Chapter 20: Prologue(New)

Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta*

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

An appealing yet somewhat dirty and bruised young woman with purple hair wearing primitive leather and leaf clothes that barely covered her almost naked privates and holding a sharpened wooden spear ran barefooted in a dense forest.

The woman's breasts shook up and down and from side to side as she ran, hampering her movement more than she liked, making her silently curse her naturally endowed gift at the moment.

Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta* Ta*

"She ran over there!"

"Catch her!"

"Your pussy is mine, little slut! Hahaha!"

The sound of four pairs of feet sounded on the slightly moist ground, hot in pursuit as they hollered and jeered, like a pack of hyenas after easy prey.

"I need to find somewhere I can hold my ground! A cave. A nook. A river. Anything!"

The young woman desperately thought while running for her life.

She knew of the grim fate that awaited her if she got captured by the group of four hungry males running after her.

The best case scenario is that they kill her swiftly. The worst case is they gangrape and torture her and then kill her, perhaps even eating her. Her only bet was to find somewhere defensive and narrow to make a final stand, to put her spear to the best advantage, to make attacking her not worth their while.

While her eyes were briefly scanning through the dense forest, she suddenly smelled something familiar carried by the wind slightly to her left. She turned her head toward the left and faintly saw smoke in the air, something unnatural in this lush and untainted forest, and carried by it was a familiar and mouthwatering scent that almost made her empty stomach growl.

"Smoke! Fire! Cooked meat! There are other contestants in that direction. I can use them as cover to escape!"

With nothing to lose, the purple-haired young woman ran toward the direction of the smoke, hoping that the contestants over there might be able to stall some precious time for her to make her escape.

After another minute of desperate running, the woman faintly saw a stone hillside with a small clearing with a cave and a burning campfire outside and cooking some form of small animal over it, the source of the delicious meat scent.

The young woman's eyes lit up, and desperate yet cunning thoughts surfaced in her mind.

"Great! There is a contestant here! I'll pass near him and let him attract those brutes' attention. Sorry, but I wanna live!"

The woman's eyes lit up with a cunning and ruthless gleam as she ran toward the camp.

However, as she ran toward the camp, she stepped on a bundle of dry leaves, and in that instant, something grabbed her ankle.

"W-Whaaaaaaaa?!!!!!!!!!!! Thud*"

A makeshift rope tightened on her ankle and yanked upward, causing her to fall face-first to the ground. She barely let out a confused yell as her head hit the ground, bruising her forehead and making her dizzy before launching her a meter into the air, dangling ingloriously like a caught game, her makeshift spear falling, disarming her.

It also didn't help that her makeshift breast cover ripped away, exposing a pair of voluptuous tits, and the leaves that covered her groin drooped down, revealing her snatch for everyone to see.

"Hey, I heard her scream over there!"

One of the pursuing males yelled as their footsteps approached the dazed woman.

"Oohhh..." - The woman groaned.

"W-What happened...?"

She asked herself in a blurred daze, her vision upside down and spinning and her head injury throbbing from excess blood flow, a few drops of blood soaking her long purple hair and bleeding to the ground.

While dazed, the four male pursuers arrived, surrounding her while jeering.

"Hehehe! Look at her, boss! Tied up and dangling in the air like a fish."

A skinny pale man holding a stone knife mocked while lewdly looking at their prey's voluptuous breasts. As he smiled, one could see his unkempt yellow teeth, with a few missing.

"I can't wait to fuck her! I didn't get a proper woman for two weeks now."

A man of average build but with a claw mark on his exposed chest and holding a few wooden throwing spears said, hungrily staring at the woman's exposed crotch, rubbing his half-erect member through his leather loincloth.

"I'll take the ass."

A fierce buff man covered in tattoos and holding a large wooden club and bark shield declared, hungrily staring at the woman's child-bearing hips and rear.

"You dimwits, shut up! Did your blood rush to your dicks, making you stupid?! There is still someone here!"

A handsome and muscular man with dark blue hair wearing fur clothes and shoes and holding a stone-tipped wooden spear and shield chastised them as he pointed to the camp. The smell of cooked meat still permeated the air.

"Oh, come on, boss! I bet it's only one guy. We can take him!" - The skinny man said with a mocking look.

"Yeah, few groups can compete with us in this area! His just a bit of extra points, I bet." - Despite saying that, the man with the claw mark was more vigilant as he carefully scanned his surroundings.

"I smash him." - The fierce man said with an evil grin, making a swing with his wooden club.

"Don't underestimate him! He can make traps, unlike most other contestants, and he likely placed more in this area." - The handsome man frowned as he looked at the tree snare trap.

"Your call, boss. Let's take the woman and leave?" - The claw-marked man pointed at the dangling woman while vigilantly scanning the area.

"Oh, come on! It's extra points! Maybe it's even another girl--"

Thwack* THUD* Slump*

Before the skinny man could finish his sentence, he suddenly felt an intense pain at the back of his head and slumped face first, never to get up again.

The three others who saw it widened their eyes in horror and disbelief, staring at their fallen comrade with a stone lodged at the back of his skull. They then looked in the direction the rock came.

They saw the dim silhouette of a man reloading a stringed instrument. The outline then started whirling the string. It didn't take a genius to know he was about to fire a second shot.

"TAKE COVER!" - The handsome man ordered as he took cover behind one of the trees facing the attacker.

The scarred man was already alert and hid behind a tree facing the assailant's direction, but the burly man was not so sharp.

"KILL!!! RAAAAHHHH!!!" - The burly man let out a savage warcry as he blindly charged the attacker, raising his stone axe to the sky like a barbarian.

Thwack* Pa*

The assailant threw another rock, but the burly man blocked it with his shield, only making a dent.

"KILL! KILL! KILL!" - The burly man cried with fire in his eyes.

"Granj, Don't!" - The handsome man tried to stop him, but it was too late.

 Rustle* Crack* Crunch*

"Waaaah! Thud*"

The handsome man looked in horror as the ground swallowed the heavy bruiser of their team, and the attacker was missing.

"AHHH! AHHH! IT HURTS!!!! It HURTS!!!!" - The frantic screaming of a wounded beast sounded from the hole.

"Granj?!" - The scarred man called his comrade.

"He's a goner, that damn fool." - The handsome man cursed with an ugly expression while painfully listening to the tough bruiser's agonized cries.

"What now, boss? Run away?" - The scarred man suggested while vigilantly looking around to see if their attacker was flanking them.

"In this death-trap of an area? Would he let us?" - The handsome man growled back.

"Hehe... Probably not. I guess this is how it feels to be the prey for once." - The scarred man spoke self-mockingly.

"W-What's going on...? Why is everything upside down..." - The woman woke up from her daze and asked herself.

She then looked downwards and saw one of her assailants on the ground with a bloodied stone lodged at the back of his head, most definitely dead.

"Hah?! Why is he dead?! What happened?! And what is going on with the big guy?!" - The woman widened her eyes in shock.

While she got stuck in her thoughts, the two remaining men decided on their next move. 

"I tank in front with my shield, and you find an opportunity to kill the fucker with your spears." - The handsome man spoke with a determined look.

"Sounds better than nothing." - The scarred man replied with a nod.

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"On my signal... 3...2...1...Now!" - The handsome man raised his shield and jumped out of cover, facing the assailant's supposed direction.

The scarred man didn't fall behind and immediately rushed behind his boss.

"Walk behind me and pay attention to noise or movements. I will pay attention to traps in front." - The handsome man said.

"Roger." - The scarred man replied while vigilantly looking at the sides.

They both carefully advanced on the area of the assailant, vigilantly watching out for any more traps or the attacker himself.

The dangling woman, in the meantime, blinked and stared at them as the rope gradually spun her in their direction.

"Do I escape? Or not? My ankle also starting to hurt..."

The woman thought and considered her options. However, the next scene stopped her thoughts. A large rock suddenly swung from the side of the two marching men, directly from the treetops.

Before they could react--


The large rock hit the scarred man right in the solar plexus, pushing him off his feet.

"GHAa!!!" - He cried as the wind got forcefully knocked out of his lungs, a rib or two likely broken.

"Trey?!" - The leader abruptly turned his head to his remaining comrade, a fatal mistake.

Thwack* Thud*

"ARGHH! MY KNEE!" - The leader cried as a stone accurately him in his unprotected kneecap, shattering it, forcing him to kneel on the slightly moist soil.

However, the pelting didn't stop there.

Thwack* Thud*

"ARGHH!!!" - Another stone hit the man, this time on his right shoulder, making him drop his spear.

Thwack* Pa*

This time the stone hit his shield, giving the leader enough time to raise his shield.

"Who are you?! Show yourself, you coward!" - The now-immobile leader desperately taunted, not expecting a reply.

The leader could only hear Trey's labored breathing and Granj's agonized cries that devolved into sobbing, almost driving him crazy.

The leader, Augustus Frandilion, was a noble who was used to bullying others, never before experiencing this feeling of being prey. It didn't help that all of his comrades were now either dead or dying.

"How does it feel? Being the prey for once?" - Suddenly, a voice sounded from the side.

Augustus saw a young man with a slightly muscular build and about 20 years old with black hair and a roughly shaved face stepping out from behind a tree, holding a metallic-looking tipped spear.

He wore a black wolf's pelt on his head and shoulders, like a proud chieftain, wore fiber clothing to cover his crotch, and had actual sandals on his feet, preventing them from being harmed by the ground.

"So you finally show yourself, you coward!" - The leader shouted in rage.

"Says the man who chased after a woman with three goons, loudly telling me his plans about raping her and then attacking the lone me." - The young said with a bored expression, walking to Trey's location.

"Gah. Hah." - Trey laboriously breathed as he stared at the grim reaper who approached him.

"I shall release you now." - The young man said indifferently, raising his spear.

Trey just silently looked at the man as the spear accurately plunged into his throat, breaking his throat. A faint look of gratitude flashed in his eyes as he breathed his last.

The young man then briefly turned his head to the pit with the sobbing barbarian, but after some deliberate considerations, he decided to end him last.

He then turned his head to the still-struggling blue-haired handsome leader.

"I'll give you a choice. Drop your shield and let me end you swiftly, or I waste some of my precious time and energy to injure you some more and then kill you. I promise you that I won't make it enjoyable."

"..." - The leader stared hatefully at the young man before reluctantly throwing his shield away.

Augustus knew that he did not stand a chance to survive anymore. His knee smashed and his shoulder was likely crippled. He might as well let it end faster than slower.

"Good choice." - The young man commented, plunging his spear into the young man's throat in one practiced swift stab.

After the leader died, he finally set his sights on the pit with the wailing burly man.

After walking to the pit, he saw the man sobbing and crying as rough wooden spikes pierced through the man's flesh and sinew. Although it didn't seem like he punctured a vital organ, he likely won't be able to survive the games anymore.

"K-Kill me!" - The burly man sobbed.




Mysterious young man's POV:

You silently walked around the trap and pierced your spear into the burly man's throat, ending his suffering as requested.

You then sighed to yourself, lamenting how you changed during these past few weeks.

You nodded to yourself as you turned your gaze to your last prey. A dangling purple-haired attractive woman with her nice assets exposed to the air.

You walked to the stacked woman and stared at her, and she stared back at you. However, it was rather awkward as her head was about 90cm above the ground, around the height of your crotch.

"Hey..." - The woman nervously started a conversation.

"Hey." - You replied calmly to the first friendly person since the start of the games.

"Erm, sir, can I please ask you to let me down now? My head hurts..." - The woman pleaded, her head injury still throbbing painfully.

"No." - You callously answered.

"B-But why!" - The woman cried.

"You led them here." - You pointed at the corpses.

"Accident, it was an accident!" - She pleaded.

"You tried to lore them to me so you can escape." - You exposed her in a sentence.

"I-I'm sorry! I just want to live!" - She confessed, tears welling in her eyes.

"You could have indirectly killed me if I wasn't prepared. I should be killing you for that." - You said as your fingers tapped your spear shaft.

"W-Wait! I said I'm sorry, okay?! I can even join you or repay you with my body if you let me go~ You must be pent up after all this time alone, right~?" - She said in a sultry voice while rubbing her chest with one hand and rubbing her pussy with the other.

It did look rather ridiculous and awkward, seeing her doing that upside down, but for you, who did not get action for some time now, it was an appealing view and offer.

Sighing to yourself, you considered your options with this dilemma.

Option 1: Spare her and offer her to join you, with sex being negotiable. It comes with the added merit of human contact and a much-needed helper. This, however, comes with the added risk of betrayal. But considering her situation, running away with some supplies is the worst that she will do, and the chances of her attacking you are slim at best. Allies are hard to come by in the games.

Option 2: Spare her and let her go, with no added condition. She will likely develop a friendly relationship with you, and sex in the future might be possible, possibly through her prostituting herself to you.

Option 3: Sexual favor for freedom. It will be enjoyable for you, and she will get to walk away alive. A win-win. However, your relationship will be neutral after this.

Option 4: Pretend that you will free her, exploit her, and then kill her for points. That will leave a bad taste in your mouth, and you will also need to deal with her corpse.

Option 5: Just kill her and be done with it. You will get points and keep your honor intact, but you will need to handle her corpse and will also be sexually frustrated after this.

"Now... What should I do?"