Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – The First Familiar

Skylar lay helplessly as he found himself getting weaker and weaker

The mummy beneath him started slowly wriggling and moaning

He had to admit, the sounds it groaned didn't sound bad at all, and he thought it had a lovely voice, although it was making unintelligible noises

And unlike mummies that he would imagine, this mummy didn't smell bad or ranked of undead preserved flesh either

Most likely it... or she.. was freshly turned into a mummy

While he couldn't move, the mummy seemed to be rubbing her breasts on him

"Shit...shit...shit..shit" he cursed under his breath as he felt his penis started rising

Skylar was a virgin, and the closest thing he had was nearly having sex with Miranda when they were younger

She allowed him to rub his penis between her thighs, while still wearing her panties in case he accidentally penetrates her

Why was he thinking of that now? He was about to die a virgin, his lifeforce sacrificed to this mummy!

His lifeforce was getting weaker and his whole life was starting to flash before his eyes

He recalled cheating on Miranda with Elizabeth, getting a blowjob from her behind his barn

This was when he was still the most popular guy in their village, before they all tested for their class in the city

He realized he had peaked before he even turned 12!

Then it flashed to a few days in the past, when he discovered Marcel in Miranda's room

He remembered hearing her moans and Marcel's grunts as they made love loudly

He remembered slinking back to his tiny room alone, and masturbating with the thought of Miranda being fucked by someone else

How pathetic he was, ejaculating as he cried out Miranda's name as he recalled her moans

"Huh?" his mind snapped back to the present, and it was the mummy that was groaning, and he knew he must be on the verge of death since he found the mummy's moans more attractive than Miranda's

In fact, his cock was rock hard and he felt seemed to be lodged inside the mummy!

"What the hell?" he thought, wondering how he had entered the mummy

As the mummy moved, he seemed to be fucking her in and out

"Noo!" he thought, not wanting his final moments to be that of being fucked by an undead

It was probably undead slime and goo lubricating her orifice, and he didn't even know if he was fucking her vagina or some random hole in her body under those wraps

He decided, he would fight till the end and screamed with his head

"What..." one of the dark mages stopped chanting as a multitude of rats started flooding the room out of nowhere

"Vermin!" a lich cursed as he released his death energy, killing every rat within his vicinity 

But as the rats attacked, the mages and liches stopped chanting and Skylar felt his weak lifeforce stay within him

However, the mummy kept moving her hips, letting his penis fuck her as if she was in heat

"Aaaa.....aaaagh" Skylar grunted as the stimulation caused him to ejaculate in her

He grunted, releasing so much built up cum that he spasmed before collapsing on the mummy

The mummy now lay still as both of them lay in each other's arms

Skylar didn't know when it was, but the mummy seemed to be hugging him

Outside, he could hear the dark mages and liches cursing the many rats and Skylar used the last of his mana to gleefully summon more

His last act in this life would be a act of defiance

With that, he collapsed unconscious


"Where am I" Skylar thought as he opened up his eyes

It didn't seem like long after he passed out, but something was covering his eyes

And not only that, something was on his body 

He clawed at his eyes and tore open the bandages blocking his eyes

"What is this?" he wondered, as he found himself facing upwards to the cover of the sarcophagus

"Shit, they turned me into a mummy?" he thought as he burst out of the sarcophagus, flinging open the cover with strength he didn't know he had

The cover slammed into a dark mage, who was still casting spells to kill the innumerable rats that was now dying out and the cover actually slammed him into the wall, cutting him in half

The other 2 liches and 3 dark mages looked to Skylar in confusion and horror

Skylar stood up and it was then that he saw his own body slump to the floor from being above him

"That.. that's my body!" he gasped, only to see his body having breasts and a feminine shape

He burst into action, moving so fast the liches and mages could not react in time, as he used all the skills he had learned over the years

To his surprise, this was no mere slow moving mummy, but had enhanced speed and strength, and used the stone sarcophagus like a large weapon, smashing into them

The dark mages conjured death magic, but it seemed to have no effect on him as his body seemed to be immune to death magic, and he slammed the stone sarcophagus into them, killing them and turning them into mush

The two liches were quickly demolished, but Skylar knew they were still alive as long as their phylactery was safe somewhere. Even so, he smashed their lich bodies into dust. That would take some time to recover from

He looked at his body and picked it up, putting it onto his back and started fleeing

He didn't know where he was, but anywhere was better than here


Hours later, they managed to lose their trackers as they hid somewhere in the Realm of the Dead, in a small cave accessible by a still lake

Skylar's original body started waking up and he suddenly found his attention split between his own body and that of the mummy!

"So this is what it means to share senses with your familiar" he thought as he chose to break the link with the mummy

He slowly got up, looking at the mummy warily seeing her pale white pupils

He was in control of that?

He looked at her closely and mentally commanded her to lift one arm, then the other, then put it down again

Normally, a familiar will have all the personality and independent abilities to move on their own

But this mummy was inanimate unless he commanded it. She was.. a puppet

He looked at her face again, and was curious. 

Although her pupils were white like an undead, but she did have pretty eyes and he thought would have been a beauty when she was alive

He started unwrapping her head and discovered that she was an elf, and her head was shaved bald!

She had a beautiful face, and as he unwrapped the rest of her body, her naked body was gorgeous too

She stood at 5 foot 10 inches, an inch shorter than him, and had shapely B cup breasts, which were not excessively large, but looked nice on her body

But all over her body there were scars and it looked like she had been tortured as her arms and legs had been chopped off at the biceps and thighs, and were sewed back

You are reading story The Glitched Tamer at

There was a similar scar on her neck, indicating that her head had been chopped off as well

He looked at her pussy and discovered why it was so easy for him to fuck her. It looked like a large object... a pole or something, had been shoved in her

She must have been someone of note, as her arms and legs were chopped off and was beheaded. It looked like her body had been placed on a pole too and left to rot

Somehow, the dark mages thought she was important enough to revive and turn into an undead after her death

He suddenly recalled that his taming ability could only permanently create a familiar by mating

He had sex with her and even ejaculated inside her. Does that mean she is his familiar now?

While using her body to escape, he faced and innumerable number of undead, but her body seemed to easily defeat them, even escaping a death knight!

The death knight seemed to be wary of her, and called her "the hero" multiple times

It seemed this elf was a hero, but she was no hero he had heard off

Besides, she seemed faster and stronger than any elf he had seen. He didn't know if this was because of the mummification or it was her original abilities that made her so

Curious, he put his hand on her breast and squeezed

It felt soft and supple, like a real breast and not like that of a corpse

He remembered groping Miranda while he fucked her thighs, and feeling under Elizabeth's dress as she gave him a blowjob

How long ago was that?

Now he was openly groping this gorgeous elf, and she didn't seem to mind at all

Her pupils suddenly turned to look at him though her body and head stayed still and Skylar pulled back his hand in shock

But she didn't react

He put his hand and shook it in front of her face, but she didn't respond at all

With a mental command, he told her to tell him who she was, but she only groaned in a sexy groan as if she was having sex!

"That's no good. Maybe her mind has been damaged" he thought, looking at her scars across her body

He looked at her vagina, ruined by the impaling and saw remnants of his dried up cum

He took the still stagnant water nearby and subconsciously instructed her to sit down and open her legs

To his shock, she followed exactly what he thought and he started washing her, inserting his fingers into her

With a thought, he looked down and used his fingers to open her pussy wider

Her insides had been completely ruined, but he could see a seal on where her cervix should be, acting as a magical barrier 

"That... that's my seal! You really are my familiar, aren't you?" he asked

To his shock, she nodded

He found that besides his own cum, she was mostly clean bar the dirt she picked up from escaping with him here

She was most likely raped and tortured, but at least she was cleaned up before being mummified

He lay on the ground, laying low in the cave until the heat dies down, and suddenly decided to pull the elf towards him

Before long, he was on top of her again, pumping his cock in and out of her to his heart's content and spraying his baby juice into her multiple times

While being an undead, he had to admit, she was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, far better than even Miranda or Elizabeth who were real lookers themselves

He fell asleep on top of her, their naked bodies entwined with each other


Several days later, a group of adventurers from Awayo including Guildmaster Galdar as well as the Grey Wolves camped just outside the portal to the Realm of the Dead

The portal was located in a plain where an ancient battle took place

Ever since then, no vegetation grew there and the land seemed like a permanently barren land, it's soil black and damp

If anything, only mushrooms grew there and the ground was covered in them, and the land smelled of death and decay

It was the soil with trampled mushrooms that indicated that the stolen pegasus had been here

"What the hell was Skylar doing here? He won't survive 10 minutes with his abilities" Marcel said

"Don't tell me he came here to kill himself?" Ducilder said with a smirk

Miranda looked upset at him and hit his arm with her hand, hurting her hand in return

"Hey! What was that for?" Ducilder said

"Miranda and Skylar were once an item" Elizabeth suddenly said

"Miranda and that incompetent?" Ducilder asked

"Shut up. That's all in the past. He was the best swordsman in our village, before it was discovered he had a useless ability" Marcel said

Ducilder looked away 

Besides the Grey Wolves, several other teams had come to investigate

"Ready? Lets go" Galdar commanded as the various group walked with a purposeful pace and entered the portal


The adventurers were assaulted the moment they appeared through the portal

While the skeletons and undead didn't cross the other side and wondered around aimlessly, when they sensed outsides, they immediately attacked

"These bastards are endless!" Marcel said as he sliced through yet another skeleton

They had been here for an hour now, and had barely pushed 100 meters from the portal as more and more enemies kept attacking

Temax, his face recovered after taking healing potions suddenly saw something and bent to the ground to pick it up

"That... that's Skylar's underwear!" Miranda said seeing the tattered remains of the cloth

"How do you know that for sure?" Marcel asked

"Have you seen him ever buy any clothes? Those are the same pair he used to wear when he was at Homely!" Miranda said, remembering the times where she let Skylar fuck her thighs

She remembered because he wore slightly oversized underwear with a particular pattern made of rabbit skin

She suddenly felt saddened that he had been with the Grey Wolves a few years and he was still wearing the same underwear, which was now too tight for his size and was frayed and tattered even before coming here

Temax found more pieces of cloth and it was conformed that they were all Skylar's clothes

With the confirmation that Skylar was dead, Galdar decided to call the search off

The group hastily retreated, with Galdar never getting the satisfaction of punishing Skylar

Not only Miranda, but Marcel and Elizabeth also felt suddenly saddened that their old friend which they had been mistreating had met his end at such a place

Meanwhile, Skylar fucked the elf mummy for days without eating, not aware that there was a search party looking to arrest him