Chapter 104: Not A Chapter

Yesterday and today I am helping my father out with fixing up a bathroom. Unfortunately it leaves me little time to work on the chapter I had planned for today. As such it will be released on wednesday instead. For today, I will be conducting a poll to ask a question about an upcoming chapter probably three or four chapters away maybe more. I know that some dislike the NSFW chapters, I will make sure to only do one once every seven to ten chapters.

I am greatfull that so many people have taken time out of their day and read my story. If you have any suggestions and comments please put comment, it really helps me improve my writing and makes a better story for you to read. If you can please also leave a review.

The main focus of this arc will be around the capital. I don't believe this arc will be as long as the second. I also had an idea, should I add the status of every User that appears in the chapter under a spoiler tag? Especially since most of the action in this arc will not mean level increases as often.

In regards to Level Ups, I have tried my best to keep myself honest with how much experience they each have gotten. Eventually I will go back and do a thourough editing of the chapters to make them easier to read and fix the mistakes I have made.

Here is a list of some of the gods in the story.

The next chapter will be dealing with a lot of gods. Some of whom we will be meeting for the first time. Some of which will be returning. Note the above list do not contain all the gods we have met in the story.

Here is Falean Mantages updated Status

I want to say thank you to all of my readers who have stuck with me through my poor editing skills. I still have plenty of Ideas where I want to take this story, and hope you stick around. Thank you.

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