Chapter 17: Time To Attend Church Part 2

**********************Gory Scenes Continuing You've Been Warned*************************


While Sora was having his fun with Dohnaseek, the three other fallen angels were busy trying to flee for their lives. They grabbed Asia and ran for the upper level of the church, with the hope that once they got outside they could teleport away. But once they reached the upper floor they found all the doors and windows had been sealed with the barrier as well.

"Goddammit!" yelled Kalawarner as she smashed against the barrier with her light spear.

"What are we gonna do!" cried Mittelt sobbing and holding her head terrified.

Raynare was trying to wrack her brain for a solution to her current predicament.

"This wasn't how this was supposed to go" She thought to herself.

They were suppose to get their hands on the dumb nuns sacred gear then they would be strong enough to take over the whole city for the glory of the fallen angels. Not even the Gremory or Sitri families would have been strong enough to stop them. Azazel would have seen her magnificence and she would become like a queen to her fellow fallen ones.

But all those plans were crumbling before her very eyes once thus boy appeared. He slaughtered her men without hesitation and worst of all she saw what lies behind those eyes of his. There wasn't a shed of pity or mercy behind those terrifying eyes. All before him were nothing more than ants that's what she saw when that boy Sora looked at them. 

"I have to survive." That's the only thought that went through Raynare's head. "Everyone, we have to combine our power and attack the barrier together at the same spot! It's our only chance!" She commanded

Both Mittelt and Kalawarner stopped and listened to her and did as they said. They set Asia down and all three conjured Light lances and charged them to full power and at the same time fired them at the door.

'BOOM' The spears collided with the door causing a huge explosion but once the smoke cleared the door was left undamaged. Raynare clicked her tongue in annoyance. 

"Again!" She shouted and the other two complied and once again nothing happened the door was left untouched.

Just as Raynare was going to suggest a new idea the three heard footsteps coming up from the basement steps. They froze in fear as the humanoid monster slowly walked up the steps coming into view, his demonic smile still plastered on his face. His white shirt was now a bit torn and had a hole in the stomach area but the boy himself didn't have a mark on him.

"He fought all those exorcists and even a fallen angel and he doesn't have a scratch?" Raynare thought in despair "Why? Why is this happening to me? It wasn't supposed to happen like this!!" 

Once the boy got to the top of the stairs he continued to whistle and hum a little tone to himself like he was walking through a park rather than a battlefield.  He stood facing them with his cold red eyes looking at them like they were an all you could eat buffet which sent shivers down their spines.

"Oh feel free to keep trying with the barrier. I think you almost had it that time." He said laughing and giving them a ridiculing smile. 

Raynare could already tell even if the three of them tried 1000 more times they couldn't break through he was just toying with them. Which meant the only way out was through this monster.  But could they take him even together?

“No? Oh come on you’ve got to try harder guys.” Sora said with a smile, finding the whole situation amusing.

Raynare, Mittelt, and Kalawarner prepared their strongest light spears to defend against him. They just stood 12 feet apart, the boy looking down on them with a contemptuous grin.

“You bastard, what have you done to Dohnaseek?!” Yelled Mittelt.

“Oh you mean this guy?” Said Sora as he lifted something wet in his right hand for all of them to see. 

It was the severed head of their fallen angel comrade. This young boy took him down in less than five min? Those were the thoughts that ran through each of their minds as they literally were staring death in the face.

"Honestly though he did not taste good." He said as he spat out, dropping Dohnaseek's head and crushing it under his foot leaving a pile of paste. "Though I wonder if a female Fallen angel will taste different, what do you guys think? He asked to walk closer to them. "Will you be sour or maybe sweet I can't wait to find out."

All three wanted to crawl away and hide from this monster standing before them. They didn't care anymore about facing Azazel's wrath or hell's judgment; anything was better than being in the same room as this abomination.

"What are you?! Just what the fuck are you?!" Raynare slowly losing her mind under the huge pressure the boy's body was emitting.

The boy just looked at her with his devilish grin. "People keep asking me that question. Tell me what do you think I am?" he asked with an inquisitive look.

The three were silent at his question.

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"I mean what possible difference would it make even if I told you? Who I am, Why Im here, Or why Im doing all of this in the end none of it matters." He said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"I mean really, what's the point in asking so many questions when you're all about to die?" Sora said his eyes focused on Raynare who felt fear run up her spine. 

"Oh yeah if you think it will be that easy then try it!" Shouted Kalawarner who launched her strongest light lance along with Mittelt at the boy.

Suddenly Sora was riddled with 6 light lances through his body as he stood upright not even bothering to dodge. He just stood there taking their strongest hits, his smile never leaving his face.

"*Hostile intentions recognized, defensive measures granted.*" Ea announced in Sora's head.

"Oh so this is what taking damage feels like in this world huh?! So this is pain!" Sora said with masochistic glee at the damage and pain he was experiencing for the first time since arriving in this world.

The Three fallen angels had all but lost their will to continue when they saw the light spears erased and the wounds regenerate at the rate the naked eye could see. Mittelt dropped to her knees in despair. While Kalawarner hugged herself trying to hide herself. And Raynare just stood there, her jaw dropped.

"Oh are you finished already? Let me guess you figured out how hopeless it is right?" He said laughing as he talked down to the three mentally broken angels. "But that's no good. Come on, I need more! Come on get up, attack me! Show me more! Entertain me more! The Evening is still so young!" He shouted maniacally.

Raynare just slumped down to her knees along with the other two knowing she and the others had no chance against this monster and that she was going to die. She couldn't use another light spear even if she tried besides what would be the point. Sora continued to stand there challenging them to continue with their assault but none of them took him up on it.

He finally calmed down and saw that they really were already finished and became upset by it.

"Are you kidding, that's it? I came all the way here and this is the best you all could do? He seemed genuinely disappointed by his first battle. "How am I supposed to eat huh? I need more fear! I need more hate!" He shouted at them.

The three angels just looked at the crazy ass monster confused and could figure out what the fuck he was talking about.

"You all wanted to know about me so badly? Fine wish granted." He said bring his hands together to form a pyramid with his fingers.

"System control release seal level 1" He said 

"*Level 1 seal released*" Responded Ea

Suddenly Sora became encased in dark red energy as his human form broke down and fell dismembered onto the floor. Insects and vermin crawling from his bloody limbs as they laid there. Suddenly the shadows of the church began to dance and move, becoming alive while the glass holy windows of the church were blown out.  The shadows contained hundreds of eyes staring down at them slowly wrapped around the helpless woman like a blanket of nightmares. The last thing any of them saw were the fanged maws of the monstrosity that lived in those shadows.  

At the same time at Kuoh Academy 

Suddenly Rias and the rest of her peerage felt the sudden surge of power coming from the old church. None of them knew what it was but it had to be on the level of an ultimate class devil. She ordered her entire peerage to get ready as they went to the church to investigate.

When they arrived they found the town's old church in shambles. The windows were all destroyed, the building foundations were cracked and damaged and weirdly enough there wasn't a sigh of anyone there. Rias had Kiba and Koneko check the basement while she and Akeno looked at the top floor.

The whole scene felt strange for her; she could feel the remnants of the massive power and could tell a ritual had been performed here but couldn't pinpoint the users. They were the fallen angels that she already knew about but had been ignoring and some human exorcists' energies. But there was another that was incredibly foul and powerful that she had never sensed before.  As Rias was trying to figure it out, Akeno called out to her.

"Rias you better come see this." Said Akeno concerned.

Rias walked over to where Akeno was standing and found the mangled body of that fallen angel Raynare. She was barely breathing; her right arm and leg were gone along with part of her torso. Rias attempted to ask her what happened at this church and who did this to her but the only thing Raynare rambled over and over was the word monster again and again. She finally turned and looked up at Rias and begged her to kill her.

Rias obliged and prepared her power of destruction to finish off the maimed fallen angel. But just before she could strike Raynare mumbled one coherent word  "Sora" just before Rias vaporized her.

Both Akeno and Rias looked at each other in surprise to confirm they had heard the same thing. Koneko and Kiba came up from the basement telling Rias that they hadn't found anything out of the ordinary for a fallen angel's lair. As they prepared to leave, Rias told the rest of her peerage that they will moving forward with their plans to be bring Sora into their fold.