Chapter 12: Celebration!

The crew was deciding what they wanted to do to celebrate. "My father has a ramen shop," Mayr said, "we can go there to eat."

"I'm up for that!" One crew member exclaimed. "Yeah let's do that!" Another added, and so, the crew began following Mayr towards his father's ramen shop.

"Umm, Soju," Nesh whispered to Mayr with a concerned look, "I don't think your dad's shop will be able to hold everyone. There are 29 of us. Plus the only people that work there are your mom and dad."

"Don't worry about it, Nesh," Mayr said confidently, "we've upgraded."

Mayr began leading the crew. As they were walking, Nesh saw the turn they would have to take to get to the ramen shop. As the turn grew closer and closer, Nesh grew more and more anxious, but before he knew it, Mayr had passed the turn and the crew followed.

Nesh became confused, but he kept following Mayr. After a few more minutes of walking, Mayr stopped in front of a considerably large restaurant. The restaurant had beautiful wooden sliding doors at the entrance and the design was traditional. The architecture was that of a traditional Eastern building with a red roof and wooden lacquered walls and flooring. There was a sign outside that read "Oishi Ramen, OPEN!".

Nesh was floored when he saw the restaurant. He had thought that his friend's father still sold ramen out of a dull shack.

The crew was excited to finally eat after a long and anxiety-filled day so they wasted no time walking into the restaurant. Upon entering the restaurant, one would see the counter, behind which 3 uniformed chefs cooked the food. Among those chefs was Soju's father. There were 2 women in uniform and aprons taking orders.

Along the counter, there was a long wooden table on which customers could sit side by side. In the rest of the space in the restaurant, there were tables that could seat 4 people each. There were a total of 12 tables.

Mayr and Nesh took spots at the long table in front of the counter and the rest of the crew took any available tables. The father looked around the restaurant and was astonished.

"Hey, Soju. Are these all your friends?" he asked. "Yes, they are." Mayr replied, "I hope you don't mind me bringing so many of them". Happiness filled the father's eyes and a smile came on his face. He was grateful to know that his son had gotten through the hardships life had thrown at him and improved his life. "Of course I don't mind, Soju." Said the father.

Soju's father then turned towards Nesh and asked him how he was doing. "I've been doing fine, sir," Nesh replied, "but it seems like you've been doing not too bad yourself."

"Yeah, haha," Soju's father replied with a chuckle, "and it's all thanks to my boy right here. He's been doing quite well at his after-school sales job. He took care of the home's finances and then some. It gave me the liberty to invest my money in my business and was able to grow it. You haven't been to our house recently, but we have a bunch of new stuff and are even getting it renovated, all thanks to my boy's hard work!"

"Wow! That's great sir!" Nesh replied. "Thanks, Nesh." said Soju's father, "Well, that's enough talking. It's about time I serve you young'uns some good food!"

The waitresses started bringing orders in and the chefs started preparing bowls of ramen as fast as they could. The whole crew ate their fill and had a great time.

In the end, the whole crew insisted on paying their tab even though Soju's father said that it would be on the house. Tired of trying to convince these boys, he accepted payment.

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Once everyone paid, they left the restaurant and everyone began to go their separate ways.

As everyone was leaving, Mayr called out to Kashi, Kris, Bray, Ken, Jun, and Rayu. He told them that he needed to talk to them. The boys approached Mayr and stood around him as he began to speak.

"On Friday, we are going to have 19 new members." Said Mayr, "Also, the 15 members who came today because of their gambling debts have also been accepted into the crew by me. We need a location where we can meet and discuss how to divide operations and make sure every person is productive. Usually, I would use my house as the location where we plan, but because of renovations and my mother constantly being at home recently, I can't have that. I need to know which one of you guys has a private area in their home where we can meet on Monday after school."

"Kris," said Kashi, "I heard you moved into a bigger house at the start of the year. Would we be able to meet at your place?"

"No no no," Kris protested, "That's a bad idea."

The group didn't pressure Kris any further. Mayr asked each of the other members if they could accommodate. All of them were willing but their home situations weren't ideal for a private meeting. They either had too many people living in the same house, no privacy rules, or not enough space for privacy.

Kris began feeling guilty about not accommodating when he had the capacity to. "If we meet between 4-9 pm, we should be able to finish before he gets home." Kris thought to himself.

"You know what," Kris began to say, "If we can constrain the meeting from 4-8 pm, we can do it at my house. I have my own room so we should be fine."

"Alright, great!" said Mayr, "we'll meet at Kris' house on Monday after school. Oh, and also, Ken, Jun, and Rayu, you guys are now the 4th, 5th, and 6th Sect captains."

The three instantly became anxious after hearing this. "W-what!?" the three exclaimed in unison.

"We have 46 members now, excluding me and Nesh," Mayr said, "there needs to be a proper chain of command. I can't put too much burden on Kashi, Kris, and Bray. You three are the oldest members apart from the first 3 captains, so you will be perfect for the job. Just believe in yourselves."

The three filled with pride when they realized that they had their boss' trust. "We understand!" Said the three.

"Now, there will be no new members without mine and the captains' approval." Said Mayr, "We are an established group now. We need to ensure that we have control over all of our members, and I'm trusting my captains to help me with this."

The 6 voiced their acknowledgment of Mayr's instructions and the crew went their separate ways.