After they had left the tunnel, the four of them continued onwards to the border city. The land soon became marshy, and they had to basically stick to the roads or be stuck in the muck. At least they had bug spray or they would have been eaten by the clouds of mosquitoes that hung in the area.
The day they were heading towards the Border City. They spent the morning changing up their appearance, with Nicholas making the largest change. He changed his persona to that of Nicoles, and the others could only stare in shock as he completely changed. Satisfied with her appearance, Nicole put away the small hand mirror and asked the others, "How do I look?"
"Holy crap, Frankie told me you were good with makeup, but damn, you look completely like a woman. If I didn't watch you do it, I would think you were a different person." Denise said with a tone of amazement. Debra nodded with her sister.
Frankie reached out and gently touched Nicole's shoulder and said "You look beautiful like always."
Satisfied that she had achieved the result she wanted, Nicole put away the makeup kit. "Now that I am Nicole, hopefully we should put off those Necromancers for a bit." Taking a look at the others, she double checked her work to disguise each of them.
With each woman, Nicole had completely changed up their style in an effort to throw off the scrying. For Debra, by using the equipment screen in status, Nicole had her adjust her hair to a short pixie style haircut. After that, she applied blue hair chalk to put highlights into her hair. After it was done, Nicole set the highlights into place with some sealing spray.
Denise helped to reshift the armor Debra was wearing, to make it look different, and the blacksmith dwarf now gave off a completely different vibe. For Denise, he had her tie her long blond hair into a braid. Using a fresh palette of makeup, he made Denise take on an innocent air. With the changes Nicole made, it would be hard to tell the dwarves were sisters, unfortunately she couldn't disguise them as anything but dwarves.
However the biggest challenge in the disguises she faced was actually with Frankie. She ran through several options, from disguising her as a young man to going as an old woman. What Nicole eventually settled on was going for a musician look for Frankie, as it would work for their cover that they would use in the city.
To begin with she did several braids throughout her hair, intermixing several metal rings through them, to make the light play off her hair. After that, Nicole made her makeup take on a hard look, to give Frankie a sense of an edge to her. Nicole found she had trouble keeping her attention off Frankie's lips as she did them.
"Alright, we are ready to start heading into the Border City. It will likely take us a few hours to get there."
"What is the plan for us to get into the Border City?"
"We will likely have to pay a tax to get into the city due to us crossing into it from the Kingdom of Solas. For our cover we will be posing as a traveling musical group. We will be just passing through the town as fast as possible. After you get what you need Denise and Debra we will get out. After that we should make the tower in two days or so."
"If we are going to claim we are a musical group, we don't have any instruments."
"We will say we are a choir group."
"I can't hold a tune." Debra frowned.
"Don't worry, if they ask us to sing, Frankie and I can cover for you."
Leaving the clearing they had spent the night in, to the road they began to walk towards the city. Soon a black carriage rolled by, and all of a sudden stopped. A few seconds later a rather handsome man stepped out from the carriage. His clothes marked him as a Noble, most likely one from the Kingdom of Solas. He let out a smile and walked over to them.
"Greetings Ladies, How goes the day for you?"
Nicole stepped up and said "Quite well. How may we help you Lord?"
"I'm Lord Samaeul Orecas. Baron of the Macar Lands of the Kingdom of Solas. I was on my way to Border City, when I happened to observe you as my carriage was driving by. These roads are dangerous, numerous beasts live in these marshes. I could not in good conscience leave such beautiful women in such peril. There is plenty of room in my carriage, would you like a lift?"
Considering his offer, Nicole decided that it would definitely save them time, though she got a weird feeling about him. "How generous of you Lord Samaeul, we can't refuse such a gracious offer." Nicole looked at the others and winked at them letting them know to follow her lead.
"Great." Samaeul said and aided them into the carriage. Debra, Denise and Frankie took one side of the carriage. Nicole took the other, with Samaeul sitting a little too close to Nicole. He pounded the roof to let the driver know to keep driving. Soon the carriage began again, with the marsh passing by the windows of the carriage.
"Tell me, what are such lovely creatures as yourselves doing out here?"
"We are a choir group that is currently on a journey to see the world and spread the joy of song." Nicole said smiling at Samaeul while at the same time examining him.
A little confused at first as to why his Strength attribute was odd, Nicole discretely examined several rings that he was wearing and found one was actually doubling his strength. Not detecting her looking at him, Samaeul said "Ah a choir group? I'm sure your voices are heaven to the ears. However I must warn you, this region is quite dangerous, and you should not be walking about without an escort." After he had said that, he looked Nicole over, and she got the feeling like he was looking at her like a wolf looks at a lamb.
Debra coughed and said "We thank you for your concern Samaeul, but I assure you we are capable of protecting ourselves."
Samaeul looked at Debra and said "I didn't mean to imply anything of the sort. Even the best of us can be caught unawares. How can I not help woman in trouble, especially when you are the very essence of beauty." Samaeul said while looking at Nicole. "May I have your name Madam?"
Nicole felt an increasing unease about this man and said "It is Nicole."
"Nicole, your name is like an elixir of pure joy on the tongue." Samaeul flirted with her. "You look like you have a bit of Noble in you."
Hesitating Nicole said "You are mistaken Lord Samaeul. I do not have any Noble blood in me."
"Would you like to have a large bit of noble in you?" Samaeul winked at her and he placed his hand onto her thigh and gave it a squeeze.
Feeling disgust flow through her, Nicole said "Why you are quite the charmer."
Keeping his hand on her thigh, he asked "Will you be staying a while in Border City?"
"Unfortunately not. We will be just passing through." Nicole gently picked up his hand to get it off her leg only for him to grip her hand.
He said, "What a shame, as I have business within the city, it's sure to be quite dull. I would certainly enjoy the company of such," Samaeul looked down at Nicole's bust and continued "Fine women in the evening. I would certainly be willing to make it worth your time to come to visit me." Samaeul said, winking at Nicole.
Nicole glanced and saw Frankie shooting death glares at Samaeul and said "We will keep it in mind. What brings you to the Border City Lord Samaeul?"
"Regrettably due to the war, my lands are running low on food. I hope to set up a trade deal with the Border City Lord and get much needed food sent back to my lands."
"Would the Kingdom of Kestonia be willing to do that? Wouldn't that risk them being drawn into the war as well?" Denise said.
"It will be an informal agreement between the Border City Lord and me. Besides if the Empire hates it, all they will need to do is ask the Kingdom to stop it. Kestonia is little more then the bitch of the Empire at the moment."
"I see." Nicole said, then asked "How is the war progressing with the Empire?"
"We are managing to hold the Empire at bay for now. Fear not Ladies, our Kingdom will pull through and crush the Empire. We will send them running back home like the dogs they are."
"Of course, Lord Samaeul."
"Glory for Solas!" Samaeul said.
The carriage carried on for another hour, with Nicole having to fend off Lord Samaeul's hands while making small talk. Eventually, the city came into view. To be quite honest, it could only be barely called a city. Built on top of the marshes, the lands, it was surrounded by a series of wooden walls.
The buildings inside were built on the small islands in the marsh, often leaving large gaps between them. The roads were built out of wood and stood several feet off the ground. They rolled up to the gate and a guard came up to the carriage. He said "Lord Samaeul you are expected. The City Lord Will see you at your earliest opportunity." The Guard waved them through.
After the carriage had gone through the gate, Samaeul had the carriage stop. He looked at them and said "I'm afraid I must go to meet with the city lord now. I will be staying at the Mayberry Inn if you wish to take my offer."
"Much obliged lord Samaeul, we will keep your offer in mind." Nicole said as the driver helped them out of the carriage. While she was exiting, she felt Samaeul pinch her ass, and Nicole tempered the quick rush of anger that filled her. Once they were out the Baron waved goodbye to them and the carriage moved down the street.
When he was out of sight, Frankie spat and said "What a fucking dick. I should have punched his lights out the moment he started to touch you. Why did you let him get away with that?"
"I got a bad feeling off him. My senses were telling me not to mess with him."
"Next time we walk." Frankie growled.
Turning to Debra and Denise, Nicole said "What do you need to get?"
Looking thoughtful, Debra said "We need to get some metals and tools. We should check out the blacksmiths in the area."
Nodding, Nicole said "Then let's be quick about this. I want to leave the city as soon as possible."
"Why the rush?" Frankie asked.
"I'm not getting a good feeling about this city. Maybe it's because of my connection to divine power. I feel like there is a sense of death in the air." Nicole said, and over the smell of the dampness and rot of the swamp was the smell of death. "Plus it's only a matter of time before they manage to scry our new appearances. I would rather not have to fight my way out of a city."
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They began heading towards a blacksmith area. There were just three or four blacksmiths in the city. All of them were clustered on a hill in the swamp. Nicole glanced at several nasty looking reptiles that lived in the swamp as they walked to them. When they arrived at one of the blacksmiths, she saw standing at an Anvil, a dirty grime covered man was hammering away at what looked like a horseshoe.
The heat was almost overwhelming as the forge was blasting out fire. Various tools and weapons were hanging from the walls. He glanced up and grunted. Putting the horseshoe down, he said "You're going to stand there all day or will you plan to tell me what you want."
Debra walked up to him and said "I need to purchase some metal to work with, plus I need some tools, also if you have an anvil that would be best."
The man looked her over and said "While you don't look like a blacksmith, you have the smell of metalworking about you." He looked in thought for a moment and said "Tell you what, I need some help with a project of mine. Even an idiot could do it, but if you are a blacksmith with your help it would turn out better. You do this for me, and I will give you the tools and metals for free. I even have an old Anvil I no longer use."
"That sounds like a good deal. What exactly is your project?" Debra asked.
"I received an order for a particular sword. All you need to do is help me keep the furnace fueled and ready. It should take no more than a few hours of hard work."
Debra looked at Nicole and said "What do you think?"
"We have the time." Nicole said in reply.
"Alright, I will help you. My sister is training with me so would it be possible for her to join us?"
The blacksmith grunted and said "Fine. But you two" He pointed at Nicole and Frankie, "Need to leave my shop. I can't have any distractions while I'm working on this piece so I will be closing the shop."
Nicole nodded and said to Debra "When you are finished let me know and we will return."
Following Frankie out of the shop, Nicole said "Looks like we got a bit of time to ourselves."
Frankie smiled and said "Lets go check out the market. I want to see if I can't pick up a guitar."
"Alright." Nicole nodded and took Frankies hand into her own, and began to walk down the wooden walkway. In some places, the planks looked to be rotting away, leaving the swampy water below exposed. They stopped at a food vendor and picked up some meat on sticks.
They stopped in front of one of the boggy ponds that dotted the city and while they ate the meat sticks, Nicole found herself enjoying the view with Frankie. A flock of colorful birds settled in the water and spent the meal chatting and taking a nice break.
After they had finished, they began to head into the small shopping district the city had. As it was nearing midday, the heat of the sun was starting building up. The humidity of the swamp only made the heat worse, though thankfully the streets were mostly shaded by a series of trees and wood coverings.
They stopped at a small general goods store. In the back of the shop Nicole found a small selection of musical instruments that included a guitar. Nicole looked at Frankie and asked "Can you play the guitar?"
Frankie nodded and said "Yeah, I learned to play it while I was taking musical lessons." She picked it off the shelves and gave it a strum and said "It needs a bit of tuning, but it seems solid otherwise. While it's an acoustic, it should be fine for what I want to do."
Taking it to the counter, Nicole pulled out three big copper coins for it. With a big grin on her face Frankie led Nicole to a small park nearby. Sitting on a bench, Frankie began tuning the guitar. Spending a few minutes strumming each chord, and when she got it the way she wanted, she looked at Nicole and said "Do you recall the song Summer Days?"
Nicole thought and said "Yeah, that's the song we sang when we first met at that bar right?"
"Yeah, it's my favorite song. I like singing it as it reminds me of the time we met. Do you think you can sing it?"
Thinking back to that summer when she had come to Naraak. After the troubles at home with her family, she fled to Naraak to seek a new way of life. She had gotten drunk at a bar and gotten into a drunken singing competition with Frankie. After that they had fallen into being best friends surprisingly quickly. "Sure I guess I can sing it."
With Frankie starting to strum, Nicole began singing, and to her surprise a crowd began to gather around them. A few coins were tossed at their feet while they performed. When the song finally ended, the crowd clapped and began to disperse. Frankie stood and hugged Nicole and said "Thanks, Nicole that was amazing."
Hugging her back, Nicole said "Yeah that was amazing."
Putting the guitar back into its case, Frankie said "This was a great date. We should do this..." Frankie halted and recognized what she had said. "I mean it was a great time..."
"It's alright Frankie. It was a great date. Now that we are alone, I think it's time to address this tension between us."
Sighing Frankie looked at Nicole and said "What? Are you going to claim these feelings I have are just because it's the curse messing with my mind again?"
Nicole shook her head and said "No, I don't know what influence your curse is having on you. Rather what I want to tell you, is what I am feeling."
Frankie paused and looked up at her face and said "What are you feeling?"
"I find myself falling for you. You were always my best friend and now, I can't stop wanting more. It's incredibly selfish of me, but I find myself wishing you weren't going back to being a man."
Looking to the side, Frankie said "What if I don't want to go back to being a man?"
Nicole took a deep breath and said "While I wish that, I want to actually know it is your actual feelings and not the result of the curse."
"And if these feelings of mine aren't because of the curse, what then?"
Taking Frankies hand's into her own, Nicole said "Then we see where this takes us." Nicole leaned down and brushed her lips across Frankies who kissed back. After a bit they separated, and Nicole received word from Debra that they had managed to finish.
"Looks like Debra is done. Let's get going."
They headed back to the blacksmiths, and Nicole was surprised that the Blacksmith had a massive grin and was joking around with Debra and Denise.
Denise saw them enter the shop, and she walked up to them. Nicole asked her "How did the project go?"
"It was astonishing. Mister Jerome was amazed at the temperature skills of Debra. With my help, we managed to finish early as well. Together he says we are at the intermediate level of blacksmithing."
Jerome saw them next and said "Hello, as agreed I have provided your friends the tools and metals they need." He paused and looked at Debra and said "You two are on the path to becoming one of the Great Blacksmiths. If you ever need anything else, please come on by."
Nodding in thanks, they left the Blacksmith who was smiling over a brand-new sword. Nicole looked at the Dwarf twins and said "Do you need anything else?"
They were walking down the wooden street, and Debra shook her head and said "No, we got everything. We can leave the city now."
A cool voice sounded behind them and said "You are not going to stay the night, and not even going to say good bye? How sad."
Surprised, Nicole spun around and found that Samaeul was standing along with several figures in Black Robes. Nicole instantly knew they were Necromancers. As she watched, zombies began to crawl out of the swamp towards them. "Do you know how surprised I was, when I was scrying this morning looking for the one with the Staff, and saw that you had changed?"
"I wasn't sure at first, but when I got closer to you, I could smell it on you. The stink of Necromancy is hard to get off, especially from such a powerful weapon as that staff. What a massive surprise, such a gorgeous woman is actually a man."
Frowning, Nicole signaled the others to prepare to run. "What do you want Lord Samaeul?"
"Eternal Night. The staff. You give it to me, and I can promise you and your friends will have a pleasant stay at my estate."
"How about you just let us go?" Frankie said.
"Haha that is quite the joke. No. While my friends would like to use your bodies in some of their experiments, I would rather use you in my bed." He pulled out some slave collars and said "Of course, in the interest of my protection. I will need you to put these on."
"If you knew, why would you let us go from the carriage?" Debra said.
"Let you go? I brought you here. I'm no fighter, but once you were into this city, you were already trapped. Hand over the staff or they will get it from your corpse."
The zombies began advancing on them. Looking behind them, Nicole saw several more zombies approaching them as well. Nicole prepared to take out the staff, and try and lead these necromancers away from the others when the street began shaking.
A large fin suddenly broke through the planks and began to charge towards them. They flung themselves to the side as a massive shark emerged screaming "I want to speak with your Lord!"
Nicole recognized the shark as Kerron from the tunnels. Samaeul growled and said "What the hell is that?"
"How dare your Undead enter my waters! It makes the water taste like shit. I will speak to your lord about this" Kerron began to thrash around crashing against the street. The Necromancers began casting dark magic and as Nicole watched more of those newts began climbing out.
Before long there was a chaotic battle between the Necromancers and the Giant Shark. Grasping their chance, Nicole led the others through the mess and fled down the street. A disheveled Samaeul attempted to stop them, but Frankie ran up and kneed him in balls saying "Fuck you, don't ever touch my girlfriend again."
With the baron collapsing in pain, they fled the city as it erupted into chaos as the city guards joined the battle. Fortunately the guards were too busy to stop people from fleeing the gates and they slipped out of the city back into the Kingdom of Kestonia.