Chapter 4: Chapter 4: An Audience with the King

Several hours later after leaving the Anderson Estate.

I am still a woman as dawn has yet to arrive. Relaxing in a bathtub within the safe premise of my own room.

Standing behind the folding screen is my one and only butler, Jonah, who is facing his back in my direction rather than the other way around.

At least try to peep on your master! Come on!

"The bath is so good~ I could just fall asleep in it right now." I claimed.

"Please do not sleep in the bath, Princess. It would be a pain for me to carry you out afterwards." Jonah retorted.

"Why? Because you will get an erection when you see my naked body?" I retorted to his retort.

"No. Because I do not want my clothes to get wet."

"From your premature ejaculation, I presume."

"From your soaking wet body when I pull you out! Would you stop with the sexual jokes, Princess?!" Jonah yelled embarrassed, causing me to smile gleefully.

"Awww... why not? It's so much fun teasing you with them, my dear butler."

He then sighed. "You're just bored, aren't you?"

"Yep. So keep talking with me and I won't fall asleep." I replied, sinking my body deeper into the soothing hot water.

"But anyways, I wonder how little Maggie is doing?" I changed the subject, extending our conversation.

"You mean the girl we left in Rosalina's hands? She should be fine. As for her family, I have sent a message to Eobard, telling him to put them under protection custody." Jonah informed me, putting my mind at ease. "That being said, please refrain from hiring random strangers on a wimp next time, Princess."

"Hey! What do you mean 'on a wimp'? Hiring that girl was an investment, I tell you! An investment!"

"Yeah... That's what you said about the others before her and so far, they aren't too impressive in their work. They are okay at best, but that's all there is to it."

"Hey! Don't diss a servant's work, you servant!"

"Yeah, yeah... Whatever you say, Princess. So changing subject now... what's your next move?" Jonah inquired, which I assumed it's about Lady Hendrickson's request.

"Well for starters, Earl Hendrickson isn't cheating on his wife. So that's good, I guess."

"But on the other hand, he has become an addict to some narcotics we know nothing about." Jonah added, holding out the small bottle I took from the secret drug party for further investigation.

"Actually, I have a good idea as to what was in that bottle." I replied. "However, until it is certain that my guess is correct, I'm keeping my mouth shut for now."

"Is that so...? In that case, shall I have this sent over to Lord Dionysus for analysis?"

"No. Have the Medicine Research Department analyse it for us. Tell them it's an urgent request from the Fifth Prince."

Jonah became silent. "Are you sure, Princess?" he questioned. "His Majesty will know about it, if you do that." he said.

Having relaxed enough in the water, I got out of the bath. "Jonah..." I then replied while wiping my body with a towel. "...If the drug is what I think it is, then this will be a matter that affects the nation. I'll talk to Father when the time comes. So don't worry about secrecy and do as I say."

Upon hearing my response, Jonah sighed again. "...As you wish, Princess."

"Ah. But send it to them after the sun rises. I do not want to wake those researchers up in the middle of the night."

Since they will definitely be overworking themselves once my request is put in, I'll let them have their beauty sleep for now.

"Understood. And speaking of night, are you going to sleep now that you're done with the bath?"

"No. I rather not wake up to the pain of my body's transformation from the curse. I'm just going to wait until dawn arrives. Then, I'll sleep."

"I see." Jonah pulled out his pocket watch. "In that case, you got about an hour before that. Gonna read some books then?"

"Fufufu~ No... I rather do something much better than that." I said with an idea in mind.


I have dropped the towel on the ground, snuck up behind Jonah with the help of my Hypnosis magic, and pressed my soft bare chest against his back, which caused him to let out a small shriek from the surprise.

"Say Jonah... My body is feeling kind of restless right now, you know." I whispered into his ear, while standing on my toes. "So... what say you and I take this to the bed, hm?"


Jonah was stunned silent by my suggestion. Without any form of response, he and I then head for the bed where he proceeded to be on top of me while I lied flat, faced down on the mattress, allowing the man to do his thing with my body.

"Ahh~ Aaah~! Over there... Yes! That's the spot, Jonah! Aaahh~"


"Mmmm~! Jonah... Be gentler over there. That place is... sensitive. Aahhnnn~"


"Don't stop, Jonah... Keep going... Your hands are making me..... Aaah~!"

"Princess! Would you please stop making such lewd sounds?! It's hard to give you a massage like this!"

Muahahahahahahahaha~ Teasing him like this is way too much fun.

"Man... As expected of a former assassin. You sure know where to massage to make me feel good. My muscles are in heaven now thanks to you."

Jonah groaned from embarrassment. "I learned about pressure points so that I can kill my targets without pain if necessary. Never thought I'll be using it to give you massages..." he said with a tone of disappointment in his voice, as he continued massaging the areas near my shoulders.

"Aaaa~ That's the spot~"

"Princess. Shut up."

This relaxing moment went on until dawn arrives. Afterwards, comes the tense moment as I clench my chest, for the curse has once again begun.

And so, just like the last time, my body begins transforming as the sun rises. Jonah holds me tightly like he did the last time, as I feel every change in my body while it morphs into the male gender.


I screamed in anguish, becoming breathless quickly enough. Grasping tightly onto Jonah's arms as I try my hardest to bear with the long and agonising pain that I hate experiencing everyday.

But once that was done, I became a man once more. Slowly catching my breath again as my body feels completely exhausted.

"Haaaa... Haaa.... Haaaa....."

"Pri— Your Highness, how are you feeling?" Jonah asked, changing his addressing me now that I became a man again.

"Haaa.... Haaaa... I'm fine. Just... tired....."

I collapsed onto my bed with my head on the pillow.

"I'm going to sleep now." I informed my butler. "Thanks for the massage, Jonah. It felt really good..."

"You're welcome, Your Highness. Although, I'd prefer if you could say that when you're a woman again." Jonah remarked, holding a straight face as if he wasn't embarrassed earlier when I was teasing him.

"Hah! Like I would do that, you pervert." I laughed at his request, turning my head away from him and closed my eyes to get my beauty sleep.

Jonah placed the blanket over my body and walked to the door.

"Rest well, Your Highness. I'll wake you up in at noon." he said, closing the door as quietly as he can and left me be.


Five days later. Late in the morning.

I was simply eating cake while reading some books in my room. When all of a sudden, I hear a footsteps approaching my room.

"Come in." I said to the person outside before they could even knock on the door. Then as told, the person opened the door and stepped into my room, where he proceeded to bow gracefully.

"Good morning, Your Highness. It's good to see you well." said the elderly-looking butler who walked in.

His name is Sebastian Stranger. Weird name, I know. He is my father's most trusted butler and friend, whom I used to call Uncle Sebastian in the past.

He is also someone, asides from my father and Jonah, who knows about my Transformation Curse.

"Has Father called for me?" I asked him, skipping straight to the point as to why he is here.

"Yes. His Majesty has summoned you to his office. I am here to escort you to him."

You are reading story Cycle of Identities: A Gender-Bending Story at

"I see." I put down my book and ate the last bite of my cake. "Lead the way then." I stood up from my seat, ready to meet Father now as I have already anticipated for this moment to come.

"Right this way, Your Highness."

I began following Sebastian to my father's office. Jonah is behind me, locking the door to my room first before catching up to us in no time. We moved through a route to avoid bumping into any inconveniences on the way, as we soon stand outside of Father's office where Sebastian proceeded to knock on the door.

"Your Majesty, I have brought Prince Soluna."

"Come in." said my father whose voice came from inside the room.

Sebastian opened the door, making way for me to enter first followed by him afterwards, while Jonah waits outside and stand guard for anyone that might have business with my father in the room.

As I stepped into my father's office, there I see the man himself sitting behind his desk, whose face proceeded to brighten up in joy upon seeing me in front of him.

"Soluna, my dear! Thank you for coming." he said, standing up from his seat, greeting me not as a King to his subject, but as a father to his child.

"Of course, Father. I am glad to see you well too." I greeted him back in a humble tone. Although, that somehow made him upset.

"'Father', huh. You used to call me 'Daddy' all the time though..." he mumbles, which I could hear due to my great sense of hearing.

Mm, seriously? That was in the past, Father. I'm not going to call you that as a grown adult.

"So, Father? What have you called me for?" I moved forward with the subject.

"Ah, yes, that.... Well first... take a seat, Soluna. I have your favourite tea and snacks prepared for you." he gestured to the couches in the room, where a large assortment of cupcakes, cookies and whatnot are sitting on the table, along with a teapot next to some empty teacups.

Is this going to take long? I wondered as I sat on one couch while my father sat on the other.

Alder Ingram Bellcaster, the 12th King of Narla. He ascended to rulership at the young age of 16 and has maintained his position on the throne for almost 40 years now, reaching the age of 55 currently.

20 years ago, he met my mother who was a dancer hired to perform at a party held in the palace for his 35th birthday. During that moment, Father fell deeply in love with my mother and proposed to her on the spot once her performance was finished. That was in front of everyone no less, including the Queen and the other four Princes.

Yup... That's right. This man right here openly proposed to another woman in front of his wife and sons. The balls on this guy!

According to the First Prince who still remembers that event as clear as day, he thought there would be bloodshed as he felt a malicious aura emanating from the Queen on that night. And by God, I wish I could see that. Because that would've been entertaining for sure! Too bad I wasn't BORN yet at the time, huh!

Of course, my mother accepted his proposal much to the displeasure of many nobles, for she was a commoner and was of a different ethnicity. Despite that, Father went through with marrying her and gave all of his love and attention to her, ignoring his first wife completely.

"So... how have you been for the last few weeks, Soluna? Have you been eating well?" Father asked, as we had not spoken to each other since.

"Yes, Father. I have. My days have been the same as usual though; not bad, but not good either."

"I see. Well, that's all right, I guess. Just... make sure you stay safe and well, all right? I will still be busy with the matters on the kingdom, so I won't be able to talk with you for a while longer. As for a solution to your curse, I'm afraid we are still looking for it."

"It's all right, Father. I understand. Please do not concern yourself with me and do what is it you need to do for this country and its people. I will be sure to take care of myself, so that you won't be burdened with my troubles."

"Ha...haha... I see... You are all grown up now, huh." Father said with the mixed feeling of sadness and relief in his voice, as most parents would; seeing their child becoming more independent as they grow up.

But well... I wouldn't say that I have fully mature yet. I'm acting mature and respectful towards Father because, well... he's my father; the man who raised me with love and would listen to every word I say. Because of that, I am also known as the King's favourite child among his other children and had many times when nobles would try to gain my favour, in order to gain a connection with him.

Ugh. Remembering those moments just makes me want to puke.

Father then takes a sip from his tea cup. Allowing me to take some bites out of the delicious-looking pastries he had prepared for me.

This is so good~! These are without a doubt Chef Renfrei's creations. Only her bakery skills can produced something such as these! No offense to the chefs at Lady Urain's restaurant though...

After consuming some of the pastries on the table, I drank my tea with a lot of sugar cubes mixed in it, while Father patiently watched with a gentle smile. Once he sees that I was done, he cleared his throat to gain my attention as the atmosphere in the room began to change.

"Now then, Prince Soluna... From here on out, I will be speaking to you not as your father, but as your King." he said, gesturing to Sebastian who passed him the drug bottle I took from Marquis Anderson's secret party, which he then put on the table in front of me.

"Prince Soluna... I was informed by the Head of the Medical Research Department, that you had urgently requested him and his staffs to analyse this for you. Is that true?"

"Yes. Indeed I have, Your Majesty."

"In that case, would you kindly tell me where did you get this from and how is it that you have acquired it?"

Father— No... His Majesty's prying eyes are piercing deep into my being. Expressing such a serious face like that, no one would think that this is the same man who was smiling blissfully as he watched his child ate cupcakes in joy not two seconds ago.

"Before I answer that, may I inquire as to what the result of the analysis is?" I asked, which His Majesty nodded in response.

"Very well." he said. "According to the Head of the Medical Research Department, the drug that was in this bottle is one called Pleasure."

I bit my lower lip upon hearing that name. For it is as I have guessed.

The infamous drug that once plunged the neighbouring country of Farland into anarchy has now found its way into our borders.

"I found the drug while attending Marquis Anderson's masquerade ball." I answered His Majesty's question.

"Why were you there to begin with? What's more, such a party would have been held at night, so you went there when you were a girl, didn't you?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. I was there to fulfill a troubled wife's request who is having concerns with her husband. But I did not expect to find a secret drug party held by the Marquis, who had probably used the masquerade ball as a cover party for it."

"I see. So you acquired this bottle from that secret drug party upon discovering it, correct?"

"Yes." I nodded. "I also had to get out of there quickly as the room was also filled with fumes of the drug."


Suddenly, His Majesty jumped out of his seat.

"Are you all right, Soluna?! You don't feel weird or anything, do you?" Father screamed out of concern, dropping his character as the King of Narla.

"I'm fine, Your Majesty. There is no problem with me." I assured him, putting his mind at ease.

I have a great resistance towards drugs and poison after all. Thanks to my... childhood.

"I-I see. Thank goodness..." His Majesty sat back down, feeling relieved.

"But this is a problem..." he said, holding his head. "To think that this stuff would find its way into our borders."

Yeah, I know...

Pleasure is a highly addictive hallucinogenic drug that causes its consumers to be mindlessly euphoric in their own happy world. However, once consumed, the individual will be forced to take it on a regular basis, otherwise their said happy world would turn into an absolute nightmare that could drive them insane. Because of that, the consumers could turn incredibly violent if they do not have their drug. Which was what had happened to Farland that had supposedly destroyed all of its stocks once their location was discovered: A chaotic riot ensued leading to many deaths on both sides of that civil unrest.

Additionally, each time a person takes the drug, strange markings would appear around their neck. Which were most likely what Lady Hendrickson noticed around her husband's neck, which she then mistook it for hickeys as they resemble like such.

That would be a bad thing as the more those markings appear on the consumers' necks, the less likely they are to differentiate dreams from reality. Eventually, that could lead to a permanent state where the consumer will continue living in their own world for the rest of their lives. Forever smiling and never doing anything else, as their minds will simply rot away for all eternity.

Now, as Father discussed about this new problem with Sebastian, I finished my tea and placed the cup down. Gaining his attention afterwards.

"Your Majesty, may I ask that you leave this matter to me?"

Father's eyes widened surprised.

"To you, Soluna?"

"Yes. As the one who discovered the drug's presence. I wish to resolve this matter with my own hands." I said.

"Y-You don't have to do it on your own though." Father hesitated. "You could—"

"I won't be alone. I have friends and allies who will be more than willing to help me. Therefore, you need not burden yourself with more troublesome matters than you already have, Your Majesty, because I will see to it that it won't."

Father seemed to have realised it, that I am doing this for his sake as well as mine.

So, he stood up.

"In that case... By my authority as King, I order you, Prince Soluna, resolve the matter of Pleasure as soon as possible. However you go about solving it, I leave it up to you."

"As you wish, Your Majesty." I said, standing up from the couch to respond appropriately.

Father then left the empty Pleasure bottle in my hands when I requested it for the matter. Afterwards, I bid him farewell and left his office. Also leaving behind the remaining pastries in there, which weighs heavily on my heart for not finishing them all.

"Jonah, contact the executives stationed in the Capital. Tell them to gather at the usual place tomorrow night. The situation has changed."

"Understood, Your Highness."

"And prepare a carriage once you're done with that. I'm going to pay a visit to Lady Hendrickson."

As I need to inform her about the situation of her husband.