Getting back home is always nice- even if it is a one-and-a-half room loft over a tavern. I haven’t really interacted with the family who run the aforementioned tavern as the housing was organized and subsidized by the school. I was given keys and directions in orientations a week or so ago and have so far only introduced myself to them when I first arrived.
Important note: the city where The Unified Academy of Duransburg is The Unified Academy of Duransburg, and by city I really mean city-state. Everything from city planning to waste management is handled by The Academy- mostly in the form of student clubs that are really just government bodies and other organizations. The student council is the highest authority other than the headmaster, but is advised by faculty. Needless to say, a little funding for housing is very easy to find- especially when the architecture board approved buildings seem made for it.
As my tuition wasn’t fully paid before I arrived, I was given a choice of a few of those clubs to join. The money isn’t the important part- I’m going to be paid by the club- they just need new students to fill in the gaps so everything runs smoothly. I choose to join the “Final Delivery Couriers Service.” They work less hours, but those hours are four to six in the morning. That may sound excruciating, but the work is easier than a lot of the other things you need to do to keep a city-state running and I can just sleep until my classes start after I finish. My first day working for them is tomorrow, but that's probably just going to be introductions and route assignments. It’s still starting at four in the freaking morning, probably as a first taste of the working conditions.
It’s honestly kinda nice that you get assigned a job, because I’d need to find one anyway to get anything beyond the basic meals and two uniforms a year supplied by the school. Heck, I might need to get another job anyway if I want to get anything nice anytime soon. Which leads me to my next problem: figuring out what to do about looking like a member of the Aventi family.
The situation is actually better than it could be as the Aventi’s don’t really have a presence here beyond what is needed to sustain trade with The Academy. There might be one of the Aventi progeny in a higher grade, but the bigger issue is the people that will know I’m not from the main branch, and maybe even know I’m not from any of them. This leaves me with a few options: Act like an entitled noble, disguise myself as best as possible, or own up to not being who I look like. I’m going to immediately veto option one, I couldn't maintain the act of a ‘highly respected’ noble for any extended period of time. Option two could work, but would throw a lot of unknowns at me if I was found out. It also would require sourcing hair dye- which I don’t even know exists right now- and I can’t do anything about my eyes.
The last option is the most tempting- heck, I could definitely over emphasize how scared of the repercussions for being a bastard of the Aventi’s I was, and maybe get some people to help me out of pity. I’d also better be able to guess what they’ll do about me: dismiss rumors of my relation to them (works for me), threaten me to keep my head down (less good but workable), question me about where I came from (I could just blame it on gaining abilities- wouldn’t be the first time something like this has happened to someone), and/or kill me quietly (worst-case).
Regardless of what I do, I need to buy a nice cloak for going around town. Something like that would be able to completely cover my hair and reduce the angles my eyes are visible at- likely increasing the amount of time I have before my existence gets back to the Aventis. Having one would also make getting anywhere outside the city nicer. The climate is pretty moderate, mostly being somewhat rainy and around 20 celsius most of the year, so having one would make sense. They also can act as an impromptu ground-cover if you need to sleep outside, a way to hide things on your body easier, camouflage, and a whole lot more things.
Judging from how long it had been since the last chiming of the bell towers, it was almost six in the evening. Plenty of time to go buy some things and get some dinner.
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