Chapter 318: Chapter 318

“What extra credits? What are you talking about?” when Caroline and Jason got back to their table following Thomas and Aimee, Caroline asked: “I’m not sure I’m following.”


“She’s lying.” Jason and Thomas answered in unison.


“She’s feeding us fake intel.” Aimee looked at Thomas and Jason then said: “I guess she didn’t know, we’ve already found the book rental record from the faculty members we asked about. I asked for the books these faculty members rented a while back, but all of them continued to rent books after that, there’s no reason her records became this dated. So the only explanation is that she’s intentionally feeding us fake info. Which means ...”


“Which means it is quite possible that there’s something pretty serious going on here.” Thomas said: “But, this would be a really serious accusation to make, and we need more evidence, more intel.”


“If she’s involved.” Jason scratched his jaw and asked: “I mean, ‘if’ she’s involved - wouldn’t she be the perfect candidate to show those in the shadows plotting against us that we’re onto something?”


“That’s good. That’s good thinking.” Aimee said: “So we need to go back and somehow tell her that we are close? That would be a bit awkward isn’t it? We’ll need something to ease us in.”


“I think I know how.” Caroline patted Jason on his shoulder: “But, Jason, you’ll need to approach her first. To make it easier and more natural.”


After just a few minutes, Jason walked towards the front desk, with a look of hesitation on his face.


“Hey, hey, Camile, right?” Jason asked with a nervous voice: “I wonder if you could help me with something. I didn’t know who else I could ask this, well, until I saw you.”


“Well, I am incredibly flattered. But I’m afraid you’re up for a harsh competition here.” Camile Jensen smiled and pointed at the bouquet of flowers on her side: “And I am actually not intending to piss off the son of an Academy Board member.”


“Oh, nonono! ” Jason immediately waved his hands: “I was wondering - if you could help me understand a bit… about the Jensen family?”


“Hmm...” Camile Jense sat straight and leaned back on her chair a bit: “Mind if I ask you why? What makes you decide you want to ask me?”


“You have the same family symbol on your collar.” Jason pointed at Camile’s robe collar and said: “And… I… well this is quite embarrassing - I really like Laura...”


“Oh...” Camile Jensen giggled and then started laughing out loud: “That is - well, very adorable. But I’m not gonna just spill family secrets to someone I just met just because you have a lovely crush on my little cousin. So, tell me a little about yourself, and, uh, don’t treat this question like one from an interview, this is much, much more serious.”


“Well, I - I faced off against her during the student duel.” Jason’s face became red: “And we met later at the academy’s circles and arrays club meetings.”


“Oh, that’s right! No wonder I felt that I saw you somewhere before. You’re the one who gave her a good beating!” Camile Jensen laughed out loud again and said.


“No - no, that’s not true, I did not beat her. That sounded really bad.” Jason immediately denied what Camile was joking about.

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“Yeah, well, but you indeed left quite an impression.” Camile Jensen said: “Okay, Mr. Lin, Jason - can I call you Jason?”


“Yes, please.”


“Okay, Jason, first things first.” Camile Jensen looked Jason in the eyes and said: “Laura’s the head strong type - she may not seem like it, but she is. And getting to know the Jensen family just to impress her would not work, because she thinks family names are things for one to live up to instead of just wearing like some kind of fancy hat.”


“Understood, I got it, so no need for Jensen family history.” Jason nodded.


“And secondly, Laura is kind of a nerd for circles, arrays and magical constructs. From what I’ve heard you’re quite good with those, so you’re in the clear.” Camile Jensen chuckled and said: “And in her spare time, she likes sparring, reading, and even a little bit of hunting. So there you go, make of those what you will.”


“Wow, thank you very much.” Jason nodded again: “That’s… that’s great.”


“Woohoo! Yes!” just right this moment, a cheer came from behind Jason, and Thomas, Aimee and Caroline rushed out from the position of their table and came to Jason’s side.


“I think we just figured out something, thanks to you.” Thomas patted Jason on the shoulder: “Good solve! Good solve!”


“Ms. Jensen.” Aimee came forward and asked: “I think we may have some lead on how some of those faculty members got exposed to the toxic materials. Do you mind if we look around here for a bit?”


“Well, of course not.” Camile Jensen tilted her head slightly to the side: “What have you got?”


“That they may have been exposed while they’re here.” Caroline said: “We’re not sure how, but from their public schedules - ”


“Let’s just go around and check for clues first - ” Aimee cut Jason off: “It’s a really nice solve, but it’s just a theory for now right?”


“Wait!” just when the four were about to disperse and start their search in the library, Camile Jensen stopped them: “You said, they were exposed here?”


“Yeah, it’s very possible.” Jason said.


“Hmm, now that you mentioned it, there’s indeed something quite suspicious in one of the side rooms.” Camile Jensen walked around the front desk: “You wanna follow me there?”


“Um… sure.” four of them looked at each other and followed Camile Jensen.