Chapter 172: 159. Adam is Nice

Omen: 18, 20

“Something is wrong,” Raygak said, holding the ball firmly in hand.

“What is wrong?” Katool asked from beside him, catching her breath.

“Adam is being nice today,” the boy said. “Too nice.”

“Adam is always nice,” Katool said, earnestly.

“Not when he wins.”

“He has not won today.”

“Yes,” Raygak said, trying to piece together the puzzle. Unfortunately for him, thinking was not his strong suit. 

Adam finished playing with the children before quickly bathing. He whistled as he sauntered his way to the enchanting shrine, ready and eager to finish off that sword which Entalia had given to him to enchant.

Mana: 10 -> 8
Enchanting Check
D20 + 7 = 27 (20)

[Would you like to spend XP to empower the weapon?]


Sapphicule Longsword
Requires Attunement
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
Deals 1D6 slashing and 1D6 fire damage.
Once per day, regain 2D6 Health.

[Would you like to name the weapon?]

Adam remained deep in thought, far too long to name the weapon. Even the Iyrman who was sent to watch over him was growing worried after watching Adam stare at the sword for so long.

‘Blue Heart.’

Blue Heart
Requires Attunement
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
Deals 1D6 slashing and 1D6 fire damage.
Once per day, regain 2D6 Health.

Great Enchantment Learnt!
XP: 7170 -> 7370

“Well, that was lucky,” Adam said, staring down at the sword. “The damage is pretty good, and the extra healing is nice.” He swung it around before returning back to the estate.

“What did you make today?” Zijin asked, sitting opposite Sonarot as he ate. 

“Fancy seeing you here,” Adam said, staring at the Elder. “Have you come to play with the sword?”

“Yes,” Zijin said. “Since you create magical weapons so quickly, I assumed you’d be done this day.”

“Keeping track of me, are you?” Adam said, raising his brow.

“Of course.”

“As always, Aunt gets to play with it first.”

“Can’t I?” Zijin asked.

“No,” Adam said.

“Since it is a blade, and the Elder is so eager, perhaps he could play with it first?” Sonarot asked.

Adam squinted his eyes. “Since you insist.” He tossed the blade to the Elder, who quickly grabbed it.

“Another which requires it to be attached to my soul?” Zijin asked. 

“It’s because they’re so powerful,” Adam said.

Zijin nodded. “I thought that you may be able to surpass that issue.”

“I’m still a boy yet,” Adam said, smirking at the Orc.

Zijin meditated with the blade for sometime, before practising with it. “It is a great blade,” Zijin said, before he placed down a pouch. 

“What’s that?” Adam asked.

“The payment for your previous blade,” the Elder said. 

“For Giantslayer?” Adam said, reaching down into the pouch to feel all the gems. “How much did it sell for?”

“Six thousand and three hundred gold.”

Adam whistled. “Yo!”

Lanarot looked up at him as he shouted, before looking to her mother for guidance.

“That’s a lot of money.”

Elder Zijin nodded. “If you are willing, we would also like for you to create a magical spear with a basic enchantment. It does not need any elemental damage, just a normal bonus will do. The Iyr will pay one thousand and five hundred gold.”

“That much?” Adam asked. “Shouldn’t it be a little cheaper?”

“It was what was offered.”

“Alright,” Adam said, nodding his head. “Could I take payment in spell scrolls instead? I need to add some more to my spellbook, especially damaging spells.”

Elder Zijin remained silent for a moment. Asking for spells for payment was a difficult request. “Which spells do you require?”

“Uh,” Adam replied. “I’ll just tell you which spells I have and you can pay me with whatever you find acceptable, how about that? I can use Second Gate spells now, though soon I’ll be able to use Third Gate spells.”

“Ten First Gate spells should be acceptable,” Zijin said. “If you have a preference for any ten, please tell me, and I will see which spell scrolls we have available, as well as which we are comfortable sharing.”

“Sure, sure,” Adam said, nodding his head. “Whatever you say, Elder.”

“That sounds great! I’ll start on it tomorrow if I’m feeling lucky.”

The Elder nodded. “I will bring the spear to you in the morning.”

“Sounds good.”

The Elder left Adam, who checked all the money he had gained. 

Currency Gained: (6) Tiger Eye, (10) White Pearl, (8) Black Pearl

“Damn,” Adam whispered. “I’m rich. Do you want to go on holiday somewhere?” he asked Lanarot, brushing her hair as she twitched and looked up at him, raising the block up towards him, which was wet with her saliva.

Omen: 1, 17

The spear was long, and the head of the spear was quite long too, easily as long as Adam’s forearm. However, it did look like a fairly well made, but basic spear. The metal which was used was quite common, and there didn’t seem to be anything interesting about it. 

“I bet if Jurot was here he’d tell me all about the wood,” he said. He huffed moments later. “Why am I thinking about that traitor? You better not be thinking of him either.” Adam said, looking to his sister. “After what you did to me a few days ago, you better not betray me too.”

Lanarot swallowed a pea, ignoring Adam completely as she ate.

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Elder Zijin stared at Adam. “If you are not feeling well today, you can start tomorrow.”

“I’m disappointed Elder Zijin,” Adam said, placing a hand on the man’s shoulder. “Damn, that’s a thick shoulder,” the Half Elf whispered. “You should have gotten used to my comedy routine.”

“It is too difficult to know when you are joking and when you are not.”

“That’s true,” Adam relented.

Mana: 10 -> 8
Enchanting Check
D20 + 7 = 24 (17)

Adam spent most of the day enchanting away quietly, before eventually returning back to the estate, where he saw a few people under some shelter, eating whatever Shikan had made.

“Come, Adam,” Shikan said, offering him a skewer of mixed vegetables and salted fish which had been grilled. 

Adam accepted it, blowing onto it quickly, before taking a bite. “Where’s Aunt?”

“She has yet to return from the Rot family estate,” he said. 

“Oh,” he said. “I should probably go and say hello to them.” Adam bit into the fish, and paused. ‘Is that why Elder Gold didn’t want me to give out more Dragon scales? How many Rot children are there?’

“There is no need to think,” Shikan said. “You will meet them soon.”

“I will?” Adam asked. 

Shikan nodded. “She has spoken of you to them.”

“What did she say?”

Shikan bit into a vegetable. “You will see.”

“I don’t like the way you said that,” Adam said, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at him. 

Eventually the woman returned with Lanarot in her arms, who was wearing a coat made of White Wolf fur. 

“Look at this adorable little girl in her little coat,” Adam said, accepting her from Sonarot’s arms. “What’s all this?” He brushed his hand along the coat. “Where did you get this from?”

Lanarot reached out for a skewer which was on the ground, but Adam pulled her away, instead turning her around to face him. 

“Did you have fun without me?” He nuzzled her nose and rocked her in his arms. “Seriously though, where did you get the fur?” Adam asked.

Sonarot stared at him, tilting her head slightly. At first she thought he was joking, but Adam gave her a confused look.

“You brought it,” she said.

“I did?” Adam said, before recalling how he had brought it with his many gifts. “Oh yeah. It wasn’t just Dragon scales, was it?” Adam chuckled. “Aren’t I thoughtful.” 

Sonarot smiled. “The coat is loose so that she can grow into it.”

“No wonder you look like a little Dwarf,” Adam said, kissing her forehead. “Should I buy you some more fabric and cloth?”

Sonarot smiled, before nibbling on some food. ‘How fortunate I am to have such a sweet brother to my daughter.’

Omen: 2, 14

“I guess I should enchant…” Adam grumbled. “It won’t be the best thing ever, but since he asked for a basic spear, it should be okay?”

He played with the pups, who had grown rather quickly. They were already eating small bits of meat, and were crawling around and playing with one another. 

“If I hear you two girls have been naughty, I’ll be speaking with Jaygak and Kitool to tell you off,” he warned, wagging his finger.

“Why does he talk to the Dire Wolves?” Raygak asked, looking at his father.

Jogak stared at Adam. “He is queer.”

Raygak nodded.

Mana: 10 -> 8
Enchanting Check
D20 + 7 = 27 (20)

“What are these rolls?” Adam grumbled, noting just how he had rolled so many 20’s. “Are you poking fun at me, Mistress Fate?”

Omen: 4, 16

“So, is the storm going to end in a few days?” Adam asked, glancing over at Sonarot, who was currently wiping Lanarot’s mouth clean.

“In a few days, yes,” she said. “The storm only lasts during the middle month of Duskval.”

“Will it change because of what happened that day?”

“No. We have not been informed.”

“Do you know what happened that day?” Adam asked.

“No,” Sonarot said. “Now go and enchant before you get into trouble with more questions.”

Mana: 10 -> 8
Enchanting Check
D20 + 7 = 24 (17)

[Would you like to spend XP to empower the weapon?]


You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
Deals 2D4 piercing damage.
Can be further enchanted easily.

[Would you like to name the weapon?]

‘Nah,’ Adam thought, before narrowing his eyes. ‘I swear, if you name it Nah…’

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
Deals 2D4 piercing damage.
Can be further enchanted easily.

XP: 7170 -> 7570

‘That’s what I thought.’


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I didn't realise we were at this chapter.

The slice of life arc continues for a while longer, but...


You'll see.