Chapter 77

Langdon was impressed. Teabing had just finished writing out the entire twenty-two-letter Hebrewalphabet—alef-beit—from memory. Granted, he'd used Roman equivalents rather than Hebrewcharacters, but even so, he was now reading through them with flawless pronunciation.

  A B G D H V Z Ch T Y K L M N S O P Tz Q R Sh Th"Alef, Beit, Gimel, Dalet, Hei, Vav, Zayin, Chet, Tet, Yud, Kaf, Lamed, Mem, Nun, Samech, Ayin,Pei, Tzadik, Kuf, Reish, Shin, and Tav." Teabing dramatically mopped his brow and plowed on. "Informal Hebrew spelling, the vowel sounds are not written. Therefore, when we write the wordBaphomet using the Hebrew alphabet, it will lose its three vowels in translation, leaving us—""Five letters," Sophie blurted.

  Teabing nodded and began writing again. "Okay, here is the proper spelling of Baphomet inHebrew letters. I'll sketch in the missing vowels for clarity's sake.

  B a P V o M e Th"Remember, of course," he added, "that Hebrew is normally written in the opposite direction, butwe can just as easily use Atbash this way. Next, all we have to do is create our substitution schemeby rewriting the entire alphabet in reverse order opposite the original alphabet.""There's an easier way," Sophie said, taking the pen from Teabing. "It works for all reflectionalsubstitution ciphers, including the Atbash. A little trick I learned at the Royal Holloway." Sophiewrote the first half of the alphabet from left to right, and then, beneath it, wrote the second half,right to left. "Cryptanalysts call it the fold-over. Half as complicated. Twice as clean."ABGDHVZChTYKThShRQTzPOSNMLTeabing eyed her handiwork and chuckled. "Right you are. Glad to see those boys at the Hollowayare doing their job."Looking at Sophie's substitution matrix, Langdon felt a rising thrill that he imagined must haverivaled the thrill felt by early scholars when they first used the Atbash Cipher to decrypt the nowfamous Mystery of Sheshach. For years, religious scholars had been baffled by biblical referencesto a city called Sheshach. The city did not appear on any map nor in any other documents, and yetit was mentioned repeatedly in the Book of Jeremiah—the king of Sheshach, the city of Sheshach,the people of Sheshach. Finally, a scholar applied the Atbash Cipher to the word, and his resultswere mind-numbing. The cipher revealed that Sheshach was in fact a code word for another verywell-known city. The decryption process was simple.

  Sheshach, in Hebrew, was spelled: Sh-Sh-K.

  Sh-Sh-K, when placed in the substitution matrix, became B-B-L.

  B-B-L, in Hebrew, spelled Babel.

  The mysterious city of Sheshach was revealed as the city of Babel, and a frenzy of biblicalexamination ensued. Within weeks, several more Atbash code words were uncovered in the OldTestament, unveiling myriad hidden meanings that scholars had no idea were there.

  "We're getting close," Langdon whispered, unable to control his excitement.

  "Inches, Robert," Teabing said. He glanced over at Sophie and smiled. "You ready?"She nodded.

  "Okay, Baphomet in Hebrew without the vowels reads: B-P-V-M-Th. Now we simply apply yourAtbash substitution matrix to translate the letters into our five-letter password."Langdon's heart pounded. B-P-V-M-Th. The sun was pouring through the windows now. He lookedat Sophie's substitution matrix and slowly began to make the conversion. B is Sh... P is V...

  Teabing was grinning like a schoolboy at Christmas. "And the Atbash Cipher reveals..." Hestopped short. "Good God!" His face went white.

  Langdon's head snapped up.

  "What's wrong?" Sophie demanded.

  "You won't believe this." Teabing glanced at Sophie. "Especially you.""What do you mean?" she said.

  "This is... ingenious," he whispered. "Utterly ingenious!" Teabing wrote again on the paper.

  "Drumroll, please. Here is your password." He showed them what he had written.

  Sh-V-P-Y-ASophie scowled. "What is it?"Langdon didn't recognize it either.

  Teabing's voice seemed to tremble with awe. "This, my friend, is actually an ancient word ofwisdom."Langdon read the letters again. An ancient word of wisdom frees this scroll. An instant later he gotit. He had newer seen this coming. "An ancient word of wisdom!"Teabing was laughing. "Quite literally!"Sophie looked at the word and then at the dial. Immediately she realized Langdon and Teabing hadfailed to see a serious glitch. "Hold on! This can't be the password," she argued. "The cryptexdoesn't have an Sh on the dial. It uses a traditional Roman alphabet.""Read the word," Langdon urged. "Keep in mind two things. In Hebrew, the symbol for the soundSh can also be pronounced as S, depending on the accent. Just as the letter P can be pronounced F."SVFYA? she thought, puzzled.

  "Genius!" Teabing added. "The letter Vav is often a placeholder for the vowel sound O!"Sophie again looked at the letters, attempting to sound them out.

  "S...o...f...y...a."She heard the sound of her voice, and could not believe what she had just said. "Sophia? Thisspells Sophia?"Langdon was nodding enthusiastically. "Yes! Sophia literally means wisdom in Greek. The root ofyour name, Sophie, is literally a 'word of wisdom.' "Sophie suddenly missed her grandfather immensely. He encrypted the Priory keystone with myname. A knot caught in her throat. It all seemed so perfect. But as she turned her gaze to the fivelettered dials on the cryptex, she realized a problem still existed. "But wait... the word Sophia hassix letters."Teabing's smile never faded. "Look at the poem again. Your grandfather wrote, 'An ancient wordof wisdom.' ""Yes?"Teabing winked. "In ancient Greek, wisdom is spelled S-O-F-I-A."

兰登记得很清楚,提彬刚刚凭记忆写完了为数22 个的所有的希伯来字母。经过允许,他采用了相应的罗马字母,而不是希伯来字母,但即使如此,他还是用准确无误的希伯来式的发音来朗读这些字母。










分析表明,神秘的Sheshach 城就是通常所说的巴比伦城,自此引起了一场《圣经》考据热。几周之内,通过采用埃特巴什码进行分析,《旧约》里好几个令人费解的词又相继找到了解释,使原先那些学者连想都没想过的许多隐藏的含义浮出了水面。




"好的,鲍芙默神,如果用无元音字母的希伯来语,就是这样:B-P-V-M-Th.现在,我们简单运用你画的埃特巴什替换矩阵,将这些字母转换成五个字母的密码。"兰登的心"咚咚"地跳起来。B-P-V-M-Th.阳光正从窗户外倾泻进来。他看着索菲的密码替换矩阵,开始慢慢地进行转换。B 是Sh……P 是V……















"你看看这个。"提彬在一旁敦促道。"有两点请你记住。第一,希伯来语中代表Sh 音的符号也可以发S 音,这可以根据方言口音而定,就像字母P 也可以读作F 那样。""SVFYA?"索菲想,大惑不解。

"真是天才!"提彬补充说:"人们经常用字母V 来替换元音字母O 的!"


她听到自己读的声音, 简直不敢相信自己的耳朵: "Sophia ? 这个词拼作Sophia?!"兰登热切的点了点头。"对呀!Sophia 在希腊语中字面义就是智慧的意思。你的名字,究其根源,其字面义就是智慧的意思。"索菲突然非常想念起祖父来。他竟然用我的名字来编制这密码!她的喉咙似乎被打上了个结。一切似乎是那么的完美。然而当她扭头去看那五个字母时,她意识到还有一个问题。

"等等--Sophia 有六个字母呢!"
