Chapter 28: Chapter 28 A new family

Ryel’s PoV

“Mumma?!” I gasped as I woke up from a nightmare. Flashes of smoke and undead creatures lingered on my mind as somebody warm and gentle held me tightly to them. 

“Shhh, it was just a nightmare, sweetie,” Kelcie said. Kelcie, who’d been like a big sister to me since we’d met. Kelcie, who even now, was taking care of me, even though she didn’t have to. I had to be brave, for her. I didn’t want her to think I wasn’t brave enough to be a strong warrior like her. 

I snuggled back into her embrace, sighing softly. “I know. I dreamed I was there, with my mother and brother. Getting eaten by the evil zombies.” Rage and despair in equal measure surged through me as I remembered the nightmare. “I’m going to kill them all,” I declared boldly. 

Kelcie sighed, before hugging me tighter to her. “Try and get some sleep. We have a busy few days ahead of us.” 


I lay there in the bed, fidgeting for another ten minutes or so with my eyes closed before I sighed. “I can’t sleep now,” I whispered. 

The room suddenly lit up as Azalea slid the leaf off of her little bed and lifted up, hovering above it, “Oh, good! You’re finally awake.” She said, stretching. 

Kelcie sighed again, before she sat up, the sheets accidentally falling down her shoulders and showing a bit of her chest, her pyjamas having loosened overnight. Azalea let out a little ‘eep’ before looking away, suddenly all flustered. Kelcie ducked back underneath the covers, before re-emerging, having fixed her clothes, her face flushed crimson. I giggled at how they were acting around each other. I wondered how long until they got married?

Azalea poked her tongue out at me, Kelcie ignoring us both as I responded back in kind to the fairy. 

Kelcie yawned. “I guess it’s time to get up. We’ve got lots to do today, so we can take this time to sort it out. We first need to find out what’s happening about the proposed expedition, then get you registered as an adventurer, Azalea.” 

“Ooo, yay! Do I get a cool badge or something?” Azalea said excitedly. 

Kelcie looked amused at our little fairy friend as she energetically flew around us. I suddenly jumped up, grasping for Azalea as she passed over me. Giggling, Azalea zoomed out of the room, shouting back at me. “Too slow!” 

I was giggling myself as I chased after her out of the room and down the stairs of the inn we were staying at. 

“No running you two! You’ll get us into trouble,” I heard Kelcie shout. I slowed down but kept up a fast pace, smiling to myself as I pulled out a device I had been working on secretly. 

Azalea had obviously heard Kelcie as well. “I’m flying, not running,” she giggled. 

Kelcie sighed, shaking her head as I jumped down the wooden steps. 

“Oi! Cut out that damn racket, will ya!” someone shouted from behind a closed door on the landing I was passing. 

“Oops,” I giggled under my breath as I jumped down several steps at once, landing on the ground floor of the inn, then making a pose at my amazing physical prowess. I frowned as I heard Kelcie apologise to the grumpy guts for me, and getting told off for it. What a rude man!

Azalea zipped past me quickly, “Ha, still too slow, little lady.” 

“Nuh, uh!” I shouted, as I threw my super sneaky device at her, a net. 

The little fairy gasped in shock as my net covered her, with me holding the rope connected to it. “Hey! No fair!” she pouted. 

“Says the one who cheats by flying,” I responded triumphantly. 

Suddenly, Azalea yelped as the net settled down around her and got caught up in her wings, the fairy instantly dropping to the table that she’d been hovering over with a thud. “Ow,” she groaned. 

“Azalea! Are you okay?” I heard Kelcie ask in a panic as she ran down the stairs. I frowned at her, she’d just told me off for that exact same thing! 

Before any of us could respond, Azalea turned into a purple ball of light, and the net fell through her onto the table, before she turned back, a very large, very smug, grin on her face. 

“That won’t work again, nur nur.” she said, poking her tongue out at me. 

“Hey! That’s totally cheating!” 

“Whatcha gonna do about it? Throw a net at me, again?” Azalea giggled at this, nearly falling onto the table as she laughed. 

I pouted at her, crossing my arms over my chest. Kelcie just slapped her forehead with a hand and sighed. 

“You two are going to be the death of me, I swear.”

A cold chill ran down my spine at her words and I suddenly felt faint. I couldn’t lose Kelcie as well. How could I protect her? I wish I’d get my Class already! It had to be soon, I know mum had said as much before we made our disastrous trip to West End. I’d lost almost everything, my parents and my brother. I was just glad that I still had Kelcie, and now Azalea. Kelcie felt like a cross between the big sister I never had and my mum. Despite her being older than me, in a lot of ways, Azalea seemed to act my age. I had no idea whether that was a fairy thing, or an Azalea thing. 

“Hey, are you feeling alright?” Kelcie asked, placing a warm hand on my forehead, concern written all over her face. 

“Oh, sorry! I was just thinking about something.” I felt warmth pour into my chest as I looked at Kelcie’s worried expression. It felt nice knowing that she cared and worried about me. Even if she did nag me sometimes. I just hoped that I would get strong enough to one day make her proud. 

“Thinking about how your net failed on me,” Azalea cackled. 

I poked my tongue out at the little pest, before turning to Kelcie. “Can we have breakfast soon? I’m starving!” 

Kelcie ruffled my hair gently, ignoring my disgruntled protests, before she stood up tall and looked around the open room. The fireplace was only just starting to build up a decent flame, crackling merely away, the innkeeper obviously having only restocked it recently. Hopefully that meant he was around somewhere with breakfast. All of the wooden tables and chairs were bare and empty, as was the room of anyone else but the three of us. Thankfully, soon after my announcement, a bald, portly man came in from outside, carrying a load of wood in his arms. 

“Oh, good morning gentle ladies! What can I do you for?” His speech was strange, but he seemed like a nice man. And I hoped he was the innkeeper with my food. I hadn’t seen him last night, so I didn’t know if he was or not. 

“We’re hungry!” I announced. 

Azalea giggled, agreeing with me, as Kelcie slapped a hand to her forehead again. She probably should stop doing that, it’ll start hurting. She lifted her hand off of her face and smiled at the man. “Good morning, I apologise for Ryel. Would you happen to have any food prepared for us? And some fruit for Azalea?” 

The man let out a belly laugh as he placed the pile of timber down next to the fireplace. “It’s quite alright, miss. Like any young rapscallion, she knows what she wants, and goes for it. I’m just glad that she’s not in my kitchen, stuffing her face with the leftover stew!”

I perked up as I heard mention of food and started bouncing on the balls of my feet. “I can go and get it!” I volunteered eagerly. 

Kelcie gently put a hand on my shoulder, holding me in place before I could begin moving towards where I thought the kitchen was. 

The innkeeper chuckled, smiling at me. “Ah, the exuberance of youth. Young miss, what kind of innkeeper would I be if I made my guests get their own food?” 

“One with a lot more time on their hands?” Azalea asked with a giggle. 

“Right you are, little lady,” he laughed, “and probably a poor one. Most people would no doubt think I was a lazy bum of an innkeeper!”

Azalea nodded at that, amusement twinkling in her eyes. “You could also just put out a spread of meat and fruit, letting people choose their own breakfast. That is, if you have some way of keeping it all fresh.”

The portly man looked thoughtful, “That’s an interesting idea you’ve got there. I’ll have to think on it.” He clapped his hands together. “Right. I’ll just go and grab your breakfast then. Out in a jiffy!” 

Kelcie put her arms around my shoulder, steering me towards a random table and we sat down. She looked over at Azalea with a thoughtful look on her face, “Did you get that idea from… before?” 

Azalea fluttered down and landed on my shoulder before nodding, “Yep! It usually worked well there. Hopefully he has some yummy fruits for me.”

I frowned at Azalea. “Why not just use the ones in your inventory?”

The little fairy froze for a moment. “My what? I have no idea what you mean,” she said, looking away. Kelcie froze as well, before she looked at me and lifted a finger to her lips. “Shh, don’t speak so loudly about that. Someone might overhear you. Also, how do you know about it?”

“How do you both know about it?” Azalea butted in. 

Kelcie snorted, while I giggled. “Oh, please, you’re about as subtle as a dragon. How else do you explain all your large fruits just magically appearing every day?”

“Or all of the fresh Quillboar pork you’ve been carrying around,” I chimed in. 

Azalea sighed. “Sure, point out the flaws in my ninja skills when I’m hungry and can’t think!” 

“What’s the difference when you aren’t hungry?” I muttered quietly, giggling to myself. 

The little shoulder rider gasped, looking at me with a fake hurt look. “Rude!”

Just as I was about to respond, the innkeeper bustled in, juggling several bowls in his hands. “Ah, it’s a pleasure to see such fine ladies enjoying themselves,” he said with a smile as he placed the bowls down before us. 

Delicious smells wafted over us as I looked at what he had brought out. Two bowls of a lamb stew with wooden spoons, and a single bowl of various kinds of fruit. “Mmm, it smells so good!” Kelcie said, looking at the food with a hungry look. 

“I hope you enjoy it. I added bits of bacon this morning, for extra flavour.”

I hurriedly pulled a bowl of stew to me, and scooped up a large amount, swallowing the whole thing in one bite. “Ow, ow!” I gasped out. 

“Careful, it’s hot!” The evil man chuckled at me panting with my tongue out. 

Kelcie pulled her bowl to her with far more patience and grace, and began to eat slowly, blowing on each spoonful. 

“I’ll get you three some juice for breakfast, don’t go anywhere,” he commanded. I just nodded at him as I was too busy holding my tongue out in the air with both hands. 

I finally let go of my tongue and lifted up my spoon. “Hey, Azalea, bacon, it’s really yummy,” I said, pointing out the little bits of meat with a smug smile. She had lamented at one point about not being able to eat bacon anymore for some reason, and ever since then, I’d happily teased her about it. Azalea ignored me, except to give me a death glare as she almost literally stuffed her face with a strawberry. 


“I’m sooo stuffed,” I said with a pained groan, rubbing my slightly protruding belly gingerly. 

Kelcie shook her head as we walked down the street. “That’s because you ate three bowls of the stew!” she snorted.

“I’m a growing girl!”

I glared at Azalea as she began giggling. Thankfully she didn’t say anything. She did look a little smug and pleased though. In my defence, the stew was so good! 

“Where to?” I asked as our fairy companion flew around, looking curiously at various random things. The blacksmith we passed seemed to fascinate her to no end. Eventually the loud clang of the blacksmith's hammer hitting metal faded into the distance as we left it behind us. While we walked, I could smell the smoke of the fires from yesterday, still thick in the air. 

“We’ll go to the association to sign Azalea up as an adventurer first,” Kelcie finally answered. “Get that out of the way. Hopefully, we’ll discover what the plans for going back to West End are while we are there.” Kelcie paused and thought for a moment. “It might be a good idea to restock any supplies that we’re running low on as well. Especially health and mana potions, although they won’t be anywhere near as good as the ones you’ve got, Azalea.” 

Azalea pouted at that, but otherwise didn’t comment. “We might look at getting you fitted into something lightweight but which will still give you decent protection as well, Ryel.”

I looked over at Kelcie, surprised. Did she mean she was going to let me come with them, without me having to sneakily follow?

“Yes, you can come,” Kelcie sighed, “but only if you promise to listen to me and do everything I tell you to, okay?” 

I hurriedly nodded excitedly. “Yes, of course! I promise.”

You are reading story The Wayward Fairy at

Kelcie looked me in the eye. She didn’t look convinced, but eventually nodded anyway. “Okay… good,” she said with a sigh. 

I cheered, jumping up and down on the spot, and then hugged Kelcie. “Yay! Thank you, thank you.”

She hugged me back, her cheeks slightly rosy as she smiled. “Yeah, yeah. Just remember what I said, okay?”

I nodded as I hugged her. 

“Okay, let’s go. We’ve got less time now, and the fitting could take awhile. It depends on how busy they are.” 

Azalea fluttered down and landed on my shoulder as we started walking again. “So, you’re coming with us big girls, huh?” 

I looked the little fairy up and down as she sat on my shoulder, and raised an eyebrow at her. 

She laughed at my expression, gently patting my hair. “You know what I mean, brat!”

“Yes, I am! I should really be getting my Class any day now, mumma… mumma said it’d be soon.” I gulped as the thoughts of her swelled up from my heart, threatening to swallow me whole. I missed her so much that it hurt to even think about her sometimes. The pain was almost overwhelming. 

Suddenly I was surrounded by soft, loving warmth on all sides, both Azalea and Kelcie hugging me as the grief and pain poured out. I wailed and held onto them for dear life as I cried my pain out. 

“It’s alright, we’ve got you. Let it all out,” I heard Kelcie murmuring as she brushed my hair with her fingers. 

I had only just now realised that Azalea had made herself large so she could hug me too. “Yep, we’re like a bad smell that just won’t go away. One sniff, and blah, you’ll know we’re still here.” 

I couldn’t help but giggle a little bit through my tears at the silly fairy. I sniffled as I pulled back a little bit to see my new family through blurry eyes. Kelcie was openly crying with me, her eyes red from tears. Even Azalea’s eyes glimmered with unshed tears as she looked at me with a fond smile. 

“Thanks,” I sniffled, wiping my eyes with my sleeves. “I’m sorry for being such a baby.”

“Yeah, but you’re our baby now. Ow! What was that for?” Azalea whined as Kelcie smacked her shoulder. I giggled and sniffed as I watched them argue. 

“… could be considered a declaration for a gentle lady’s duel!”

Kelcie laughed, “Don’t be silly. I wouldn’t want to smack that pretty bottom of yours in a duel.”

Azalea gasped, blushing slightly. “That, good lady, is an insult to the House of Azalea and will not stand, I say!” Even she was laughing as the silly argument continued. Kelcie was red faced and bent over with her hands in her knees, gasping for breath. 

By this point, Azalea had shrunk back to her normal size, “But, you’re flying,” I interjected. 

“Good point, that too!” 

I giggled as I watched the silly fairy’s antics. 

Kelcie had gotten a hold of herself and stood back up again, her face flushed. “Come on you two, the association’s building is just right around the corner.” Kelcie put an arm around my shoulder as we started walking again. 

I noticed several people had been watching us, most turned away as I looked at them, but a few ignored me in favour of being rude. So I stared right back until we turned the corner. 

All talk from within stopped as we stepped into the adventurer’s association hall. A few gasped and quiet murmurs spread around the room as everyone turned to look at us, or more specifically, at Azalea. Kelcie paused for a moment, startled at the attention before she moved into the building with Azalea and I. 

Callie and Raya suddenly appeared from within the crowd. Callie pushed her way through, with Raya in tow, elbowing people if they didn’t move fast enough. 

“Good morning you three. We thought you’d never make it.”

Kelcie nodded to Callie. “Someone decided she needed three helpings of the breakfast stew,” she said, gently squeezing my shoulders. 

I shrugged, poking my tongue out at her. “It was too yummy.” 

“Hey! We aren’t that late, the sun is barely up,” Azalea argued, frowning at the two girls. 

Raya giggled, “Callie is just teasing, we had a head start since we were able to get a bedroom nearby.”

“Well, come on then, let’s go and get Azalea registered,” Kelcie said. 

As we all stood in line to the desk, which was thankfully fairly short, Kelcie turned back to the newcomers in the group. “Have either of you heard anything about the expedition to West End yet?”

I frowned in confusion as Kelcie glanced at the nekokin and half-elf holding hands. I could see longing and desire in her eyes, despite the conflicted look in her eyes. The line moved forward slightly as people stepped forward to one of the desks. 

“They’ve put the sign up sheet over on the Quest Board,” Callie said, pointing over her shoulder with a thumb. I could see a group of adventurers standing around near a wall with various papers and flyers on it. “It says that the expedition will be leaving in three days' time.”

My thoughts on Kelcie’s confusing behaviour were put aside hearing that. I started bouncing up and down slightly as I got excited. Three days! I’ll finally get another chance to help destroy all of those monsters that took my family away. 

Kelcie nodded. “That doesn’t leave us much time to get prepared,” she grimaced, “no doubt supplies will be ten times the usual rate after all of this, and then the expedition on top. You two are from this city right? Where is the best place for us to equip Ryel?” 

Callie glanced at me, confusion and concern written all over her face. “You’re taking her with us? No offence, but she hasn’t even gotten her Class yet.”

“She’s coming with me so I can look after her, and keep her safe.”

Callie nodded, shrugging, “We’ll help keep her safe.”

Sighing, I looked down at my feet in embarrassment as Raya nodded her agreement. I hated that I wasn’t strong enough to protect Kelcie, and needed her and the others to look after me. 

The line moved forward as the two humans in front of us left the queue. Moments later, one of the attendants called “Next,” and we moved forward. 

“Hi! What can I help you with today?” The lady at the counter asked with a bright smile. 

Kelcie gestured towards Azalea, sitting on her shoulder. “Yes, hi, we’d like to register Azalea here as an adventurer please.”

The attendant, a human woman, looked startled, squinting at Azalea in surprise and curiosity. Azalea just waved, smiling at her with a cheeky grin. “Hi!”

“Umm, I’ll have to double check with the branch leader,” the woman at the counter said apologetically. Margret, going by her name badge. 

“Why?” Kelcie asked with a frown, her tone a little sharp. 

Margret looked a little upset now. “Because she’s got Power Levels,” she answered diplomatically, “and I don’t know if that affects it somehow.” Before any of us could respond, she left her desk and walked through a door nearby, closing it behind her. 

Kelcie sighed. “Well… I’d hoped we wouldn’t have any issues. I’d hoped in vain, I see.”

Azalea shrugged from her seat, patting Kelcie on the shoulder. “It’ll be okay.”

“How do you know?” Kelcie asked, looking unconvinced. 

Azalea smiled at her. “My grandparents were adventurers!”

The surprise and shock on Kelcie’s face made me laugh. “Your grandpa… wait. Your grandparents, as in, Titania and Oberon. What about the other fairy? Oh, what was his name?”

I frowned, surprised now myself. I thought Azalea had been joking about that. 

“Oh, yeah! I’d forgotten about him until now,” Callie said, facepalming. 

Azalea was frowning now, clearly bewildered. “Who? What other fairy? I was never told about another fairy becoming an adventurer too.”

“Nyx! That’s it, that was his name,” Kelcie exclaimed with relief. “Gods, was that bugging me. I remember reading about them in a history book about the Demon War once.” 

“No, that can’t be right. I would’ve heard about him!” Azalea pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. 

Kelcie shrugged, forcing Azalea to quickly hold on to avoid falling off of her shoulder. “Perhaps the other fairies didn’t tell you everything.”

Before anyone could continue the discussion, someone cleared their throat nearby, drawing everyone's attention, “Sorry to make you wait, ladies. I heard that we’ve got a special case with us today?” a male elf in fancy clothes with a pleasant smile said, Margret hovering behind him. 

“This is Azalea, as you can see, she is a fairy,” Kelcie spoke up, gesturing towards Azalea again. 

Azalea waved. “Hi!” 

“I see,” the man said with a look of understanding, before looking towards Margret. “It’s fine, Margret. She can be registered. You’ll just have to enter the information manually when you’re setting up her account. Oh, and drop the last digit off her power level, and you’ll get her equivalent class level.”

The woman nodded, looking a little ashamed, but still managing a smile. “I can do that, sir, thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Now, was there anything else that you needed my help with?” he then asked, turning back to us. We all shook our heads, and after some additional short pleasantries, the man went back inside. Margret sat down and filled out Azalea’s adventurer registration form, asking her various questions. Losing a bit of interest, I looked around the room at all the different people, many of them armed and armoured. The group of adventurers didn’t seem all that impressive to me. My Orc Clan’s warriors had much better looking armour and weapons. Still, they were adventurers, and I wasn’t. 

After they finished with the form, and the lady had inputted it into the system, Azalea paid the one gold fee and was now officially an adventurer. We checked out the sign up sheet for the return to West End once that was done, all four of my friends signing up. It was frustrating, as much as I wanted to too, I couldn't because I wasn’t an adventurer… yet. 

“There’s a fantastic little cafe right near a decent armour shop nearby, if you’d like to go there?” Callie said, leading the way out of the building and down the street. “We can get Ryel fitted, then have lunch after.” 

Azalea zipped past me, flying around all excited at having become an adventurer. I was just about to speak up when text suddenly appeared in my vision. 

>System Access requested by A.D.A.M

>Access Denied

>System Override initiated by A.D.A.M




>Access Granted. 

>Initialising Class Selection



>Class Selection initialisation… Successful


Congratulations! Your Class has now been unlocked!

Click confirm to begin the Class Selection process. 

