Kuoh Town nighttime at a certain abandoned building.
Rias gremory and her whole peerage were walking together to an old abandoned building in the middle of the night. They had received an urgent message about a certain stray devil tricking humans into said house and eating them. The archduke specifically messaged Rias to eliminate the stray as quickly as possible. So Rias gathered her queen, rook, and knight and set out straight away. Little did they know they had a certain someone following them.
Sora decided to follow along with the shroud to watch them fight together in real time and to be ready to step in in case anything happened. Now that he had messed with the plot he wanted to control the domino effect as much as possible. And if anything happened to Rias or the others then all of his plans would go up in smoke.
So Sora covertly followed them into the building and hid at an upper balcony where he could observe clearly from a safe distance. He was wearing his dark combat outfit which consisted of a black jacket with gold lining and symbols, a white button up long sleeve dress shirt, matching black pants and belt with brown dress shoes and metal chain around his waist.
Though he was imperceivable to any of the devils as long as his shroud ability was activated. Sora watched intently as the scene unfolded before his eyes.
"Now what could that foul fickle smell be?" The stray devil said. "But I also smell something delicious, I wonder if it will taste sweet or bitter." The stray devil then emerged from the shadows revealing its monstrous body.
Its upper body was a beautiful voluptuous woman with long black hair and yellow eyes. However its lower body was like a centaur but with red clawed dark hands.
"Viser you wretch." Rias spoke with authority to the stray violating her territory. "You've betrayed your master to fulfill your lustful wants and desires for blood." "Your sins are worthy of a 1,000 deaths now begone or meet your end." She proclaimed.
"Oh save it you little red hair slut you've always had it out for me, You're just jealous that you'll never be as beautiful as me." The stray said as she fondled her naked breasts provocatively.
"This is your last chance to return to your master now." Rias commanded.
Viser responded by firing beams out of her tits at the gremory team. Sora couldn't help but laugh at his own joke of it being a booby trap. Kiba then immediately attacked and severed Viser's front legs with his sword and super speed. The stray screamed in pain at the loss of its limbs but then went for a counter attack against Koneko.
The Stray tried swallowing her whole with her giant maw in the middle of its body. But as soon as it closed its mouth Koneko broke free, shattering its teeth with her strength. Rias then ordered Akeno to step up who readily agreed, Akeno walked forward with a big smile on her face humming "how she so loved this game."
Akeno the began to torture the bisected stray with her lighting all the while laughing in sadistic pleasure. She continued to ask the poor devil "If it was as good for her as it was for herself" or "How this was making her so hot in all the right ways." as she continued to torment the beast with her holy lightning. Sora actually started to feel sorry for the stray and wondered when they were going to put it out of its misery when he sensed something.
He noticed one of the arms Kiba had cut off was starting to move on its own and Rias peerage was too distracted by the stray devil to notice. Then suddenly the arm shot into the air and made a beeline for Rias extending its red claws for her throat. Rias turned to face it and was caught off guard and could react in time, but before any of her peerage could react the arm was suddenly shot and turned to ash by someone from the shadows.
Sora had acted fast, deactivating his shroud and immediately firing an energy shot to save Rias's life. Realizing his cover had been blown he escaped from the building as fast as he could before they could stop him. Leaving all the peerage members shocked at who the stranger was and why he had saved their president's life. Before they made any further inquiries Rias used her power of destruction to vaporize the defeated devil.
Rias POV
"Rias, who was that man?" Asked Akeno confused, "Was he a devil sent to help us?"
"I don't know Akeno and he didn't exactly stick around to give any explanations." Rias responded just as confused by the mysterious man's actions. She wanted to at least thank him for saving her life but he disappeared before she could.
"Well it's definitely something to look into after all I can have potentially unaccounted demons staying in my territory without my knowledge." She told Akeno as they walked back. "Have Koneko look over the scene and see if she can find any tracks or scents that we can go on."
"Ara Ara as you wish Rias." Akeno responded laughing.
They continued their walk home as Koneko and Kiba finished cleaning up any traces at the abandoned house. Rias couldn't shake this uncomfortable feeling. That this all had something to do with that mysterious new boy.
Sora POV
Sora was leaping house to house with his shroud reactivated as soon as he escaped the house after saving Rias from the arm. The whole way home Ea had been yelling in his ear about his recklessness., but he instead just ignored her. He had wished he wouldn't have had to interfere but as he explained to Ea Rias and her peerage were everything, and he couldn't afford anything to happen to any one of them.
As he continued to leap he heard some screaming from a house and decided to investigate. After he arrived he noticed it was a short young man with short white hair and red eyes. He was wearing white clerical clothing and was brandishing a large gun at a married couple.
"Freed Sellzen" Sora smiled ear to ear as he deactivated his shroud and dove face first into the building.
Sora came crashing through the wall interrupting the crazed exorcist before he could harm the married couple. Sora slowly stood up as the dust cleared the room and he could see clearly. He looked around the room at the stunned Freed and young couple and sensed that they were the only ones there.
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"*Good Asia isn't here which means I have free range.*" He thought as he walked forward a devilish grin appearing on his usually calm serene face.
"fufufu, what to we have an uninvited guest to our party?" He said laughing maniacally. "Who told you that you could come here, you bastard you here trying to ruin my fun huh?" He asked angrily.
Sora didn't say a word he just kept walking closer to the mad exorcist as he waved his gun and drew his sword.
"Hey you deaf or something bastard don't take another step forward." He said, aiming his gun at the kneeling crying couple. "I wouldn't take another step unless you want their brains all over that fucking wall." He laughed, licking his gun barrel as a gesture.
Sora stopped walking and tilted his head to the side in confusion all the while not saying a word.
"Thats what I thought fuck face you came all the way here just to save these shitheads huh?" He proclaimed loudly.
Sora just straightened his head and then slowly raised his left hand before flicking his four fingers out. He then sent a thin wave of telekinesis out that severed the heads of the young married couple. Their heads rolled off of their necks right at the feet of the stunned priest, as their blood spewed out like a geyser painting the whole wall red in their blood.
"I didn't come here for them, I'm here for you mister asshole priest." He said with a cold malicious tone as his smile grew wider and his silver eyes turned slit crimson red.
Freed was still shocked by the sudden ruthless action that he couldn't respond as Sora drew closer to him. He could feel the overwhelming killing intent and the heavy pressure that threatened to swallow his mind whole. His whole body wanted to crawl away and flee every instinct telling him that if he stayed he would die.
"Oh I see you're not an actual holy blade wielder, you're one of those pathetic fakes made by the church huh. Sora said with a cocky attitude.
"What did you just say to me you asshole?" Freed responded to his anger overcoming his instincts.
"Oh I'm sorry did that hurt your little feelings. I'm sorry." He said mockingly "But it's true that you're nothing but a laboratory experiment made inside a test tube from a greater man." He said laughing and ridiculing the young exorcist.
"You bastard!" He yelled as he raised his gun and fired five shots at Sora each hitting their mark as he fell back onto the floor.
Silence ensued as Sora laid lifeless on the floor and Freed cautiously kicked his leg.
"*Hostile intentions recognized, defensive measures permitted.*" Ea resounded in his head giving him the green light.
Sora then sat up to the again stunned exorcist and slowly floated to his feet as the four bullets slowly fell onto the floor and his wounds healed. Sora just gave the priest an even bigger smile than before. Then before Freed could activate his sword Sora grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the wall with blood on it.
He held the terrified priest there by his throat, his crimson eyes staring dead into his. Sora noticed the slight drops of blood that fell on Freed's cheek. He then opened up his transformed maw showing rows of teeth and extended a long tongue to lick the delicious nectar off of him before retracting it. Freed was prepared to piss his pants any second and could only muster up the courage to say one thing.
"Please,please don't kill me." He began to start crying.
"Oh don't worry I wont, you still have some things you need to do first, But you're gonna wish that's all I did to you." He said transforming his free hand into claws and heating up the tips with red energy.
He then ran the hot nails down the left side of his face as he screamed in agony. After Sora finished his masterpiece of burning and mutilation he whispered to the semi conscious Freed a message.
"Now go retrieve my swords for me package boy and when we meet again I'm gonna make both sides match." He said maliciously as he left him there passed out in a pool of the homeowners blood.
Sora then left him lying there and made his way home for a hot bath and a midnight snack. Ea asked him as he made his way home on why he spared him despite gaining the green light.
"*Oh I will but there are a few things I need him to do first before I do, the face lift was just some motivation for him to do it a bit faster.*" He responded happily as he scaled one building to another.