After the group split up, Riley accompanied the others to the small inn in the town. Jack had given her some coins to pay for the rooms they would be staying in for tonight. A large sign above the door was labelled the Sun Spa Retreat Inn. Sliding the door open, Riley found herself in a nice peaceful entrance way with a water fountain trickling water nearby. There was a red wood counter behind which an elderly woman greeted them as they entered.
"Welcome to the Sun Spa Retreat. Do you have a reservation with us?"
Stepping up to the counter, Riley shook her head, "No, we are merely passing through town, we would like to rent some rooms to spend the night. Do you have any available rooms?"
"Yes we do, the second floor is currently rented out, but the third floor still has rooms available. How many rooms did you require?"
Going through the group dynamics Riley considered them, then said "I believe five rooms should be sufficient for all of us. How much for the night for each room?"
"For the night each room will cost one large silver. With the room comes free meal service. In addition you get one free treatment plan from the Spa. The game room is free of use as well. The bar is open to our guests, but all drinks will be charged to your room.""
"Those comprise quite some services." Veronica asked.
"Our Inn is a renowned famous spa. We have served numerous nobles and are proud to maintain five stars in ratings. We had to shut down our open-air baths, and pool due to some issues with our plumbing but we still have our inside spa services and the intense sauna."
"What's intense about them?" Yukali asked with interest.
"We use a special fire crystal to provide the cleansing heat."
Pulling out five large silver coins, she said "We will take the rooms."
Accepting the coins, the elderly woman said "Thank you for you choosing to stay here. We serve dinner up till midnight, and the bar is open till two tonight. We offer breakfast to our guests as well. Check out is required before noon tomorrow. Here are your keys. Each room on the third level has a unique theme to them. We hope you enjoy your stay." The woman handed her a set of five keys. "If you need more keys please stop by the counter."
Thanking her, Riley moved away from the counter and said to the other "So how will we split the rooms? I myself want a room alone with Telvin tonight. So that leaves four rooms to split."
Veronica said "I will take a room with Ritalassa. Jack will share it with me, I will also watch over Princess Falean tonight. He will probably wish to speak with her once they get the slave collar."
A loud grunt came from Megan and she said "I don't mind who I share a room with. Can we get this done? I just want to lay down."
"I will share a room with Megan." Yukali said. "I have some things I would like to discuss with her."
Alice said "I can share a room with Nicca. I believe Lady Niadas would be okay with dividing it with us as well."
"Then the last room will go to Maetrin and Jadai." Satisfied with the arrangements, Riley passed out the key's.
After taking her key, Veronica said "I would like to check out the Spa."
"I don't, doesn't sound like it would suit me. How about while you do that I keep watch over Princess Falean in our room?" Ritalassa said.
Veronica agreed, and they walked off with Veronica herding the tied up Falean up the stairs to their room. Riley looked down at the key for her room and decided to check it out before going to the spa. She had some things in mind she wanted to do with Telvin tonight, and she could use a bit of relaxation so she was ready.
Climbing the stairs to the third level after passing a group of women practicing some sort of routine, she eventually found her room. Opening it, she was startled by the size of it. The decor was amazing as well, with an intricate wooden floor design and several bamboo trees surrounding a large bed that had been draped in black silk sheets. A table nearby was carved with several floral arrangements.
Inside a nearby cabinet were several bottles of drinks and some glasses. A sign indicated the drinks were complimentary for the guests. Closing the cabinet, she found along the wall was a mana crystal she could activate to get food sent to the room. Going over to the window, she found a set of sliding paper doors that led out to a balcony that overlooked a pool that had been tarped off. Still the view of the forest near the town was stunning.
Riley was sure she had never stayed anywhere with such a good view. For one large silver it was quite honestly good value. Going back into the room and closing the sliding door, she spotted a paper on an end table. Picking it up, she found it was a list of the Spa treatments. Wanting tonight to be special with Telvin, she decided to go with the Purple treatment. Quickly she walked down the stairs.
Entering into the spa section of the Inn, she found a young woman elf working behind the counter. There was a sign behind her indicating the open baths and pool was currently closed for maintenance. When she spotted riley she said "Hello Miss, how may we help with your relaxation and beauty today?"
"I was interested in obtaining the Purple treatment for my free spa service."
"You have chosen a great selection Miss. Do you have your key with you?" Riley showed her the key, and the woman nodded. "Great, I have you marked down for the Purple treatment. First off which massage type would you like?"
"I would like the Full body deep tissue experience."
"Okay, following your massage, you will receive an exfoliating scrub. Do you have any skin injuries we need to be aware of?"
"No, just some muscle soreness."
"Good. Following the scrub, we will do your wax. Is there a particular style you wish?"
"A classic will do."
"Okay, you can tell the waxer the particular shape you would like. After your waxing we will perform a facial. Your beauty technician will choose the appropriate facial for you. At that point you will have a full pedicure and manicure. Do you wish to get nail polish as well?"
"No, I prefer bare nails."
"Alright. Your last treatment will be an extraordinary soak in our special milk bath. All told it would take four and a half hours to five hours for a complete treatment."
Sending a message to Telvin letting him know she would be at the spa for a while, so he had to get a key to their room from the counter. He replied okay, and she got a bit of butterflies when she thought about what she desired to do tonight with him. "So this is all included in the price of my room?"
"Yes, we are at our low guest period, despite currently hosting the dance squads who are competing in town this week. Allow me to take you to the massage room.
Following the elf, Riley took note of how peaceful the Spa seemed. A nice floral scent helped relax her as they walked deeper into the spa. The woman stopped at a door and said "Here we are, please undress down to your comfort level for your massage. If you need privacy, there are a set of towels. When you are prepared please lay on the table. Your Masseuse today will be Orassa, and she will be with you in a moment."
Entering the room, she found herself in a nice small room that had a set of glass windows that overlooked a nice rock garden, and the setting sun was filtering into the room. In front of the windows a large table with a hole for her head to relax face down. Undressing down to nudity, she laid down onto the table.
The table was nice and firm and a few minutes later she heard the door open and someone walked in. A woman's voice said "Hello Miss, I am Orassa your Masseuse and beauty technician for the day. I have you down for a Full body Deep tissue massage, is that right?"
"It is."
"Great, Is there any spots I need to focus on or be careful with?"
"My back feels a bit sore, got beat up a day ago."
"Okay, just let me get this oil hot. It will help loosen your muscles and help provide moisturization. We make the oil inhouse from local flowers." Orassa walked to a nearby table and soon Riley smelled a real nice fragrance. "So are you visiting the town?"
"No, just passing through with my group."
"I hope you enjoy your stay here." Orassa said "Okay, the oil is nice and warm, please let me know if it's uncomfortably hot for you."
A second later, Riley felt some drops of oil on her back that felt warm, but not burning hot. A second later she felt Orassa hands on her back and she began to rub the oil deep into her. Each stroke of her hands seemed to go deep into Riley, releasing all the tension she felt.
"That is an interesting tattoo you have on your back. Can I ask what it means?"
"My master gave it to me when I finished training. It means when life gives you trouble, make sure to give life trouble right back."
"That is intriguing. I have thought about getting a tattoo myself." She said pushing into Riley's muscles. Riley soon found herself becoming putty under the woman's hands. "Do you have a lover?"
"I do."
"Then I'll make sure you look amazing for them when you leave today." Orassa said and Riley started to doze as the massage continued. It was sometime later when she woke up just as Orassa had finished massaging her feet.
"Sorry I must have fallen asleep."
"It's alright. That just means I did my job. How do you feel?"
Pushing herself up on the table, Riley found her body was completely relaxed, and Orassa handed her a handkerchief. "Here, every so often after I give a massage, my clients' noses leak from their sinuses clearing away."
Riley blew her nose and felt a great excess of goo come out. After she had done so, Riley said "Thank you, I feel amazing, better then I have in ages."
"I'm glad you enjoyed it. We offer several different types of massages available, including a couples massage. We hope you come back to try them all. Let me show you to the next room where we will begin your exfoliating scrub. I didn't see where you put your clothes?"
"I possess an ability to store them like a spatial bag."
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"Oh okay." Riley took a look at Orassa and found she was a dark skinned woman wearing an unusual dress. She went to a side door and led Riley into a new room that was tiled and had a large copper tub in the middle. There was a wooden table along one wall.
Leading her to the table, Orassa said "Please lie down, I will do your body exfoliation today." Orassa pulled out a blindfold and handed it to Riley. "Here this is for you to keep the exfoliant from getting into your eyes by accident."
Putting on the blindfold, Riley laid naked on the table. She heard Orassa moving about and some water running. A bucket sounded like it was being filled. Soon Orassa walked back over to her and said "I'm going to splash this water on you."
Warm water splashed across Riley. "I will be scrubbing everywhere. If you feel any discomfort, please let me know. It may feel ticklish." Orassa started with Riley's feet and used some sort of bristly brush and scrubbed. As she worked her way up Riley's body, she would occasionally splash more water onto her.
Orassa had Riley spread her legs and she scrubbed near her vagina. She even scrubbed under Riley's breasts. Orassa did not fail to miss an inch of her body. The solitary place she didn't touch was Riley's face as she said she would get to it with the facial. After over a half-hour of this scrubbing she said "Alright, you are looking good on the scrub. Your skin is now as smooth as a baby's bottom."
She helped remove Riley's blindfold and said "Just lay down, and I will do your facial soon. After your facial I will do the waxing. My Sister Terrisa will join us and begin your manicure and pedicure."
Pulling open a cabinet she took out a jar and a brush and poured a bit of water into the jar and mixed the interior of it. "You have amazing skin. I believe you will do fine with just a mud mask." She took the brush and said "Close your eyes." Riley did so, and she felt the brush stroke against her face. Not having anything else to do at the moment, she took a look at her status.
When they were walking to the Town, Riley picked Manager of the Conflict as her Sub Class to help her keep track of the battlefield. If Riley wanted to take a more extensive role in managing the flow of combat she needed the help of the sub-class to help her. The awareness of how a battle was going was incredibly important.
But the most significant thing she chose was the skill Aegis of Battle. It had been listed as a legendary skill and cost her forty skill points to acquire. It could only be leveled up by the use of skill points and only to a max of ten. After that it could only be leveled up by quests given by Jack that were of a certain level.
What the Aegis of battle did was take the energy of the battlefield and direct it into a shield for her and her allies. However, it was affected by one's luck. Nevertheless it was a way to help defend her companions, especially Telvin. Ever since she had spoken with Megan, Telvin had been on her mind. She felt she was prepared to undertake the next step with him.
"Okay, I have set your mud mask. For your waxing, is there a design you wish?"
"No, just make sure it's tidy."
"Got it, do you want your legs done as well?"
"Yes please."
For the next twenty minutes Riley felt her hairs being waxed off and then Orassa rubbed a cooling lotion into the spots she had waxed. While she was doing that she detected another person walk in and say "Hello Miss, I am Terrisa, I will be working on your nails for the day."
Terrisa took her hand and began to work on her nails. "You must have some hard work?" Terrisa said. "Your hands are coarse, but don't worry we will get them looking all pretty." For the next thirty minutes, Terrisa worked on Riley's nails, and when she was done, Riley was startled to see how smooth her nails looked.
"I applied a special nail oil, to ensure your nails stand up to the hard work you put on your hands." Terresa said.
Oressa said "It's time for your milk bath." She helped Riley up and led her to the copper tub and turned on a tap, and a white liquid began to pour into the tub. A fragrant smell of milk appeared in her nose. Riley stepped into the tub and found the milk was warm and silky to the touch.
"What kind of milk is this?"
"We have a farm nearby that utilizes several beastkin workers that produce large volumes of milk. It is good for skin health, and we add several herbal oils to increase the relaxation effect and healing after the waxing procedure. Just relax as long as you need to, when you get out there is a shower behind you so you can wash off. Please relax in the bath, and we wish you a good day."
The two sisters walked out leaving Riley relaxing in the bath. For the next half-hour she simply relaxed in the warm milk. When it was starting to cool, she got out and opened the drain. She walked to the back of the room and into the shower. Rinsing off the milk and oils off her skin, she also made sure to rinse out her dreadlocks. After stepping out from the shower, Riley found her green skin had become shockingly smooth and almost took on a glossy sheen.
Making sure she completely dried out her dreadlocks after rinsing them thoroughly, she got her clothes out and put them on and headed out of the room. When she got to the front desk of the spa, the clerk said "Have a good night Miss."
Exiting the spa, she ran into Veronica and Yukali talking. "Oh hey Riley. How was your spa treatment? You look brilliant."
"Good, and how was yours?" Riley asked.
"It was quite the experience. I even got an Anal bleaching done." Veronica said.
"What?" Yukali said startled.
"Yeah, it's where they..."
Interrupting her Yukali said "I don't even want to know. The sauna was quite pleasant for my scales. When I came out, I saw Jack, he told me to tell you that we would have an important meeting tomorrow morning outside of the Inn."
"Got it." Riley said and began to walk upstairs. When she got to the room, she found it was unlocked. Looking in she found the lights had been lowered and Telvin was smiling at her as he was placing a set of plates on the table in the room.
"I asked down at the spa when you would be done, so the food is still warm." Telvin said.
"I am starving." Riley said and went to the table where Telvin pulled out her chair for her. Sitting down she found it was a nice-looking steak and some vegetables. Telvin sat across from her. She said "Thank you for ordering this."
"No problem, I know it's been a tough few days. I'm glad you were able to take a break. You look astonishing Riley, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."
Feeling a little heat on her cheeks, she dug into the food and was delighted to find it tasted amazing. She chatted with Telvin during the meal, and when she finished. Telvin finished as well, and then pulled out a box and handed it to her. Riley opened it and found a beautiful red crystal rose upon a stand. "My god Telvin this is amazing. Thank you Telvin, I will treasure this."
"When I saw it, I thought of you." Telvin said and stood and leaned over and kissed Riley. Riley kissed him back and stood up and continued kissing him as Telvin led her to the bed. "If you keep kissing me like this I'm going to go crazy." Telvin gasped as he broke free.
"Why don't you go crazy then?" Riley smiled hinting she wanted more.
"Are you serious? I thought you wanted to wait?"
"I had my eyes opened recently. I desire you Telvin, and I want us to take the next step."
Telvin leaned forward and kissed her, slipping her clothes off with Riley helping him. "God you're so beautiful. I've wanted to taste every part of you since I saw you naked in that cage." Telvin trailed a series of kisses down her neck and played with her breasts in his hands. They felt so warm against her skin, and she gasped as he rubbed his thumbs across her nipples.
She felt him trail his kisses down her abs, and he discovered her freshly waxed pussy as he pulled her pants down. Riley moaned as he brought his tongue to her clit and gripped onto the bedsheet under her, the silk feeling smooth against her hands as her body trembled under the sudden onslaught of pleasure.
When she had first seen him, she knew she wanted to bed him. Now that she was doing it, it was more then she had imagined it to be. He teased every part of her with his tongue and fingers till she found herself having small orgasms over and over again.
Telvin stood and slid his pants off. "Are you prepared babe?" He asked as he rubbed his length along her.
"Yeah, I want you inside me now."
Finding her entrance with his penis, he slowly slid into her. She found herself expanding along his length and she felt so full. For the moment he halted and simply kissed her and she found herself tightening around him. "God you are so tight, I'm not going to last long in you." he hissed.
He began to rock against her, his every motion driving pleasure into her. "Harder," She moaned, and Telvin grunted and began to really thrust into her. She clutched against his back, and the bed began to creak under his thrusts into her. Caressing him wildly she was surging into pleasure she never experienced in the past.
The orgasm that ripped up from her depths took her surprise, and she gasped and locked her legs against Telvin who just chuckled and kept going. Riley moaned and scrabbled to grab onto the bed as Telvin kept thrusting. She shook again as another orgasm came again and went limp from the intensity of it.
Telvin pulled out and flipped Riley around and then slammed into her while grabbing onto her ass. Moans came out muffled from her mouth as she had her face into a pillow. She found herself speaking nonsensically as he kept thrusting. He grabbed her dreadlocks and pulled her head back. Twisting her head, he brought his mouth against her while reaching deep into her core.
Feeling he was reaching his limit, she got him to pull out, and she straddled him. Lowering herself onto him, it was like she was being pierced by a hot metal rod, and she groaned as she began to grind on top of him. Looking down she loved how his face was an expression of pleasure, and he ran his hands along her body pulling her down onto his length. She could feel another orgasm building and he said "I'm about to.."
"Do it in me." When she said that, she felt a warm liquid splash into her insides and she found herself pushed over the edge again, this time making her howl. She collapsed breathing heavily on top of him.
"That was astonishing." Telvin said.
Riley kissed him and said "Yeah. Telvin?"
"Yeah?" He looked at her and she smiled.
"I really like being with you."
"I do too." Telvin hugged her and they lay like that for a while. Riley could feel that he was getting hard again and she was about to suggest another round when she heard some women screaming coming from outside.