Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Game reset

Year 395 of the Holy Calendar - Phoenix blacksmith

(Alastor POV)

I am currently 14 years old now and in a few days, I will have the age to officially become an adventurer.


I get out of my bed with the first light of the sun and put my recently purchased adventurer clothes on.

A full set of leather pants, leather shoes, a leather long sleeve shirt, a small leather bag for my belt, a big leather bag to carry on my shoulder (right now empty and bent in my belt), a canteen of water, a butchering knife and my weapon...

Hanging on my back there was the best weapon in this place.

Dad's masterpiece, a steel war hammer imbued with magical properties thanks to special materials.

"I am ready!" Alastor

After a fast breakfast, I am ready to go.

"I am going out!" Alastor

Grandma Maria is waiting for me.


"Take care, son!" Ikki


Without stopping hitting the steel, dad sent me off from the smiting room.

Going outside my house, I see the everyday scene of the market.

Dirt streets, wooden stalls, orphaned beggars, and slaves buying the daily necessities of their masters.

...I better start running if I want to reach there by the afternoon.

- Underground magma river -

(Female voice POV)

Isekai Heroes...

Souls that exist outside the cycle of this world, outside the destiny of this universe...

Every action of theirs are only temporary mirages...

Real fantasies that turn into fake memories...

Tales of ancient battles disappear from every mind, leaving behind only the deathly casualties...

New technologies that are rediscovered again and again by the fake pioneers of another world...

All of their weapons, buildings, and magical enchantress were born just to disappear into the nothingness...

-The Titan Castle-

(Alastor POV)

With a white scarf fluttering in the wind, my master stands at the door of his really big house.

"Grandma Maria! I am here!" Alastor

I am not out of breath even after one hour of running, my daily training is working well.

"My little adventurer" Maria

Her hair may be completely white and her skin may be pure wrinkles, but her posture is straighter and stronger than everyone else in the village.

"How about a hello for your mother?" Mom

She grabs my nose, with a force that really hurts.

"Whi, mhom!" Alastor

I answer as I can.

"That is good enough" Mom

She releases me.

"Ugh, that wasn't necessary" Alastor

"Fufufu" Maria



At the end of today's training...

"I already taught you all the basics an adventurer needs, now is the time for you to discover the rest for yourself" Maria

... What?

"But..." Alastor

"No buts, my elemental affinities are wind and fire" Maria

And mine is only fire.

"You need to figure out your own style or you will never be anything else than a mediocre adventurer"

You are reading story Natives vs Isekai Heroes at

"..." Alastor

"I trust in you, my little adventurer" Maria

She pats my left shoulder with her right hand and looks into my eyes.

"I...I..." Alastor

There is so much I would like to say, but every single one of them leads to these words.

"Thanks for everything, Grandma" Alastor

My eyes clouded with tears can barely see the face of my master.

"I *sniff* really mean it"

This noble old lady who became my family long before I can remember is one of the biggest reasons for who I am now.

"Make me proud, my little adventurer" Maria

I will never forget this smile of hers, an expression of pure peace and affection.

- Underground magma river -

(Female voice POV)

Every feeling they bring to this world will also disappear...

Their empathy for the slaves...

Their advice to the royalty...

Their words of inspiration to the people...

And their promises of eternal love will only create empty vessels of what before was their harem members...

Empty vessels that will become...

-Phoenix blacksmith-

(Ikki POV)

"And with that, the shop is closed"

In a few days, my son will leave this village to become an adventurer.

"I better buy him something useful"

From what I saw, he only has beginner equipment with him, that will not be enough.

"Uuuuug" Woman

Just outside, I found an old woman with a black cloak covering most of her face crying her heart out.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" Ikki

"Uug, Uuuuuhhgggg!!!" Woman

His body convulses while standing! She is not alright!

I ran at her at full speed.

"Hang on I...!" Ikki

... then felt something wrong.


I taste blood coming out of my mouth.

"Why...?" Ikki

I can see half of her arm in my chest.

"mY LoVEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" Woman

As she took her arm out, I slowly lost consciousness...

"WHeRe arE You!!!!!!!!" Woman

As my legs begin to fail me, I can see the completely black eyes of the person in front of me.

This... creature... is...





- Underground magma river -

(Female voice POV)

Empty vessels that will become...

Demon Generals...