Hey Mama and Papa,
How are you guys doing? I hope you guys aren't feeling too down ‘cause of me.
It hasn’t been long since I was reborn, hiehie. You guys would not believe where I landed and how I was born into it. Another world? Not human but as a dragon? Chased in my first minutes alive by bipedal dogs?
No. It sounded too insane to believe. Unfortunately, this was my reality now. I was not a human anymore, I was turned into a dragon.
I just killed my first animal. It was a rabbit with small antlers. Like in those hunting documentaries, I bled the rabbit out before I began butchering it. I seared the meat over a magical fire and then I ate it. It definitely couldn’t be compared to what Mama always bought home… but it was still good to me.
Well, that was all I had to say. I miss you guys. I really do.
I love you, ich liebe euch, aishiteru — Mama and Papa,
Your Little Girl
Send. Beep, beep, beep, brrrrrrrrr! Failed to find a connection. Ripperonies… haaaaaaaaaa.
Nope, if you once lived in a world with computers and TV, getting stuck in the wild with nothing interesting to do was just boredom times 100. I mean, going out to hunt with a full stomach sounded painful, so staying underneath this bush was my only viable option. As I was intending to survive, I had to be in stealth mode 24/7 and hope some animal doesn’t just stomp on me accidentally.
Of course, I wanted to sleep. I needed it desperately. With the refreshing strawberries and filling meat inside my stomach, my insomnia was finally catching up to me, but I couldn’t relax. My sated belly was producing some much needed melatonin, but neither my heart nor brain could rest.
Hold on, in this case, why don’t I just tire my brain even more?
I had bought the skill [Identify] from the skill shop. It’s name alone was reason enough for me to buy it, even if I had no clear idea what it did. Regardless if it was a light novel or some drama show, information gathering capabilities were invaluable. If this was an appraisal skill, then I just hit gold.
It is a bush
…Cool, it works. Lame description though.
Name: *
Level: 4
Age: 0 Month
Health: 50 Mana: 124/137
Strength: 19 Intelligence: 12
Vitality: 10 Wisdom: 9
Agility: 28 Stamina: 20
Effects: None
Skill Points: 0 (-400)
Magic skills and related:
[Mana Control Lv. 2] [Holy Magic Lv. 3] [Fire Magic Lv. 1] (New)
[Earth Magic Lv. 1] (New) [Primal Magics]
Physical skills and related:
[Mana Strike Lv. 1]
Senses and movement skills:
[Stealth Lv. 4] [Enhanced Enemy Sense Lv. 1] (New)
[Physical Resistance Lv. 2] [Pain Resistance Lv. 2]
[Identify Lv. 1] [Cooking Lv. 1] [Dismantle Lv. 1].
Spell List:
Holy Magic:
[Minor Heal] [Cure] [Modest Heal]
Fire Magic:
Earth Magic
[Earth Wall]
The Light Magic:
[The Light] [Bearer of Kargryxmor’s Blood] [Otherworldly Reincarnator]
Let’s start the mass Identify session #1.
Dragon Hatchling
A newborn dragon that has not matured yet. Rank G
Apparently, this world had a ranking system. So, it wasn’t established by a civilization but by the System Voice? I should probably look into this ranking system a bit more.
Rank G
The lowest order of monsters
Ahhhh, so I wasn’t an “animal” per se, I was a monster! I guess it was obvious, but at least I now know that was the correct way to address all these creatures inside this forest. However, I wasn’t trying to demean myself by learning that I was of the lowest rank, I was trying to ask for the ranking system itself!! So, show it!
Strength measurements assigned to monsters
… Is this thing treating me like an idiot? How rude! Couldn’t the System have mentioned this sorta information was classified or not available to me, instead of giving me these lame ass descriptions. It’s so short, it almost felt like nobody gave a shot with the writing! Meh, whatever, next!
The status that governs and controls the lifeforce of the individual
The amount of mana the individual can hold at one time
The physical prowess that can be exerted by the body
Proficiency requirement fulfilled. [Identify Lv. 1] evolved into [Identify Lv. 2]
The body’s ability to resist and endure physical damage. Determines physical abnormal effects application chance
The body’s ability to move more efficiently. Lessens Stamina usage on abilities and actions
The mental capacity to continuously cast spells and mana intensive abilities. Applies a modifier and eases the use of mana
The sturdiness of mana surrounding the individual to resist and endure magical damage. Increases natural mana regeneration speed
Awwwwww, it doesn’t make me smarter? Would have made algebra and studying easier.
The maximum burden the body can endure. Exhaustion will apply once Stamina reaches 0
Alright, a headache was building up for me. This might have been a bit too much information streaming into my head like that, but I should force myself to continue this. It was important.
The status information was pretty simple and obvious, but I did notice by improving [Identify], the information given to me had increased. As such, I went back to the Health, Mana, and Strength to take another look at them.
Health only told me that I would die if it reached zero. Obvious. Mana would stop regenerating once it reached zero, and I would have to wait off the ailment before I could gain it again. To me, this was probably the most important part. Lastly, Strength also applied a modifier for physical attacks. Neat.
Did that mean [Identify] still had more to offer? From the looks of it, it had eight more tries to really knock my socks off, uhh, scales off. With it being level two for now, it did mean that System Voice wasn’t being rude or secretive towards me, I just didn’t have the skill at a high enough level yet. Whoops, my bad, systeem Voice. Let’s make up.
Strength measurements assigned to monsters by the Divine System
… Pff, disappointing.
You are reading story A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale at novel35.com
Well, it wasn’t like I needed the small details anyways. This was technically enough for me to understand things.
Which brings me to the probably most important part of these appraisal sessions, which would be my skills and titles. I knew that my stats would grow with me through level-ups and training. In other words, any effort I put into exerting myself would reward me in something. However, how did it work for the skills?
I wasn’t 100% sure just yet, but if there were repercussions for having more skills, then maybe the rule of thumb was the more, the merrier? Of course, quality over quantity shouldn’t be neglected. I mean, having too many low level skills just sounded like being a newb, as proven with [Identify], which was kinda useless at level two.
There were dozens of skills available in the shop, but both my time and skill points were limited. I needed to learn more about my skills and then decided on which was worth training up. Then, it would be time to specialize and get some skills which will synergize with my combat style.
Mana Control
Allows the user to move mana around the body. Enables the use of magic
Primal Magic
An ancient skill that allows the user to wield magics with the highest efficiency
Oh my, oh my, just look at these two gems! Compared to my other skills, these two have that sorta “special” in their description. Well, [Mana Control] sounded like a basic mage skill, as it implied you needed it to cast spells, but still, it’s special to me! In addition, it cleared up a few questions I had on how I was able to cast spells on my first day.
[Primal Magic] was ambiguous. [Identify Lv. 2] couldn’t display all the information, but even with its secrets, I could tell these two skills were responsible for my fledgling mage career. Since I was born with these two skills, these two had to be innate, right? Like, every dragon gets these two? Meaning dragons are naturally good magicians?
Nah, there was no need to think too hard about it. “Of course!” was the only answer to this, otherwise, wouldn’t it be strange? I figured it out through trial and error in a single day. Becoming a mage couldn’t be this easy, right? It had to be ‘cause these two skills synergize together perfectly!
Now I was totally pumped to see what my titles did. All of them sounded over the top, and I just got them for some reason. Oh man, just imagining what sorta crazy things they’ve been granting me just awakened the gamer’s soul inside me!
The Light
A title granted to a mortal recognized by the Goddess of Light. Boosts proficiency gain of magics based on Holy Element. Decreases Dark Element resistance and proficiency
Bearer of Kargryxmor’s Blood
A title granted to a mortal recognized by the God of Dragons. Boosts experience gain and decreases skill point expenditure. Decreases Water Element resistance and proficiency
Otherworldly Reincarnator
A title granted to a soul who has reincarnated with memories from its previous life. Enables the Skill Point function
Proficiency requirement fulfilled. [Identify Lv. 2] evolved into [Identify Lv. 3]
… It seemed like gods existed in this world. Sooooooooo, what in the hell did I do to become recognized by two gods? I have no idea on this matter, but I don’t believe a god would be whimsical enough to grant a newborn divine blessings, or was my escape such a threat to watch?
Never mind, maybe I’m the one overestimating a god’s thoughts here. They could have just done it for the laughs.
… Why should I care for their reason? All I’ve been doing in these past days was complain, complain, and complain even more. Maybe it would do me some good to be more optimistic about the situation, despite how fucked up it was.
Thinking about it rationally, System voice did not announce my titles at all and I had them right at the beginning. If I could hazard a guess, this Goddess of Light and God of Dragon probably had something to do with my reincarnation. I had no other people to blame it on.
Still, it was a useless thought for now. I did wonder why they haven’t talked to me yet, or left me a message at the very least, but so be it. I’ll worry about it when the opportunity arises and ask them the questions during our meeting.
I personally had better things to worry about, life-threatening things even. For example, what my breakfast is gonna be. My berry bush was empty and I didn’t save any of the rabbit meat, since it would only attract unwanted guests. To be honest, I should just be happy with being lucky enough to be reborn with all those boons; I’m even a dragon, even if I looked like a gecko right now.
After all, “Goddess of Light”? Looking at the categories and skills inside my profile, [Holy Magic] and [The Light] spell section probably came from her. It would surprise me if dragons were born with the ability to cast healing spells, then again, I might have inherited it from my lizard parents. I’m a bit confused on what [Bearer of Kargryxmor’s Blood] did, but it’s whatever, it increased my experience and skill gain efficiency. That’s good enough of a blessing for me.
Obviously, if two gods were willing to grant me their divine blessings, something was up. If that was the case, then how about this, Miss Goddess of Light — I will live up to the title you gave me.
My memory still felt a bit foggy, but I’m simply attributing it to sleep deprivation. Nevertheless, I still remembered my dream clearly — to stand under the spotlight and sing and dance for everybody to see. Thus, I’m planning to live up to my [The Light] title as best as I could.
I have no interest in what you gods have planned for me but in this life…I will definitely make my dream come true. I will shine!
And to do that, I had to grow stronger. I have to survive at all costs! I couldn’t fulfill it back on Earth, but I will do it now.
And to achieve this goal, I must improve my stats and skills. In addition, probably finding a way back to civilization would be ideal. Naturally, to do so, I had to start getting used to… well, I needed to learn how to kill these “monsters” to level up.
A part of me was afraid of continuing all this killing and that it might affect my personality. The thought of me becoming a murder hobo or psychopath was chilling, even repulsive to me, but what other choice did I have? Become a vegetarian? A pacifist when everything around me was larger and I had no other idea to get experience?
No, no, I would just delay the inevitable here. Trying to neglect the status quo of this world simply ‘cause I came from another world with a different culture and world view, was naive. Even for me, that was just pure stupidity.
The meat I ate every day on Earth had to come from somewhere. The only difference was how I was now the hunter and butcher simultaneously. I personally had to do the hard parts now. They were just animals, things I must kill to survive to further my dream.
I wasn’t human anymore, I’m a “monster.” An animal just like everybody else here. I need this sorta mentality to keep myself going. Keep training my stats and skills and continue on leveling to become strong enough to survive anything this forest threw at me!
After all, this was all for my dream — to become an idol.
“Wra…wraaaaah…” I yawned.
Enables a non-human to temporarily transform into a human. Requires 1000 SP
Leveling up gave me SP, and I need SP for this very important skill. A dragon was a threat to humans and any other races this world had, but what about a cute girl? Fat chance, right? This was my plan to re-enter civilization. If I went into a city as a dragon, all I could hope was people trying to kill me… but, let’s leave this for tomorrow.
I hope I won’t regret being careless for one evening, but…I…sleep…
A note from AbyssRaven
I'll be putting a status board update at the end of the chapter, if something changed on it, while not being reported anywhere in the chapter.
Once again, thank you very much for reading.
Edit: Edited to match my current style.
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1 Fictions 7 Posts 1 Threads
Friday, January 10, 2020 9:11:08 PM Germany [Member of Zard Skwad]
Bio: Hey there, AbyssRaven here. I'm just an avid Light Novel and Fantasy story reader who randomly thought of a story and began writing about it.
I eventually found out that I've been spending a bit too much time with building, planning, and researching for the story, that I've decided to just share it with others.
Writing is mostly a hobby for me, but I would still love any kind of criticism to improve on it.
I'm also german, so please excuse anything that sounds a bit weird...I wouldn't mind you pointing it out though.
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