The last two weeks of summer went by in a blur. Edward really did not go easy on me, and my body is still sore from the training, but for some reason, I am enjoying myself. The pain reminds me that this is just one of the many steps to prepare for my ultimate goal. Now that school is going to start, another one of those steps is going to be taken.
"Master. It's time to wake up. You need to get ready for the first day of school."
Still incredibly sleepy, I roll over and pull the blanket back over me. "I don't want to."
Delic once again grabs the blanket and pulls it off of me. "You need to wake up, Master. School is an important part of a teenager's life, you know."
I glare at Delic as he stands beside my bed with a stupid smile. "How would you know? It's not like you went to school. You're just a spirit."
"That really hurts, you know."
"That's what I meant to do." I try to reach for the blanket, but it seems that Delic has pulled it all the way to the bottom. I look back over to see that idiotic smile on his face again. "Fine, whatever."
"That's a good girl." Delic reaches out his hand to guide me to the bathroom where he has already prepared my bath. As Delic washes me, I stare at the group of hair strands that have turned white due to the power leaking out.
Should I do something about this?
I stare at the rest of my hair floating in the tub, twirling it around my fingers.
It is kind of long. Maybe a ponytail to keep me from sitting on it? No... I'm going to end up looking like a white-streaked horse tail. Half-up? Yeah... I think I will go with that.
In the end, I just proved to myself that I am still a girl. A girl who is the head of a prominent family.
Delic guides me out of the bathroom and into my bedroom where my uniform is prepared. I feel Delic's grip tighten a bit, so I look up to find him staring at me.
I have a creepy feeling about this. "What are you looking at?"
"I am just taking in the sight of an angel who has blessed me with her beautiful presence. With such a delicate frame, no one would be able to tell that such a beautiful angel can kill with just a single flick of a finger."
"Just help me get dressed already." Already done with Delic’s existence despite being so early in the morning, I walk over to the bed where Delic grabs my arm and pulls me under him. "What do you think you're doing?" I calmly ask as I witness this man towering over me.
"Do you think it is easy to just watch you walk next to me dressed only in a robe?" Delic leans in closer to my ear. "Just give me your command."
I stare at Delic as he raises himself over me. Now that he is this close to my face, I can see why a lot of the female servants fawn over him. He has such soft-looking white hair. His eyes are sharp but not too mean. Just an overall princely appearance. If I never knew that he had such an annoying side to him, I would have probably fallen for him too. I take another look at this man who seems to be unwavering then let out a sigh. "I know you won't, though, even if I told you to."
"And why do you say that?" Delic replies as he slowly undoes the robe's ribbon.
"Back when I was asleep for several days, it was just you and I in the mansion. Moreover, I was defenseless. You could have done anything to me, and I would have never known, yet you didn't touch me inappropriately. That's why I can tell you won't do it."
Delic releases my small hands and stands back up. "You're no fun to tease, you know that?" He holds out his hand, and I grab it in order to sit back up on the bed.
"I am well aware of this, yes."
Delic carefully dresses me in my uniform and places the breakfast on the table in my room. After I finish eating, Delic and I head outside towards a car that was parked outside.
"I didn't know you knew how to drive," I state while getting into the car. It's a lot nicer than I thought. A fresh new car smell with a hint of leather, and a small air freshener attached to the vent.
"Well, I remembered back when we were recruiting all of the former workers, we walked or took public transportation. I figured that that isn't such a great image for the new head of the Winter Family, so I took it upon myself to get a license and buy a new car to drive you around in."
"And with whose money did you buy this car with?" I ask annoyed with the fact that I know the answer to this question.
Delic, knowing he won't be able to avoid any attack in the car, leans over the steering wheel to maximize the distance between us. "I used the family’s money," he mumbles to himself.
I stare at Delic wondering what to do with him, but I think the long silence was enough to put him on edge and torture him the whole drive to school.
Staring out of the car, I watch as several groups of kids are walking to school with their friends. It makes me realize that I don't have friends anymore. The friends I had last year either stopped contacting me or stuck around for my money. I decided to drop all of the lingering friends I had left when I fell into my pit of misery after my parents died because I couldn't take all of the constant begging. Was it a good idea to cut off all my friends? Maybe. Maybe not. There could have possibly been a good ally inside that mixture of toxicity, but I would rather not risk any chances.
We arrive at the school, and Delic gets out to open my door. I step out and notice everyone staring at me. I am the girl who lost her whole family just a few months ago and had her whole life turned upside down. The girl who took public transportation instead of a private car. The girl who was dead silent and stopped participating in class instead of being rowdy with a lot of pride. I am pretty sure that they weren't expecting me to come back the next school year with my own personnel.
Sliding Academy. A prestigious school for the well-off class of society. It's filled with the children of the city's top actors, business leaders, political figures, and powerful mafia and gang leaders. Every race can be seen here from vampires to angels. Since the city of Eshea is a neutral zone, all of Earth's races can be seen here. It became the perfect place for the rich and powerful of all races to find a place called home here.
"Are you going to be okay, Master?" Delic asks as he closes the door behind me. He gently places a hand on my back as his way of support and comfort.
You are reading story The Winter Vessel at
"I'm going to be fine. I have a new resolve now."
Delic adjusts my tie then puts his hands on my shoulders. "If you ever run into trouble, you can always summon me at any time."
I give a small nod and a genuine smile. This causes Delic to quickly cover his open mouth. "What?"
"Master has given me the rare opportunity to witness her smile! I must take a picture of this to commemorate the moment."
I push Delic back into the car before he or I make a scene in front of the school. Well... mostly me. I swear this man is just asking me to punch him every day. Why must he be so annoying under all of that matureness?
I walk into the school building to find the class rosters in the grand hallway. I scan the several posters to find that I have been placed in the lowest class. I can see why though. Class placement is based on how wealthy your family is, and since my whole family died last school year, I have been demoted to the lowest class. I have no complaints to be honest. The school is made based on "donations" from powerful families. If a child from a very wealthy family gets put in one of the lower classes, that child's family will stop "donating", and the school will be in a tough spot.
However, being in the lowest class gives me more of an opportunity to stand out when I begin to build back my family's reputation. Plus, there will be lots of in-school opportunities to get me in high favor with some of the students in the wealthier classes in order to network with their parents. Now, I just need a way to move in and out of school without getting in trouble, so that I can perform my duties as head of the Winter Family. This is a precedent in our school to have a student become the head of a family while in school, so there isn't really a measure to take care of those kids. Since the school is still unaware of my position, it's not like I can make myself known to them so easily. Especially, since I am a girl, they aren't going to believe me.
As I make my way to the class, I spot some of the retainers' children in the middle wealth classes. These are the classes where the parents are still able to donate more than the lower classes but not enough to be placed in the higher wealth classes. They notice me walking down the hallway and come out to meet me.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't little miss nobody. I saw you get out of a car with a really handsome man driving. Who is he? Did you sell yourself to another wealthy group since you can't survive without your family?"
I examine the girl who stands in front of me. She has the same dopey features as her father, Sir Brian. I guess he didn't even tell his own family about what happened at that meeting two weeks ago.
"Why do I have to tell you?"
The girl crosses her arms and steps right in front of me. "Because I'm telling you to tell me. No way someone as good looking as him would have you around for free."
"And what if he is?" I ask, putting a hand on my hip.
The girl pushes me onto the ground and stomps on my leg. "Looks like you think you're all high and mighty now that you got a good looking man next to you. Maybe if I break your leg, he will think you're useless and throw you out."
I stare at the dopey girl who stands over me. I have to try to remain calm. If I let my emotions get the best of me, my powers might come out and expose me which will ruin my chance at outshining everyone. In the end, I just grab the girl's leg and throw her off of me.
"I would appreciate it if you didn't talk down about my guardian. He doesn't take too kindly to people who hurt me." I walk over to where the dopey girl is now on the floor and look down at her. "Even if you are just a retainer's child." With that being said, I continue my walk towards my class with now everyone in the hallway staring at me.
"You're going to pay for throwing me onto the floor Viola Winter!"
I wave my hand in the air and continue walking.
After a few more minutes, I arrive at my class which is at the back of the school. It is not poorly kept, but it doesn't have all the shine and shimmer like the middle and high wealth classrooms. I find a seat in the back of the class near the door just in case in the future if ever I need to slip out, I won't disturb the class too much. Not long after I sit down and get comfortable in my seat, the teacher walks into the classroom to take attendance.
As I listen to everyone’s name being called, I memorize the faces of my classmates because even an ally in the lowest class can still have some powerful parents. They could be of use to me later.
As the teacher is making the morning announcements and general orientation, she begins to bring up the topic of class representative and student council.
Hmm.... both of those options sound very advantageous to my plan of standing out, but I can only choose one. If I really want power and freedom in the school, then I should shoot for student council president. That's a huge risk though because what if I don't gather enough votes? Then I won't have either position. Class Representative is an attractive offer since not many students willingly volunteer for that spot. It would be easier getting it, but that also means that I can't easily slip out since I will always be needed in the classroom.
I internally delegate the two options some more and come to the conclusion to go big and run for Student Council President. I will be getting my name out there and building up my reputation that I lost last year. This will make it easier for me to connect with students in higher wealth classes and slide my way to their parents' ears.
The bell rings for the first period to end, and I remain in my seat while I watch the other students form their little clicks. It won't be easy for someone like me who shut themselves off from everyone to open back up to others, so I will just see who gets along with who for now for future reference.
Despite thinking that, I suddenly feel a wave of eyes staring as I continue to write in my notebook. I peek to my left and notice that a lot of my classmates are watching and talking about me. I get curious as to why they are watching me until I look to my right to find Delic in the hallway staring at me. I hastily run out into the hallway and drag him to the nearest exit.
"What the hell are you doing at school, Delic?" I scold after finding an empty place away from students.
"It was lonely at home, so I thought I could get a position at the school to be closer to you."
This man really is shameless. Glaring at his puppy dog face that's asking to let this slide, an idea came to mind. Maybe it might be helpful to have someone on the inside to get information about other students and their families. He does act mature for what it's worth when we are out in public.
"Fine. I guess I will let it slide this time. You can be of use here." Overly excited, Delic jumps around me and almost throws himself on me for a hug but sees my annoyed expression and stops. "So, what is your position here?"
"I am the school counselor and math teacher for the higher wealth classes. Since it's easy for me to manipulate documents, faking a resume and references isn't that hard. Plus, I am very smart if I do say so myself."
He is the higher wealth classes' math teacher. Delic really can come in handy at school. Getting information about the students in those types of classes will be easier than I thought. In addition to that, he is the school counselor which makes great excuses for leaving class. This might be a very eventful time here at school.