Imagine an idol getting arrested right after performing at a concert. Embarrassing…
Pestrodus von Spitzwald, man of the Folschreck Empire and one of the representatives Eshe spoke about before. He had a lean, muscular body hidden behind a military outfit decorated with medals and an emblem of a gavel with an eye. He had a long, brown beard trimmed to have a french mustache and he wore a monocle, from which I could feel some magical capabilities. My guess, the monocle had an enchantment of some kind on it.
Calling himself a judge of the Lycerepth, this man was staring at me menacingly.
“Lady Hestia Atsuko, is that your full name?” After asking me to follow him into the balcony behind the dining room, which overlooked the courtyard of the palace, and checking to make sure that no other servants or nobles were around, Pestrodus began to speak with me.
“…” I stayed silent, thinking of what to say. I looked into the dining room, trying to see if any of my friends were there. Saori was nowhere to be seen, having probably dragged Duke Greenveil into a separate room to negotiate the yeast contract with him. Ellaine probably had to follow them since House Helvas was involved in this deal as our main contractor. Tasianna was most likely inside the kitchen with the chefs and servants, as I asked her to make sure our pastries would be served to the nobles as an advertising tool.
This man caught me when nobody from my party was around. Thankfully, once he saw Pestrodus approach me, King Drangleic sent a few servants to follow us. They were waiting inside the room, watching us intently through the windows like watchdogs. I could also see Duchess Morgiana and her family glaring at Pestrodus from their tables, as if they were ready for a fight the moment he tried to do something.
When I turned back to Pestrodus, his eyes were still looking at me, showing no signs of unrest. His wrinkles made me think he was in his late thirties. “No, that is not my full name, but I will not tell you the rest of it, if you are here to ask about it. The identity of our clan, and by extension our draconic lineage, is related to a dragonewt’s last name, Lord Pestrodus.”
“Just Pestrodus is fine.” The man’s thick accent became more noticeable when he spoke his name, making me realize he pronounced his name “Pierstruudus.” “Alright, then I would like to know if you have any knowledge of the Lycerepth before I begin.”
About the Lycerepth, I knew that they were a police order created by the Folschreck Empire to seek out and expunge threats within itself, which usually involved coup d’etats or rebellions. According to Eshe, the lycerepthors, the agents, usually traveled around the empire’s lands and visited its vassals to maintain peace and order. Guarded by the Lycerepth’s own knight order, the Lycerittern, these order agents would wander anywhere needing “justice” and “righteousness.”
“And you, sir, are a Lycerepth judge, correct? Something similar to a commander within your order, right?” I asked after telling him what Eshe told about me about his order.
“Correct. I am judge, jury, and executioner; this is a most prestigious right given by the holy emperor to all agents worthy in spirit and strength to uphold the empire’s laws. In addition, we are also responsible in aiding the church of the Goddess, for that is every empire citizen’s duty,” he explained, stroking his beard and looking satisfied with himself.
‘The demonkins have infiltrated not only the church but also the empire.’ Aurena’s words entered my mind once again. Eshe, although from the Empire, was on Aurena’s side as one of her saintesses who already knew about me through the latter. However, Maverina and Pestrodus were different, there was no guarantee I could trust them.
As I was unsure how to feel about this, I kept my silence and Pestrodus took it as a sign of my wariness. “First, I would like to congratulate you for your blessing as a fellow ardent follower of the Goddess of Light. We can never have enough brave men and women doing work in the Goddess’s name. Still, I must ask your reason for not divulging this grandiose information to the local cathedral. The cardinal’s and the priest’s expressions were enough for me to believe you hadn’t informed anybody.”
I probably shouldn’t mention that Theodore is aware of my secret. The High Bishop can probably think of some excuse if I make sure not to implicate him.
“I wasn’t aware I had to inform anybody about it. All I am aware of is that the Goddess had given me the divine honor to serve her. As such, Saintess Eshe is fully aware of my role and goals. The Goddess sent her to help and educate me, so I placed my trust in her. Why are you being so inquisitive after she vouched for me?” I tilted my head a bit, looking up at the tall man.
He raised an eyebrow at my question. “That is my profession, Lady Hestia. I am still an agent because I ask questions. If I wasn’t continuously inquisitive I wouldn’t be standing before you, right now.”
… Ok, that was stupid of me to say. He’s literally an inquisitor.
“However, I do not wish to be rude, so I shall answer your question in turn. I do trust Lady Eshe and you are right, no laws or rules are forcing you to inform people; on the contrary, you just did it now. I have no complaints and applaud you for that magnificent performance, if I may add my own opinion,” Pestrodus said without a hint of a smile. “However, I must ask for your forgiveness, but trust should be rarely dispensed without reason. Especially if you are someone not part of the Empire, Lady Hestia.”
If I remember correctly, all the human kingdoms and countries on Altrust have either become vassal nations to the empire or joined it outright. It was still incredible to hear that the Folschreck Empire was able to achieve this momentous feat, considering no one on Earth managed to do it.
From the map Aurena showed me, the Empire’s land was humongous, controlling the entire eastern part of the continent except for the northeast. This was where the beastman alliance, Carmaniate, stood steadfast against the empire of man. War waged between these two factions in the north while in the south, the Empire fought the demonkins of Bole’Taria.
As such, if this guy doesn’t trust anybody “not part of the Empire,” then he meant he was extremely suspicious of non-humans.
He continued, saying, “Your patron god is Kargryxmor, a member of the Goddess’s pantheon, in addition, you are a… ‘idol?’ As such, I will currently believe you have nothing evil intended for our church, despite your rather lackluster conduct. However.” He raised his voice, putting more weight into his next words. “I am in Artorias not only to escort the saintess, but because I have heard some troubling news. Corruption, My Lady, hidden among white stones. I fear a kingdom’s loyalty is wavering. I sense the cesspool underneath this ‘city.’”
Pestrodus then adjusted his monocle, looking at the crowd of people inside the dining hall. “Sometimes the duty of the Lycerepth involves purging a once beautiful home. All for the glory of the Empire. All for the stability of the church.” He then turned back to me. “All so the Holy Emperor may keep mankind safe and prosperous.”
Somehow my body felt heavier and my mind became foggier for some reason. It wasn’t to the point it got annoying, but my parallel minds were telling me something definitely was trying to influence my mind at this point. With all my mind protection skills, it was hard for people to influence me, but it seemed I wasn’t completely immune.
Using my [Mana Eyes] for a moment, I noticed mana channeling around Pestrodus’s monocle, implying he was using it for something, although I wasn’t sure what. Well, good thing this skill also functioned as my [Identify].
Truth-Seeking Monocle
A catalyst used to amplify spells or skills applied through eye contact. The effects of the catalyst may only be activated by peering through the monocle’s glass.
Enchantments: [Truth-Seeker] [Coercion Effectiveness Increase]
… So it’s like a truth serum or something, just turned into a manatool?
The mana inside the monocle suddenly decreased significantly and the lethargic feeling from before disappeared. I assumed Pestrodus noticed his catalyst wasn’t working on me, deactivating it. During this entire process, his poker face did not break once. For sure, this man was not here to make friends.
The competitive side of me was telling me to retaliate but there was no need. The Empire per se was not my enemy.
Without getting provoked, I kept staring into his eyes. “An ‘Idol’ is a new blessing the Goddess herself innovated. I am the first, even among the other Origin Gods’ blessed. Would you like to hear what my duty is as an idol?”
He nodded. “I would. I admit, I crave this knowledge as a fellow Istari follower.”
“My duty is to bring people together through my songs,” I stated, causing Pestrodus’s stern face to break in confusion. Placing my hand on my chest, I smiled as I spoke truthfully from the bottom of my heart. “‘Music is the art of touching the souls of thousands to empower and heal them.’ That is my motto, Mister Pestrodus. There are many ways for people of different cultures to come together. Food, the pursuit of knowledge, money. However, for me, the best is music.”
I paused, taking a breath. “I have no idea what you are investigating me for, but know this, my most important goal is to become a truly respectful idol. I wish for people to smile, for their lives to be brightened as they look at me shining like a star on my stage. The Goddess asked me to bring people together with my singing, but all I wish for is an audience to listen to me.”
Even if only a single person could hear me, I couldn’t fail them for they are my audience. I closed my eyes, my goal is to win him over.
“As I stare into the sky, I wonder what happened that day ♫
It was bright, so bright, my dazzling dreams; It pains me, to think of them ♫
I sealed my tears, sadness into a mask, how could I be so blind to theirs ♫
Oh, by chance, I wish a second try, but now, that chance is gone. ♫
Instead, everything was changed ♫
I could have cast my past into flames ♫
But my memories remained, I couldn’t fail; their hopes for me, I will hold to my heart! ♫
Like a soaring star, I will fly ♫
Through this darkness, my light will never fade ♫
Even in the darkest hours, this smile will always stay ♫
This promise etched into my eternal soul! ♫
As if reality can break my wings ♫
Defy all, keep your eyes on the prize ♫
For this single chance in life, I will stand tall and proud ♫
Let the world hear my voice! ♫”
[Music Resonation (Minor)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]
Snapping my eyes open, I smacked my chest once again. “I may be young, I may still make mistakes as a priestess of the church of the Goddess, but I am committed to my goal and my goal to serve the Goddess.” I pointed into the sky. “You are welcome to attend my concert on the sixth, Mister Pestrodus. Maybe my performance can get rid of some of that grimness around you~”
No follower message, huh? Guess I failed to win him over.
Pestrodus adjusted his monocle, his poker face restored. “My Lady, I did say I did not doubt your piousness, correct?”
Urgh! I guess he did say that… Argh, this hurts so much, soooo embarrassing!
Ignoring my reddening face, the Lycerepth Judge continued, “However, maybe I was a bit too harsh today. Pardon me, Lady Hestia. Have a nice rest of the evening.” And just like that, Pestrodus bowed and made his way back into the dining room, turning back as he opened the door. “I would ask you to not spend too much time with King Drangleic nor the seven dukes, Lady Hestia. I would ask you to leave human matters to us humans. The Folschreck Empire does not wish to anger the dragons nor the dragonewts, but we shall not capitulate without a fight, My Lady. Please, do not underestimate what we humans can do in the pursuit for power.”
… Say that once you meet daddy dearest and mommy mearest, Sir. Well, not like I want others to fight my own fights.
I honestly had no idea what Pestrodus was speaking about the whole corruption or kingdom losing loyalty part. What did he even mean about this “cesspool” underneath the city? I mean, there is a sewer in the lower city so it doesn’t stink up the place, but can you really call that a cesspool?
Once I entered the dining room again, a few nobles inside the room stared at Pestrodus and me, looking a bit anxious. Stuff like “Imagine questioning a blessed of the Goddess and one of our kingdom’s honored guests. Only a Judge would!” and “Imperial envoys just spit on everything His Majesty and the Dukes strive to do. Just leave your slaves in the Empire, don’t sully our streets with their filth.”
“Lady Hestia.” I turned around to a familiar voice. It was Eshe. “I saw Judge Pestrodus taking you outside to the balcony. I apologize for not being able to support you. I can only imagine what he wanted to discuss with you.”
If I remember correctly, Eshe was trying to come out to the dining room but her two knights stopped her. I don’t know for what reason but I had to agree with their decision. Eshe interjecting herself to the discussion probably wouldn’t have been beneficial since Pestrodus distrusted me as a person, not as a priestess.
“It’s alright. No harm done, really,” I said with a smile to calm her down. “Actually, I wanted to ask you about this. Does the Empire have slavery?”
“Slav-Uhm.” Eshe’s eyes shut close, twitching a bit as she kept quiet. Her reaction was enough for me to confirm the words of the gossiping nobles. “S-Sadly, I must confirm it. Yes, the Folschreck Empire does buy and sell slaves of any race, status, and… age.”
Artorias was a kingdom where slavery was forbidden by the crown, making it illegal for people to do business involving the slave trade or own them outright. It was a deviation from their predecessor, the Leosfalt Kingdom, as well as their southern neighbors, the Atadoro Kingdom. Apparently, the Empire wasn't shy about having slavery and it was practically normal for even a minor noble to possess one.
“If you don’t know about it yet, you may identify a slave by the blue runic tattoo somewhere on their body. The emblem of the slave’s owner will be engraved on their skin, locked behind a cage to signify they are an owned slave.” Eshe looked ashamed about it. I thought that, as a citizen of the Empire, she would be more forward with this sort of information, you know, cause it’s part of her home’s culture. I wouldn’t have judged her… harshly.
It was relieving to hear her so upset over the issue, to be honest, but I was questioning why she was having such a strong reaction.
“The Empire is supposed to be an ally of the church, that’s what you told me, Lady Eshe. From what I learned, Goddess Aurena doesn’t seem to be someone who would support slavery. The holy book might not condemn slavery per se, from what I read, but that doesn’t mean taking a person’s autonomy away is right,” I told her. I didn’t want to blame her for any of this but my moral compass couldn’t keep still.
“I couldn’t agree more, still…” As Eshe’s silence began to extend, I clapped my hands to interrupt her thoughts.
“It’s alright, sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. Uhm, I won’t be able to attend your lessons in the next two days, since I wish to wander around the festival, but I’ll come on the fourth. One last meeting before the concert to make sure everything goes right.” The concert on the sixth wasn’t sponsored by the church, it will be planned and paid for by Aurora and a few others.
As much as I wanted to say five people were enough to plan and keep the concert going, I couldn’t. We needed more staff. Thankfully, Count Helvas was willing to loan us most of his servants and attendants, as he owed us big time for a lot of things. Theodore and Eshe were there to help us with the decorations and promotion, since I was an “Idol of Aurena,” and giving it a more religious feel should help give the concert more clout.
The first step was done — getting nobles to be interested and attend the concert. The next steps will have to be done in the next three days.
After Eshe agreed to my idea, I excused myself, as I had to find Tasianna. When I left, Eshe did look less cheery than usual, but I guessed she was a bit perturbed with how I reacted to the slavery. As someone from the 20th century Earth, I was taught to think of salvery as morally black, and I still did.
Still, this was a discussion for another day. This was still a ball, a public event where keeping up appearances was important. Calling her out here would be inconsiderate of me, and it would be better to understand what Eshe’s stance was to slavery at a later date.
Urgh, mental note, don’t let one person anger you and then blow up at a good acquaintance.
Speaking about deals, I wanted to see how the deal was going so I went over to Marquess Sirius to ask him where Duke Greenveil, Count Helvas, Ellaine, and Saori went. After getting introduced to Marquess Westfalls, who along with Marquess Sirius acted as Duke Greenveil’s right and left hand men, the two marquesses called over a butler and told him to guide me to a specific room.
After walking through a hallway, my guide and I stopped when we noticed the people I was looking for. After greeting them, Saori gave me the gist of everything. Apparently, everything worked out in Count Helvas’s favor.
The fact we presented the yeast-made pastries in today’s ball caught the noble’s full attention as they stormed into the dining room. If I remember correctly, nobles were still crowding around the banquet tables when I left the ballroom. Even Marquess Sirus and his family had plates with slices of sponge cake or muffins. After announcing how Count Helvas and Duke Greenveil would be in charge of spreading it throughout the kingdom, the Duke had to cave in to some of the Count’s demands.
We agreed to share with Duke Greenveil and the Sarlenzia company’s president Newt the yeast recipe, but with the introduction of the pastry recipes I taught the Count’s chefs, the deal had to be changed a bit. You can sell dry yeast to nobles all you want, but the real gold mine is the sweets.
After my guide left us, Duke Greenveil spoke up, “With their dedication to progress, which all nobles must strive for, and the commitment to bettering our Kingdom, I, Duke Isaac Albreaus Greenveil, hereby shall honor Count Andre Orlean Helvas with the rank of Arcanuess. The official declaration shall be done on another date, but House Helvas has done enough to earn such an honor.”
Coun-, I mean, Arcanuess Helvas smiled as he continued, “In addition, our county shall be elevated to an arcanarch with our House’s new title. I was able to negotiate an increase in the size of my fief, as such, I plan to invest in the improvement of Carine village. The yeast production is currently being done in Firwood, but I wish to move everything to my fief once Lord Duke Greenveil is able to set up his facilities.”
“There is more, Lady Hestia,” Saori said with a grin. “I was able to keep the ownership of your pastry recipes, loaning them to these two fine men for a continued share. In addition, the honorable Duchess Greenveil and Arcaliess Helvas were enticed by the rice sweets. Soon, Artorias will sell mochi, dango, and rice cake! Splendid, isn’t it? We do not have to make them ourselves anymore!”
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Artorias craved the softer bread and the pastries you could make from yeast, artificially turning it into a luxury product since Saelariel was the only provider of yeast for Artorias. For some reason, our yeast was made differently from the elves’, but they did the same job. We knew the donuts and other pastries would sell well — nobles love “exotic” food — but we weren’t sure about rice treats.
According to Grimnir, the Revolution Queen, Chihiro, shared Japanese rice sweets with the dwarves. Since it came from one of their most successful High Queens, the dwarves kept the recipes for these treats behind a locked door similar to any other craft. Meaning, Artorians knew about them, which we learned after Saori and I tried to make some mochi.
With super strength and speed, mochi making was super easy!
“The sweets were absolutely scrumptious, Madam Saori. Lady Hestia. Our husbands knew the value of yeast but they had never tasted any confections from the Ankor-Nazta before. It also didn’t help that they don’t have a sweet tooth. Right, Lady Theresa?” Marianne giggled slightly as she giggled with the woman on Saori’s right.
“Absolutely, dear, the samples were delectable. Such a fine addition to a tea party, especially if it can be made with our Duchy’s abundance of rice. Madam Saori, I cannot wait for you to teach our chefs about the recipes. We will make sure this business deal will be fruitful for you,” Theresa, Duke Greenveil’s wife, spoke highly of the taste sample Saori brought to the meeting. And then all three laughed in unison.
If you look at these three, you would probably believe all three were nobles and the best of friends. At that moment, Saori looked more like a noble than me, hehe.
From the back, I saw Jonathan speaking with the children of Duke Greenveil. He was reserved and shy when he spoke, due to the rank difference, but it seemed he was making friends. When I asked him where Ellaine was, as she wasn’t following the whole group, he told me she wanted to stay back with Duke Greenveil’s youngest daughter.
“My sister and Lady Amelia are—” Jonathan was about to say something before being interrupted by his mother.
“Jonathan, this is Ellaine’s and Lady Amelia’s business. Something they should sort out for themselves.”
Theresa nodded in agreement, ending the discussion. I was asked to follow them back into the ballroom but I decided to wait for Ellaine. I wouldn’t eavesdrop. From what the mothers were implying and how Duke Greenveil mentioned this “Amelia” when we first met, I guess there has to be some drama between her and Ellaine.
I waited in the hallway, letting the silence continue. Eventually, the sound of somebody quietly weeping came from further into the hallway. A girl with green hair and lilac highlights was walking alone, wiping the tears from her eyes. When she noticed me, she curtsied and walked over to me.
“L-Lady Hestia, correct?” She stuttered a bit, having not fully suppressed her tears. “I am Amelia Olive Greenveil, youngest daughter of Duke Greenveil and his second wife. I have heard from father and grandfather that you are the reason for most of our Duchy’s recent blessings. For that, I thank you very much as the heir of the Sarlenzia trading company.”
“Wait, you are the heir? Then, does that mean—”
“Yes, Newt Sarlenzia is my grandfather. In addition, I am also the purveyor of the sweets company ‘Olive’s Garden’ which my father has made the primary shop to distribute your wonderful pastries and rice sweets, Lady Hestia. I was blown away by them. Even the recent fulinoe supply has seemingly made my grandfather look younger and more energetic. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”
That explains the “heir” part but I was also quite interested in what Duke Greenveil said before, mentioning how this girl wanted to speak with Ellaine about something. That was when my parallel minds reminded me that Newt was a commoner, and if that was the case then Amelia’s mother had to be a commoner too, I think. Which begged the question — where was this second wife?
But I didn’t let my curiosity get me. I didn’t see a second woman walking next to Duke Greenveil. There were myriads of questions. Something like commoners not being allowed to attend the ball would already be enough to make things awkward. Whatever the reason was, I didn’t want to feel inconsiderate twice on a single night.
Amelia continued before I could respond. “Uhm, Ellaine is still back there. I- … I wish you—” Amelia stopped once again, pausing as she bit her lips. Looking into her reluctant eyes I could see anger and envy.
“I hope Ellaine will be a better friend to you.” And with that, she left.
I walked silently through the hallway, only increasing my speed once I heard somebody crying. There, Ellaine was slumped on the ground, leaning on the wall as she allowed herself to cry her eyes red. Without another word, I embraced her, stroking the back of her head to soothe her.
I didn’t care about the ball anymore. My friend needed me.
In the silence of the hallway, Ellaine eventually explained the situation to me. Amelia and Ellaine were childhood friends, who first met during a tea party. As I guessed, Amelia’s mother was a commoner who married into the Duke’s house, as he wanted the Sarlenzia company to be part of his household. It was a business marriage at first, until Amelia’s mother died during childbirth.
A heart attack. Amelia’s mother was known to have a feeble body, something her daughter inherited, so Duke Greenveil made sure she had the best medical care. The priests managed to prevent it with healing magic and potions, but Amelia’s mother still died due to her weak body. When all of it failed right before his eyes, Duke Greenveil swore to honor his wife’s last words — to keep their daughter safe at all cost.
In noble society, a child born from a noble and commoner was placed under harsher scrutiny due to their “impure” blood. Duke Greenveil made sure Amelia bonded well with Theresa’s children, but she needed allies outside her house, so the duke arranged for a tea party to expose his daughter to other noble girls her age. Ellaine attended this party, as her father understood the political value of having an ally within a ducal house.
At first, they didn’t get along too well, as Amelia knew all the girls attending her party were there for father, not her. Strangely, they eventually bonded when they randomly met in Griffonpeak’s merchant district. It was a tantrum, Amelia ran away from her guards when she had visited her grandfather. Ellaine noticed Amelia running alone, remembering her hair, and ran after her.
“My brother was furious when he noticed I left him,” Ellaine admitted. “As much as everybody wanted to say that the merchant district was secure and safe for nobles to wander, sometimes a few rogues do appear. Kidnappers. ‘If you can abduct a noble and ransom them without getting caught, you will be well off,’ is apparently a common saying amongst certain types. Father explained that to me after I rescued Lady Amelia from one of them.”
Lost and alone, Amelia was perfect prey for any shady person who wanted a quick payday. Noticing how she was threatened by one, Ellaine somehow found the courage by imagining herself as her father and brother. Of the knights flying in the sky. Instead of shouting for help, Ellaine threw a rock at the kidnapper’s head and shot a wind spell to trip him. Quickly she swooped in and they both escaped.
“We were good friends, after that day. We would spend so much time together after the academy, studying and talking about this business she planned to do. Our relationship began with a glimmer of bravery from me… and it ended when I allowed myself to be a coward.” Ellaine’s expression contorted once again.
After willingly giving up her inheritance rights, believing her brother was just plain out superior to her, Ellaine lost a lot of her former friends and retainers. Believing she shouldn’t plague her best friend with her mistake, Ellaine “selfishly drifted away” from Amelia. Amelia, who did not have a single real friend except for Ellaine, felt betrayed.
Amelia just now admitted she did not understand what Ellaine was feeling and why she left her. But the damage was done, Amelia only understood her best friend had left without a single reason, and it got even worse when she learned Ellaine had joined Aurora. To her, their friendship had died, but she still had to keep a professional relationship with Ellaine due to their families.
… I didn’t say anything about it. I didn’t judge nor did I give any advice, for I knew for myself now how terrible of a friend I was on Earth, if my memories are to be believed. I swore to become a better one as “Hestia,” but I still didn’t know what to say in this situation. All I knew was that I wanted to stay with Ellaine until she felt better.
Time passed with us sympathizing with each other with the friendships we made prior to our meeting. I mean, Saori and Tasianna were amazing friends but I had that emotional moment where I wanted to push them away due to [Battle Frenzy]. I still felt ashamed ’cause of that. It was good that [Battle Frenzy] hadn’t caused any more trouble since.
When Saori and Tasianna came over, looking for us, they informed us that the ball was closing. The nobles were returning home and Duchess Morgiana was calling for me.
Surgery time.
A note from AbyssRaven
Poor Ellaine and Amelia :(
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1 Fictions 7 Posts 1 Threads
Sunday, September 12, 2021 12:49:36 AM Germany [Member of Zard Skwad]
Bio: Hey there, AbyssRaven here. I'm just an avid Light Novel and Fantasy story reader who randomly thought of a story and began writing about it.
I eventually found out that I've been spending a bit too much time with building, planning, and researching for the story, that I've decided to just share it with others.
Writing is mostly a hobby for me, but I would still love any kind of criticism to improve on it.
I'm also german, so please excuse anything that sounds a bit weird...I wouldn't mind you pointing it out though.
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