Chapter 23: Chapter 22: Pioneer

Way back in the past, Acahualla is not a backward place. Few moving cities inhabited this place, that is, until a catastrophe stuck.

This forced the moving cities to escape from Acahualla. Their main business, which is mining for iron ores, is abandoned. However, these mines got affected by the catastrophe, turning them into originum mines.

Though, this doesn't change the fact that Acahualla is the most desolate place of Sargon, being under it only in its name. If some powerful people invaded this place, Sargon won't even care much. 

'Mining is their main occupation, right. This explains the huge amount of infected in this place.'

As the main sources of energy in Terra, originum sells like hotcake, just like oil in Shinji's world.

"This village really stands out from the rest." Shiro mumbled as he went to his final destination, Zumama's workshop. Just as he'd expected, this village is armed by more advanced weapons than the other villlages.

It ranges from welded armaments (which is a big deal since most use a weapon forged in the traditional ways) to basic mechanical weapons. As for the difference between mechanical weapons and normally forged weapons, the former allows for a greater load than the latter.

Meaning, it has a heavier weight, stronger durability, and ease of convenience. One can just imagine at how normal forged weapons only weighs around 20kg~30kg while a normal mechanical weapon can weigh around 80kg~100kg while having the same, if not smaller build, than the former.

A good example of that is Skadi's huge greatsword, which weighs around a few dozen tons if Shiro's estimates are correct.


A sound of a metal being pressed down was heard by Shiro, snapping him back from his thoughts.

"Sure it is, a mechanic's workshop never goes away from my expectation."

In front of him is a fairly open one-storey building that consisted of several metal parts sorted across the room. Various Tiacuhs can be seen going inside and outside, mostly with originum crystals and other metal ores.

Of course, those originum crystals are handled with caution, with them being inside an open metallic box.

Looking inside, he saw a more detailed appearance of the workshop. Several people worked on specific workstations. Some are welding the outer parts, some are wearing glasses while tinkering a machine, and so on.

"Excuse me, do you need something?"

A female Tiacuh wearing a tank top approached him. Unlike the Archosauria race from Tomimi's village, she is a Pythia race. Wearing a specially tinted goggles, Shiro immediately thought that she's someone from here.

"No, I just got curious after the high priest mentioned a tribe specializing in machinery."

"You are a foreigner?"

"Well, yes." He added inwardly, 'From another world, that is.'

She proceeded to observe him, only to end up in the same conclusion as others. With his white robe embedded with various dull gems and his staff, she thought that Shiro is a caster.

When the high priest met him, he even asked if he's from Leithania due to his expensive looking clothes. Noticing her looks, he immediately clarified his identity.

"If you're wondering, I am a mechanic. That's why I got curious."

"A mechanic?"

A hint of curiousness appeared within her eyes. As of the moment, she never met any mechanic from the outside. It further fueled her interest on the technology outside of this rainforest.

"I saw some parts of the 'Big Thing' from his dwelling earlier. I've got to say that whoever built that is awesome."

"Why is she awesome?"

"The high priest never mentioned her learning from the outside world, right? Most of what she used is the pre-derived version of some modern mech today. If she learned that all by herself, she's definitely a genius."

"...Did you find anything that could be further improved?"

The female Tiacuh was stunned for a second before she asked him this question. 

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"Definitely. The most glaring issue that I found as of the moment is its power wiring. Even if using an engine 2 generations behind it, it might not be able to sustain operations for long."

"How long do you think would it last?"

"Hm... Somewhere within 2~5 minutes. Though, lasting at 3 minutes is my best guess."

Hearing this, she was surprised that he could pinpoint the exact limit of the Big Thing. Moreover, he could also see the lower limit of it, unlike her who could only see the upper limit.

"Though, that upper limit can still be raised with the type A-106 wires that I saw while walking here."

"Type A-106... It has lesser conducive properties, but wait..."

Unexpectedly, the long talk between the two mechanics kickstarted. It took until the sun had set before it ended.

"Aha... Sorry, I didn't expect to not notice the passing of time."

"No worries, it should still be early. By the way, your name?"

"You can call me Zumama."

"...Wait, you're the partner of that high priest?"

"The high priest? Yes, that's right."

"Nice meeting you!"

Shiro shook her hands as he smiled brightly. When he heard her feats for the first time, he found her interesting. Something also lit up within him, admiring the ones who goes against their fate.


Zumama was mesmerized by his smile right now, stunning her in place.

"Oh, I still have to cook dinner! Let's meet again!"

He immediately activated Reinforcement and draw some wind runes before running off to the village's direction. After he left, a female Tiacuh approached Zumama.

"Zumama, who was that?"

"..A-ah. He's a foreign mechanic."

"A foreigner? She looks beautiful. Is that how they managed their beauty in the outside world?"

"He's a man."


"He's a man. The foreign mechanic that I conversed with just now."

The female Tiacuh seemed to be in shock when she heard that. How could a man look more beautiful than a woman?!

"Let's move back to work."


Thankfully, the workshop resumed operations after he left. Though, it can't be said that Shiro visiting had no side effects...