack got the feeling if it started to click faster it would be dangerous.

As he went, the crevice widened into a three-foot passage, surrounded by that odd looking black rock. A soft glow not from his light appeared, as he went around a bend. Looking around he saw that it was coming from a weird looking crystal that was coming out of the wall.

A very deep blue, the crystal was giving off light that felt warm. Using his pick, Jack knocked the crystal off the wall and picked it up. He got a massive static shock when he picked up. He nearly dropped the crystal, with his fingers smarting, he brought it closer and took a look at it.

Looking at it under his headlamp, Jack found his eyes hurt to stare at it. As he turned it, he was startled to find it had more sides then should be possible. Based on its shape and size of the sides, it should be hexagonal. Yet as he turned the crystal, he found it held at least twenty sides.

Jack brought the clicking device next to the crystal, but it did not click any faster. A little confused, Jack put the crystal into the pack, and continued forward. A few seconds later, his headlight flickered off. Startled he took it off and whacked it a few times, before he realized that there was a strange glow coming from around the bend.

It was a odd blue glow, as he moved closer a strange sensation began to come across his skin. Like he was walking into charged air. As he began to go around the corner, he spotted several more crystals of varying color, and then... He found himself pulled back into the black space where he had met Kelsey before.

A little startled from being pulled from his dream so suddenly he found that the Goddess of dreams was currently sitting in a chair in front of the sleeping Everlai. She was reading a book and looked up at him. "I warned you to be careful dreaming. If I hadn't pulled you out of your dream, who know what would've happened. That was a massive power surge there."

"I guess thank you then?" Jack said a little confused. "Do you know what that was?"

"In your dream? No. I can't see your dreams, only feel them. That last one was pretty dangerous. You were starting to reach down to the world with that power."

"Can I talk with you a bit? I need another's perspective on some of the things I've experienced lately. I'm beginning to doubt my judgement."

"Sure, here let me pull up a couch for you to lay on. I'm a good listener." Kelsey waved her hand and a strange chair couch appeared. Jack laid down and Kelsey said "Alright, what did you want to speak about with me?"