Chapter 27: 27: Afterparty!

Rejoining her family, Erina was grabbed by Garret as they got ready to leave as soon as possible.

"Why are we in such a rush to leave?" Erina asked while being dragged through the Royal Castle.

Dodging around a reporter, Suzuki replied, "Because an unknown outside force blasted through the Royal Castle’s gates, letting in a bunch of reporters, who want to interview you and the others who took the test this year."

Waving to the Mitsuyas, who were also on their way out the castle. Miyuki added, "Well, the reporters alone do not pose any threat. It's just that many of those reporters were either sent by the Elitist faction or just have malicious intentions. So, we're just going to get out of here."

Opening a door for the others, Erina replied, "I guess that makes sense... so we're just going home then, cool, cool, I don't mind."

Leaving the castle, Miyuki informed, "Mm, that's not quite it... The Yatsushiros organized a party for the test taker families when info, that reporters, were beginning to swarm the castle. So we're going to that right now."

Sighing, Erina asked, "So that means the Hanamiyas will be there?"

Shaking her head, Miyuki answered, "No way, the party was organized by the Yatsushiros who are part of the Modest faction, so they invited all the families but the Hanamiyas. It's pretty unique this year, though, because every year usually has about the same number of people from each faction taking the Magic Test, but this year it was all modest faction kids, and one Elitist faction one."

Getting in the car, Erina replied, "Yes! So everyone is going except for Haizaki! That's great!"

Starting up the car, Garret added, "The party is going to take the entire rest of the day I'm pretty sure because the Yatsushiro family likes to go all out on their parties you know? You know how Krystina and the rest of her family are quite… social."

Looking out the window, Erina lamented, "Yeah, that's true... I'm not good with those types of people... I just try to hide behind Yuiko or Hiroshi if Krystina comes at me..."

Laughing, Garret replied, "That's a good strategy! It's just that it probably would never work with someone like Krystina knowing her... people from families like that are persistent like you've never seen before."

Nodding in agreement, Erina peered out of the window as they drove in silence when they pulled up to a large mansion. Gazing up and down the mansion, Erina was stunned when she saw that Krystina was already standing by the front door, waiting for guests to arrive.

Getting out of the car slower than a slug, Erina looked around to see if her premium hiding device Yuiko was anywhere nearby, "Hah... seems like Yuiko isn't here yet..."

Walking up to the front door, Erina stiffened upon hearing Krystina's words, "Come on, Erina! You're the first one here! Let's go to my room and chat!"

Getting caught by Krystina, Erina was dragged off towards Krystina's room, "Suzuki... Save meeeeeeee!"

Watching Erina's forlorn expression, Suzuki broke into a slight grin before waving and following Miyuki and Garret into the living room.

Slumping in betrayal, Erina obediently followed Krystina the mother duck, "What are we going to be doing in your room Krystina?"

Turning around with stars in her eyes, Krystina replied, "Chatting of course! Plus a little something else~"

Nodding, Erina was stunned when she walked into Krystina's room, "Woah... this place is amazing! There are bean bag chairs everywhere, plushies, and books!"

Smiling with a smug look in her eyes, Krystina replied, "Of course! But can you come over here to this dresser for me Erina? I want to style your hair!"

Looking at Krystina with a weird expression, Erina asked, "Why... our hair colors are practically the same, you have white hair, and I have silver. So what is it... and lengthwise... Well, there's a big difference, but I saw your mom had waist length hair like me so you could do her's..."

Shaking her head, Krystina answered, "You don't understand, Erina! Your hair is in amazing condition! Just looking at it, anyone would want to experience styling your hair!"

Walking over and sitting down in front of the dresser, Erina relented, "Okay, I don't mind that much anyway. You asked so nicely too..."

(30 Minutes Later)

Yuiko was walking down the hall towards Krystina's room, 'I hope that Erina is okay... she's not that good alone with Krystina, just gets overwhelmed...'

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Walking into the room, Yuiko began giggling upon seeing the scene in the room. Krystina was talking with Vladimir, Hiroshi was reading a book, and Erina was slumped over a beanbag chair with her hair up in twin tails.

Waving to Krystina, Yuiko apologized, "Sorry for arriving late, my family ran into some traffic on the way here."

Smiling, Krystina replied, "It's fine! I'm glad you're here now, even if you are a little late. But you might want to check on Erina... I think I wore her out while styling her hair..."

Chuckling, Yuiko reassured, "She's fine... but I'll take care of her."

Walking over to Erina, Yuiko crouched down and asked, "You okay Erina? You're looking very cute with your twin tails though~"

Looking up to see a grinning Yuiko in front of her, Erina groaned, "She's a monster... I just wanna sleep..."

Laughing, Yuiko motioned to her lap and soothed, "It's fine, I’m sure Krystina had your best intentions in mind... Come over here, I'll let you sleep on my lap for a bit, you look like you're dead inside."

Crawling over to Yuiko's lap, Erina murmured with a cheer, "You're the best Yuiko! What would I do without you... You can do anything you want, you can even mess with my hair if you want!"

Falling asleep, Erina muttered incomprehensible words in her sleep as Yuiko was chatting with Hiroshi while brushing Erina's hair.

"So how's life, Hiroshi? I don't think Erina or I have seen you for a while… ah, totally slipped my mind that we met yesterday," Yuiko chuckled, seeing that Hiroshi had sat down next to her.

"Mmn, I don't know at this point... as we all did pretty well in the test, so at this point are we just attending school for 2 years before going off to the UN training camp thing?" Hiroshi answered, leaning back into a beanbag chair, "And my sisters would be so jealous of Erina's hair... They want me to find out how she takes care of it and whatnot. Apparently, though, I also have really good hair."

Nodding, Yuiko replied, "Yeah it seems so... we'll just go to school and then to the camp... And yeah, I'm also jealous of Erina's hair, I think her Mom and Sister are pretty jealous too..."

Chuckling, Hiroshi asked while gesturing to the sleeping Erina, "Do you know her hair routine? My sisters and Mom wanted me to ask her, but you know... she's asleep and all."

Sighing, Yuiko groaned, "That's why I'm jealous along with everyone else though... she doesn't even do anything! She just puts on the random shampoo that her dad bought that she likes the smell of! It's just unfair!"

Doubling over in laughter, Hiroshi cried, "Wow... would not have expected that... seems as though my sister and mother are in for a disappointment..."

Laughing along with Hiroshi, Yuiko and Hiroshi spent the rest of the afternoon chatting, being joined by Vladimir and Krystina halfway through.


Waking upright as it was time to leave, Erina rubbed her eyes, following behind Yuiko back towards where the rest of her family was waiting.

Glimpsing Erina's new hairstyle, Suzuki laughed, "Oh my god! Erina, you look amazing right now! Hey Mama, can you take a picture real quick?"

Snapping as many pictures as she could, Miyuki replied, "Already on it, Suzuki! I'll send these to Emily later because she couldn't come to the party due to work."

Shrinking behind Yuiko, Erina complained, "Why am I always the one you and Emily target, Mama? Why don't you guys target Suzuki?"

Grinning, Suzuki replied with a smug expression, "I have immunity! Because I joined their cause!"

Facepalming, Erina decided to give up trying to make Suzuki and Miyuki stop their 'research'.

Waving goodbye to the hosts of the party and thanking them for inviting her, Erina turned to Yuiko and whispered, "Thanks for letting me sleep during the party," while hugging Yuiko.

Giving Yuiko a light kiss on the cheek, Erina ran off while grinning mischievously, "Bye-bye, Yuiko!"