Lieutenant Collet stood alone at the foot of Leigh Teabing's driveway and gazed up at the massivehouse. Isolated. Dark. Good ground cover. Collet watched his half-dozen agents spreading silentlyout along the length of the fence. They could be over it and have the house surrounded in a matterof minutes. Langdon could not have chosen a more ideal spot for Collet's men to make a surpriseassault.
Collet was about to call Fache himself when at last his phone rang.
Fache sounded not nearly as pleased with the developments as Collet would have imagined. "Whydidn't someone tell me we had a lead on Langdon?""You were on a phone call and—""Where exactly are you, Lieutenant Collet?"Collet gave him the address. "The estate belongs to a British national named Teabing. Langdondrove a fair distance to get here, and the vehicle is inside the security gate, with no signs of forcedentry, so chances are good that Langdon knows the occupant.""I'm coming out," Fache said. "Don't make a move. I'll handle this personally."Collet's jaw dropped. "But Captain, you're twenty minutes away! We should act immediately. Ihave him staked out. I'm with eight men total. Four of us have field rifles and the others havesidearms.""Wait for me.""Captain, what if Langdon has a hostage in there? What if he sees us and decides to leave on foot?
We need to move now! My men are in position and ready to go.""Lieutenant Collet, you will wait for me to arrive before taking action. That is an order." Fachehung up.
Stunned, Lieutenant Collet switched off his phone. Why the hell is Fache asking me to wait? Colletknew the answer. Fache, though famous for his instinct, was notorious for his pride. Fache wantscredit for the arrest. After putting the American's face all over the television, Fache wanted to besure his own face got equal time. Collet's job was simply to hold down the fort until the bossshowed up to save the day.
As he stood there, Collet flashed on a second possible explanation for this delay. Damage control.
In law enforcement, hesitating to arrest a fugitive only occurred when uncertainty had arisenregarding the suspect's guilt. Is Fache having second thoughts that Langdon is the right man? Thethought was frightening. Captain Fache had gone out on a limb tonight to arrest RobertLangdon—surveillance cachée, Interpol, and now television. Not even the great Bezu Fache wouldsurvive the political fallout if he had mistakenly splashed a prominent American's face all overFrench television, claiming he was a murderer. If Fache now realized he'd made a mistake, then itmade perfect sense that he would tell Collet not to make a move. The last thing Fache needed wasfor Collet to storm an innocent Brit's private estate and take Langdon at gunpoint.
Moreover, Collet realized, if Langdon were innocent, it explained one of this case's strangestparadoxes: Why had Sophie Neveu, the granddaughter of the victim, helped the alleged killerescape? Unless Sophie knew Langdon was falsely charged. Fache had posited all kinds ofexplanations tonight to explain Sophie's odd behavior, including that Sophie, as Saunière's soleheir, had persuaded her secret lover Robert Langdon to kill off Saunière for the inheritance money.
Saunière, if he had suspected this, might have left the police the message P.S. Find RobertLangdon. Collet was fairly certain something else was going on here. Sophie Neveu seemed far toosolid of character to be mixed up in something that sordid.
"Lieutenant?" One of the field agents came running over. "We found a car."Collet followed the agent about fifty yards past the driveway. The agent pointed to a wide shoulderon the opposite side of the road. There, parked in the brush, almost out of sight, was a black Audi.
It had rental plates. Collet felt the hood. Still warm. Hot even.
"That must be how Langdon got here," Collet said. "Call the rental company. Find out if it'sstolen.""Yes, sir."Another agent waved Collet back over in the direction of the fence. "Lieutenant, have a look atthis." He handed Collet a pair of night vision binoculars. "The grove of trees near the top of thedriveway."Collet aimed the binoculars up the hill and adjusted the image intensifier dials. Slowly, thegreenish shapes came into focus. He located the curve of the driveway and slowly followed it up,reaching the grove of trees. All he could do was stare. There, shrouded in the greenery, was anarmored truck. A truck identical to the one Collet had permitted to leave the Depository Bank ofZurich earlier tonight. He prayed this was some kind of bizarre coincidence, but he knew it couldnot be.
"It seems obvious," the agent said, "that this truck is how Langdon and Neveu got away from thebank."Collet was speechless. He thought of the armored truck driver he had stopped at the roadblock. TheRolex. His impatience to leave. I never checked the cargo hold.
Incredulous, Collet realized that someone in the bank had actually lied to DCPJ about Langdon andSophie's whereabouts and then helped them escape. But who? And why? Collet wondered if maybethis were the reason Fache had told him not to take action yet. Maybe Fache realized there weremore people involved tonight than just Langdon and Sophie. And if Langdon and Neveu arrived inthe armored truck, then who drove the Audi?
Hundreds of miles to the south, a chartered Beechcraft Baron 58 raced northward over theTyrrhenian Sea. Despite calm skies, Bishop Aringarosa clutched an airsickness bag, certain hecould be ill at any moment. His conversation with Paris had not at all been what he had imagined.
Alone in the small cabin, Aringarosa twisted the gold ring on his finger and tried to ease hisoverwhelming sense of fear and desperation. Everything in Paris has gone terribly wrong. Closinghis eyes, Aringarosa said a prayer that Bezu Fache would have the means to fix it.
科莱目瞪口呆,无可奈何地关掉了手机。他XX 的,法希为什么让我等他?科莱知道,虽然法希天资聪颖,但他也因高傲自大而臭名昭著。法希想通过逮捕兰登来提高自己的声誉。他在电视上发布了通缉令,想在电视上露把脸。科莱要做的就是守住堡垒,然后等着头儿降临来拯救世界。
几百英里以外的法国南部,一架比齐卡拉夫特。男爵58 飞机正在第勒尼安海高空向北高速飞行。虽然飞机飞得很平稳,可是阿林加洛沙还是紧紧地抓着晕机袋,觉得自己随时都会呕吐。他跟巴黎方面的通话大大出乎他的意料。