Chapter 6: 006 – Suggestion Abuse

Chapter 006: Suggestion AbuseSpeaking of suggestions, feel free to suggest abilities/skills/items that should be in the point store! Even if it's not for Edward, I might use them!

Just like that, I woke up.

Dressing normally, I examine my stuff. I left most of it inside the white room.

I still had my bag with my bow and arrows, compass and knife.

My motorcycle helmet had a bump where the rock had hit.

Otherwise, albeit a bit smelly, it was still good to go.

Until now, it had all been a tutorial.

The real thing would probably start next week.

This time, the mission had lasted for four days, when it could have lasted a week.

I had until the afternoon to think about all this.

Suzy couldn’t come here, but she followed me until the white room after she confessed her love to me.

It was quite the spur of the moment thing, especially since she had lost her husband, was tormented and saved in a short time. That and being close to me for a few days, with a bit of skinship, led to her falling for me.

This type of quick love doesn’t happen in the modern world at all, nor are there many opportunities for it to happen. I had not seen a damsel in distress ever, before Suzy.

Most importantly was the supply problem.

Suzy had her beloved chicken, they would help us be healthy and all, but they needed feed and water.

Suzy needed food and water.

We could share the tent but the air mattress was for only one person, I’d have to buy another one.

I started writing a list of things to buy. A month’s worth of food, water and bird feed. A bigger air mattress. A few books for Suzabeth.

More arrows, leg, arm and torso armor… A solar lamp, talkie-walkies?

I quickly ordered on Omozan everything besides food and water, it would all arrive before Friday.

The armor wasn’t anything special. To go with my motorcycle helmet, I bought a full motorcycle one-piece suit. It has foam layers inside, leather and plastic armor on the outside, small air holes and a heavy-duty zipper.

It cost a lot of money. This would be the last purchase I make from this side, unless I could make tons of money to buy premium items.

However I had a feeling that even premium armors wouldn’t be good enough.

The enchantment spells that could apply to armor or weapons in the rewards showed that beyond materials there was magic and energy.

Those spells were also on my list. But with endless choices to grow stronger, I had trouble deciding.

Besides choosing redundant techniques or spells, everything was good.

I go on to cook some beef while thinking.


It was time to go to class.

Cell biology with Vanessa Oslin.

When I close in on the amphitheater, Hope comes and says hi with a creepy smile.

(Just the guy I wanted to see. I won’t feel bad a single bit about this.)

With my much greater mana capacity, I hoped nothing bad would happen while using the hypnotic suggestion spell.

I had enough mana for only two magic missiles.

Hey, Hope.” I speak in common for the following. “Hypnotic Mental Suggestion.” With those words, Hope seemed relaxed and distant, and the mana left my body, leaving me dry.

I didn’t use anything other than mana, but my reserves were completely dry.

I now insert an idea within him, using a language he does know. “I deserve to be alone.”

“What language was that? It sounds so sexy.”

He didn’t hear the part when he was in a daze. This is quite useful.

“It’s French for, don’t ever speak to me or anyone I know ever again.”

“… So rude, you’re such a tease.” Hope goes away.

I might need to use this spell a few more times to get completely rid of him.

I feel faint. I go sit down, when I spot Elisa, and I sit next to her.

“Hey, how are you?” I ask her.

“I’m good, and you?” She replies casually.

“I feel great. I’ve never been better.” I had worries here and there. Like, would I make it alive through the next apostle mission?

After the events from last mission making Suzy confess so quickly, I felt like I had to impress Elisa a lot more if I actually wanted a chance.

Hell, I could learn mandarin until I’m as good as a native speaker with just 6 points.

But I had to keep those petty whims out of mind. Points were also my life line.

If mandarin could help significantly in a future mission, I’d buy it. I could also probably just buy more memory or speed-reading and intelligence related passive skills, which would let me learn anything later on.

I felt that this was the correct approach. With my already enhanced memory, I wondered how quickly I’d learn mandarin if I tried.

I don’t really want to learn it unless there’s a chance I have to talk to Elisa’s parents or something.

Professor Oslin’s question wakes me from my daydreams.

Who could tell me what is the composition of a mitochondrial import sequence? I taught this last week!”

I unconsciously lift my hand. The professor waits for my answer.

“An MIS is rich in basic amino acids like lysine and arginine. It’s located on the N terminal extremity.”

“Alright, as you all should know, the MIS is cleaved by the mitochondrial peptidase…”

That day, Hope didn’t speak to me again.

I still couldn’t tell if that was due to the spell at all or not.

If he wouldn’t come to me again this week, then it would be the spell’s success.

Juan didn’t seem to be back yet. With some luck, he wouldn’t ever come back.

My mana would regenerate entirely in 40 minutes.

That meant I could fire three mental suggestions each class if I wanted to.

But I didn’t need to use it to make professors grade me better, so I was a bit at a loss.

Was it a waste of 20 points?

I didn’t see Cassandra at practice either, but I was getting quite good with the bow.

This made me want to get bow-related spells, like a magical arrow or by enchanting either the bow or the arrows.

With those thoughts circling in my mind, I went to sleep.

Tuesday. I went to classes and stocked up on food and water, then it was time to practice archery with Cassandra.

After half an hour, it was time for a break.

“Did you see Sand Hill? Such a cool movie!” Cassandra asks.

“It is… I saw the mini-series and the old movie as well.” I reply.

“Oh, so you’re a fan?”

“You could say that. Anger is the soul crusher. Haha.”

As I talked to Cassandra, I couldn’t help but want to try the mental suggestion spell once more.

But I didn’t want to damage her mind or anything.

How about something that just betters her impression of me?

Hypnotic Mental Suggestion,Mana leaves me and her eyes stop focusing. “‘Edward Skies is handsome’.”

“Huh? What was that?”

“It’s the language of the desert!” 

“Pffft! You can be funny sometimes.”

“I can be anything I want after all.”

“Hum… Then… Can you become a unicorn?”

“… That would take more training.”

After a laugh, we return to the archery stands and continue chatting.

Friday evening, archery club.

From Wednesday through today, Juan still didn’t come to class and Hope still didn’t speak to me.

The test with hypnotism was a success. This spell is actually quite powerful, at least on normal people.

Cassandra on the other hand, got closer to me.

“Hey big brother, would you like to go see a movie together?… Maybe tomorrow or Sunday!?” Cassandra asked toward the end of the practice.

A few other boys were looking over in jealousy.

“Hum… That’s fine. How about tomorrow? Is there something you’d like to see?”

“Um… I don’t know… I just wanted to ask, so… You can decide.” She says meekly with a small smile.

She sure was acting close to me. Was this the effect of the mental suggestion? Then why was she calling me big brother? To get closer to me?

“Let me see which movies are in cinema…” I take out my smartphone and search.

“Let me see…!” Cassandra looks over while tilting herself my direction, letting her small cleavage peek out.

“There are some movies that seem decent. Is there a genre you’d like, Cassandra? I’m not into the super hero ones.”

“Ummm… Don’t know. But call me Cass. It feels distant when big brother calls me like that.”

“Alright, Cass, how about this horror movie?”

“… Alright, that’s fine.”

“They show it until midnight. You’re free the whole night, right?”

“Um…” Cassandra looks at me flustered.

I laugh. “I found Cass’s weakness.”

“Hum! Stop joking around…”

Alright, alright. How about this? A comedy slash spy movie. Hosting Power.”

“Sure!” Cassandra smiles at me.

We set up a date for 6 PM.

The following day I had dressed up nicely with a white shirt and light gray pants.

I was checking my phone while waiting in front of the cinema.

‘Hey big bro, I’m right there :3’

I turn around and see Cassandra wearing a black crop top and a yellow pleated skirt, with her smartphone in hand.

“Hey Cass, you’ve dressed up nicely. Should we get popcorn?”

“Hehe… I like caramel popcorn. Do they have any?”

“Let’s see.”

We enter the cinema and scan our tickets through my phone.

The popcorn machine and clerk has a short line, we talk as we wait.

“Hello, do you have caramel popcorn?”

“Yes, which size do you want?” The clerk replies as he shows different bucket sizes.

“Let’s go with large. Two iced teas with that, that’ll be all.”

The clerk prepares it all and we head into the theater.

Cassandra nudges me.

“Could we sit in the back?”

“You can choose our seats.”

“Really? Thanks!”

Cassandra was really cute at times. Here she was, all happy just because I let her choose the seats.

We sat down as the ads started playing. We picked at the popcorn together.

Then the movie started.

The British protagonist shows up, popular and seducing every woman around, then his teeth show up on screen, they’re yellow and misshaped. He goes on to save the world, as a super spy agent would, only in fiction.

The credits started rolling.

“It was really good.” Comments Cassandra.

“Yeah… Kind of a Banes Bong parody, but instead of Taiwanese it’s British.”

“The teeth were realistic too.”


Quickly throwing away the empty bucket and cans, I guide Cassandra outside the cinema.

“Then…” Cassandra looks over at me with a reluctant look.

Just watching one movie together made the time pass so quickly.

I propose something else.

“If you’re hungry, we can go to a restaurant, there’s a few good ones nearby.”

“Really!?… I didn’t bring a lot of money…”

“It’s fine, let’s go.”


Cassandra comes and hugs my arm tightly in her chest.

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“…” Cassandra was blushing and looking away. “W-What? Let’s go, to the restaurant.”


We head out nearby and walk until I find something that looks classy and that isn’t completely full.

How about here? It looks like an authentic Japanese restaurant. I don’t see the tell-tale signs of it being owned by the Chinese.”

“Alright, big brother.”

We enter and get a table for two. We order sushi and ramen. We have a good time, then for desert we get a sakura mochi, which is a slightly sweet pink paste wrapped in a soft bitter sakura leaf.

Quite weird but nice.

I pay and we slowly make our way out. I accompany Cassandra to her bus stop. As her bus arrives, she speaks up.

“I had a great time with you, big brother…”

“Yeah, me too.”

“…” Cassandra takes a step towards me and hugs me.

“…!” I don’t even have the time to hug her back she bolts away into her bus.

I see her through the window, I wave at her, she waves back.

It was a bit late now. I make my way to the metro station.

On the way there, there is a small commotion at a café.

A grown man with a goatee has his hand on a coffee table.

“Come on, it’ll be my little treat?”

“Go away. Leave me be…” A sexy woman in her late twenties wearing a business suit seems annoyed and looks away.

“Don’t act so cold, I know you’re the type to like it, don’t you want some of this?” The man lifts up and down his belt.

“… So crass, you’re disgusting! I’ll call the police if you keep this up!”

“Haha, who’s scared of the police?” The man suddenly grabs the woman’s wrist.

“Ah! Let me--”

As things played out, I was already nearby and I grabbed the man’s back collar and lift him up. He’s definitely less than 6 feet tall, it’s no wonder he acts like this.

Height complex, victim complex. He must have been bullied at school.

“Hey nerd, will you shut the fuck up?” I say to talk smack to him.

The man turns his head as he flays his legs. I move him away from the tables smoothly.

“Who are you!? Let me go!”

“I’m the deputy trash disposer, I’m here to clean the area.”

“What!? How dare you!”

I walk back toward an alley with trash bins I saw just before, where the restaurant puts its trash.

The man trashes even more, but by moving around I don’t get hit, not that he could hurt me seriously.

Reaching the trash bin, I open it up with my other arm then I build a bit of momentum and throw the man inside. The bin closes by itself with the vibration.

“AHHH! You’ll pay for this!”

I give a kick to the metal bin, it makes a loud noise from my side, but only the guy would know how loud it was inside.

“AAH! Fuck… God damn it…”

If he brought up the police, the fact he grabbed a stranger’s wrist would also come up, so hopefully he’d keep quiet.

But to be sure, I had the right spell.

Hypnotic Mental Suggestion, I can’t have the police help me.”

He seems calmer now, so I make my way back to the metro.

Crossing the café’s tables once more, the woman from before stops me.

“Thank you. I hope you don’t get in trouble for this.”

“Oh, me too.”

The ravishing raven-haired woman hands me a black business card. “Here, if you need a witness for your defense. Call me and I’ll make it up to you.”

I take the card and read it.

Lucy Griffith, Business Manager of Vutton Financials’ with her contact information.

Oh, business manager… I’m Edward, a biochemistry student, for now…” I wondered when I’d get past the student thing.

With what’s happening recently, I might take a spell to transmute gold and start training instead of studying.

Lucy smiles wryly. “What a disappointment, I had hoped the trash disposal deputy would come and clean up the place again.”

“I’m afraid I can only take on that duty once a week.”

“Once a week is enough for me…” Lucy looks in my eyes.

(Is she asking me out?…)

“… I…”

“I can pay you if you become my bodyguard.”

(Oh, was that what she meant? Her foxy looks made me misinterpret her.)

I scratch my neck.

“I’m not interested in taking a job. If it was just hanging out--”

Then that’s settled, text me now, I’ll send you back the location for tomorrow’s venue. Just pretend you’re my boyfriend and dress up like you are now.”

She made it hard to refuse, but I was bewildered by her attitude.

Was this a trap? A honeypot?

My thoughts might have shown on my face.

Edward, please?” Lucy holds onto my wrist with a forlorn face.

“Ahem… Lucy, why are you like this? Is someone threatening you?”

“… Pretty much. Tomorrow there’s a product showcase I need to attend from a company I work closely with. But their CEO’s trashy son harasses me. He managed to make my boss pressure me to date the guy. I just want a way out that doesn’t cost my job.”

“…” This seemed rather easy to deal with for me. Just like I dealt with Hope, I could deal with this guy. In one evening, I could use the spell five or more times. “I can deal with him. If he doesn’t contact you and all his efforts stop for a week, will you believe I’ve dealt with it? In that case, how much can you give me? Although I said earlier I don’t need a job, I do need quick money.”

“That guy calls my phone with different numbers every day. If he stops for three days, I’ll give you two thousand dollars. But you can’t just beat him up…”

I won’t. I’ll just slip some gay bomb in his drink, he won’t target women anymore.” I make up some bullshit as I talk.


“You know, gay bomb? I’m a biochemistry student. Why do you think there’s a whole brand new movement for gay people? They’re manufactured. Anyway, I’ll deal with him.” I text Lucy’s phone to exchange numbers.

“Alright… I’m counting on you… And that gay bomb…”

The gay bomb does exist, but I don’t have access to any of it. I did have magic.

I returned home, slept, woke up, received the address on my phone to the venue, and I took the bus and walked to it.

Lucy was there, right outside the double glass doors.

“Here you are.” She comes to my ear. “Do you have it?”


Lucy continues whispering in my ear. “The bomb…”

“Oh… Yes, yes. Don’t worry. And don’t say that word!…” I look around to make sure no one heard her.

She nods. “Alright, then let us go. Pretend we’re together until you give him the… Thing.”

For a smart looking business woman, she seemed extremely naïve.

She crossed her arm with mine and we entered.

There were tables with cloth upon them. They were topped with bottles of wine and snacks.

(But what was the product?)

Farther away, there was a brand new motorcycle with two pairs of wheels almost touching each other, on a big turn table, rotating slowly.

(Did buying motorcycle gear sway my fate like this?)

If a motorcycle was the product, it made sense that the son’s CEO had a bunch of pocket money.

As soon as we come in, quite a few heads turn, and a young adult in a suit, wearing a gold watch and with more hair gel than everyone else, comes walking.

“Lucy, did you bring your little brother? Hello, I’m your big brother, Damian!”

This guy was too much.

“Who’s your brother? I’m a single child. Come over there and let’s talk about it.”

The man’s eyes bulged as the idea of Lucy holding a man’s arm like this other than his or her family probably made him mad with jealousy.

“… Sure. Follow me. Now.”


I smile confidently at Lucy.

We arrive in an empty hallway.

“Who the fuck do you think you are? Stay the fuck away from my Lucy. How dare you embarrass me like this! Who put you up to--”

Unable to keep listening to this, I cast the incantation.

Hypnotic Mental Suggestion, I don’t desire women at all.”

My mana emptied out, I had to wait 40 minutes, or 20 minutes with Mana Convergence.

He snapped back to consciousness.

“Damian, you don’t even want Lucy. Stop fucking around.”

You… Lucy is the one thing I want! Come back here!”

I step back through the door.

I knew the mental suggestion would take time to even have a chance to activate, but I’d definitely need more than one use on him.

Maybe he’s not obsessed with Lucy because she’s a woman, but more intrinsically? Then I’ll base the next suggestion on that.

I hurry back to Lucy, who’s talking with a few people.

I stay nearby. Damian looks over our direction the whole time, barely taking his eyes off elsewhere.

After forty minutes pass, I walk towards him. Soon the event will actually begin.

Damian addresses me coldly.

“What? It’s too late, I won’t forgive you even if you pay me.”

There’s no people directly next to us, probably because no one likes this guy.

Hypnotic Mental Suggestion, I don’t want Lucy Griffith.” His eyes focus back. “Go reconsider your life, Damian.” I walk back to Lucy.

“You… Which country did you come from? Nobody speaks to me like that!”

Damian follows me back.

However the lights turn off and a few people hop on stage next to the bike to present it and begin the show. A few cameras flash.

Damian stops following and reluctantly gets near the stage.

I stand next to Lucy, who looks at me questioningly.

I give her a thumbs up. She smiles back.

The two suggestions ought to deal with the guy.

But I’ll do one more later just to be sure.

After the presentation ends, the lights turn back on and people crowd over the food that came in between.

Damian seems busy talking with an old man.

The party continues on.

I wait for my chance to talk to Damian one last time.

All to secure my two thousand dollars.

I could have made much more by brainwashing Lucy to like Damian and having that guy pay me, but that would make me sick to the core.

Two thousand would help buy more conservable food and supplies.

There wasn’t much else to get anyway.

Finally, Damian seemed left alone.

I walk up from behind him.

Hypnotic Mental Suggestion,” He turns back, in a daze. “I hate harassment.

This was the last one for him, hopefully.

Soon he should hate himself and find his life meaningless.

“Damian, I’ve heard of your inexcusable behavior. I’ll personally call the police if you continue, good luck with the public relations department after that. This is your last warning for your harassment.”

“…” He glares back, not saying a word.

I go back with Lucy and we leave the venue.

“So… Edward? Will it work?”

“If it doesn’t, just don’t pay me. I’ve done my best.”

“… Alright.”

Lucy gets in her car and I walk back.

I see Damian look at me on the way back.

I return home.

I dress up and prepare my bags.

I have lots of food and a few books with lots of photos, on animals, cities and plants.

This should attenuate Suzabeth’s boredom.

I fall asleep…