Chapter 90: Chapter 89: A Summoner tries a New Skill.

When the abomination attacked, Ritalassa found she was extremely overdue to respond. Without Inky around she had a hell of a time moving about, and Veronica had not returned. Princess Falean could have picked her up, but she didn't trust the Princess holding a blade even if she was wearing a collar. With the excitement over, she found herself growing bored yet again.

Deciding to practice her new hobby, she took out four coins from her inventory and began to juggle them using her tentacles. She had started juggling as a means of practicing moving her tentacles, then found it helped relieve the boredom of staying up all night. As she didn't need light because she could see in near darkness without trouble, Ritalassa did not keep others up with the hobby. 

While juggling the coins, she kept an eye on Princess Falean, who was standing on the balcony staring down into the courtyard. From the flickering light coming from the courtyard below, Ritalassa could tell Jack was still watching over the fire. A loud snort came from the bed that was shaped like a heart, it was from Veronica who had come in after the battle and promptly fell asleep. After a long time staring down, the princess shuffled back into the room like it was a funeral and sat down in a chair facing Ritalassa.

Finding she could not ignore the creepy stare coming from the Princess, she stopped juggling and asked "How are you doing Princess? Do you feel any better since Jack put your collar on?"

A regretful sigh came from the collared woman like a mountain was pressing down upon her. At that time she looked up at the ceiling and said "Oh woe is me! How fast I am drowning in this sacred lake of terrible despair! The grotesque shadows of unspeakable torment persistently haunt my ever tiring existence. My reflection shows I am forsaken to all. If it would end this torture of a life, I ask you take your blade and slash my neck to let the liquid pain leave this pitiful body."

"That is not going to happen Princess. You are just feeling like this because your soul is partly sealed away, when you get the parasite eliminated you will feel all better." Ritalassa said gently. Ever since Jack had placed the collar on the Princess, she had spoken only in poetic depressing sentences. At the minimum she was responsive if it was a pain to communicate with. Even yes and no questions had her lamenting her lot in life. "So do you still hear the voice of Luxurian?"

"The twisted voice of the one who has dammed me to this everlasting hell, now speaks as if several walls of bones stand between her and me. Once her terrible words filled me with brutal lust, but now her pleading voice is obscured with my ardor replaced with terrible emptiness and overwhelming sorrow for what I have irretrievably lost. Look upon me, the frail shell of what I was once, pity me, take your blade and sever this artificial heart of mine that pumps nothing but poison. For what is blood but poison that carries pain throughout this body of mine?"

"Sorry I couldn't tell you, I don't exactly have blood at the moment. Moving on, have you been able to make contact with your god?"

"My Libres, My Libres, Why hast thou forsaken me? Perhaps he has seen I am merely a perpetual sinner of abysmal ignorance. His voice no longer graces me. I am but a husk of no value to my god. May he willingly grant me eternal mercy by forcibly striking me down, so I no longer stain his glorious sight."

Feeling extremely exhausted from her constant negativity and prose, Ritalassa shut up and returned her focus to juggling the coins. She did not like the way the woman was staring at her blade as if she wanted to run it into her body. From Jack consulting with Maetrin, she knew they speculated the reason she was like this was because most of her soul had been sealed to stop the parasite from doing more damage.

Unfortunately, the part of her soul that remained unsealed was a very depressing part of her soul. Maetrin said it was likely the most traumatized part of herself that was now being expressed. Fortunately for them, slaves could not take their own lives, or she might have thrown herself head first off the balcony when she obtained the first chance. 

While Ritalassa wasn't paying attention, Falean continued letting out sighs and then a string of dark prose, until she finally went to sleep curled up on the floor. Soon after that, Ritalassa managed to get a juggling skill for her effort. Pausing after that, she idly rubbed the place where her edge had been blunted. 

Seeing that both her roommates were currently asleep, she deemed it was a good opportunity to use her new skill. Ritalassa pulled up her status to take a look just to make sure everything was set to use it.



There were dozens of sub-classes she had available. She decided to go with Void Summoner as it would allow her to eventually summon dozens of summons. Ritalassa was used to being in command. She wished to possess her own army once again. With it she may be able to reform her kingdom. After she had selected her recent sub-class, she gained access to a new set of skills she could purchase. She purchased Summon Voidwalker for thirty skill points, so she still had eighteen skill points left. She was going to reserve the points to obtain the next skill she had her eye on.

Taking a look at her new summoning skill she pulled up its information.



It was vastly different from her other summoning skill. It was in addition like inviting someone to come hang out for a bit and they could leave anytime they wished. The reason she decided to take it was that she could actually specify in her message what she was looking and prepared to offer. The downside was that summons may decide not to agree and reject her call for aid.

Reaching out towards an empty space in the room with one of her tentacles, Ritalassa sent a message asking for a summons to come forward and aid her. For several seconds, she felt the quiet as the message went across the void. She was on the verge of concluding the call had gone unanswered when she felt the drain of mana from her. Soon the space in the room was torn open and a short shape stepped through with a flash of light.

When the hole closed, in front of her was a short mushroom person wearing a set of chainmail armor, along with it gripping a short sword and shield. It had a red bulbous top and a pair of large eyes below it. A mouth below them yawned open and a spew of words she didn't recognize came out of it. Looking around it spotted Ritalassa and walked up to her. 

It went through several languages, until she heard one that she understood as a greeting and she said "Hello?"

"Ah I see that you speak seventh level common. That is a rare tongue, this world must be on the remote side in the multiverse. This is the first time I have accepted an Intelligent sword as a summoner. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am the Mighty Dafter of the Fungal Kingdom. I am here to answer your call of aid, what need do you have of the Dafter?"

"Thank you for answering my call. I was practicing out my new summoning skill. I am Princess Ritalassa, would it be possible for me to examine you?"

"By all means. I commend you for practicing your skills out of battle. I have seen too many summoners attempt a new skill on the battlefield only to summon things they could not control and it ends poorly for them."



"Thank you Dafter. I have got a grip on your strengths. I don't currently require you at the moment, so if you wish you can leave."

"If you don't mind Princess, I will actually like to remain here for a bit. I was in the mood to take a vacation, and this world seems an interesting place to explore for a while. Do you happen to have some spirits you would be willing to part with?"

"I don't mind. There are some spirits in that cabinet there." Ritalassa pointed to it. Dafter nodded and walked on its short legs and opened it. Grasping a bottle out he passed the sleeping Falean and took a seat. While Dafter was pouring a glass for itself, she asked him "So Dafter, could you tell me where you came from? I'm not exactly sure where I am summoning you from."

"I don't mind resolving some questions. You seem like a new summoner, so it's best to know more so you don't get yourself in trouble. A series of planes was created by a group of masters summoners. It is from this network you summoned me. Of course summoners can summon from outside this network and often do, but the summon network is the easiest to summon from. At least if we agree to go with the summons."

"That's astonishing."

"It is, perhaps if you get strong enough you could visit those planes. I assure you it is one of the most charming places in the whole multiverse. Incidentally, you are a User of a system right?"

"I am, the System I am contracted with is named Jack."

"I haven't heard of that one before. In fact that is a strange name for a system. From what I have seen most stick to numbers, or not even name themselves beyond calling themselves a system. The most unique one I have seen was a food system where it focused on making people master chefs. Which didn't exactly work out. Can you imagine a planet full of nothing but chefs?" Dafter shuddered.

"Jack is pretty alright. He told me he likely got his name from his previous incarnation."

"What? You spoke with your system?"

"Yes. Is that unusual for a system?"

"Yeah, beyond some cryptic messages or quests they give out, most systems don't talk. From what most can tell, they have a singular goal of getting as many users as they can. On some worlds you step on, they will force themselves on you. They can be such a problem that the big powers frequently move to crush them if they get too out of hand."

"Big powers? Like gods?"

"Bigger. Gods will take out weak systems on their worlds before they take root, though. The big powers I'm talking about are the ones who can destroy a galaxy just by waving their hand."

"Well Jack doesn't seem to be a problem. He always asks if you want to join, and he has a very limited number of users at the moment."

"Surprising, but since your system seems different then maybe not so surprising. I don't have any problem working with a system summoner, just don't have me help you with some absurd quests. In one case this summoner ordered me to help him collect chicken eggs for a quest. Look I am a proud Fungal warrior that has fought in several wars and they want me to help collect eggs? I left him the second he asked me that."

You are reading story System Is Accepting Applications at

"I will strive to never ask you to do anything beneath your honor. I had been a warrior before I was changed into this form so I understand your feelings."

For the next few hours till the sun started to creep in through the windows, she chatted with Dafter. He said he was alright with not sleeping for the moment, he boldly proclaimed of going a month without sleeping while in one of his wars. He had no family back home, so he could stay here as long as he wanted. He entertained her with stories of his travels.

Veronica was the first up and sat up and stretched and looked around. Spotting the giant mushroom she was startled. Ritalassa said, "Veronica this is Dafter. I summoned him while you were sleeping. He will be following me to take in the sights of the world."

"I understand. How about Inky?"

Ritalassa shook a tentacle and said "He is still terrified and won't come out just yet. I think I need to get further away from where it was hurt before it will feel more comfortable."

While they were talking Princess Falean woke up and pushed herself off the ground. When she did so she stared at Dafter and then said "Has the merciful heavens delivered me the means of my ultimate demise? Will this mushroom manage to send me to the shallow grave that calls for me?"

"No. Princess Falean this is Dafter I summoned him last night."

"Ah so the desperate embers of my hopes are crushed yet again, Are you perhaps a poisonous mushroom? Would you be so kind and lend me a bit of your raw flesh so I may walk the path of merciful death?"

Looking rather upset Dafter said "I am not a poisonous mushroom, and no you may not eat me."

"My bleak despair is the raging ocean that I am drowning in. How sweet eternal sleep would be."

Dafter frowned and looked at Ritalassa who said "Ignore her, she is just having issues with her soul."

"Speaking of food, I am ravenous." Veronica said and went to the wall and activated the mana crystal to summon breakfast. Several minutes later a waiter knocked at the door and wheeled in a breakfast cart. Dafter took an interest in the bacon and proceeded to eat all of it. Princess Falean only ate some toast and a glass of juice. Veronica stuffed herself while saying she had to be ready for anything for her lord.

After breakfast they walked down into the courtyard, where Jack was using a broom and sweeping up the ashes of the monster from yesterday. Collecting them into a bag, he tossed them into his inventory. He turned around and spotted Dafter. Ritalassa explained who he was and introduced Dafter to Jack.

"How interesting, never met a System before." Dafter looked Jack up and down. "Thought you would be taller."

"I see. It's a pleasure to meet you Dafter." Jack glanced around and said "Good, it looks like everyone is here. I spoke with Jadai yesterday while we were getting the horse and decided that it would be best to split into two parties."

Jadai spoke up and said "I will be going back to Taras. I will be bringing Alice and Nicca with me. I will be taking the carriages so if you wish to go with me please let me know."

"I will be heading to the capital to deal with this parasite in me. I will be taking Princess Falean with me. Each of you is free to decide what you want to do from here. If you want to go another way, I will give you horses as well." Jack said.

The Half-elf grunted and said "I have things I need to do in the capital." Telvin glanced at Riley.

Riley took Telvin's hand in her own and said "I will go where Telvin goes."

"I hadn't forgotten your request Jack before we undertook this mission. I will investigate the corruption in Taras with Jadai." Maetrin said.

Veronica said "I will go where My Lord goes."

"Megan and I have decided to go on our own path. We will be heading to Narak, before continuing on to the Empire." Yukali said.

"That is just the place I desire to go. Would it be alright if I went with you two?" Ritalassa asked Yukali and Megan.

"Why do you want to go with us?"

"I've heard that most of the Dark Elf population is in the Empire. If I wish to find more about what happened to my people, I would need to go there to find out more. I want to eventually reform my Kingdom if possible."

She watched as Yukali looked at Megan who shrugged and said "I'm okay with her coming along. Since she is a summoner she would likely get better treatment cause she is technically a mage."

"If she is okay, then you can come with us."

Veronica handed Ritalassa over to Megan who took her and attached her to her belt.

Lady Niadas stepped forward and said "Sir Jack. I thank you for your contract you have given me. I wish I was able to go with you, but I am afraid I must go back to Taras with my brother. With my brother's death a lot of issues I need to deal with have come up. I suspect however the King will summon me to the capital so if you are still there I will meet you. In addition, I will make sure the Mansion I owe you is up and running so when you come to collect it will be ready to go."

Ritalassa sent a message to Jack saying "I would have liked to be wielded by you more, but my duty to my people calls me to go check on them."

"It's alright. You can contact me anytime." He replied back.

They moved to the stables where Jadai the two monsterkin woman into a carriage. Lady Niadas climbed in the back and Maetrin climbed up in the front and sat beside Jadai. They waved goodbye as they set off in the carriage down the road. Jack turned towards Megan and stated "If you ever need anything I will be there for you Megan. Please take care your Journey." 

Megan glanced to the side and said "Thank you." She turned around and climbed onto one of the horses provided by Jack. She looked at Dafter and asked "Can you ride a horse?"

"Naturally I can. What warrior in the fungal kingdom doesn't know how to handle a horse?" Dafter mounted the horse which looked a bit funny with his short, little legs. Yukali got on a sturdy horse and Ritalassa waved goodbye as they set down another road.

As they left, she heard Telvin say "Where are our horses that we will ride?"

"We won't be riding, we are going to be flying."

"What?" Telvin said, and Ritalassa saw a blue box appear.

"Don't fret you can't fall out of this one!" Jack said and the box lifted up into the air.

Princess Falean said "Wouldst thou enable me fall so I could obtain peace?" The rest of her prose was cut off by it leaping forwards and Telvins howls of abject terror.

"How long do you think it will take to get to Narak?"

"Based on the Map we should be there in four days." Megan said.