Chapter 36: 35: Meeting The Shaman

Having woken by the time they got to the dorm area, Erina asked, "So we just find what our dorm room is from those boards over there?"

Nodding, Yuiko replied, "Yup... though it looks like we'll be waiting for a while, seeing the crowd that's around that area..."

Sighing, Erina mumbled, "You would think that they would think of a better way... but here we are..."

"Yeah..." Yuiko sighed in agreement, joining Erina on a nearby bench.

Arriving at their dorm after what seemed like an eternity, Erina exclaimed, "We're here! Our dorm for the next 3 years!"

Walking in behind Erina, Krystina explained, "So our terminals should be on a table in our common room, each terminal should also have our name on it as well."

Looking around, Vladimir called out, "The common room is over here! And also our terminals are over here on this table!"

Running over to where Vladimir called out, Erina picked up her terminal and mused, "Wow... this thing is so sleek~ so we just put it on like a watch?"

Putting on their terminals, Erina was checking out the various functions on the terminal when she exclaimed, "Wait I have a message! It says to go to the Main Building, the Office of Audiences... What does this mean? Do any of you have this message?"

Helping the others find their messages, Erina muttered, "So it was just Yuiko and me who got the invitation?"

Seeing the nods from the other three, Yuiko asked, "So... I guess we go to the Main Building now...? Seems a bit weird and suspicious, but we don't really have a choice do we..."

Flipping through her terminal to bring up the map, Erina pulled on Yuiko's hand while sighing, "I guess... come on, I found the building on the map so let's go~!"


Walking into the gargantuan Main Building, Erina asked a few helpful people for directions before making their way to the Office of Audiences. Making their way into the Office, Erina murmured, "It's pretty empty around here... there's pretty much only the receptionists here..."

Keeping a grasp on Erina's hand, Yuiko replied, "Let's just get this over with~" Before pulling Erina towards the nearest receptionist.

Surprised that two girls without uniforms had come up to her, the receptionist greeted, "Welcome to the Office of Audiences, how may I help you today? Though if I may ask, are you two students in this academy? Seeing that you don't have your uniforms on..."

Nodding, Erina apologized, "Sorry, it's our first day today, so we didn't have time to put on our uniforms. We're here because when opening our terminal, there was already a message to come here."

Pulling up the list of appointments for the day while nodding in understanding, the receptionist asked, "So are you two Erina Noragi and Yuiko Mitsuya?"

Confirming their identities with the receptionist, the receptionist told them, "Please walk down the hall to the right and enter room 4a, the person who wants to meet with you will be there shortly."

Opening the door to the room, Erina wondered, "Who do you think we'll be meeting, Yuiko? I don't think we know anyone here who would want to meet us on the very first day do we?"

Choosing to sit on the couch face away from the door, Yuiko replied, "I dunno... maybe it's Rinte? Didn't she say something about starting to teach here this year? I think she was going to be teaching magic theory?"

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"I guess... that's probably who it is," Erina agreed, taking a seat next to Yuiko, adding, "Do you think we'll be learning anything new in that class?"

"Well, we'll be learning science right? We learned science with Rinte originally, but we'll be learning more of that right?" Answered Yuiko, scooting over to be closer to Erina.

Nodding Erina replied, "I guess..."

Hearing the door open behind them, Erina and Yuiko looked to see who wanted to see them. Jumping out of their seats, Erina stammered, "W-wait! I-it's the S-shaman! Um, n-nice to meet you, it's an h-honor!"

Waving her hand, Shaman assured, "It's fine~, you can just sit down, there's a reason I called you two here today~"

Sitting down, Shaman began, "So when I first showed up, I saw that you two seemed to recognize me, so any ideas on who I am~?"

Shaking her head, Yuiko answered, "I'm afraid not, we couldn't really place where we had seen you before..."

Acting hurt, Shaman replied with a dramatic flair, "You don't recognize me... Well, it's to be expected~ the mask does wonders after all~"

"Well, I called you here today because I wanted to reveal my identity to you two~," Shaman continued, "Because there aren't any rules against it and you would have found out eventually~"

Taking off the mask that had been covering the upper half of her face, Shaman's hair began to shift, going from a black to a brilliant silver.

Setting down her mask, Shaman asked, "Recognize me now, Erina~?"

Her mouth hanging down in shock, Erina managed to utter, "Y-you're... A-aunt Natsuki! Y-you're a commandment?!"

Doubling over in laughter, Natsuki greeted, "Hello Erina, hello Yuiko~! Welcome to the academy~!"

Recovering from her shock, Yuiko asked, "Wha... you brought us to go get ice cream and other stuff so many times! Why didn't you tell us?"

"I thought you already knew!" Natsuki defended, "I already told all of your parents!"

Seeing their open mouths, Natsuki dropped a piece of candy in each before continuing, "So I'll just tell you two some stuff I guess~ seeing that I pretty much treat you two as my children anyway~"

"First of all, if you ever have questions, you can ask me~ I don't mind, just come find me in my little area~ I think it should be on the map~" Natsuki began, giving Erina and Yuiko some more candy.

"Don't worry about favoritism though~" Natsuki reassured, "One of the reasons us commandments are even at this camp is to get an early look at some talent, so we help the ones we like~"

Leaning back into her seat, Natsuki put on a serious expression before warning, "There are some commandments I want you two to stay away from... well really it's just one... and take this as a warning from me, Natsuki Seigi, and not the Shaman~"