Chapter 11: Chapter 10

With her first monster successfully slain, even if she had suffered a wound during the fight, Alice felt a lot more confident in her survival as she went about her routine. She had made a few mistakes this time. Even so, this was her first real fight against a monster, and she had managed to survive and win! At the very least, instead of a far-off fantasy, Alice genuinely felt prepared for the world around her, which is something that wasn’t true three weeks ago.

However, one thing that definitely hadn’t fared well over the last three weeks were her pajamas – they had never been intended to handle anywhere near this level of abuse. In just the past three weeks, she had torn off part of the pajama sleeves to use as bandages, been bitten through the pajamas in the stomach and her ankle, gotten the pajamas scratched up as she wandered through the forest, and hadn’t repaired it at all. Pajamas were never renowned for their sturdiness in the first place, and at this point they had been through the level of abuse armor was meant to go through.

Alice looked at the remains of her feast from the day before, and looked at Spidercrab’s chitin, trying to figure out if there was anything she could do to make it into clothing.

That’s not happening. Not only is there an ick factor, but I don’t think I can bend it without breaking it. Is there any use for this chitin shell at all?

Alice looked at her hastily built walls for the cave, and then at the round shell. Maybe it could be used as a construction material?

That was probably a terrible use of it. Hmm. Actually, it’s pretty close to the right shape for a bowl. Is it flammable? Alice shrugged, got a pile of snow, and tried boiling a bowl of water. The shell didn’t catch fire or show any particularly adverse reactions to being heated up. After a while, she had a partially-filled bowl of warm water. She shrugged. Bowl it is.

However, that didn’t solve her clothing problem. She looked, with some regret, towards her blanket, already missing two strips of fabric where she had torn them off in moments of need earlier. Then, she walked over to it, trying to figure out if there was some way to make it into clothing. Hmm… I think it’s possible, but I need some sort of needle, as well as a way to make thread. I have neither, and I definitely wouldn’t succeed in making stone needles if I tried. Maybe I can somehow make a needle out of bone? I do have some fish bones laying around that I could try using, but I don't actually have any string either. The bolt of cloth I've been using as a blanket won't be easy to unravel into string or threads here... Hmm...

Alice looked at the remains of Spidercrab again, but saw no solution. After a while, she sighed. This was something she felt should be doable, but she just had no idea how to do it. Maybe if she folded it up she could somehow make a toga? At least it would be something. Her pajamas would hold for a while longer, so it wasn't an immediate concern, but the hole near her stomach and chunks of missing sleeve didn't exactly do wonders for the clothing's ability to ward off the cold. She really wished she could go get something from a clothing store or even a [tailor]...

At the thought of civilization, a familiar, growing pang of loneliness shot through her. It had been nearly a month since she had heard another human voice, and she had no one and nothing to talk to. There were some days where she swore that she heard human voices, and would get excited and rush towards them, only to find that nothing at all had been there. Right now, her only companion was the status screen.

Alice sighed and looked back at the river. The book and the heartless corpse had been washed downstream by the currents, which meant something was farther upstream. That being said, she had no clue why the corpse had no heart, and she felt all sorts of uneasy about what that meant. Perhaps upstream a monster had killed the guy and eaten his heart? Cultists?

It was useless to speculate for now. In any case, without the cave her ability to survive the journey north was still dubious until Spring came. She needed to focus on what she could do now. She reached over to the bolt of cloth and tried folding it up. It wasn't entirely stable, but it still... sort of functioned as a toga. Alice spent several hours working with the cloth, and eventually managed to create a configuration that at least kept itself up. She would see about creating a more permanent solution once she had access to string. For now, it at least kept in more heat and ensured spidercrabs had an extra layer of cloth they had to bite through, which was something.

* * *

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A week after Alice had successfully slain a monster, her wounds were finally healed up. Her attempt at smoking monster meat had, for whatever reason, failed, although she had gotten the idea of trying to create an icebox to keep the meat preserved, and that had worked out, netting her another level in [Survivor]. She was close to her next level, but it was also getting significantly harder to level up her classes. However, she had also gotten another level in [Explorer of Magic], which was a huge plus since it finally got her another perk.

Sense Mana

Requirements: Explorer of Magic level 15 or higher

Allows you to innately sense mana in a small area around you.

Lesser Combat Spellcaster

Requirements: Explorer of magic level 15 or higher, Magic 25 or higher

Living Creatures resist your mana less effectively

Another Seed

Requirements: Explorer of magic level 15 or higher

Allows you to grow another magic seed with a maximum 25% mana conversion ratio