I was sleeping, though I didn't remember when I went to bed. Ah, wait. I'm not in my bed. Let's fix that. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I was lying close to my Core, and thankfully I wasn't as cold as last time I woke up in here. I didn't seem to be hurt from falling down, so I just opened up my bank and placed my bed down. I thought about just jumping in it, but I took the time to put all of my things down somewhere nearby. I left my food and water inside though, since I didn't bring my fridge. I could make one, I guess...
I changed into my pajamas, since I didn't know how long I'd been wearing my old outfit. Then I sat down in my bed with my blankets wrapped around me. I opened up the Interface, and went back to the Magic tab.
By consuming CP or its more base energy types, various phenomenon may be produced. You may review the 'spells' you or your creatures know here, or study new spells stored in the Global Database. The Magic menu may not be used in the lower world.
CP: 51/58
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