Chapter 67: Arc 5: Black Blasphemy (7)

Later in the evening, Betty brought the issue to Xia at her domain — the Cave of Grace — with all its white theme-furnishing and abundance of White Mana.

“We have a problem,” Betty said. “The girls are repressing.”

Xia shrugged, “Can’t blame them. Remember, we are in their position once.”

“I’m in their position once,” Betty said. “Not you, sis. You are the alpha from the beginning.”

“Come on,” Xia said. “Caislean is the first and Amy predates me.”

“But you are the leader,” Betty said. “Amy wants to be that supportive wife, so she lets you take over. Caislean never had a chance. She never held your charisma or power. Every addition to the ‘family’ side-lines her and she has a complex about it. We don’t know what will happen when Hikari gets miffed as well, and I don't want to find out. The possibility of Amy getting near a drink is already bad enough.”

“That is problematic,” Xia agreed. “Look, I wish I could magic out a solution, but I don’t know how to shore up her self-confidence. Any ideas?”

“Caislean wants to feel useful,” Betty said. “The only thing the girl has is her abilities.”

“The Residence is technically a powerful ability,” Xia said. “She is also in charge of the day-to-day maintenance of the facilities like [Garden] and [Workshop].”

“Maybe we should ask her to expand her role on that,” Betty said, sighing. “But the real issue is Ciel. He should have been less blasé about how important Caislean is.”

“Ciel’s innate calm against every obstacle came back to bite us,” Xia complained, and turn led toward Betty for help. “You must have a plan. I admit you are way better in this kind of social scheme.”

Betty snorted, “Really. You’re no slouch either. It is because of you that Ciel bagged me.”

“But you have a plan, right?” Xia said.

Betty closed her eyes in annoyance and told her the plan to consolidate the house.

The first step of the plan was informing the fact to Mr. Tactless.

Ciel felt an enormous headache coming when Betty informed him about the nascent issue growing underneath his nose. The Unity Lord knew most of it was probably his fault. He tried to be nice to everyone, fearing the becoming like that creep Balor, but it backfired. He wasn’t dense enough not to realize Caislean and Amy might want to move up the next base. The problem was Ciel wanted them to make the first move, too afraid of rushing their relationship.

In hindsight, that might be a terrible plan. Amy and Caislean were like Ciel more than he realized. They weren’t the type who made the first move. It became an eternal waiting-game. They would happily bide their time for their partner to be ready, despite wanting to progress into the relationship. It was the classic ‘will-they-or-won’t-they’ development. 

However, there was a twist. Xia wasn’t playing the waiting game and snatched Ciel to the fourth-base. The girls knew the alpha already scored. In the end, Ciel transformed into a different type of jackass. A type who made out with his wife in front of his jealous mistress. Amy kept watching because she was self-sacrificing. Caislean kept her eyes glued to the heart-pain because she had a massive insecurity issue.

“How did it end this way?” Ciel said, nursing a headache.

Betty wasn’t amused, “You are asking me? You are the guy who made this happen!”

“I still don’t want to force her to be honest,” Ciel said. “Caislean already does too many things.”

“Really?” Betty said. “I know she kept the Residence in order, but isn’t that it?”

Ciel explained, “She also managed the [Garden] and the weapon stockpiles in the [Workshop]. She also took care of the [Library] when you were busily moping.”

Betty blinked. Internally, she wanted to crawl into the hole. After too many hours bemoaning her failures, Betty had been spending time in the [Library] sulking instead of doing the job she promised. She innately knew it must be Caislean who cataloged all the books, but she took that for granted.

“Wow, for a sarcastic nightmare fetishist, she is surprisingly valuable,” Betty said.

Ciel agreed, “Yeah, even I forget that sometimes.”

“Anyway,” Betty said, resolving to repay Caislean with a delicious reward. “This is my plan.”

Ciel listened to the plan.

“I will admit she had that disposition,” Ciel said. “But you must know I am the least effective therapist in this room, right?”

Betty smiled, “Don’t worry. I will do the talking.”

Caislean walked up the stairs of the Harriet House. Betty had called her to make some adjustments to the room. Personally, Caislean tried not to think too hard about it. Lately, she tried not to think too hard about anything.

Then she heard Xia’s moaning from the room beside her. The arousing love-making cries turned Caislean’s face redder than tomato. The Unity Lord’s secretary promptly decided to flee in the opposite direction. She spun and came face-to-face with the grinning Betty.

“Aww,” Betty looked at the reddened woman with the look of delicate porcelain. “Feeling shy, Caislean?”

Caislean feigned a smile. “No,” she put on a brave face, “I simply think that rutting like an animal isn’t for my—”

Betty gave a hug, smothering Caislean’s next words with her breasts. The Sorceress worked her magic, leaning close to Caislean’s ears and verbally chipping the emotional armor.

“We know that is a lie,” Betty whispered to the shaking girl. “What happened to the sarcastic little girl who loved making all those nightmare-fuel suggestions? Cat got your tongue?”

Caislean struggled to escape, but Betty held her tight.

“Truth is, you imagine yourself in that room too,” Betty said, cocking her head to listen to the sound. “Don’t you hear it. I think my sister had just hit the climax.”

Caislean’s ear turned bright red.

“And you can have it, Caislean,” Betty smiled. “You are our sister. I already talked to Ciel, and he said he won’t mind at all. Why don’t you join us in bed, right now? I can teach you everything.”

She loosened her hold on Caislean.

“I-I,” Caislean stammered. “I don’t think I should. I’m not as beautiful as you or as strong. Master deserves someone better than me.”

“How cute?” Betty said, roping her arms around the Caislean and undid her skirt. “But I want a sister, not a servant, dear.” She eroded more of Caislean inhibition. “Be honest, Caislean. You want this. Relax, you don’t have to join Xia now.” Betty grinned. “I think I can prime you myself.”

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“What are you doing?” Caislean yelped, but Betty silenced her with a finger.

“Be quiet and just follow along,” Betty said.

The noise of Ciel’s love-making was still echoing behind the sliding door, but Caislean wasn’t paying attention anymore. She was naked on the floor with Betty. Her body powerlessly shuddered in pleasure as her ‘sister’ played with her garden.

Betty’s hand massaged Caislean’s breast. The girl was leaning heavily on the medium size, but she rocked a certain firmness in her chest. The girl was shaped like a beautiful vase of the highest quality china. Betty ran her mouth across Caislean's neckline and nibbled her by the ear. She felt the tiny shudder in the clitoris and knew the moment had arrived.

“Please,” Caislean moaned, finally reaching her climaxes. “More.”

“What happened to all the resistance?” Betty glanced at the dampening ground. Those orgasms were huge. “Unbelievable, girl, just how much have you been repressing,” Betty said. “Be honest with yourself, dear. The sound of Ciel screwing my sister arouses you, isn’t it? You have quite an active imagination. It must be hard on you, imagining yourself in Xia’s place, being screwed silly every night.”

Caislean’s garden immediately moistened.

Betty smiled. The plan was a simple modification to the corruption scheme. Caislean did harbor many fantasies in her mind, but repressed it out of insecurity. The simple solution was for the girl to gain confidence, but first she had to break that barrier and confront the girl with the fact her body thirsted for pleasure. When the girl finally succumbed and ate that fruit, there was no way to go but down.

Normally, this was a method to corrupt a girl into a sex addict, but Betty changed that plan to resolve a potential problem that might break the house. Time to transform Caislean from that awkward, shy girl who could snap catastrophically to anything else.

“You can have that right now,” Betty whispered, playing with her sister's lubricated organ. “All you have to do is say yes, and let me walk you through the door.”

“Yes,” Caislean squeaked.

Ciel was on the bed with a delirious Xia lying beside him.

Weird. Should his stamina have improved so rapidly?

Then the door slid open to reveal the naked Caislean being dragged in by the naked Betty.

“Ciel,” Betty cried. “Caislean wants to join us.” She dropped to the bed, dragging Caislean to join her. “Come on. Don’t be nervous,” Betty whispered to the stuttering. “You want this, right?”

“I-I,” Caislean was having second thought, “Maybe I should—”

Ciel proceeded as planned, wrapping his first companion in his arm and looking into her eyes.

“Look, Caislean,” Ciel confessed. He already felt the girl’s heartbeat rapidly quickening. “I know I haven’t been a good friend, much less a lover.” Ciel shrugged. “Sure, you are right about the fact you are rapidly being overshadowed, but we still needed you here. Betty and I agreed to make it right to you tonight, and you already said yes.”

“But,” Caislean melted. “This is my first time…”

“All the more reason to make it memorable,” Ciel said.

Caislean felt the hardened flesh rubbing against her skin. Her head leaned back, bumping into the ample chest of Betty who slowly lowered her head on her lap. She knew what would be coming, and she was terrified.

Ciel’s hand parted her leg. His body posed to plunge deep inside the unexplored land and claimed it for himself.

“Are you ready?” Ciel said.

“N-No,” Caislean nervously said.

“Oh, she is kidding,” Betty said playfully.

“Yes,” Ciel, being in on the joke, agreed with comparable mirth.

He trusted Caislean who laid there on the missionary position, taking her virginity and began riding the girl to the moon.

The secretary to the Lord never experienced this feeling. The penetration was deep and intense, each pump sent a wave of pleasure up her body. She grabbed into the mattress for dear life and exclaimed the incomprehensible string of words. The sensitive flesh received each thrust with the pulse of pleasure, turning Caislean’s brain into gibberish. The attack from the rod snaked into her mind, taming it. It was impossible for the panting girl to go back. She must have released about four times before the Unity Lord pumped his seed into her.

From her delirious position, she saw the smiling Betty.

“So sister,” Betty said to her sister in joy and vow. “Did you feel like your burden is melting away?”

Caislean’s mouth crept up, “Yes…”

Caislean was happy. She was born from nothing as the Residence’s caretaker. That was her sole purpose. From the moment of her birth, she knew it was her fate to be outclassed. That was her fear, being left forgotten. Tonight was an assurance that laid the fear to rest. She smiled, as her flesh quivered in anticipation. This pleasure ensured her permanence as the Residence’s castellan.

Caislean and Betty squealed as Ciel pounced at them. 

Xia woke from her nap to see what the group were doing next.

Ciel was carrying Betty as he gave her vaginal penetration. Betty’s arm and leg wrapped around her partner. Their mouths intertwined in their intercourse. Below them was the newly inducted Caislean who was orally tackling Ciel’s scrotum, licking it like a candy as Ciel released its content into Betty.

Xia couldn’t believe how fast they went there — not that she cared.

“Guys,” Xia said, tapping the bed. “Shouldn’t we all spend tonight in bed?”

Caislean wiped her lips and raised her hand, “Can I go first?” She suddenly remembered something. “Oh, and I finished gathering all the drafted schematic plans for your new combat gear. You should come and select the one you want.”

“Thank you, Caislean,” Xia said as the three moved to the bed. She couldn’t wait to try out the foursome.

Then there was the next target to talk about on their Harem consolidation campaign.

With Caislean in their pocket, it was time to drag Hikari down to the bed with them.