Party Leader
Name: Renee Level: 87
Main Job: Storm Knight Secondary Job: Gladiator Unique Job: Locked
Name: Fargryneill Qilinus Kargryxmor Level: 110
Main Job: Dragonkin Destroyer Secondary Job: Esoteric Pathfinder Unique Job: Locked
Name: Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor Level: 98
Main Job: Virulent Corrosion Secondary Job: Ravager Unique Job: Locked
Name: Tasianna Marina Silverpond Level: 70
Main Job: Storm Arcanist Secondary Job: Rogue Unique Job: Locked
“Hrrgh!” My mana surged through my glaive right into the catalyst it held on its blade, awaking the scale-dust inside it and causing flames to roar out in the face of the orc. Although protected by his helmet, the heat was getting to him.
To not allow him to escape, I pressed my strength forward, cutting through the orc’s axe like butter. Staggering backward, narrowly escaping my glaive, the orc wasn’t able to dodge Neill’s fist. With a powerful punch, Neill struck the orc’s armor with a mana-infused punch, shattering the orc’s black equipment in one attack, before using a knife hand to pierce through his belly.
“Grrrrouuuugh! NIAKASH BAAL’AK”
As the orc howled in pain and a war cry, the voices of even more orcs echoed from the tunnel behind him. Hearing his allies coming for him, the orc tried to grab and immobilize Neill, but my sister was too fast for him. She jump-kicked our enemy, pulling her hand out of his body, before tapping my shoulders as she landed next to me with a flip.
I didn’t understand what she wanted specifically, but the situation was obvious enough. Channeling my mana in my mouth, I released a fiery [Hellflame Breath] into the side tunnel, scorching the first orc before the rest erected a shield wall to block my attack. From the look of their armor, these orcs looked like the black orc knights I met last time I found an organized grimgarian group. Which meant that their armor and shields were made from voldunna, making them extremely resistant to heat.
In other words, these orcs were [High Orc]s, meaning this wasn’t just a normal grimgarian horde, but maybe a war party.
Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Secondary Job [Ravager] has risen from [Level 0] to [Level 4]
Attributes have increased due to level up
Tsk, they’re living. Turn to corrosive!
I turned my crimson fire into purple ones, using the toxic flames to kill the orc instead of using heat against voldunna armor. I didn’t know what was happening, but Neill didn’t sit around while I blasted my fire. She stomped the ground, creating thick, but less numerous, dragon paths along the tunnel’s walls and ceiling, before punching the start of those nodes.
With the sound of a balloon growing in size, the dragon paths bloated up, creating large bubbles as they exploded. The released mana caused the tunnel to collapse, possibly burying a couple of the orcs most likely. I wasn’t sure if we killed any, but our party was sharing experience with each other, so if we did, I would have leveled up my Jobs.
“Done!” I snapped my head around after Neill and I were done with our side, seeing Tasianna had frozen two [Bleak Hobgoblin] rogues. She might be the lowest level amongst us, but after her training with Mother and the twins, she was stronger than her level and stats suggested.
On the other side, Renee was fending off two hobgoblins too, having injured one of them with her sword. Seeing all their allies falling, the two jumped back before throwing two bombs at us, which released poisonous gas.
Renee increased her wind shield’s size, blocking the gas from reaching us. She then knocked the wind shield onto the ground, capturing the poisonous gas underneath it. With our sight restored, we saw the two goblins fleeing, only for Rajah to suddenly jump out from a shadow to pounce at the one Renee injured.
“Krraaah!” The goblin squirmed, left behind by its companion. Rajah fangs pierced right through its neck, ending the goblin’s life with a resounding crunch.
Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Secondary Job [Ravager] has risen from [Level 4] to [Level 5]
Attributes have increased due to level up
“Good boy!” I ran up to caress him before shooting out a [Sacred Smite] at the hobgoblin, but they dodged it before throwing down another poison gas bomb to block our sight. Useless really, since I had [Detection Sensor], but before I could do anything, Renee tapped my shoulder.
“I need to retrieve my father’s memento. Trap or not, that green rat will lead us to the others.” And with those words, Renee charged onwards.
And so did Sis. “Come on, let’s level our Jobs.”
Fair enough.
“Tasianna,” I called for my friend, signaling to her to kill the two frozen hobgoblins before we dashed behind the other two.
Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Main Job [Virulent Corrosion] has risen from [Level 14] to [Level 15]
Attributes have increased due to level up
Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Secondary Job [Ravager] has risen from [Level 5] to [Level 7]
Attributes have increased due to level up
Buffs on. Music on, let’s go!
[Various Spell Buffs] [Music Resonation (Moderate)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]
“All my buffing spells are up! Go wild, people,” I announced after my music began to play, sharing my buffs with everybody using [Idol]’s effect.
“Appreciated, Lady Priestess!”
“Wreak some havoc, ladies!”
We ran through the tunnel, following the sounds of the scurrying hobgoblin through this maze. As the number of signals in my [Detection Sensor] suddenly increased, I notified everybody we were close by, only for everybody’s [Danger Perception] to erupt into action the second we turned around a corner.
At the end of the tunnel wasn’t only a bright yellow-orange light but also a huge, blue one. I suddenly had a deja vu moment, remembering what happened during my time in the Belzac forest. A glowing blue light; I felt a chill run down my spine.
Mana cannon! Terra Wall!
“Brace yourselves!” I told everybody before moving the wall to our left, shoving us all right back over the corner. In the next moment, an ear-piercing explosion boomed, shaking the tunnel.
“Those things have a mana cannon?!” Renee exclaimed, having also recognized that blue light. “That was far too much for a trap! How do goblins and orcs get their hands on something as sophisticated as a cannon?!”
It seemed Renee didn’t know about the grimgarian warband over the Avitor Peaks, which made sense since it was confidential information in Artorias. However, to me, if these grimgarians had a siege weapon like a mana cannon, then I was now 100% sure these grimgarians must be in some way related to the ones over at Avitor Peaks. The ones working with the demon.
Which meant…
— I had to start taking this more seriously.
“Follow me, I have a plan.” I rushed back to where we came from after I heard Yeostar voice his concern about the situation.
“H-Hey, Lady Priestess?!”
“It’ll be clear when we get there! Now, come!”
Rajah and Tasianna followed after me without hesitation, Neill shrugged before doing it herself, and, lastly, Renee darted her head back and forward from the blocked passage and my back, before finally running after me. After passing the goblin Rajah killed, we ended back at the tunnel entrance Neill and I destroyed.
Seeing as the orcs we caved in hadn’t died yet, it was obvious to me there had to be others on their side, otherwise, how could they survive this long trapped inside so much rubble? Well, maybe the orcs were super sturdy, but my point was this tunnel must lead somewhere. No way could it only be a dead-end, right?
“Oooh, I get it. Sounds better than getting shot at by a mana cannon, that’s for sure,” Neill agreed with my plan. “But, how are we gonna do this? If I blast through all the rock and earth, we’ll just attract their attention.”
She was right. We were already detected, but I 100% didn’t want to tank a mana cannon, even with all my power boosts since the last time I got hit by one. As such, we needed to be stealthy for a moment, until we could attack. And for that, we needed to get to their base without alerting the cannon crew.
“I only need a precise hole which I could look at the other side with. I’ll get us over with no problem.” I used my [Detection Sensor] to check the other side, making sure nobody was over there at this very moment, which also confirmed my suspicion somebody was in the tunnel when it collapsed to help the orcs.
“On clean look through? Got it.” Neill nodded and went over to the rubble and laid her hand on it. With one deep breath, she created a glowing dragon path through it.
At this point, Neill hadn’t really explained to me how her ability really worked outside of “harnessing the land’s mana” for her attacks. However, I had the feeling these “dragon paths” were probably her mana sent through the ground, where it connects with the mana in the earth to create whatever effects she wanted.
Every time her mana paths appeared, she had to be in physical contact with them. She was like the stem and all these dragon paths were the roots. There probably were more nuances with it, and I could imagine her creating dragon paths in the air, but I was starting to get what she could do. Although, what exactly the effects of her dragon paths were was something I could only guess at this moment.
For example, the fact she was pulling that dragon path out was surprising to see.
“You can do that?” I was flabbergasted at how she was holding a blue glowing rod. She literally pulled out a long cylinder area of earth and rock from the rubble, and the moment she dispersed the mana, all of that fell to the ground.
“Well, every dragonkin needs a racial ability, right? It might look useful, but you need focus and time to create something like this, so it's pretty useless in a battle. Although I could create my own weapon, I have my fists and legs for that job,” Neill explained with a sigh. “Anyways, Sis, your turn.”
I nodded and looked through the hole Neill made, noticing how near perfectly round the sides were. There were only a few gaps, probably from how the rubble was layered. In any case, I looked through the other side and sent Rajah over with [Shadow Dash]. I kept my [Detection Sensor] on just in case.
With him scouting the area and confirming there weren’t any assassins or rogues who dodged my sensory skills, I cast [Warp Point: Exit] on the other side and the entry point on our side. With the portal open, our way forward was clear.
“Tasianna, Renee, I need you two to muffle our steps and fights.”
“Understood, Lady Priestess. You would make a fine commander. Resourceful. Adaptable.” I appreciated Renee’s flattery but I felt some ulterior motives behind her tone. “Miss Tasianna, I can create silence zones wherever we need with my catalyst. Could you keep the [Air Shield] active? My magic skills are humbled by a [Storm Arcanist] like you.”
“My pleasure.” Tasianna cast [Air Shield] before we entered the portal, and once we were on the other side, I let Rajah guide us. My senses were currently better than his, but if I didn’t allow him to train himself, he would never get better.
And after a couple of moments, we encountered the group of orcs from before. They were still injured but their armor didn’t show any signs of cracks and heavy damage. Aside from them, I also noticed a couple of blue-skinned hobgoblin shamans and alchemists treating the injured. Probably the crew who saved the orcs.
Upon seeing them, Renee’s posture changed as she walked before me, letting the ring on her left hand shine green. I couldn't know exactly what was happening, but as time went by, the noise from the orcs and hobgoblins began to disappear, replaced by complete silence at the appearance of a dome of wind.
Renee said her “silence zone” was down. I thought it was just an [Air Shield], but Renee corrected me as it literally was a silence zone. No sound could be made inside the area, meaning it could counter mages who relied too heavily on voicing their chants out, instead of chanting inside their head. It was deployable with her catalyst from a range, but it had none of the defensive qualities of [Air Shield] nor could it stop air from coming in or out.
“My [Ring of Freedom’s Winds] isn’t an artifact you can make or find randomly,” she stated proudly as she pointed her sword at the grimgarians. As she said, she made a silence zone, and without any noise, the grimgarians immediately became agitated.
And their fears came true with Neill dashed before we could react in time, kicking one of the hobgoblin shaman’s head right off his body. She then stomped the ground with her kicking leg, sending three dragon paths towards the panicking shamans and alchemists. Before the orcs could do anything — kaboom! Or to be more specific, a boom without the ka-boom or any boom-boom, really.
This silence zone certainly took away the charms of explosions.
Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Secondary Job [Ravager] has risen from [Level 7] to [Level 9]
Attributes have increased due to level up
And it became even more apparent this silence zone was the perfect counter to my songs and spell songs, as the moment I entered the area, my [Music Resonation (Minor)] disappeared, and with it, the buffs on everybody else. [Draconic Roar] was also useless as I tried to make it work, but couldn’t.
And idols shouldn’t go silent, but this went beyond that. This ability was not my favorite.
Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Main Job [Virulent Corrosion] has risen from [Level 15] to [Level 17]
Attributes have increased due to level up
Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Secondary Job [Ravager] has risen from [Level 9] to [Level 14]
Attributes have increased due to level up
Still, it was there for a reason and that was to assassinate the grimgarians without alerting the others. Back when I had a ton of trouble with these orc knights, they kept using [Taunt] to redirect my attention to others, but in a silence zone, they couldn’t use [Taunt]! They couldn’t even shout commands or orders, making my group’s [Telepathy] usage instantly superior.
The more I learned what got countered by this complete silence zone, the more I found it outright broken. It countered so many other abilities outside of just chanting mages. And with the orcs being disorganized, in a panic, and having lost their mages and alchemists, they were quickly taken down by us.
After we cleaned our weapons from blood, we continued our advance. And as my intuition told me, this path did indeed lead behind the cannon crew, in fact, it led us right into the middle of a caravan.
Kobolds, goblins, and orcs — the most common grimgarians I knew of — were all rushing right in front of us, pushing the wagons full of barrels, caskets, and weapons through the tunnel. Peolynca’s ox-horse hybrids, equerochs, pulled the wagons ahead, while a few evolved kobolds, echikobolds, rode on large, armored rhinoceroses with three horns and tusks called [Savannah Gwunceros].
The five of us were hidden behind a corner, watching this all happen. We could hear the grimgarians speaking in their language with each other, especially the orcs commanding the lesser green goblins around, while the kobolds kept to themselves as they aided the caravan’s move.
Renee was visibly agitated by this, clutching the corner of the wall with her hands. Although we didn’t know the size of this party, I guess seeing a foreign small or medium-sized warband travel underneath your land wasn’t pleasant at all. Not to mention, they could have stolen Renee’s heirloom. Suffice to say, Renee kept it together very well.
[“I’ve seen something like this happen before. This is most likely a grimgarian battalion or a logistic crew. The one I met had a high ogre lead them,”] I told Renee and Neill.
[“A high ogre? Hmph, I haven't met one before, but I heard from other adventurers that those B ranks can duel an A ranker depending if they were trained properly or not. Renee, you’ve met any?”] Neill asked, but Renee could only shake her head. She didn’t have [Telepathy] and we haven’t set a silence zone down.
[“The last one I met nearly killed me when I was in my dragon form, but he was a high-leveled B rank with [True Axe Mastery] or something,”] I admitted and Neill turned her head back at the caravan with a loud “Oooooh.” Before I could continue, Tasianna spoke up.
[“We need to locate the leader of this group, first,”] she added to the discussion and everybody nodded. [“I don’t think a group of grimgarians would try to steal a single medallion from some random abandoned mansion if they didn’t know what it would do. Dame Renee?”]
She then surrounded us all in an [Air Shield], giving Renee her chance to speak about it. From what Tasianna suggested, what Renee’s father left for her was more valuable than she initially made it out to be.
“… As I said, my father was a grand knight, alright? He was one of the best there was, and he, like many other knights, fought with Yeos’s prince two years ago. He died with our previous prince in that battle against the demonkins,” Renee answered but I could hear her hesitate for a moment. “How should I know why some grimgarians wish to take his medallion from him? I thought those green rats were brainless monsters? How are they even capable of organizing something like this?”
It seemed Renee had literally no idea how intelligent some grimgarians could act. She probably had a similar mindset most adventurers thought of goblins, kobolds, and orcs — as more intelligent monsters, but monsters nonetheless. It probably didn’t even cross her mind how some of these “beasts” could act or behave like any other humans, really. Then again, maybe I was speculating a bit with that.
Still, I knew the grimgarians were associated with the demonkins, so from what I could tell, Renee’s father must have been a hotshot for them to try to do something with that medallion of hers. Yeostar wasn’t telling me anything on this matter, saying “it is better to find it out yourself.” Which was an indirect way to say, Renee’s heirloom was important.
“However, how are we supposed to—”
[“Master!”] As I was about to pose a question, Rajah suddenly jumped onto my leg, holding onto it for his dear life. [“Your sister—”]
“COME OUT, BIG BOSS!” An ear-piercing warcry erupted from inside the tunnel, followed by a massive explosion and the pained screams of various grimgarians. However, before the sound could settle down, grunts followed by more blasts rumbled the cave, even rocking us in our hiding spot.
Shit! Neill!
“That damn lizard! I shouldn’t have let my eyes off her! I should’ve known better!” Renee grumbled as the cave’s rumbling nearly caused her to fall to the ground.
“Wait, this happened before?!”
“Your sister has a damn inferiority complex! Didn’t I say that yesterday? Extremely competitive and prone to charge into battles if she even catches the scent of a tough opponent! Just so she can prove to herself how she doesn’t need that damn [Battle Frenzy] of yours! I might have leveled fast because of her, but she nearly had me killed seven times and a half!”
Oddly specific, but okay!
It was a surprise to hear that part about Neil’s complex being true and not just a snarky comment from her friend. Neill had said something about being stuck at the Envy point, the sixth step before mastering [Battle Frenzy]. I had no idea what was happening right now, but if Sis just kamikazed herself like an impatient MMO raid player, then we really didn’t have a choice in this matter!
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“Gosh, why did you charge in like that!” I shouted as Neill laughed merrily while bulldozing two orc knights’ bellies with her fist.
“Help her!” Renee used [Gale Steps] to intercept a few arrows aimed at Neill, before jumping into the air and slamming her wind shield into a group of kobold archers, knocking them all up into the air. She then sheathed her curved shortsword before pulling the flamberge on her back out, swinging it in an arc to bisect anything it touched.
“Your sister reminds me of you, Lady Hestia! Hiehiehie~” Tasianna called me out with a giggle.
“NO, I am not this stupid!” I spread my scale-dust in the caravan’s front, blowing them up and allowing us to concentrate on one direction first. A horde of high orc warriors and hobgoblin and goblin skirmishers were charging right at us with the aid of echikobold archers.
But, thankfully, our own support members were competent enough to counter them. Tasianna shot her ice blades at the grimgarian’s backrow, killing and eliminating anything her levitating ice blades could reach. Meanwhile, Rajah would pounce from out a shadow and bite into the unarmored skulls of the kobolds like a jaguar, crushing them before reentering a nearby shadow to escape. Perfect assassination.
“Hey, nice one, girls!” Neill commented, but both Renee and I were fed up with her recklessness.
“Shut up, you moron!”
“You trying to blow everything up here, Sis?!”
Before bonking her head simultaneously.
Neill could be smart, proven when she explained the Gluttony path in such a way I could understand it better, however, she really had to show me one of her stupid moments on the same trip. If she was this reckless on every single adventure, then she sounded like the worst party member ever! Even if she was strong!
Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Main Job [Virulent Corrosion] has risen from [Level 17] to [Level 22]
Attributes have increased due to level up
Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Secondary Job [Ravager] has risen from [Level 14] to [Level 15]
Attributes have increased due to level up
Max level of Job [Ravager] has been reached
Blood and cries resounded in this entire tunnel as the five of us cleaved through numerous grimgarians. Since too many explosions could cause a cave-in, Neill and I had to rely on our weapons and less destructive spells. For example, Neill’s three-hit combo and my holy spells, or her kick-punch-uppercut-frame cancel kick-kick-grab-lunge-frame cancel-punch combo and my wind spells!
… Okay, maybe I was imagining Neill as a fighting game character right now. She and Renee were moving through the battlefield with more finesse than I was with my glaive. This must have been the difference between physical fighters and a mage-fighter hybrid like myself.
“Rajah!” In the middle of this slaughter, I suddenly felt earthquakes caused by some loud trampling as Rajah killed his eight echikobold. From the veil of smoke and dust caused by my scale-dust and Neill’s dragon path explosions, a giant gwunceros charged at him.
I quickly [Gale Step]ed towards him, picking him up, before fending off the rhinoceros’s charge.
“Grk!” I was pushed back through the sheer weight and mass of the beast. My eyes then snapped up, seeing the echikobold aim an arrow at me, only for my scales to fly out and protect me just in time.
Acquisition requirement fulfilled. [Scale Manipulation Lv. 1] acquired
No way! I got it! Finally!
As with most things on Peolynca, if there was an action worth turning into a skill to make it easier on the inhabitants of this world, the Divine System would make adjustments for them. [Scale Manipulation] was one of them, and counted as a dragon ability, according to Mother.
Nevertheless, just ‘cause I could guide my scales around already didn’t mean I had mastered the manipulation of my scales. The skill, as Mother warned me, was a hard skill to obtain and required constant practice to achieve it, which was a real statement, since even with my boosted acquisition proficiency gain, I still needed nearly three months to get this skill!
And I sure wanted to celebrate it.
“Sis! I got [Scale Manipulation]!” My face beamed up as I called for Neill.
After dispatching by kicking him into another orc knight’s spear, Neill clapped and cheered for me! “That’s my little sis! But, honestly, that was too fast! You’re far too young to get it this soon! I needed six months to get that annoying skill! Wooah! Hrah!” Neill dodged and bashed a kobold’s head in. “Your mom’s gonna like to hear that, but let’s get out of here first!”
“R-Right!” I turned my attention back to the rhino, who was desperately flailing around, trying to get its horn out of my glaive’s grip. “You want free? Wish granted!”
I twisted my glaive around, cutting the rhino’s horn right off and causing it to flinch and roar out in pain. This left its neck wide open though, so with a [Dragoon Jump], I chopped the hulking beast’s head right off before [Dragoon Jump]ing and onto its rider, killing both mount and master in the span of two seconds.
Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Main Job [Virulent Corrosion] has risen from [Level 22] to [Level 23]
Attributes have increased due to level up
Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor] has risen from [Level 18] to [Level 19]
Attributes have increased due to level up
Acquired 700 skill points
That’s what I’m talking about! L-L-Level up!
The fact I was celebrating this much for a single level up really went to show how long it has been since I reached level 18. And I only got it ‘cause of Aurena’s divine quest. It's been far too long since I grinded this much in a single month. The merfiends at Karhalenteel island, then my visit to Cedaraille’s dungeon, and now this.
I was feeling the level-up euphoria again, and it was making me forget about the ethical fact I was killing all these grimgarians. Enemies of not, they were intelligent like humans, elves, dwarves, and so on… but, yeah. I can discuss morality with myself afterwards.
Not to forget, this was currently a battlefield and one single moment of inattentiveness could decide if you die or not. Neill and I could joke a bit, but we knew something was approaching us right now. I could feel the bloodlust and anger the creature was showing us right now.
“Graaaouuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!” it roared, drawing everybody’s attention to it. Its growls and grunts muffled the pained cries of its companions, making it the only thing our focus was direct at right now.
A hulking beast around the size of an ogre but smaller than a troll lumbered over to us with two troll sorcerers flanking it. Its body was completely covered in fur like a kobold but its appearance resembled more that of a pug mixed with a hyena. Its short snout sported a wide mouth, filled to the brim with sharp black fangs, as it quivered it at us in either rage or anticipation.
It was covered in voldunna armor with some pieces of monster materials attached to them. A long polearm-like flail with three spikey balls was in its right hand as it dragged it on the ground over to us. Clutching its bone amulet, it began speaking to us.
“Interlopers. Become sacrifices to the Goddess of Monsters! Mother of us all! I, Knokhut, shall cleanse your sins! Gguuuuugniak! Shrah!”
And with the appearance of their commander, the grimgarians rallied under him, screaming “Ggugniak!!!” into a huge chorus. Motivation was high again and I suddenly felt like we were in the situation I honestly hope we wouldn’t be in — trapped like a mouse.
It was only a matter of time before that mana cannon would arrive as reinforcement. Nevertheless…
“That blue-skinned hobgoblin woman on that gnoll has my medallion!” Renee pointed at the one hobgoblin shaman riding on the beast’s back, sneering wildly as she prepared a black magic circle with glee.
Mana Eyes!
Noghu Gnoll
A monsterized kobold whose worship to the Goddess of Monster and Fertility, Edna, has granted it an evolution path for its devotion and belief. At the cost of its racial ability to commune with most monsters, this gnoll has obtained the size and incredible strength of an orc. Although it doesn’t have the heightened regenerative abilities of an orc or troll, this beast possesses a rallying shriek to empower and temporarily reduce all Stamina costs of its allies. Rank B
“This is all your fault, Neill!” I complained to my sister as I readied my glaive and spells.
“Agreed, we could have solved this in an easier fashion,” Renee agreed before materializing a wind flag from her catalyst.
“H-Hey, Renee!”
“Lady Fargryneill, I shall have some tea ready for you once your scolding starts. However, let us pour our effort into eliminating these threats first,” Tasianna unintentionally silenced Sis before creating a [Winter’s Golem] for our incoming clash.
“Hold on, you two?!”
[“Master, I shall help you!”] Although, in Rajah’s case, he simply went with the flow. Honestly, I would bet on Krim-Slak having infected my poor virigress with his carefree attitude.
“…” Sis pouted at everybody’s reaction and response to her, but she readied herself in either case.
We had a warband to stop.
“Let’s break their bones, ladies!”
A note from AbyssRaven
Grimgarian, no grimming.
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1 Fictions 7 Posts 1 Threads
Wednesday, August 3, 2022 2:06:03 AM Germany [Member of Zard Skwad]
Bio: Hey there, AbyssRaven here. I'm just an avid Light Novel and Fantasy story reader who randomly thought of a story and began writing about it.
I eventually found out that I've been spending a bit too much time with building, planning, and researching for the story, that I've decided to just share it with others.
Writing is mostly a hobby for me, but I would still love any kind of criticism to improve on it.
I'm also german, so please excuse anything that sounds a bit weird...I wouldn't mind you pointing it out though.
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