As the pre-dawn light entered the room, Veronica slowly awoke. As she opened her eyes, she found that Jack was looking at her with a smile on his face. "Good Morning," he said brushing hair out of her face.
Veronica smiled and leaned across the pillow to kiss him. "Good morning my Lord. Have you been awake long?"
Jack shook his head. "No, I just got done having a meeting with the goddesses Kara and Eramis. When I came back, I found you sleeping beside me. Did you know you scrunch your nose while you dream?"
Letting out a sigh of comfort, she snuggled closer to Jack and glanced out the window. Seeing it was still before dawn, she kissed Jack's neck. "We still have time before we need to get up. It might be some time before we get to be in another bed, so why don't we have some more fun before we leave."
Kissing her back, Jack said "Oh what do you have in mind? Are you sure you're up for it? Didn't you tell me last night you wouldn't be able to walk properly today." He began to tease her ears with his mouth.
Veronica giggled and pushed Jack onto his back. "Which is why I'm going to take the lead this time." She slid on top of him and ran her hands down his muscled chest. She loved how his muscles twitched under her attention. As she sat on him, she could feel him grow harder underneath her. Leaning down she kissed Jack and began to trail kisses down his body, pushing aside the covers.
When she got to his groin, she took his length into her hand and spat on it to lubricate it. Veronica started to slowly stroke it while watching Jack squirm in pleasure. He was starting to breathe heavier under her ministrations. "You like that My Lord?" Veronica asked.
"Yes." Jack said.
"I want to feel you enter me." Veronica rubbed his cock on her stroking him up and down then sat up and lowered herself onto him. She wasn't fully wet, so it was felt a bit tender as he pierced deep within her. As he stretched her painfully open, slow shivers of pleasure ran throughout her body. She took a few moments just kissing Jack getting used to the throbbing inside her.
Keeping her pressed close against him, Jack began to kiss her deeply. Sighing in contentment Veronica began to move her hips up and down. As she rode him gently, Veronica began to let out a series of moans and gasps as he plumbed her depths. She leaned forward to get more purchase and Jack teased her nipples with his mouth. She was focusing on going slowly when he grabbed onto her hips and pulled her down onto him.
Veronica could feel Jack's need as he grasped her hips. Leaning down she moaned into his ear "I like it when you take charge. I want to feel your seed in me My Lord."
Jack grunted and thrust upwards starting to really pound into her. Veronica felt like she was riding a wild animal as he buckled under her and she felt an orgasm starting to crest. With the bed starting to creak under the assault on top of it, she felt the crest of pleasure break free and she let out a moan. At the same moment she could feel Jack explode in her and a warm liquid filled her interior.
With him emptying into her, Veronica's pride swelled. Her lord was filling her with his seed because she made him cum. This thought drove her over the edge again and she collapsed on top of Jack who wrapped his arms around her. They laid like that until Jack grew soft underneath her. Kissing Jack, she finally pushed herself up and said "I need to take a shower before we go."
"I can clean you off." Jack said.
"I'd rather take a shower. Who knows when I will get another chance?" Veronica said. It looked to be another long trip without having access to a shower, so she wanted to have a chance of standing under the hot water. Getting up she crossed the room to the bathroom.
Veronica turned on the hot water and let it steam a bit before getting in. She cleaned herself off and washed her hair off. When she had completely cleaned off, she shut off the water and exited the bathroom. She saw Jack had dressed up in his usual attire. "After we go to your dungeon and drop the basemind off, can we go and visit my Masters place? I want to see if she left anything we can use to find the Archmages."
"That is a good idea. Can you mark it on your map?" Jack said.
Veronica nodded and pinned the location on her map. When she had finished, she made sure they had picked up all their stuff from the room and then entered the living room. Entering the living room, they saw Jenna sitting at the table with her hands on her stomach groaning. In front of her were several empty plates. She looked at them with large eyes and said "I think I ate way too much. I feel so full."
Jack asked with concern "Are you okay?" He walked up to her and looked closer at her.
"Yeah, I overestimated the size of my stomach, so I will be feeling bloated for a while. It will take me sometime to fully digest what I ate." Jenna said standing up wobbly and Jack steadied her.
When Jenna stood up, Veronica suddenly realized what they had forgotten. "Hey Jenna we forgot to pick you up some new clothes for your body. I don't think you can walk around like that."
Jenna looked startled then nodded "I guess you are right. I do look utterly strange without clothes. I don't think we have time to go shopping, so do you have any clothes I can borrow?"
Veronica thought about it and said "I have a few that should fit you. It might be a little small on you, especially for your chest. You're definitely packing a bit more than me in that area. I would ask Falaen, but I think she makes all of her clothes out of soul energy."
While Veronica went through her clothes to see if she had anything that would fit Jenna, Jack asked her "Speaking of Falaen, have you seen her yet?"
"No, I haven't this morning. She did come out in the middle of last night and grabbed a late night snack. Oh thank you." Jenna said as Veronica handed a few clothes.
Veronica said "No problem. I will go and check in on Falaen."
Leaving Jenna to get dressed, Veronica walked to Falaens room and knocked on the door. Getting no response, she frowned and opened the door a crack to peek inside. Seeing that the room was empty she entered, closing the door behind her. The bed was messed up indicating she slept here last night, but it was empty. She also checked the bathroom but it too was empty.
Fearing something had happened to Falaen, Veronica was about to call out for Jack when the curtains rustled. In through the window came Falaen, who looked a bit tired. She was wearing her battle clothes and was in the middle of a big yawn when she spotted Veronica. "Ah it appears I was a bit late to get back. Can you let Jack know I will be out shortly."
"Where exactly did you go? Why are you coming in through the window?" Veronica asked, confused.
"It's too noticeable if I use the front door. I can jump to this windowsill from the alley, and no one can see it easily. I did my nightly routine of going out on patrol in the neighborhood." Falaen said as she began stripping down. Veronica turned around and she heard Falaen enter the bathroom behind her.
"What do you mean by going out on patrol?" Veronica said through the bathroom door.
Hearing the sound of the shower curtain rustling then the sound of the shower starting Falaen responded by saying "JP told me with great power comes great responsibility. In order for me to appreciate my power, he said I had to go out at least once every few days looking for people to help with my power."
"Why? Not that I'm saying helping people is bad, but I'm just not understanding why he would want you to go out." Veronica said.
"According to JP I have a duty to help those in need. While it is a bit tiring at times, it is not beyond my capabilities of handling it. JP also said that while I am to assist those in need, I'm not to exhaust myself to do so. Thus, I'm not to go out every night, just every few nights." Falaen said.
"Were you able to assist anyone tonight?" Veronica asked.
"Just one person tonight and it was nothing significant. An old woman had gotten lost in the city, so I simply helped guide her in the right direction. A few nights ago I actually fought some thugs who thought it was a good idea to loot a store." Falaen called out from within the shower.
"Just keep being careful Falaen. I know you want to please JP, but I don't want to see you get hurt Falaen." Veronica said.
"Thanks for your concern. I will be careful." Falaen said and Veronica left the room.
When she got back outside, she said to Jack "Falaen will be a few more minutes she is taking a shower. So I know your plans regarding the dungeon have changed a bit. What do you think you're going to do with it now?"
"Well I was initially going to capture monsters with you to populate it. We can still do that, but Jenna has given me an alternative option. She will be practicing creating undead and would like to stay at the dungeon to do so. Also before we leave I would like to have a trial run of the dungeon to see if we need to get anything for it." Jack said.
Veronica nodded at her lords words then turned to Jenna and asked "I thought you required dead bodies to create undead monsters. How will you create undead for the dungeon?"
"I received some guidance from the Goddess Kara last night. She has imparted to me a skill to create undead through the teeth of monsters. In order for me to level this skill up she has provided me with some teeth. Using them, I can create a few monsters for the Dungeon. I will have to hunt down other monsters for teeth, or you can give me some when you return to the dungeon." Jenna said.
"Wait a second," Veronica said. "If you create them, doesn't that mean we won't acquire any experience from them if we slay them? If that's the case, the whole point of the dungeon will be rendered useless."
"That is accurate in one sense. If you happened to slay them while they are contracted to me then you would not get any experience. What I can do however is release them from my contract; they will turn into regular old monsters that will be hostile to others and me. As might be expected right now the levels of the undead I can create are low so the amount of experience you would be able to get out of them is limited. But hopefully, as I gain in strength, I will be able to create stronger undead."
Jack spoke up then and said "I want my dungeons to act as training centers for beginner Users. So low leveled monsters are perfect for training at the moment. These dungeons can also act as an opportune spot for me to recruit new Users. To that desired end I have spoken with Duke Adam about commissioning a road out to the dungeon."
"How will that work, my Lord?" Veronica asked.
"Well I'm actually planning to advertise my dungeons through the Mission Guild as a sort of training grounds. It should hopefully draw some interest in mission takers who want to get combat experience against monsters. As for the recruitment system for new Users, I'm still working on it. Right now I'm in the middle of establishing a series of tests for it." Jack replied to Veronica.
When Jack had finished speaking Falaen had come walking out of her room dressed in her usual garb. She looked at Jack and said "JP told me that you were uninterested in having a bunch of Users."
Jack nodded "He is correct. At least for my Main Users. I'm considering making a lesser User contract. This would be limited in what support I would give them, but it will still provide me with some power." Jack looked around and then asked "So are we all ready to leave?"
Veronica nodded and saw the other two girls did the same. They exited the Inn rooms and Jack checked out at the front desk. Exiting the Inn Veronica spotted the Baseminds wearing cloaks to hide their faces. While they were obviously doing it to remain inconspicuous, they stood out like a sore thumb next to all the statues of the inn.
The one in the lead lowered her hood revealing it to be Bella. "We are here as you have commanded us Sir jack."
Jack nodded and said "Good. To begin with we need to depart from the city. I can't transport all of you secretly from within the city so we have to first leave. When we get outside, I will transport us to my dungeon location. At that point I will help you get settled in as managers of the dungeon. Do you have any questions?"
Bella shook her head and then said "When we get there we would like to ask you some questions regarding the managing of the dungeon. We want to ensure we manage according to your expectations and our abilities."
"That will be acceptable. Now we need to hail a few carriages to take us all to the exit." Jack spent a few minutes getting enough of those yellow carriages to take them all to the closest city exit.
Thirty minutes later they had finally departed the core part of the city into the surrounding slums. Due to Eramis suggestions, Lord Adam commanded the walls surrounding the slums to be taken down. The slums were now in the process of being taken apart and being built into replacement neighborhoods. This was an effort to crack down on the criminal elements within the slums. The only thing that was going to stay up was the brothel which was already built to the new standards.
It took them an hour of walking before they were completely clear of the city and out and about in the surrounding farmlands. Making sure they were out of sight of any passerby, Jack created a large blue box that was completely solid. He waved and opened a door and said "Get in. I will use this to fly us to the dungeon."
After they had all gotten in, Jack closed the door behind him and Veronica felt the box lift off the ground and began to fly. While she had gotten used to flying with Jack, not being able to see what was going outside was more stressful than what she originally thought. Turning her attention to the baseminds she introduced Jenna to them. "Bella, may I introduce Jenna. She is a Necromancer that will be supplying undead for the dungeon. Jenna this is Bella, their leader."
"To be more correct, I am the spokeswoman for the group. We don't have a singular leader, when we have a decision to make we all vote on it and the majority carries through." Bella said. "It is a pleasure to meet another of Sir Jack's Users, especially one we will be working collaboratively with. Though I must say we are unfamiliar with your race Jenna."
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Jenna nodded and said "I would not have expected you to recognize what I am as this body is completely artificial and was recently built by myself and Falaen. My soul had been captured into a soul doll by an unscrupulous Noble and with Jack's help was able to transfer me into this body. I am actually hoping to create a new body for myself. I was told you might have some insights into that process."
Bella looked at the other baseminds for a second then nodded. "We do have a few insights, though most of our methods would not be up to snuff for Jack. However, we might be able to adapt some of them to help with your situation. We assume that since you are now here your original body has passed on, correct?"
"Yeah, the noble killed me because I found out exactly what he was doing with the dolls my factory was making for him. I'm not exactly sure what the Noble did with my corpse, but I'm sure it was never discovered as I heard from several people who visited my factory that I was missing and presumed dead."
"That is unfortunate to hear. We have the best chance of creating a new body from the old when it is fresh, preferably still alive. So we will not be able to build you your original body. But we might be able to create a clone of a body you like."
Jack interrupted and said "Do you truly need to clone to make a new body? I would ask that you find a way to create a body that is soulless so that Jenna does not have to destroy a soul when she moves in."
"That is a challenge. Our experience with souls is minimal, only to the extent of moving ours through the basemind project. We are unsure how a soul forms in the first place. Plus it was always a challenge to even detect them with our equipment. We don't need to clone, but we will still need living donors for the material needed. With your help Jack we should be able to grow a body without a soul for Miss Jenna."
Veronica frowned and said "I feel like there is a but in that statement."
Bella nodded and said "It's not a critical one, but we were able take several shortcuts when we made our bodies. We were able to do this as we had access to a massive life crystal which sped up the growth of our clone bodies to mere hours. Without the crystal it could take months to years to grow a suitable body. We might find another way of course but either way it will take a while."
"That is fine." Jenna said. "While I would like a living body, I'm not pressed for time about it. I'm in fact working on my own way to create a body. Speaking of creating bodies, how did you choose your body if you don't mind me asking?"
"We did not have much time to look as we knew BM9 or Caina was quickly preparing to destroy us. So we did a quick analysis of all the citizens within the capital at that time. This body met nearly ninety percent of our requirements, and what is more important is that its base life data is incredibly malleable." Bella said.
Falaen, who had been focusing on messing with her wand looked up and asked "Malleable?"
"Yes we found that throughout the population many had varied ancestry. This ancestry has made her living data hold several adjustable models. While we did not have time to fully employ this discovery, we did manage to make minimal changes to each of these bodies. For example I can see fourteen percent better in the dark compared to my sisters." Bella said.
"Ah I see." Falaen said "That makes sense, during my time in the Empire we discovered nearly twenty percent of the population's ancestry have incredible roots. It's more prominent among humans compared to the other races, as a result of human adaptability. It's in addition a side effect of having so many Demi gods wandering around knocking up citizens. Over time this has pushed up the base abilities of most races."
Falaen and the Baseminds fell into a complex discussion about the nature of living things that drove Veronica nearly to tears from a headache it brought on. Luckily it only had taken another hour of flight before they reached the dungeon and Jack landed directly in front of the temple he had restored. When she stepped out in front of it, Veronica could see it had remained untouched since they had left it.
As the group headed towards the entrance of the temple Jack said "This is the entrance of the Dungeon. I had created the core and ordered it to create a series of tunnels and rooms underneath. Inside the temple are rooms where you will be living." Jack walked up the steps and frowned, and Veronica saw the door opened a crack. "Someone is here. Please stay behind me."
Jack opened the door and walked inside. Veronica walked behind and when they got inside the temple atrium they saw two people near the fountain in the middle of the room. One was a teen boy who was sitting next to the fountain playing with the water looking bored. The other one was a tall woman who radiated power and strength who spotted them when they entered. When the woman began to approach, Veronica examined her.
When she examined the woman, it felt like something was pushing back blocking what she could see about the woman. Yet Veronica had seen enough to recognize just who this woman was. When Veronica had travelled with Megan and Alexia they had mentioned encountering a Vampire Queen. She had questioned if the Vampire Queen was as powerful as they said, but she could see now they had not exaggerated. Elizabeth said "Ah you have finally made it here. I was beginning to worry I would have to track you down."
Jack had stared at Elizabeth a second before he said "You are the Vampire Queen. What are you doing here? I had thought you had gone to remake your Kingdom."
"Well that is true. It was a challenge to find a good place, but soon the Kingdom of the Vampires will rise once more in the world. It is nice to finally meet you, Jack. Can you tell me how Goddess Everlai is doing? I was concerned how she would handle me cutting her free of the corrupted parts." Elizabeth said.
"They are doing well, still in two different parts. Sara and Kara, I'm sure they would want to speak with you. Unfortunately they are a bit tied up in my space at the moment."
"I'm glad to hear they are doing well. I will be taking a rest soon, so perhaps they can contact me when I dream." Elizabeth said then indicated the Teen boy. "While I was busy building my kingdom, my patron asked me to deliver him to you."
The boy scowled at that and Veronica took a second to look at the boy.
David rose and made his way to the group with an annoyed look. Elizabeth continued, "This is David, the son of my Patron. He unfortunately has a bit of an attitude and needs to get some life experience to break free from his spoiled habits."
"And I'm guessing you want me to help him to do exactly that?" Jack said.
"That would be accurate. His mother believes you are just the person needed to get her son on the right track. To help with that she has already sealed most of his power to humble him. All you need to do is to help him get some discipline and a respectful attitude to those less powerful than him."
"Can you stop talking like I'm not even here?" David said, annoyed. He caught Veronica looking at him and said "What? You think you can take me with my power sealed up? Dream on I can still kick your ass if I want to."
Elizabeth said rolling her eyes "Ignore him. He's mostly just talk now. If he tries anything, his mother says you are free to whoop his ass to get his head on straight. His mother believes you are a good influence Jack."
Veronica scoffed and said "What is in it for my Lord? It doesn't sound very enticing to have a brat tag along with us. I mean we plan to go some dangerous places, not suitable for someone to screw around."
The Vampire Queen nodded in understanding "That you don't have to worry about. His mother has put a specific geas on her son to take commands from Jack. He will follow any order Jack gives though he won't be cheerful about it. You need not fear David getting hurt as he can take quite the beating. If his life is truly threatened then his seal will be released and he can take care of himself."
At that time Elizabeth said "If you do this for my patron, she will take out one of the Seven archmages for you. She will completely destroy them and all you need to do is keep watch over her son and help him change into a better person."
Veronica scoffed and said "We are solely to take your word that your patron is strong enough to do this?"
"Yo bitch my mom is the strongest, these archmages are just ants to her. If she say's she can take care of them she doesn't barely need to raise a finger to do so." David said glaring at Veronica.
"Don't call Veronica a bitch." Jack said looking at David. "Apologize."
There was a soft yellow glow on David's chest, and he grunted "I'm sorry." After that he walked away looking pissed.
Jack turned back to Elizabeth and said "This seems like too good a deal. Why would she be willing to do this for me and why would she want me to take care of David?"
"I will be honest with you. My patron cares little what goes on in this world. She is just here to look for her husband, and her child has been getting on her nerves lately with his attitude. One of the Archmages already ticked her off, so she would have been dealing with him even without the offer to you. She has been keeping an eye on you ever since you have awoken and she is impressed. She believes you will turn out to be a good influence on her son."
"Plus dropping him off with you allows her to fully focus on finding her husband. All she asks is that you take him under your wing and teach him to be a better person." Elizabeth said.
"Why don't you keep an eye on him. She's your master." Veronica said.
Elizabeth laughed and said "I'm too much like his mother, unfortunately. We share a temper, and she doesn't want it to be ingrained in her son. Not to mention I am just way too busy at the moment. I'm clearing out the Island I settled on for my kingdom from some leftover goblin armies."
After a moment Jack let out a sigh and said "I guess I can watch over him. But I have no guarantee of making him a better person. That's up to him."
"Whatever you can do will be satisfactory to her. I need to get back; I have a few fledgeling vampires that I need to continue training. David if you need to get in contact with me you know how. Only do it in emergencies, or I will whoop your ass." Elizabeth said as she walked out the door. Before she completely left she looked back and said "Oh and don't go around thinking with your dick like your father David. Your mother doesn't want to be a grandmother just yet."
Elizabeth glanced at Jack and said "Thanks for doing this for her. You should hear back from my patron in a few days in regards to the archmage."
With that Elizabeth disappeared. Veronica went to the temple door and glanced out and saw a tiny dot in the sky as it flew away at a frightening speed.
David said looking around "I guess your stuck with me for a while till my mom finds my dad. Kinda of a crappy place you got here. What do you have to do around this joint?"
Jack said sternly "First off you are signing a contract with me. It's not a full contract, I'm just going to use it to keep an eye on you."
"Fine. Just don't expect me to solve your problems for you. As far as I'm concerned, I'm here on vacation." David said.
After getting the teen to sign the contract Jack turned his focus back to Bella and the other Baseminds. "Sorry for the interruption. There are several rooms that you will be able to use as your personal quarters while managing this base. I'll show you around. Veronica, can you take Jenna outside to a suitable place for her to raise the undead?"
"Of course My Lord." Veronica said.
"Oh and David?" Jack looked at the teen.
"What is it?" David said.
"I'm ordering you to follow Veronica's commands. You will help them out with whatever you need. You may be on vacation, but I'm going to make sure you work every day of it."
David frowned and said "Fine." He followed them out the door.