Chapter 49: Chapter 47 – Just Sign the Dotted Line

I did not move to sit. I considered summoning an Ice Lance, but ultimately decided it was pointless. Neither of us was in any real danger here. "What do you want?" My voice was filled with hostility, and the distortion gave it a creepy quality that surprised even me.


"Hm?" The man leaned back, blinking owlishly. He was shorter than me, but much larger. An old soldier, maybe. "I only want to extend an invitation to you. I think we can help each other."


"But before all that, introductions- and an apology. I knew you were a mage, but I admit I wasn't expecting you to appear from nowhere like that. Originally my men downstairs should have contacted you if you came back. So. I apologize for visiting unannounced like this. I would have called first, but we couldn't find a phone number."


He gave a rueful shake of the head. "It can be very difficult to contact someone in the modern world. Even trying to contact your landlord was a hassle, and then she didn't know how to contact you either. After she let us in, we found the room cleaned out and thought you might have abandoned it as well." A tired sigh leaked from him. 


He straightened his back and smiled up at me. "Well, what's important is that you're here now. My name is Bryan Swanson. I am the leader of the Whiterest Militia. Our goal is to provide aid and security to those who were overlooked or scorned by an indifferent government. While the Crystal Core has offered many solutions to the infirm, the disadvantaged, and the downtrodden, it can be difficult to adjust to the changes, the empowerment of self. We can provide guidance, resources, even Party members." He paused, perhaps expecting me to respond.


After a moment he shrugged lightly. "As for you... We of course have access to your public record. However, it seems to be a forgery. We can trace you back four years, when you first arrived in our fair city via the Harrison Airport, and then nothing." I tensed up, but he just waved a hand placatingly. "We have no interest in who you were or what you have to hide. In the time you've been here, you've contributed little to the city, but you've also harmed no one and caused no trouble."


He paused again, closing his eyes slightly. Then breathed out slowly. "All we ask of you, is to continue that trend."


My brow furrowed slightly at that. Somehow, I felt he was being honest. That made no sense... But I did not have time to dwell on it before he continued. 


"If there is war, do not turn your magic against us. Do not break the law, or incite strife, or bully those who lack the power you wield. If you can comply with our requests, we are prepared to offer you all of the resources we offer to our recruits. That being; a fraction of the raw materials harvested from our mines and forests; processed goods and tools that can be produced by our cities; a rotating roster of our members to join your Party; and access to our strategists, councilors, physicians and artisans."


He smiled wryly. "Of course, if you wish to offer your services to Whiterest, you will be well compensated. CP, additional resources, whatever you desire, so long as it is fair and within our power to give. I would encourage you not to engage in any conflicts that may occur. Rather, I would like you to consider using your magic to help the general public. We've seen the incredible feats a magic-using Creature can perform, and having even a fraction of that power could help hundreds of our people at a time."


He paused again, studying my reaction. I had been listening, but I had long closed off my expression and tightened up my body language. I had no way of knowing what he saw when he looked at me. I wasn't even sure what I wanted to hide, or what I wanted him to think. So I pretended to be as lifeless as my doll-like appearance indicated.


He shrugged, speaking gently. "You will be given plenty of time to decide. Think it over, speak to your Creatures. If you want, I can call a therapist or anyone you like over as well." He continued speaking softly, as if to a frightened animal. "Until you decide, I ask you to remain inside this apartment. If you need to shop or visit anyone in the city, I can provide people to escort you."


He spoke reassuringly, but I could feel the lie in his soothing words. "We only need to know you won't harm anyone out of fright or because of a misunderstanding. Should you wish to leave our Authority, we will keep quiet about what we've discovered about your past and provide you safe passage to a neutral Authority. We simply want you to understand that we are not your enemy."


That was nothing but a threat. If I did turn against them, I would be treated as misguided or confused, vilified, and my personal information would be made public. The most grating deception was in the offer of safe passage. If I chose to leave, I would be treated as an enemy. I wondered if he meant for me to read it that way, or if he genuinely expected me to take his words as truth.


I finally answered, keeping my voice level and emotionless. Like a machine. "I'll think about it. Goodbye." I turned and walked into my bedroom, closing the door behind me. I waited a moment, listening at the door. A quiet litany of orders to someone not in the room. Then the sound of him standing, Depositing his table and chairs. After another long moment, he stepped out of my apartment and closed the door behind him.




You are reading story Global Dungeon Network at

I waited. Several minutes passed uneventfully. Finally, I let out a long, quiet sigh. This was outside my expectations.


I'd assumed these people- this Swanson, was just a thug overreaching his limits using the power of the Dungeon. If I just kept a low profile, I'd be fine. Even if I did come into conflict, it would end like with the thief in the store, or like some cliché fight scene on TV. A quick and easy battle, and then off to go do Hero-things with no consequences. I didn't take this seriously at all.


Of course, his 'threats', veiled though they were, were mostly hollow. My past was upsetting, but it couldn't hurt me, even if literally everyone found out about it. Not with the Dungeon to hide in, at least...


If I became the enemy of 'Whiterest Militia', or whatever, I'd be forced to take my Avatar to another city. But that was nothing new for me, and I had nothing here worth keeping anyways. Maybe he could ruin my reputation and prevent me from joining up with another faction, but that wasn't something I wanted anyways. Even if I was forced to do so, there would surely be people who doubted whatever lies he told.


In a direct fight... I still liked my odds. Teleport alone would be enough. I didn't know what would happen if my Avatar was destroyed, but I knew it could be replaced from the forums. No great loss. The experience might even be valuable.


And most importantly- I no longer had a reason to use the Avatar. Maybe I could go looking for shards again, some time. But once they became common knowledge, that would quickly stop being profitable. I... honestly had no reason to return to Earth, except maybe to visit parks or tour the world or something. It might help me relax or whatever... But I would rather go back to my Dungeon. It was comfortable. Warm, and so vibrant compared to the lifeless cityscape and mundane 'wilds'.


So, knowing that resistance was both possible and simple, it was time to consider the offer for real. Do nothing, and be handed everything I needed on a silver platter. It was a shockingly good offer. Even if I assumed he was intentionally talking up what he was capable of, what he was saying made sense. If everyone in the world was given direct support of that scale, it would be simple to avert the fate Nyx had shown me.


Part of me was sorely tempted, and another part was spitefully opposed. I could be paid for doing exactly what I'd planned to do from the start. But what would be the point if I didn't earn what was given? If I had to work, would I be pleased with the results of helping Whiterest?


Was it pride? Skepticism? Perhaps even a premonition? Magic was a real thing after all. Whatever the case, I was deeply opposed to taking the deal.


I felt a sinking feeling as something occurred to me. Bryan had talked a good game, made himself out to be a humanitarian with noble goals. Even if he was lying, if I joined Whiterest... I could force it to become everything he claimed it was.


By throwing all of my effort into it, by leading by example. By acting resolutely, I could maybe create something amazing. But that noble goal, all the good that could be done, just made me feel weak, and tired. I could never do something like that. I was just as weak and powerless as I'd always been, always would be. What did a little magic or the power of the Crystal Core really matter? I didn't have the right mentality to use it.


All I wanted was to be left alone. To curl up in a quiet corner and d- rest.


Before I knew it, it was done. I was hugging my knees tightly, tucked into the far corner of the empty room. I closed my eyes and let my thoughts wander. Every missed opportunity, every mistake and poorly chosen word I'd ever said- all of it swam around in my head, reminding me of my failures. My past; just a mirror of the future.


I dreamed, though I never truly fell asleep. The darkness was filled with monsters, but I ignored them, hollow echoes that they were. My memories were so much more painful to my Heart that I almost welcomed the presence of these aberrations.


My 'sleep' was interrupted by a calm voice. "Welcome back, Selene. Did everything go well?"