The Wild Card. It is a bar located in one of the lawless areas in the Capital City, where random thugs, hooligans and gangsters tend to hang around.
However, for the area Rosalina and I are heading at, the ruffians living there are all unionised under a single gang; Eobard's gang, the Starving Wolf.
I approached one small group of the gang members, sitting right outside of the bar.
"Hello there, boys." I said, greeting them with a cheery smile. "Is Eobard in?"
Upon seeing my face, my silvery white hair and blue eyes, the men instantly froze up as they recognised me.
"B-Big Sis!" they said, quickly standing straight on their feet to greet me with the utmost respect. "Good day to you, Miss! The Boss is inside, drinking with the others."
"I see. Well then, would you boys kindly open the door for me?"
"Absolutely, Sis!"
We head for the bar entrance after that. With the boys in front of Rosalina and I, they kicked the entrance wide open, drawing attention to themselves as they shouted, "Boss! The Big Sis is here!"
"Hiiiiii~" I waved at everyone inside, including Eobard whom I can see drinking a mug while two scandalously-dressed barmaids cling onto him.
Eobard turned around and smirked upon seeing me, whereas every patron in the bar besides him immediately stood and bowed.
""Good day to you, Big Sis!"" they all shouted.
"Good day to you all too, boys." I greeted them back. "Return to your drinks for now. I'll be having a word with your boss for a moment."
"Yes, ma'am!"
The Starving Wolf members then sat back down and went back drinking, whereas Rosalina and I approached Eobard by the bar counter where he chugs his mug finish in one sitting.
"Ah~ Well well well... if it ain't the little princess! Is my break time over already?"
"No. Not yet, my friend. I'm just here to inform you about somethings. And have a drink while I'm at it." I said, staring straight at one of the barmaids clinging onto Eobard, as she is sitting on my seat.
"Would you mind~?" I kindly asked her to move aside, to which she willingly obliged.
She got off the stool, wiped it clean with a cloth before presenting it to me. "Here you go, my lady." she spoke politely.
"Thank you. Now, would you and your colleague mind leaving us be for awhile?"
"Of course." the barmaid replied, as they both left us be and returned to their duties, serving the boys more mugs of cold ale.
Then, I turned to Rosalina. "Rosalina, you can go sit at a table for awhile. I'm sure some of the boys will love to have a drink with you."
"Understood, Master." said Rosalina, going to one of the tables nearby.
And now that it's the two of us...
"Bartender! Give me a cup of your finest drink!" I excitedly raised my hand, shouting my order.
"One cup of grape juice. Coming up."
The bartender took a cup out, poured a nice full serving of grape juice and handed it to me. I took the cup and proceeded to chug it down in one go.
"Ah~ Refreshing~ Another one, please!"
"Right on."
As I drank my second cup of grape juice after it was served, I placed the cup down, asking for a third serving before turning to Eobard and asked, "What are you staring at?"
"Your puffy cheeks... Those tender breasts of yours... And those thick, plumpy thighs..." he said, eyeing my body up and down. "You're looking like a full course meal to me now, little princess."
My eyes were wide with shock. Not because of what he said to me, but because of the scary situation that no one in the bar has realised.
"You have been fasting, haven't you?"
"Have been for the past three weeks. The only thing in my system is ale and that's about it." he said, chugging his mug down. "But don't worry. I'm still me at the very least." he added.
"I see... Well, tell me when you're reaching your limit, ok? I wouldn't want you to 'turn' on me."
"Hahaha! Sure thing, little princess." Eobard laughed nonchalantly. "So, what is it that you want to inform me about?" he then asked.
"For this upcoming mission, I'm going to need your boys to lend me a help with it."
"Of course. I mean it's technically your gang anyways. But you're gonna have to explain the details to them though... and the reward too."
"Not to worry, my friend! After all, I'm a charismatic leader."
I then chugged my third cup of grape juice down, before standing up on the stool as a platform for my announcement.
It's funny how I am still too young to drink alcohol. Yet, old enough to have consensual sex with certain ladies whenever I'm a man. But never mind that...
"Attention Starving Wolf, I have something to say!" I yelled out loud, causing the gang to put their drinks down and look my way.
"Soon. I will have a mission for you lots." I first said, pulling in their intrigue. "Now before I get into the details, I got to ask: How would you boys like to commit arson... legally?"
One guy then raised his hand. "I do not know what legally means, but I like the sound of arson."
"Hell yeah! Me too!"
"Me three!"
"Heck, all of us like the sound of that. Ain't that right!?"
""Ou yeah!"" the crowd all cheered in unison.
Ahh~ What a psychopathic group you lots are...
"Great. Then that's basically what I want you guys to do. Burn down a certain part of a village outside of the Capital. As for your reward, you boys shall get a handsome amount of money and... three barrels of fine vintage wine from Vayne Winery."
""Oooooooooo~!"" the gang became mesmerised by the reward mentioned. In particular, they were more excited by the alcohol than the money.
"Wine from that famous winery, huh?"
"The kind that only nobles get to drink."
"Bwahahahaha! I can't wait to take a sip out of it. Heck yeah! Big Sis rocks!"
"A toast to Big Sis!"
""To Big Sis!"" the boys, and even Eobard, raised their mugs high.
"Fufufu~ Not only are you guys a crazy bunch, but alcoholics as well." I remarked under my breath.
As I watched the gang toast in my name, however, Rosalina then raised her hand. "Master, when will the mission be?" she asked, causing everyone to become silent immediately as they realised that they have yet to know about the when of their mission, only the what and where.
"Oh yeah... The maid has a good point. When are we supposed to do this mission?"
"Big Sis, can you tell... uh, please?"
"Heh." I laughed smugly in their faces. "Truth be told, I do not know yet!"
"It's because we are moving before the Third Prince moves. So whenever he's ready, we'll be ready. Which is why I came here tonight before that!" I pumped my fist up, asking excitedly, "Who wants to make a bet on when the Third Prince will be ready!?"
The boys looked at each other for a moment. Then, one of them raised their hand. "What's the prize if we get correct, Sis!?" he said, asking the question which all of them wants to know.
"More barrels of vintage wine from the Vayne Winery." was my answer, causing them to gasp in awe.
"How many more barrels, Sis?" they then inquired further.
Without responding using words, I held my hand out to them with an open palm and a bigger grin on my face.
"Fi-Five more barrels...?"
"That's like... how many barrels, bro!?"
"I don't know, man! I can't do math! I'm an idiot!"
"So am I!"
"Hahahaha! You hear that, boys!? We are gonna get a lot of wine if you lots win this bet!" Eobard shouted... as he and the boys then cheered together in perfect unison.
What a great gang they are. But...
"Tsk tsk tsk... Not so fast, you guys." I waved my finger at them "It's too early to be this excited just yet." I said, calming the gang down as listen to the rest of what I got to say.
"The five additional barrels are just a prize for you lots as a collective, should one of you get correct. There's still the other prize if any of you guess correctly as an individual." I explained, causing their shock to be expressed.
"There's more!?"
"What's the other prize, Sis!?"
I reached into my chest, pulled out a few strips of paper and presented them to the crowd.
"To those who can guess the accurate date of the mission, they can get these special coupons for the brothel, The Mystic Flower. Allowing them to sleep with any of the courtesans there for free."
""Say what!?"" the boys' jaws all dropped, completely and profoundly shocked by the even bigger reward than alcohol.
You are reading story Cycle of Identities: A Gender-Bending Story at
"Wow. You're going all out, aren't cha, little princess?"
There are three things in the world that can motivate most men: Money, alcohol, and sex. I'm putting all three into hyping the Starving Wolf up.
"Just remember to wash your cocks if you do manage to get it, all right?"
""Yes, ma'am! All praise to Big Sis!""
The boys then toast in my name again, making their guesses on the day of the mission as I sat back down, listening to all of them.
Some says in two days earliest, some says a week at most. But for some reason, none of them says four days which was my guess, but did not mention to them.
"Bartender! Another cup please."
"Sure thing. But please don't stand on the stool again, dear customer. They are meant for your butt, not your feet."
"Oh... sorry about that."
With my fourth cup of grape juice served, every one of us drank to our heart's content. During which, Rosalina knocked all of the Starving Wolf members out in a drinking competition. And soon after that, it was already time for me to leave the Wild Card as dawn was approaching.
"So, I'm guessing you will be coming here tomorrow night again, huh?" Eobard asked me, escorting Rosalina and I out of the lawless area.
"Yup. And I will have the day of the mission by then." I answered confidently, knowing my brother well.
"So then, will I be on the same mission as them? Or a different one?" Eobard inquired further, which I assume it was his instinct telling him so.
I smiled. "You will be on a different mission, Eobard." I answered him. "I will have Rosalina lead your boys for the mission at the village. Meanwhile, you will be joining me for the mission here in the Capital. I need your strength for it."
"Hahaha! Thought so." Eobard laughed aloud. "Well then, looks like we're out of the lawless area now." he said, as the three of us have arrived back on the city's main street. "I'll be taking my leave now then. See you tomorrow night, little princess!" he left us after that, waving goodbye to us as he returned to the lawless area where he governs.
"Now, let's go home, Rosalina."
"Yes, Master."
The next day in the morning. Back in the palace.
I am taking a leisure stroll along the corridors of the premise with Jonah behind me. Taking in some fresh air where I then spotted my brother, Carlos, chatting with his knight, Sir Gerald, and the Prime Minister, Raymond Lorelei, in the hallway.
"Brother Carlos!" I called out to the Third Prince, drawing all of three of their attentions to me as I approached them.
"Good morning, dear brother. And good morning to you too, Sir Gerald, Prime Minister Raymond."
"Greetings, Prince Soluna. It's good to see you well." said Sir Gerald.
"Yes... I am glad to see you well and about, Prince Soluna." Prime Minister Raymond followed suit with his greetings.
"Good morning, Sol. Well technically, it's almost noon, but... how have you been? Have you been resting well?" Brother Carlos then greeted me last.
"Yes, I have. Thank you for asking, Brother... and umm, what are you doing?" I questioned my brother, seeing that he has pressed his forehead against mine.
"Hmm... No fever, it seems. But your body temperature feels a bit cold. Maybe you should rest more." he said, looking concerned for my wellbeing.
"Brother... I'm happy that you're concerned for my health, but... would you mind giving me some space?"
"Huh? Oh, sorry."
"It's all right. But anyways, what were you three talking about?" I asked with a pure look of curiosity, prying answers from my brother whom I know will not be able to refuse me.
"My apologies, Your Highness. But this is something we disclose—"
"Oh, we were just talking about the preparations for an upcoming operation." Brother Carlos answered swiftly, interrupting Prime Minister Raymond while he was about to keep their discussion a secret from me.
"Prince Carlos, why did you tell him!?" the old man bellowed in shock, unable to believe how easily my brother had just answered me so honestly.
Brother Carlos then argued. "It's fine, Raymond. My brother isn't the type of tell secrets so easily. We can tell him since he'd asked."
Ah, brother... Always so naïve, aren't you?
"But, Your Highness...!" Prime Minister Raymond tried to argue back. However, decided to relent in the end with a soft, "Never mind..."
Meanwhile, Sir Gerald didn't even tried to stop his master. Being with the Third Prince the longest, he knows that trying to stop my brother whenever the subject about me will be futile.
Because like with Father, Brother Carlos too loves to dote on me. Even then, even now. In fact, all of my older half-brothers are this way towards me.
When you have expressed no desire for the throne, it is easy to have a good sibling relationship with your brothers. Hehe~
"Sooo... what kind of operation are you preparing for, Brother?"
"Hmm, how should I put it..." Brother Carlos ponders for a moment. "Your Big Brother is planning to attack three different locations in our country." he says. "Those places, you see, are creating some dangerous narcotics that could ruin Narla if left alone, like it did to a neighbouring country of ours. Which is why, I am currently preparing three teams at least to destroy those places and stop the people there from creating those narcotics, as well as arresting everyone involved in the matter."
"I see..." I looked at my brother with a gaze full of admiration, bearing an innocent aura to my beloved older brother who loves me. "So that means you're going to have to be quick in the preparations, aren't you?"
"Yes, that is correct, Sol. To prevent our enemies from catching on, we are going to need act fast in this case. Which is why the teams I am preparing will be small in numbers, but efficient nonetheless." Brother Carlos then turned to his knight, asking: "Gerald, when did you say the preparations will be complete?"
"In three days, Your Highness. However, because two of the locations will require a day at most to reach, the operation will not start until the fourth day. By then, we will only act in the dead of the night."
Wow... Four days, it is then, huh? Sorry, boys... but it looks like none of you all have guessed correctly.
"I see. Well then, go and finish the preparations quickly. Raymond, go and help Gerald with that, can you? I will be bringing my brother back to his room now."
Wait, what?
"Understood, Your Highness." Sir Gerald then left after bowing to my brother and me.
"Well then, I shall take my leave as well, Your Highness." said Prime Minister Raymond. "Take care, and have a good rest, Prince Soluna." he said to me, before leaving the premise too.
With the two of them leaving us alone, Brother Carlos then glances at Jonah. "I would like to spend some time with my brother now. Could you go and get some cakes for us and bring them to Sol's room?"
"As you wish, Prince Carlos." Jonah obliged, doing as my brother says since he technically has a higher authority than me, being the Third Prince of the country and its Chancellor. Compared to me, who is just the Fifth Prince.
And so, Jonah left us as well. Moving swiftly as it would be dangerous to leave the two of us alone, since now would be the perfect opportunity for any possible assassins to make their attempt at killing me or my brother or both, as neither Brother Carlos nor I will be able to defend ourselves should that happen.
"Come, Sol. Let's go to my room first. I have bought some new books the other day, which I'm sure you will love. We can read them together in your room once we get them."
"Of course, Brother. Let us go then."
With a big smile on our faces, the two of us walked side by side along the corridor. However, while my brother's smile was genuine, mine wasn't, as I couldn't help but to feel uneased by the lack of protection around us as we head to Brother Carlos's room first before mine.
Brother Carlos is an intelligent man. However, like I've mentioned, naivety is his greatest weakness.
Even if the palace is the safest place in the whole nation, it is still too foolish to walk around the premise without a guard!
Haaah... I internally sighed. It can't be help, I guess...
Unlike my other three half-brothers, Brother Carlos is the only one who have spent most of his time in the palace, due to the nature of his work.
He may be able to easily understand the country's problems and how to handle them just from the reports he reads. But when it comes to people, he lacks the ability to understand them for the most part. That is how corrupt nobilities like Marquis Anderson, Viscount Kir and many more could so easily slip under his banner without him realising it. Which is also why, in the battle for the heir of the throne, Brother Carlos is currently placed last on the ranking, if we exclude me.
That is why, besides his work as the Chancellor, he would always make visits to the nobles of the Neutral Faction in order to attempt in gaining their supports. Because he will definitely need most, if not, all of them on his side if he really wish to become the Crown Prince.
Fortunately, my moment of unease eventually ended when Jonah came back with lots of cakes and other pastries, made by Chef Renfrei.
God I love her creations! They are simply unmatched in the pastry world.
So, for the next few hours or so, Brother Carlos and I read some books together while drinking tea and eating pastries. All while Jonah stands in the corner, ensuring our safety by staying alert for anyone that may harm us.
Afterwards, by the time my brother has long left to resume with his preparations, I too begin to make my own. Returning to the Wild Card once more as Luna to inform the boys of the Starving Wolf gang that they have all won the bet, even though they had actually lost, in order to make sure that their morale stays high before the mission.
I just told them that they must reach their destination in three days, but will begin the mission 24 hours later. Since they are idiots who can't understand that 24 hours is equal to a day, they truly believed that they have won the bet and those who had guessed three days got their free coupons to the Mystic Flower as individual rewards.
Once that was done, I, Jonah and Eobard then met up with Leo, Vivian and Rosalina at the mansion, where we discussed the final three groupings for our mission at the three manufacturing locations.
And so, the teams are as followed: Rosalina and the Starving Wolf gang will be tackling the first location at the village in the north. Vivian and Leo will head to Forlai Town to tackle the second location there. As for Jonah, Eobard and me, we will be heading to the underground sewers of the Capital where the third and final location is.
With that, all that is left to do now is wait until our departure time.
So, to kill some time, I decided to experiment some more with the Divine Shapeshifter I have on hand.
Apparently, after reading the ancient text engraved on it which I had not done after I said I would, the Divine Shapeshifter's true name is called: The Perfect Copy. Created by the God of Mimicry, Mimica.
Its ability is that it can become any object, no matter the shape and size, so as long as the original object exist somewhere in the world.
I'm not sure if that's better or worse than what I initially thought it could do. But, either way, I'll be sure to put it to good use in this upcoming mission.
And thus, after waiting for what seemed to be an eternity, the night of the mission has arrived.
The other two teams had long already made their way to their locations and should be starting right about now. My brother and his teams will also be beginning soon. Therefore, before the latter teams begin, we shall make our move first and ensure that their mission is a one hundred percent, guaranteed success.
You can thank me when all is revealed to you one day, Brother. So now...
"Let us begin, boys."
"Yes, Princess."
"Right behind you!"
No one shall escape from us tonight.