"Hello, Mr. Patel. My name is Tomohiro Okamoto. I amfrom the Maritime Department in the Japanese Ministry ofTransport. This is my assistant, Atsuro Chiba. We have cometo see you about the sinking of the ship Tsimtsum , of whichyou were a passenger. Would it be possible to talk to younow?""Yes, of course.""Thank you. It is very kind of you. [translation] Now,Atsuro-kun, you're new at this, so payattention and see to learn." "Yes, Okamoto-san." "Is the taperecorder on?" "Yes it is." "Good. Oh I'm so tired! For therecord, today is February 19th, 1978. Case file number250663, concerning the disappearance of the cargo shipTsimtsum.
[/translation] Are youcomfortable, Mr. Patel?" "Yes, I am. Thank you. And you?""We are very comfortable." "You've come all the way fromTokyo?" "We were in Long Beach, California. We drove down.""Did you have a good trip?" "We had a wonderful trip. It wasa beautiful drive." "I had a terrible trip." "Yes, we spoke to thepolice before coming here and we saw the lifeboat." "I'm a littlehungry." "Would you like a cookie?" "Oh, yes!" "Here you go.""Thank you!""You're welcome. It's only a cookie. Now, Mr. Patel, we werewondering if you could tell us what happened to you, with asmuch detail as possible.""Yes. I'd be happy to."