Using his blood that was already flowing all over the blade of the meat cleaver, Jianmen wrote a symbol on both sides of the blade. Then, he raised the meat cleaver, let out a long nervous sigh, then swung his meat cleaver at the thin air in front of him.
The edge of the blade cut into something in the air and a thin gap was left floating in the space like a piece of light cotton thread, but was glowing in orange and golden light. The dolls lying around in the room started shaking, vibrating and rolling on the ground like they were affected by a violent earthquake.
Ignoring all of this, Jianmen raised his rattan broom and bashed the thin gap with the stick. After a few bashes, the thin gap was gradually widened, and through it the team could see the inside of some other room in this underground facility. The vibrations and motions of the dolls and bodies inside the room got bigger and bigger in scale with each bash. After confirming that the team would be able to see through the gap, Jianmen struck the gap once again, causing it to widen slightly further and become stabilized.
“Now, this gap is barely enough for us to pass through, so minimize yourself and travel fast.” Jianmen stood beside the gap and said: “Go, I will go last.”
“Wait.” Tze Cha was stopped by Jianmen when he tried to go in first: “Ladies first.”
“Thank you Jianmen, I’ll wait for you on the other side.” Josephine Wong nodded and pushed herself into the thin gap without saying anything else. Her body shrunk and into the size of a small pea right before she entered the gap, and disappeared into it.
“Benefactor Tze Cha, as you are the last of your line, you should go next.” Nameless said to Tze Cha in a praying pose.
When Tze Cha was about to shrink himself and go into the gap, a few small portals appeared in the air, and some kind of dark smoke was pumped into the room. Jianmen looked back and swung his rattan broom at the dark smoke, unleashing a wall of wind to push the dark smoke away.
“Master Nameless, you should go next.” when Tze Cha disappeared into the gap, Jianmen said to Nameless: “I’ll have to stay and hold the tunnel open, go! ”
“Thank you Mr. Yu.” Nameless gently bowed before he turned into a small shining golden ball of energy and rushed into the gap.
When Jianmen became fairly certain that all three of the team members had traveled through the gap to another side safely, he looked back once again. The first wave of dark smoke was pushed back by his wall of wind, but there had been subsequent waves that came out from the small portals in the air. The wooden and metal dolls, and the bodies of humans and animals became animated after contact with the dark smoke - they rose from the ground, some started growling from their throats that were made of wood, metal or dried flesh, some started randomly attacking others around them, even the ones that had yet to be animated. He swung his broom at the dark smoke once again, this time releasing three strong gushes of wind that trapped and pushed some of the dark smoke and went straight up at three of the mini portals from which the dark smoke came.
“Boom!” when Jianmen came out from the other end of the tiny tunnel, a golden fist was just unleashed by Nameless onto one of the monsters with half a human body and half a body made of medical supplies. This attack struck true, and the monster was sent flying through a quarter of the room, knocking a couple of creatures of malice away and rolled on the ground.
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“Nice destination there.” Tze Cha said to Jianmen, then spit two balls of dark fire forward at the back of the “painting” with two half human bodies at both sides of the frame at the center of the room.
The balls of dark flames found its way through the creatures of malice in between, and almost hit their targets if not for the monster with half a human body and half a body made of limbs blocking their way. These two monsters were already injured when Jianmen came out of the other end of the tunnel, and now with these attacks they were finally incapacitated - the monster struck by Nameless was rolling on the ground writhing in pain due to the residual golden energy left on its body, while the monster ignited by Tze Cha’s dark flames screamed and moaned but was not able to do anything about it.
“With the two Buddhas destroyed, their power seemed to be greatly weakened as well.” Josephine Wong threw out three purple energy spears and skewed several creatures of malice and pushed them back: “Are you okay?”
“Could have been better.” Jianmen turned around, wiped the sweat from his forehead and blood from the corner of her mouth then struck the tunnel he created with his meat cleaver again, destroying the tunnel completely and let the natural flow of the fabric of reality take its course.
Tze Cha extended his two hands in claw forms forward and unleashed two streams of dark flames from his palms, more creatures of malice tried to rush against them but were instantly pushed back. And moreover, a lot of the ignited creatures of malice clashed into each other and spread the dark flames further, which also included the “painting” at the center of the room.
Nameless recognized the power of the spreading dark flames, and with two Dragon Claw strikes, he broke off two claws from a spider-shaped creature of malice before kicking it back; then he tossed the two claws right at two creatures of malice that were almost dead and were just lying on the ground waiting for the dark flames to consume their bodies completely with full force. The two claws exploded when they struck the two creatures, shredding them into dozens of burning pieces and sending the pieces flying out in a cone-shaped area behind the body, covering also the “painting” behind them.
The “painting” was thus ignited by the dark flames in multiple spots, and just like real oil paintings when coming into contact with fire, it started cracking up and the surface started crumbling. Dark red blood gushed out from the cracks and the edge of the burning spots. The “painting” shook up and down and screamed with two voices in unison.
Josephine Wong and Tze Cha each unleashed their final blows in this fight to the “painting”, and it was immediately torn to burning shreds scattered all over the floor.
Screams, cries and moans from thousands and thousands of voices came from all corners of the room, the ground shook with gradually more and more violent force while dark liquid started dripping down from the ceiling and the walls.
“Let’s go - this malice is about to crumble.” Josephine Wong said.
“You go. I think I’ll stay.” Tze Cha walked forward and let himself bathe in the dark liquid.