One day at noon, even though the sun was supposed to be shining high in the sky, the day was still gloomy, chilly and dark. This is particularly true for the area around the Clearwater Municipal Hospital.
The visuals around the hospital building were distorted to the normal eyes, just like that around a hot fire. There was some kind of grey ashes floating in the air, and the ground appeared to be slowly moving and squirming like it was made of thick liquid, or flesh and skin.
An explosion broke out from behind one of the doors in the hospital building’s north wing, two men, two women and a tall and muscular half wolf half man creature burst out of the broken door and out into the open. All of these individuals were injured, each to a different degree. A tall and buff man holding a broken broadsword leading the escape was injured the most - he was missing his left arm and there were puncture and slash wounds all over his body. The tall half man half wolf creature had various bloody wounds on his chest and back as well. And the one that was injured the least was a woman holding a silver metal cross in her hand.
“Did anyone see Anthony?” the leading man with only one hand looked back and asked.
“He didn’t make it, he was impaled.” the half man half wolf shrunk in size and shed his fur, slowly becoming a completely naked man.
“How’s everyone?” the woman with a silver metal cross raised the cross and emitted beams of light from it and started healing her teammates with the most grievous wounds: “If you sense some kind of numbness in your spine or start hearing things, please let me know.”
“Hold on Aerith, you’re overexerting your power.” the other woman, who had a pair of enchanted pistols in her holster and had a bloody hole where her right ear once was: “We’ll be fine.”
“No we’re not.” a bald man with tattoos on his head and wearing a chain of wooden beads on his neck looked around and said: “No, they’re out here as well. We must leave!”
Just this moment, two three hands shot up from under the slowly moving and squirming ground and grabbed onto the man who was once a half man half wolf creature, and started pulling him in three directions. The woman with a silver metal cross waved her cross at the man, and a golden energy bubble appeared around the man, protecting him from any further external harm while chipping away the power that formed the three hands.
“Hehehehehe!” creepy laughter seeped out from the ground under the bald man with tattoos, a giant centipede-shaped monster emerged from a hole on the ground. The monster’s main body was made of a wide and long human-like spine, its feet were made of boney human hands and animal claws, its head, or heads, were clusters of distorted, twisted human heads with some kind of bloody cord connecting them to the tip of the giant spine, like some kind of horrifying bouquet.
“Shock!” the bald man with tattoos shouted, and as the word came out of his mouth, electric flares exploded on the bone centipede monster’s body. But with its deafening cracking sound, it did not do much damage to the monster. The monster’s humongous body curled, and spikes made of dark crystals shot out from its feet and gaps between sections of the spine at the bald man.
“Shield!” the bald man conjured a thin layer of light blue energy shield between him and the monster, in hopes that he could defend himself from the monster’s attack.
The spikes were sharp, fast and heavy, the bald man’s energy shield broke almost immediately on impact. And just when the bald man was about to become a piece of sponge, an explosion of purple energy occurred somewhere in midair.
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A huge shockwave swept through the air, which was fast enough to blow all the dark spikes away and crush them into harmless grains of dark sand and dust in the air. The monster was knocked back, and the three hands that tried to pull the half wolf man apart were incinerated.
“What happened? I thought this was a routine check and seal maintenance?” Josephine Wong came to the scene with a man with a long sword behind his back and a sorceress in light green robe.
“The building … it absorbed two pieces of bone from San Francisco. We think the dormant one inside might be about to wake up soon.” the woman shot at the bone centipede monster with her enchanted pistols to cover her teammates escape, “We lost half the team. Please, Ms. Wong, we need to get outta here now.”
“Simmons, cover them till they make it to safety. There might be other dangers lurking around. ” Josephine Wong took off her dark purple robe, which floated in the air behind her when she let go, “Robinson, you go up and watch over, let me know if there are possible survivors.”
“Roger.” “Understood.”
The man with a long sword went with the escaping team, and the sorcererss flew up in the sky while chanting a long and powerful spell.
The body of the bone centipede monster jolted up and tried to reach for the sorceress that flew up in the air, but its body broke from the middle before it could fully extend its body - it was not a cut, nor a puncture wound nor a blunt force wound. It was the crushing force of a small purple energy ball, controlled by Josephine Wong’s right hand extended forward in a claw shape.
Under Josephine Wong’s control, the purple energy ball expanded more than hundreds of fold in size. It became sort of a “black hole” that absorbed and crushed only certain things in its perimeter - the monster’s body made of bones, dark crystals and liquid from under the ground and even bricks and other material from the hospital building. But the sorceress that rose up in the air remained unaffected.
The purple “black hole” raged on, the monster’s entire body was crushed by its gravitational force, and along with it, a huge piece of the surface of the ground.
“I’m afraid there’s no survivors nearby.” the sorceress’s voice reached Josephine Wong.
“Okay.” Josephine Wong sighed: “Let’s send a team and block off the area within a half a mile radius.”
With a wave of her arm, the purple “black hole” flew towards the hospital building, and with a loud cracking sound, it imploded and took almost half the north wing with it.
Dark liquid appeared from the edge of the damaged parts and the ground, and just like the buildings in San Francisco affected by the corrupted bones dug up by the possessed Dr. Nguyen.