Chapter 71: Chapter 70: A Warrior fights some Arachnes.

Peering over the ledge, Riley took a look at the giant gorge. It was a massive gash in the world, stretching for miles. Below her was a bridge that spanned across a narrow point in the gorge. The black stone bridge was still at least a thousand feet in length, making it one of the longest stone bridges she had ever seen.

Within the gorge itself, Riley saw it was filled with a maze of webs. Shapes of things moving down below could be occasionally seen. She wondered how deep it went, apparently there was some Queen of Spiders down at the bottom. In front of the bridge to the side was what looked like a series of caves.

Arachnes and spiders could be seen moving about near the caves. Riley looked to her side where Megan was examining them with a scope she had gotten from Lord Attomas for the fight. She was making notes in a notebook, Riley and Megan went to recon the spiders before battling.

Several minutes later, Megan put away the scope. She waved to Riley that she was done. Being careful to be silent they backed up and walked back to the group. The Main group was still twenty minutes behind them and would come when they let the signal it was safe.

Yukali saw them approach and asked "How is it?"

"Well they are not in the breeding season, so we are lucky for that." Megan said. "It's still going to be a tough fight as it is."

Telvin grunted and said "What's the plan?"

"The basic plan is that we launch a frontal assault and push them back into their hives. Then while we keep them in the hives, we send the signal and cross the bridge."

"We are not eliminating them all?" Veronica asked.

"There are several reasons why that would not be a good idea. First if we try to do that, the ones in the gorge will likely start to come up. We do not want that to happen, if that happens we will have to retreat and go back to the original route."

"Are they that fierce?" Maetrin asked concerned.

"It's hard to see in the gorge, but I did see at least one level thirty arachnes down there. I don't enjoy the idea of being swarmed by them. The second reason if we push them into the hives, they are going to start fighting fiercer if we try following them in. I don't want to fight them in their homes, thats suicide."

"Both compelling reasons," Yukali said. "Will it be hard to accomplish?"

"Not for the most part. Most of them appear to range in strength from level one to level ten. Given that these are the weakest breed of Arachnes we wont have much trouble fighting them. The spiders themselves will be more aggressive, but not much more so."

Ritalassa who was being held by Veronica said "What do they eat?"

"I suspect whatever they can capture. But most likely they cannibalize on each other. The biggest problem will be two level fifteen arachnes. Based on their size and age, I guess they are on the verge of attempting to fight their way down into the gorge."

Riley said "I've fought with a large Arachne before. It constantly shot web at me, will these likely do the same?"

"Not this breed. This breed are typically shit at web control. They are good however at laying traps, so keep your eyes open for those. They do have a poison bite however, so Maetrin you have antidotes right?"

Maetrin nodded and said "I have several." He pulled out several vials and handed them out to the party. "Each vial is a multi-dose so just pour it over the wound and it will neutralize the poison. If you decide to drink it, you will need to drink the whole vial."

"Good, Yukali, Riley and Veronica with Ritalassa will take the lead. Alexia I'm going to need you in the middle of the group. Your job will be to drive them backwards with firebolts. If they start to swarm us, push them back with a storm of flames."

"What about me?" Telvin asked.

"Use your judgement with the bow. Maetrin you will be next to Alexia. I know you don't have much combat abilities, but I need you there just in case one of the front team goes down. Alexia, if that happens I need you to escort him to the front. What I will be doing is supporting you with my aura abilities, plus watching our back."

"Sounds solid. We will likely each gain several levels in this battle. Do not mess around in your status if you do." Riley said.

"Alright, lets head out." Megan said.

Riley prepared her axe and began to lead the group down the path that lead towards the arachnes hive and the bridge. They came across the first set of traps, and Alexia burned down the webs holding the rocks. When the rocks landed on the ground several spiders and arachnes popped out.

With a roar Riley dashed forward to meet the enemy and swung down her axe, bisecting an Arachne in half instantly killing it. Looking over saw Yukali practically dancing with her sword as she took out spiders and arachne. Veronica was in a frenzy slicing through them in an apparent disregard for her safety.

Dodging some poorly shot web, Riley chopped the head off one arachne. A spider leapt at her only to be hit by a blast of fire from behind Riley. They pressed forward encountering more of the eight-legged vermin. These arachne were almost unintelligent, in how they simply tried to overwhelm them with numbers.

Every so often a wave of spiders and arachne would threaten to overwhelm them, but they were pushed back by a wave of flames that made them scream out in terror. As they went, Riley felt herself level up a few times. When the bridge came into view, so did two giant arachne.

They roared at the approaching party and dashed towards them. Alexia began pelting them with firebolts as they approached, they were able to dodge most but got hit several times. At that time they reached the front line, and Riley had to block one of their swings with her axe.

To her left, when one attempted to swipe Veronica, Inky appeared and caught it's legs in a web. Veronica took that opportunity to cut off its legs causing it to crash into the ground screaming. Focusing back on the one in front of her she signaled to Yukali to flank it with her.

Distracting it with several swings of her axe, the giant arachne growled angrily and attempted to bite her. Observing her chance, Yukali jumped up onto the arachne and jammed her blade deep within it's back. Crying out in pain it shook Yukali off and furiously went to attack the Dragonkin woman on the ground.

Activating Crushing blow, Riley swung her axe down upon the back of the Arachne, a sickening sound and it's body sprayed out a greenish blood over Riley. It shrieked and attempted to flee. Before it could, Riley had heard Megan shout, "Submit!" and a wave of power rolled over them freezing the giant Arachne.

Roaring Riley whirled her axe and decapitated the arachne. A surge of power went over her, letting her know she leveled up again. Placing that aside for know she looked over and saw that Veronica had also finished slaying the other one with Alexia's help.

They fell into a pattern and for the next several minutes as they pushed towards the bridge, the Arachnes would surge and attempt to overwhelm them. When they attempted to climb the cliff to the side to get around to their back, Telvin would shoot them down to the path below.

Every so often Veronica would activate a glowing power and slam the enemy into the cliffside where Inky would strike at them. The waves began to finally thin out when they reached the bridge. While they were making a last push to get them into their hive, a massive Arachne crawled out of the hive.

Riley quickly examined it.

Megan called out and said "We can take this one, don't worry. If we defeat it, the rest will flee into the hive."

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Riley frowned and thought easier said then done. The Arachne was glowering at them and Alexia yelled out "Watch out it can spit poison."

When Alexia shouted that, the Arachne opened its mouth and shot a black gunk towards Yukali. Dodging the Dragonkin ran towards the Arachne and brandished her giant sword at it. The Arachne dodged her swings with a fluid motion and jumped over them.

It landed next to Maetrin who rolled out of the way of its swings. Alexia's tattoos lit up bright and she let out a massive blast of fire. The blast crashed into the Arachne who screamed as it felt it's skin burn from the intense heat. It rolled out of the flames towards Megan.

Before it could strike at the whip wielding woman, one of its eyes was pierced by an arrow from Telvin. Roaring in anger, it reached up and attempted to pluck out the arrow. Inky dashed forward and wrapped it's legs together with its web. As it stumbled forward, Riley ran up and sank her axe deep into it's rear.

Veronica came forward and leapt ontop of it. She slashed several times with Ritalassa across it's bulk. It managed to throw off Veronica before the Paladin could reach it's torso. Gravely damaged, it attempted to flee towards the Hive. Megan caught its neck with her whip and pulled in a tug of war with the Arachne.

Alexia's tattoos seemed to get even brighter and Riley felt the very mana in the air seem to start burning. A pillar of flame burst from her hand and engulfed the Arachne for several seconds. Screams of intense pain as it tried to struggle from the flame grew weaker, until it stopped.

When it did so, Riley felt another wave of energy as she once again leveled up. Unlike before, the energy was far more intense. The pleasure had been sealed off while they were in battle, but when the system had determined they were out of battle, the intense pleasure overwhelmed her.

Orgasm after orgasm ripped through Riley. She tried slipping into her meditation focus only to be torn from it. Her very skin felt almost too sensitive, the very air as it passed over sent her over the edge again and again. When she managed to finally come to her senses, she got to her unsteady legs.

Looking around she saw the party was in no better shape, with the exception of Yukali who was awkwardly looking elsewhere. Around them were piles of bodies. Going over to Yukali, she said "How long was I like that?"

Coughing Yukali said "Five minutes maybe. It appears the Arachne are discouraged. I haven't seen any poke their head out. We should send the signal. I took a look over the edge and it doesn't appear any of the lower Arachne have expressed an interest up here."

Nodding she went to Alexia who was standing looking weak kneed. "Can you transmit the signal?"

"Yeah," Alexia nodded and shot a firebolt into the sky, and it exploded. Riley went around and checked on the others who were all shaken. When she got to Telvin, she discovered him standing. "You alright?"

"Yeah. That was something. If I didn't tap into my rage, it might have been too much for me to handle."

"That was risky, even if we were out of battle. I need to have a word with Jack."


Besides some cuts from the sharp legs of the Arachne, no one had gotten severely hurt, which made Riley glad. Soon, the rest of the party came down. Megan went up to them and said "We need to swiftly cross the bridge. I don't want to stick around her and risk drawing more attention from the gorge."

Lord Attomas nodded and said "Impressive work."

Jack walked to them and said "Good Job. I knew you could do it."

With the carriage taking the lead they began crossing the black bridge. Veronica and Alexia followed after to protect the carriage just in case. Jack and Riley were in the back of the group. They had reached the halfway point when Jack suddenly stopped. Riley looked at him and asked "what's the matter?"

He looked nervous and said "Something down there just looked at me. We need to go." Jack Yelled "Run!"

The carriage took off followed by those on horses. As they began to run, the Bridge suddenly shook. Taking a look back Riley saw a strand of web the size of a horse slam into the side of the bridge. It went rigid soon after, and she heard the stone began to creak under the strain.

Princess Falean took off on Snort. To Riley's surprise, black wings burst from it's side and it began to flap as it ran slowly rising off the bridge and heading to the other side of the bridge. The Carriage managed to make it across.

Running forward several more of those strands reached up and hit the bridge. The bridge began to be torn apart, and Riley began to jump across the broken sections with Jack. When Jack jumped across one, a strand of web ensnared him and jerked him down into the gorge.

Unable to help him in time Riley kept moving but the bridge completely collapsed and she found herself falling. A brief fear flowed through her as she thought for a moment that this was how she was going to die. As she fell, she looked up and saw Telvin diving towards her.

He caught up with Riley and captured her in his hands. Grabbing onto him, She saw he had fastened a rope around himself and when it went taught they swung into the side of the gorge. Grunting, she found Telvin had closed his eyes and was gripping her tightly.

He said "I got you"

"Yeah you do."

The rope began to be pulled up and when it reached to the top of the gorge, she found Yukali and the others pulling them up. Riley reached out and grabbed the ledge, with a heave she lifted herself up with Telvin. When he got to safe ground, Telvin looked better and reached out and grabbed Riley in a hug.

"That was foolish, you could have died." Riley said.

"What can I say? I fell for you." Telvin said.

Riley kissed Telvin. The moment was broken when Veronica said "Where's My Lord?"

Standing Riley was about to answer when a loud thump sound came. It began getting closer as it climbed up the side of the gorge. "Get ready to run!" Riley shouted as she drew her axe.

What came over the edge was not an Arachne however; it was a human hand. It sank into the ground as Jack pulled himself over the edge obviously struggling. He was also completely nude. His muscles were taught under intense strain, and on his back was a giant strand of web that was attempting to haul him back down into the gorge.

"Cut the Web!" Jack shouted.

Veronica rushed forward with Ritalassa and sliced through the web. It snapped back down the gorge. A few seconds later a massive roar filled the gorge. Veronica pulled out a blanket and handed it to Jack. "We should get out of here My Lord."

Wrapping the blanket around his midsection, the group quickly left the area.