Five minutes ago, Shino arrived in the 20th floor. Wearing her equipment that is made of nearly cloth armor, she went into a stride as she estimated the dungeon's entrance based on Shiro's picture in the Chat Group.
Even while her <<Sprint>> skill is in sure, she can still see her surroundings properly due to her good kinetic vision. It's no wonder that she used long-ranged weapons throughout the entire SAO series.
At one point, she equipped the [Annihilation Ray] in her hand as she took aim on a silver squirrel that carried a sack on its shoulder. A golden arrow automatically generated on the bow as she gestured to aim at it.
Keeping it at [Normal Mode], she released the arrow between her fingers, which then accurately shot the squirrel straight in its body. A window telling her of the battle results appeared. The drop that Shino paid attention the most is the [Night Ranger's Gloves].
Just by wearing it, it could increase her AGI by 10. There's also some other effects that can help her as a bow user.
"A good drop. Now, where am I again?"
She equipped the gloves as she continued on comparing her field map with Shiro's map. By the time a dozen minutes had passed, she ran through the entrance, making her freefall to it. She was startled and screamed in shock, but it was interrupted when she landed onto something comfortable.
Opening her eyes, she could see Shiro's charming place at close distance. His charm is too powerful that it made her abashed after a second of realization.
Seeing that she became antsy in his arms, he lowered her and helped her stand up. Still, the blush on her face had not disappeared, making it obvious for the other two, especially Kuroneko, to know that something's wrong with her.
They chose not to delve deeper into it and changed topics instead.
"Fancy meeting you here. Did you get lucky too?" Shiro asked, curious about how she could enter here in 2nd place.
"Lucky? No, I used the <<Sprint>> skill continuously to scour the entire field map. That's probably why I arrived here much faster than others."
In Sword Art Online, there are many kinds of skills, but they mostly fall in these categories: <<Weapon Skills>>, <<Support Skills>>, <<Combat Skills>>, <<Extra Skills>>, <<Unique Skills>>, and <<Outside System Skills>>.
Shino's <<Sprint>> is under the <<Support Skills>>, which helps her increase her running speed by 20% for thirty seconds. It has a cooldown of ten seconds, making it a must-have skill for long-ranged combatants.
"Right, you want to try fighting against those guys?" He pointed out to the wandering skeleton warriors. "I suggest that you use a huge attack though. Might as well clean them up in one fell swoop."
"A huge attack? I understand. Thanks for the advice, Shiro-san."
With that, Shino strode to the monsters and kited them one by one, just like what he did earlier. Albeit, she did so with a much smaller scale.
Thanks to her week's worth of experience fighting against such monsters, she saw through their usual attack pattern after some time. They tend to do a huge motion before doing an attack, thus she always avoids them just before they executes it. Once they did so, they would take their time chasing the player with their aggro.
Circling back near the starting point, she lured in nearly 50 monsters in one go. She's also careful enough to not attract unexpected monsters, so as to not cause a mob swarm.
Shino drew her divine bow to its limits, converging more power to the single-shot arrow between her fingers. There's no command circles that appeared in its aim, though. For now, the [Deific Mode] of the bow is still unusable, unless she becomes as strong as the Solus superaccount.
Letting go of the arrow, it soon collided with the skeletons, shaving off a huge chunk of their HP. Just as they were about to come closer to her, she generated yet another arrow and released it. She did this for five consecutive times, sacrificing power for quantity.
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Still, this managed to do the trick as the mobs collectively turned into blue fragments and disappeared.
"What a huge exp gain."
Shino got surprised by the fact that she levelled up twice in one go. Just like Shiro, she utilized her AoE attacks to farm efficiently, allowing her to surpass some of the group members when it comes to levels.
Some sort of excitement crept up on her, replacing her calm and cool side slightly. Shino is, after all, just a 13-year old middle school student. On top of that, she faces several issues all by herself.
This is the only time where she is free from all of that.
"Shiro-san, is this dungeon similar to the normal dungeons?"
"Nope. Mobs respawn here just like field monsters. We might be able to clear this only once, too."
"Only once? If you think about its entrance, that's more likely. She looked at her Mana gauge, which got bottomed out after one attack. Remembering that she has to study for a test, she said, "I'll be logging off for a while."
With that, she instantly disappeared without any traces. In the game's logs, she'll still be online here, but the special ability that the Chat Group gave her allowed for such a thing. Even an administrator would only see a sitting Shino in the starting point.
"It seems that we're the only ones left again. " Shiro thought of something since he's getting bored kiting monsters alone. "What about kiting monsters together? We'll form a party first before we kite them to a single place. You can poke them harder so that you can earn more when I finish it off."
"If you say so. Let us form this sacred pact!"
After setting up the party, the two saw their member's name along with their HP bar on their top-right vision. Not much longer, they started sprinting as they poked the monster on their side.
Kuroneko took the right side while Shiro took the left. The former used her skills alternatively once they were out of cooldown while the latter used the 1-hit to 4-hit sword skills that could be used in almost an instant, unlike <<Meteor Break>> that needed a player to tackle their targets twice.
Suddenly, dozens of arrows rained down from above--an indication that they are more than 500 feet away from the starting point. Beyond that, the armored field bosses would appear. Though, they wouldn't any longer since Shiro killed some of them earlier.
"Can you handle this?"
"Do not underestimate my abilities..!" She proudly declared, not an ounce of fear can be felt from her. Clearly, she had grown just a few hours after the dilemma that she'd faced.
Hearing this, Shiro only smiled as he replied, "Right, right. I trust you."
Somehow, he got a pleasant feeling after seeing someone grow stronger--not physically, but mentally. Another hint of déjà vu randomly appeared inside him, but he didn't get confused this time.
Shiro soon adapted to this feeling, as if it's something he'll genuinely feel if its his past self.
The two focused their attention on the arrows as they readied themselves to parry.
A/N: What a misleading title. A'ight, here's the fact of the day!
Fact #12: In Terra, oripathy is the one who caused many societal problems. But, the one that it caused the most is discrimination. That's right. Infected gets segregated due to the rumors of oripathy being able to be passed between people when in fact it is not. As long as you don't touch the crystals in their body, you won't be infected. Moreover, the main reason why it is feared is that it's basically a life sentence. Once you got it, it's only a matter of time before you die. If you die, you explode into originum crystals before turning it a originum zone.