Chapter 3: 03: Rinte!

"Hello, my name is Erina!" Erina exclaimed with a cheerful wave, greeting the neatly dressed older lady, "Nice to meet you~! Your eyes look pretty!"

"Hoh, you can call me Rinte, as I'll be your new teacher from today onward. What a cute child, how old are you now Erina?" Rinte asked, facing Erina with a warm expression. 

"I just turned five recently! My birthday was last week!" Answered Erina, her face brightening from the praise that Rinte gave, “You’re the person who’s going to be my tutor right?”

“Yes, I will be,” Rinte answered with a gentle smile, “You’re Miyuki’s youngest child right?”

Making some small talk, Rinte spent some more time getting to know Erina, waiting for Miyuki to come back to the living room.  

Coming back to the expansive living room with some tea and snacks, Miyuki commented, "Ah, it seems you have gotten to know Ms. Kudai, Erina. You know, she was also my teacher when I was growing up, right? Yet, I don't feel like she has changed at all... She looks exactly the same now as from when I was a child... It's one of the mysteries between all of us students."

"Hello Miyuki, it certainly has been a while since I last saw you. However… I seem to recall asking you to also call me Rinte? What is this 'Miss Kudai' thing? Are you trying to make me feel old?" Rinte replied, smiling at seeing her old student again.

"Wow! That's amazing though! You must be a good teacher if you taught that many people!" Erina exclaimed. Climbing up to sit next to Miyuki with her feet dangling off the edge of the couch.

"Why thank you, Erina, though I must say I am not as good as you probably think I am. However, as your new teacher, I will be putting the utmost effort into giving you a good education. I will be teaching you some magic theory, arithmetic, language arts, and history. Normally you would also have another tutor who instructs you on the physical side of things, such as staying in shape and learning martial arts. However, since I have informed that meathead of your condition, he will not be coming to tutor you." Informed Rinte, saying the last part with a mixture of resignation and distaste on her face.

"Why is he a meathead Rinte?~" Teased Miyuki with a smile plastered on her face seeing the look of disgust on Rinte's face, “Don’t lie to small children Rinte~”

Looking at Erina, Rinte joked with a smile, “Don’t be like your mother okay Erina? Being disrespectful to your teacher is bad.”

Drinking some tea, Rinte continued, “Though the other tutor is my husband, he’s a great man... just is a little dull in some areas... that’s what I like about him though.”

Hearing the statement, Miyuki began drinking some tea to try and mask her amused chuckling due to hearing an almost verbatim statement back when she was a child.

Clearing her throat, Miyuki continued, "A-Ahem, well Erina you wouldn't understand at your age, but when you get to mommy's age you'll probably also be teasing Rinte about this, all of her other students do it too."

Confused, Erina just nodded in 'understanding' before asking, "Rinte, what is 'magic theory'?"

"This is a pretty common question, but simply, I'll be teaching you how magic works and explaining some history. However, I will not be teaching you any magic, as it's unsafe to do any magic until you are 12 years old when you take the magic measurement test." Rinte answered, completely unfazed by the question that many of her students asked before.

"However, after the magic measurement test, if you have any magic aptitude, you will automatically be enrolled in one of the 9 magic academy cities. You don't have to worry too much as a person's magical ability is partially genetic, so anyone from the 17 pillar families like you is guaranteed to become a magician." Rinte continued, almost launching into a full-fledged lecture right in the living room.

Hearing Rinte’s explanation, Erina was immensely excited, she always wanted to cast magic of her own after seeing her parents do magic in their day to day lives.

"Amazing Rinte! You know so much! I know you taught my mom, but did you teach Suzu or Papa?" Erina inquired with stars in her eyes.

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Seeing that Erina was about to fall off the couch, Miyuki grabbed Erina before putting her on her lap.

Putting Erina on her lap, Miyuki began running her fingers through Erina's hair while replying for Rinte, "If you didn't know Erina, Rinte also taught Papa as well as Suzuki, that's why Suzuki had to leave while you two were playing sometimes."

"Hm, yeah I've been coming here for a while now, but I don't think I have ever met you, Erina." Rinte pondered before rebuking Miyuki with a stern tone, "But I should've seen you Miyuki, why didn't you come to see your old teacher when she came to your house?"

Recoiling from being scolded by her old teacher, Miyuki turned away while stuttering, "I-I was just you know... Taking care of Erina while you were instructing Suzuki... nothing more, nothing less..."

Squinting in doubt, Rinte sighed in resignation before shifting to look at Erina.

Patting Erina's head, Rinte remarked, "Erina, even though you look very similar to your mother, don't grow up like her okay? She's a very irresponsible person okay?"

Pouting in disbelief, Miyuki couldn't believe what her old teacher was saying- I'm irresponsible, that's not true at all!- before Erina spoke up on her behalf.

"No! I think Mama is the best! She's super responsible!" Erina defended, huffing at the older lady with a pout of her own.

Hearing Erina defend her, Miyuki squealed, "Oh my god! You're the best Erina! I knew I could count on you! Mama loves you the most!"

Saying this, Miyuki smushed Erina into her breasts, hugging her as tightly as possible.

"Mmmph! I can't breathe!" Erina cried while being crushed into her mother's breasts.

Seeing the scene, Rinte began chuckling, 'As I thought, Miyuki hasn't really changed, even after having a child.'

Letting Erina go, Miyuki began styling Erina's hair before saying, "Erina~ your lessons will begin next week okay?"

"En!" Erina replied with glee having regained the ability to breathe.

"Well then, seeing that we have gotten to know each other, I'll see you next week okay Erina?" Rinte said while beginning to stand up.

Seeing that Rinte was leaving, Erina replied, "Okay! Bye-bye! See you next week!"

Putting on her coat and picking up her bag, Rinte walked out of the room without a word.

Only to be intercepted by Garret and Suzuki right after closing the door...