Something unprecedented happened. Something totally unexpected was being done. It did not make sense. It was unreasonable. Absolutely insane.
All of the people in that area were shocked. Either from the oncoming group or the group that surrounded the fire man before, they were utterly in disbelief.
This man! This freaking mad man!
He dared! He dared to enter The Great Mist!
What in the world happened?
Wasn't he going to fight?
Why did he do that?
These kinds of thoughts were running through inside each one of them. They were totally at a loss of what had just occurred. And not even long after that, the man disappeared from their sight. Not even a single trace of him left that could be seen. His presence was gone. His aura was nowhere to be felt. His intimidating power had disappeared. And probably the only thing left from him was his legend and tale.
A group of people were attacking layers of formation. The formation itself was transparent and looked thin, but it was extraordinarily sturdy. There was a color of faint dark red on the surface of the layers and a little bit of distortion inside those layers. The formation was very impressive and impenetrable. At least for most people in this realm.
Sounds of slashings, explosions, lambasting, echoed through the space and air. After attacking this formation by using their one of if not the most powerful strikes that they had for some time now, these people succeeded in breaking the first layer. The first layer broke and explosions occurred.
The people backed away for a bit. And after that, they prepared to attack the second layer which was the last layer. But suddenly a voice resounded.
"What are you doing, Doom Knight? Why didn't you attack in full power? Aren't you worried about our King?" A man asked someone on his left side. The man who asks has the appearance of a true warrior. His body was plated with armors and metals that were probably one of a kind. He had a robust body height of more than 2 meters.
His short dark brown hair fluttered a little in the air after the explosions occurred. An appearance of a middle-aged man could be seen from him, with a mustache and beard attached on his face. He frowned when he asked the man in question, while looking at the others like he was inspecting them. Those who felt his gazes were showing a little bit of shame inside of their hearts.
"Ohh.. Why yes, Dragon Knight. We had discussed this earlier. According to my calculations, even if we're going to talk for about a day or so, he will survive. He is the Fire King, The Fire King of The Red Abyss!" The man who was called the Doom Knight replied. Unlike the Dragon Knight, his body is not full of plates.
He mostly used impressive robes and graceful clothes that could be told by a single glance with some leathers from who knows the origin of them. His hair was not that long, but not that short either. He was about 180ish cm tall and stood up gentlemanly, with a very handsome face not to boot. He smiled and looked in leisure and relaxation, as if this matter was not really that big of a deal to him. And he did not even take the displeasure of the other party as an offensive.
The people who a little back then felt ashamed were now feeling jubilant. It was as if this person's opinion was a true reassuring word, the most credible source of information. They believed that their choice was not wrong after listening to this man.
"I know that we should not underestimate anything, but we should not underestimate our King too. And no,"
Before the supposed Dragon Knight wanted to say something with a frown on his face, the Doom Knight smiled and continued to talk.
"I'm not saying that you're underestimating the King. I'm saying that we better reserve our power for the next battle. It's true that we're letting him fight a whole frightening army, especially from the Void Monarch and Chaos Emperor. This is still according to our calculations." Doom Knight said in a relaxing tone. He then proceeded to put his arms in front of him and formed an X position. His fingers spread, and suddenly there were 6 entities that showed up behind his back.
They looked like they were not something from this world. True that there were races that have wings and horns, but these creatures were something else. The aura of sinister and viciousness could be felt just from looking at their forms. Some people here were even surprised when Doom Knight suddenly summoned these creatures as if it was their first time seeing his action.
"What if the time passes more than one day? You dare to say that he will be defeated?" Dragon Knight asked again.
You are reading story Fire King of the Red Abyss at
"I dare not, of course. But it was outside of my speculations. I can only calculate things that can be calculated. If time passes the limit that I've predicted, then the 100% percentages of his survival will be invalid." Doom Knight answered while moving his sight from Dragon Knight to the formation layer in front of him.
"Don't be anxious. I know and I can see from your past actions and expressions in the last few hours Brother, that you are somehow anxious and worried about something, but don't worry. We will win this battle barely not, but completely and utterly in triumph!" Doom Knight said in a very confident manner. His voice was elegant and heavy.
The people who heard this felt as if their blood boiled. Goosebumps running through all over their bodies. It was as if his calculations were never wrong to begin with. A deep trust that cannot be easily achieved had been engraved inside of their hearts. Even the Dragon Knight felt his spirit rise up and ready to fight any enemies no matter how many there are. He gripped his sword and shouted out a battle cry.
"Today! This battle will be our first step in entering the end stages of our conquest! The lands of this realm, shall be ours to rule! We will win this battle for our King! For our Red Abyss!!!" The Dragon Knight raised up his sword and moved forward.
"HOOOOOHHHHHH!!!" The others shout out their voices high up into the sky and followed behind. Seeing this, Doom Knight smiled and let out a little giggle. And not long after that he too went after him. They attacked the last layer in a relatively short time and finally explosions happened.
They entered the protected ground from the formation layers and moved at a high speed. There were some hindrances in the way, very high level of hindrances actually. But they can handle all of them with ease and sound.
They destroyed the obstacles that were probably left behind by a powerful figure, but they did not fret. This matter was not where the real battle began. This is just the beginning. And suddenly, they saw a man flying into the sky. There was fire under his sole feet, and he rose up into the sky.
Seeing this figure, all of them became elated and vigorous. It was as if they had seen someone who they respected very much, someone who had shown them the way in this life, someone who they dared to throw their life for. But, something unexpected happened.
Their faces froze. The man that became the source of their battle spirit just now entered a mist. A mist that had been the most forbidden place for any living beings in this world. A mist that remained mysterious for who knows how long. A mythical mist that was so surreal.
The forbidden zone, the most dangerous place in this entire realm. The Great Mist!
Their king!
Their beloved king!
Suddenly entered the accursed place!?
All of them were in disbelief. The Dragon Knight's eyes looked like they almost popped out of their sockets. The Doom Knight's mouth kept agape open because of the shock. Not to mention the others. They were still running. And they were running even faster because of this.
Something like this, something that not even crossed their minds at all. Happened right before their eyes. They saw that their king looked at them for a while before turning his back and went deeper into the mist. And not long after that, his back could not be seen at all. His strong and dependable back that had carried them had gone into the unknown.
Almost all of the oncoming people suddenly felt that their eyes had gotten wet and red. Even the Dragon Knight could not hold back his tears when his king suddenly vanished from his eyes.
But Doom Knight was the first one that snapped back to reality. He looked at his surroundings in front of him where there were a group of people.
He had to act! He needed to do something! This was his mission! This was his order!
In the future, this unprecedented event will be a famous tale. A story that would drastically change the course of the future if this did not happen. The people in the future would call this event as the Mysterious War.
But far more in the future, this event would be called as the Born of Destruction.