Chapter 22: Chapter 22 Confessions and sobbing fairies

Callie’s PoV 

A splitting headache was the first thing I noticed the second I woke up, with the second being that I was resting on somebody's lap. I could feel their soft legs supporting my tender head. As I looked up, Raya’s beautiful emerald eyes, sparkling with unshed tears, immediately caught my attention, full of concern, and another, more complex emotion, that I couldn’t identify. My heart filled with love and warmth as I stared at the girl I was madly in love with. 

“My Raya,” I breathed, without any thought. 

Raya’s eyes widened in shock, her tail froze its gentle swaying, and she bit her lip as she blushed. It was endearing. I suddenly realised what I had just said, more importantly, how I had said it. Nekokin have this whole thing about using the word ‘my’ in front of certain people who are important to them. Inflection, tone, and body language, all play a vital part in expressing how that particular person means to them. I had just implied that she was mine in the sense of a lover, possibly even more as a wife, and not just as my best friend. 

My rambling thoughts froze as Raya’s beautiful face suddenly looked over mine, my heart fluttering wildly to a beat only it knew. This is it, she’s going to yell at me then storm off. As Raya’s face got closer, I could see the individual freckles dotting her face, her eyes glancing down at my suddenly dry lips, then back up into my eyes again. 

When her soft, soft lips touched mine, my poor heart just about gave out. I lay there in the lap of the girl I loved as she kissed me, momentarily too stunned to kiss her back. When I felt her begin to pull back, perhaps worried because I hadn’t responded in kind, I seized the moment. I wrapped my free arm around the back of Raya’s head and put every bit of love my heart contained for her into our kiss. It must’ve worked because Raya moaned in pleasure and nipped my bottom lip with her canines. 

A loud sobbing broke Raya and I apart from our first kiss, as we both turned our heads to look in the direction of the noise. Azalea was hovering several feet from us, her big expressive eyes full of tears as she sobbed openly at us, clutching her hands together into a ball like she was praying. 

“Th-that’s just, so, ga-ay-ay-ay!” She wailed, big blubbery tears leaking down her face, leaving clean tracks free from the dirt that had accumulated during our fighting. She saw us looking at her and blushed brightly. Sniffing, she attempted to wipe away tears that just got instantly replaced. 

“I'll just go and see if there is any loot. I’ll leave you two to your, umm, I’ll just go.” And having said that, she twirled around, turned into purple light, and zoomed out of sight, still sniffling and sobbing. 

Moments after Azalea had disappeared, I heard and felt something from Raya. 

“Raya? Are you purring?”

Raya bit her lip, looking equal parts embarrassed and worried. 

“I’m sorry! Is that okay? I can’t help it, I’m sorry.”

I moved my hand to cup her cheek and smiled at her, “It’s completely and utterly fine with me. It’s as adorable as you are.” 

Raya’s face turned crimson, her tail curled around my wrist and she nuzzled my hand with her eyes closed as the purring became more intense.

Her soft face felt so smooth and warm on my calloused fingers. ‘Hands of a peasant’, my father used to say. I couldn’t help it any longer, and leaning forwards and up, I placed my lips upon Raya’s as the warmth and love I felt for her flowed into our gentle kiss. Raya mewled softly and kissed me back enthusiastically, one of her hands brushing the multicoloured beads in my hair aside as she held me to her. 

Some time later, my lips were slightly chaffed and Raya’s lips were a little puffy and pink from our extended kissing session. As we broke apart, both of our breathing was a little heavy from kissing so many times. 

I sighed, “We probably should get up and help our little fairy friend.” 

I saw the previously mentioned fairy duck behind a stump with a rustle of foliage and a quiet ‘eep’ as I looked over in her direction. Sneaky, that girl was not, especially since she glows. I snorted, shook my head and chuckled at Azalea’s antics. I was just glad that she wasn’t homophobic like my father and brothers. 

I heard Raya sigh, before she shifted and got up off of me. Somehow over the course of us making out, Raya had moved to sit on my lap, her tail casually wrapped around my wrist the whole time. After I stood up, my tummy fluttered as I felt Raya hesitantly placing her hand in mine. I smiled reassuringly down at her as we started walking towards where I had seen Azalea hide herself. 

As we walked, I decided to finally stop ignoring my notifications that had patiently been waiting for me, although I left the quest one for last. 


Congratulations! You have increased your level!


Congratulations! You have increased your level!


Congratulations! You have defeated Balam, the possessor demon and cleared Tree Caverns Dungeon, 3,000xp rewarded. 1,500xp bonus given, due to special skill. 


Congratulations! You have increased your level!


Congratulations! Due to your feat of overcoming a demon possessing you, you have gained the Exorcist title.


Congratulations! Due to your feat of defeating a demon while it was still possessing you, you have gained the Tainted Soul; Demon Heir title. 

Name: Calypso ‘Callie’ (real name hidden)

Gender: Female

Race: Half-Elf

Age: 19

Class: [Specialist Fighter] (Uncommon)

Level: 27

Class Stats:

Strength 60

Agility 108

Wisdom 67

Intellect 34

Vitality 66

Constitution 38

Health Points: 792

Mana Points: 340


Tainted Soul; Demon Heir



Class Skills: 

[Powered Shot] Rank 4

Wraps magic around the ammunition type for the selected ranged weapon, increasing the damage dealt. Self cast only. 

[Powered Attack] Rank 7

Coats the selected melee weapon in magic, significantly increasing damage dealt on successful hits. Self cast only. 

[Fighter’s Courage] Rank 4

Boost all stats, damages and ability to dodge. Boost increased perrank. Self cast only. 

[Weapon Specialist] (passive) Rank 7

Allows for the skilled use of all one handed weapons as well as any ranged weapon. Increased range (if applicable),melee damage, speed and overall skill, per rank. 

[Dual Wield] (passive) Rank 8

Allows for the skilled use of wielding one handed weapons in separate hands simultaneously. Increased damage and skill per rank. 

Special Skills: 

[Tainted Soul] Rank 1

Allows the user to cast Demonic Lightning. Demonic lightning can provide significant damage or speed to the caster. 

[Threads of Darkness] (passive) Rank 1

Exorcists gain the ability to sense demonic energy and evil entities within 20 yards. This can also be used to track sources of demonic or evil energy. 

Racial Abilities:

[Elven Grace] 

Gain one point in each stat, on top of what the class provides, per level. 

[Arcane Mastery]

Any spell that affects a friendly target or self that is cast, is automatically used two ranks higher than the spell's current maximum rank. 

[Half-Elf Durability]

Increased health regeneration, in and out of combat. Additionally, health is increased by 10% of the maximum amount. 

[Basic Language Comprehension] As a sentient being, you are born with the knowledge of how to speak, read and write Basic. Basic is the language all sentient beings share. 

[Elvish Language Comprehension] As a Half-Elf, you are born with the knowledge of how to speak, read and write Elvish. 

[Inspect] Allows the user to inspect a person or item for further information, such as health and mana, compared to the standard Inspect ability.

I gasped and stopped walking in surprise at my character sheet. 

“My Callie? Is something wrong?”

I gestured in the direction of where my screen hovered in front me, “I gained two new titles that both give special skills, and three levels.”

Raya hissed, her ears twitching, her tail tightening slightly around my wrist from surprise. “What do the titles give you?”

As we walked, I read off the descriptions from my screen, Raya making suitably impressed noises. 

“The tainted soul one is a little concerning. I hope it’s just the name for it and nothing ominous,” Raya said as she looked up at me with a concerned expression on her face. 

I squeezed her soft hand in mine gently, “I’m sure that it’ll be fine. It doesn’t have any warnings or anything like that. As far as I am aware, any titles that have negative attributes tell you that they do.”

As I looked down at her with a smile on my face while I held her hand, my heart fluttered when her beautiful green gaze met mine with a return smile. Her eyes sparkled in the low light. 

“Okay, I only just got you, I’m not going to lose you now,” she said, her smile morphing into a tiny, but fierce, expression, before it changed back to a smile again. 

The quest notification indicator was starting to annoy me, so I decided that I’d complete it too. “Oh, by the way, did you both complete your quest for the dungeon?” 

Azalea and Raya both focused on the screens in front them, that only they could see, before they both nodded their heads. 

“Yep, yep, yep. First ever quest, complete!” Azalea replied happily, doing a little midair twirl with excitement. 

Raya giggled and clapped her hands as Azalea spun. 

Notice: Dungeon Quest

Tree Caverns Dungeon has become corrupted by some kind of malevolent entity, discover its identity and destroy it to clear the corruption


[Class Ring] (Uncommon) x1

3,900 xp


Do you wish to finalise the completion of this quest and receive your reward?

Yes No

You are reading story The Wayward Fairy at

I clicked yes, and a small golden orb appeared hovering right in front of me. Placing my hand on it placed a silver ring in my hand. 

Quest Complete: Dungeon Quest


[Class Ring] (Uncommon) x1

3,900 xp

Bonus 1,950 xp

Wrath of the Demon Fighter

Grade: Uncommon

Type: Ring

Equip Bonus: 

Agility 28

Strength 10

“Whoa,” I gasped out as I checked the rings stats, the agility was huge for a low level item. Not that I was complaining. 

“Let me see!” Raya smiled eagerly as I held the ring out for her to inspect. 

“Whoa,” she mimicked, her green eyes going wide in surprise. 

“Neat!” Azalea said, as she flew closer to look. 

Raya selected her golden orb and was soon holding a small ring that looked like it was vines wrapped together. 

Fury of the Shaman

Grade: Uncommon

Type: Ring

Equip Bonus:

Agility 8

Wisdom 15

Intellect 15

“Another good one, what about you, Azalea?”

Bound Chaos

Grade: Uncommon

Type: Ring

Equip Bonus:

Intellect 24

Wisdom 14

“Very apt,” I said, amusement colouring my voice. 

Azalea just poked her tongue out at me in response. 

I ignored her in favour of asking her another question instead. “Did you find any loot while you were watching us?”

The little fairy’s glowing body got brighter as she blushed and stammered out her response. 

“Uh, yes, yes, I did. There is some kind of throne just over there that has a chest behind it,” Azalea pointed over behind her as she spoke. “I peeked inside and saw weapons inside, then came back to get you. I'll take you to it now.”

I just shook my head, grabbed Raya’s soft hand in mine, and started following after Azalea as she zoomed off. Raya’s tail wrapped itself around my wrist as she turned to look at me while we walked. 

“Do you think that McKenna would be pleased with us?” She looked down at our entwined hands as she spoke. 

“Absolutely,” I replied instantly, “McKenna is known as the goddess of love, after all. Not to mention, in the writings that I have read, she is supposed to have married the female angel that is always seen with her,” I snorted, “although that's apparently been written out of her history in at least one chapter of the church who worships her. My father and brothers refused to think they were anything but ‘good friends’, it was my mother who taught me otherwise.” I sighed as I thought about my mother, and her sad circumstances. I hoped to get strong enough to rescue her one day. 

“People are stupid.” Raya replied with a soft huff. 

“Can’t argue with that,” I grinned and squeezed her hand gently as we arrived at a large throne made from vines. 

“There is a love goddess? For real? That’s awesome!” Azalea popped up suddenly, looking extremely excited for some reason. “Does she visit people?”

“From time to time, I’ve heard that she will occasionally appear in person.” I replied. 

“Whoa, so cool!”

I smiled at the little fairy’s response, I’m guessing that fairies weren’t religious, or didn’t follow the mainstream ones, I’d have to quiz her later; for now, loot. 

We easily spotted the golden chest sitting behind the throne. 

“Now, after we’ve looted the chest, a magic circle like at the entrance will appear, don’t step into it until we’ve finished up here. It takes us outside, to the entrance of the dungeon.” I said, primarily for Azalea’s benefit. 

“Got it, boss!” She replied; doing that strange gesture to her forehead again. 

I cracked open the chest and saw that several weapons lay inside. Pulling out the first one, a staff, I inspected it. It had the look of a typical walking staff, but with several leaves and vines dangling from it. 

Dryad’s Redemption

Grade: Rare

Type: Staff

Damage: 25-60

Equip Bonus:

Wisdom 35

Intellect 30

Vitality 15

+150 healing

+75 nature damage

“Here you go, Raya, perfect upgrade for you,” I said as I handed her the staff. Raya gingerly took it from me, then gasped in pleasure as she inspected it. 

“This is beautiful,” she squealed, holding the staff close to her. 

I softly smiled at her, before I bent down and pulled at the next weapon. The scythe was a beautifully crafted, albeit simple design. The handle was black wood and the curved blade had a sheen, reflecting a rainbow of colours.  The handle also curved sharply backwards near the base of the blade. 

Scythe of Insanity

Grade: Rare

Type: Scythe

Damage: 20-50

Equip Bonus:

Intellect 55

Wisdom 10

+100 Spell Power 

“This is definitely for you, Azalea” I say, as I hand her the weapon. As she grasped it in her hands and took it from me, it shrunk down to be a perfect fit for her. 

“Thanks, wow, this is wicked!” 

“You’re welcome,” I say, as I watch her swing it around wildly, giggling as it made swooshing noises. I shook my head again as I turned back to the chest. 

Twin Blades of Fate

Grade: Rare

Type: Dual Swords

Damage: 18-40/20-44

Equip Bonus:

Agility 0/40

Strength 40/0

Set Bonus:

5% sword speed

The two swords had black leather on their hilts, with slightly curved and thin blades, that had veins of rainbow light gently zig zagging their way up to the sharp ends. I couldn’t help but let out a quiet “wow” as I looked them over. 

I looked over to see if Azalea was paying attention, she was cutting random patches of grass and branches, so I quickly placed my old blades inside of my inventory, then equipped the new weapons. They fit well on my back, sitting underneath my rifle in its harness. As soon as I closed the chest lid, it vanished in golden light. 

“Right,” I sighed, “let’s go find these quest items and get out of here. I’m starting to really want a bath.”

Twenty minutes later, we had gathered up all of the seeds from the knobbly looking Bowabowa plants and gathered near the magic circle to take us back. 


Azalea was sitting on Raya’s shoulder as I looked at them. My two companions nodded at the same time. We stepped into the circle together and with a flash, everything went black. Moments later, we reappeared outside near the entrance, next to the large tree. 

After I had collected Buttercup from her storage and Azalea and Raya fawned over her, we set off for the closest frontier town.

“Are we there yet?”


I sighed, we had only just left and already Azalea was asking. 

“How about now?”





Raya just giggled as we travelled and I sighed again. It was going to be a long day's travel. 

“What happened here?” Raya asked, distraught at what we were seeing. 

After travelling for the rest of the day yesterday, we made camp on the edge of the forest’s perimeter, and settled in for the night. We discovered that Azalea couldn't stomach eating meat, after she generously gave us the pork she had collected from the Quillboars that she had slain before we met.

We’d got up early and continued on for half of the day before finally arriving at the frontier town, or, what was left of it at least. Raya was sniffling and clinging tightly to me as we inspected the devastation. 

The town had been destroyed.