The room was mostly white, with only parts of red here and there. The lights were almost blinding. Everything had a haze.
"He's awake." A voice sounded. It was robot, yet friendly. Alexander blinked a few times, then slowly got up, pain resounding in every corner of his body. "Be careful, you died."
Alexander felt a flash of memories surge through him. He immediately looked at his arm, which was now there. He then saw every other member of his group. They were all awake, but they looked just as bad as him.
He sat up and pushed back to be in a sitting position on the bed. The room looked like an infirmary, and it had exactly eight beds. Each of his team members were in a bed, and most of them were sat up like him.
The room was relatively small, with four beds to a wall, with the other four opposite them. There was a small hallway between them, and all other space was used up by large medical equipment. Before pleasantries were exchanged, the voice spoke up again. It was an administrator in the middle of the room.
"Another administrator will be here in a moment. Please, be silent and wait." The group looked at each other. And then a door opened.
Out came the same administrator from the video before the fight. He was dressed incredibly nice and had a distinctly human way of interacting with the world. Still, he looked like a machine.
"Hello everyone. First, I want to congratulate you all on completing the tutorial. And more than that, getting through all three waves." He paused and looked around the room with a smile. "Because of what you've accomplished, any penalties usually prescribed as a result of death will not be given. Now, before I keep talking, please take a moment to look at your messages, I just sent some."
Alexander, still in a confused haze, opened up his messages.
You've killed the death knight! x15 level up! x1000 credits!
You leveled up x15 in one encounter! +20 Skill points!
You got the finishing blow on the death knight! +5 Strength!
You showed great resistance to attacks! The ability resistance now upgraded to "Advanced Resistance!"
You completed all three bosses in the tutorial. Your necklace now contains a shard of the death knight's sword, and it now has the name 'prizes.' Each time you destroy a powerful enemy with their own weapons, a piece of them will be added to your 'prizes.' Now, it grants you +5 strength, with more bonuses to come!
You fought bravely and with skill! +5 Willpower, +5 dexterity!
Alexander was about to look at his stats, but the administrator stopped him.
"Again, congratulations on defeating all three bosses. I won't give out specifics, but very few make it this far. I will add, however, that each group that goes through the tutorial has the capacity to make it as far as you did." The administrator paused and straightened his tie. "Now then, I told you all there would be a special prize." He made a grand gesture. "All of you will receive an item called The death knight's hand. It is an implant that can be used for whatever purposes, but it can be sold as well if your class does not benefit form it."
"Now then, onto some more info. You can get implants in the game. For each twenty five levels up to one hundred, you can get one biological and one mechanical implant. If your class prohibits one type of implant, then you will be awarded one extra slot for one of your type. After level one hundred, slots are granted every one hundred levels."
"Implants are items, and all items are graded on a scale of rarity deemed by the game. The range goes from 'F' to 'SSS.' The scale goes in this order, from least rare to most rare, F, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS. For each bump in scale, it has a ratio of 1 to 100, meaning that for every D item, there are 100 F items.
"Speaking of classes, it's now time to pick one. You can't leave this place until you do. After you do so, you'll be given a training course on your class, then you're free to play the game however you choose."
Alexander blinked a couple times, still trying to bring himself completely into reality. He opened his menu, only to find a screen that displayed classes. There was a long list, but before he could register any, four classes popped up in large windows, covering the rest. Above the four, which he could only see one at a time, was a large message that said "recommended classes." He glazed over the first one. "Knight."
Knight– You are a noble warrior that fights for justice, peace, and has a mission. Differing from a Paladin, you don't have access to much magic. Instead, you have a wide array of martial abilities and tools at your disposal. You are a jack-of-all-trades, and someone who can rough it alone. Specializing in most melee weapons and shields, you use whatever you have to complete your task.
Alexander stopped there. He didn't even look at the special abilities or stats. While the knight seemed great for him– self reliant, diverse, and strong– it didn't strike him as something he wanted. He swiped to look at the next one.
Warrior– Brave, confidant, and powerful, you specialize in one on one combat. You fight for yourself and act as the spearhead of the group. In combat, you target the leaders of the enemy and strike them down. But you also have a wide array of skills to fight groups. You specialize in large, two handed weapons, and use small shields, if any at all. You are also very charismatic, being able to taunt enemies and provide inspiring battle cries.
Alexander liked this one more, and hesitated for a second. But before he selected it, Alexander thought he should at least look at the other two.
Barbarian– The zenith of raw power and fighting, you fight simply because of primal instinct. You don't need armor and you don't need tricks; all you need it a large thing to swing at the enemy. You don't specialize in any type of combat– just raw damage. You are also blocked from using any magic, except in special sub-classes. Being a barbarian, you rely a lot on passions, being granted a 'rage' mode that helps you fight at your peak. You are also very charismatic, being able to intimidate your enemies and provide damaging battle cries.
Now Alexander really liked that one. In fact, he felt so sure that he pressed 'accept' without realizing it. But a message popped up.
Are you sure? You've also been recommended a special class that few have heard of. Check out the next class.
Alexander raised an eyebrow. He pressed 'cancel' and scrolled to the next class.
Alexander finally broke through the haze and stared at the screen.
Demon *rare class*– You are a demonic warrior. You don't specialize in any weapon, shield, armor, or even tools. You use simply yourself as the weapon. You fight because of the rage and power in your heart, and there is nothing that can stop you. As a demon, you are granted abilities that let you use more and more of your body, unlocking all of your limits and even exceeding them. You are granted magic, but only magic that empowers your body and spirit. An exceedingly dangerous class, you stride the line between death and life.
Alexander took a deep breath and hit 'accept.'
"Looks like everyone has picked their class. Now is the time for your group to depart, at least for however long you see fit. You will all be transported to a training class, then finally to your 'home.' It's the same place you took your initial tests. Please say your farewells." The administrator said right after Alexander picked what he wanted.
You are reading story The Next Phase at
The group shambled around, muttering their goodbyes with a mixture of emotions. Most of them vowed to see each other again. The Game teaches a lot in the tutorial, but it doesn't mention the effect a life-or-death situation has on a group. Alexander formed closer bonds to his group than most of his friends in real life. It was surreal.
A few minutes past, then, with a wave of his hand, the administrator sent everyone away. Alexander suddenly appeared in an infinite white space. There was a lower-level administrator there waiting for him.
Alexander shook off the last of the blurriness he felt from the last part of the tutorial and focused in on the administrator.
Hello Alexander. This is the last part of the tutorial. There are two parts to this. First, you will learn the inner workings of your class. Then, I will go over the basics of how the game works and the current state of affairs in the game. Are you ready?
Great. Now then, you chose *Demon* as your class. As you are aware, this is a rare class. When players choose a class, everyone is granted access to the near limitless range of basic classes. However, individuals who show particular and unique skills can sometimes be offered a rare class among their recommended. This information is not publicly available. Almost 90% of players are not aware of rare classes, and only around 1% of players have them. It is recommended you keep this information private.
Currently, you are level fifty. Most players who finish the tutorial leave averaging twentieth level. Level fifty is the hard limit when going through the tutorial, as after level fifty you gain the ability to choose class features and abilities. Players who finish the tutorial under level fifty still achieve a class, but they have to level up before gaining complete access to it. Once they do, they are offered another choice for their class, as more data has been gathered. For you, you do not have that choice. However, if you want to change your class before we begin, you may.
The administrator paused. Alexander said nothing.
The Demon class is the penultimate of pure fighting spirit. Other melee types, even the Barbarian, use weapons. You, however, have not used a single weapon and minimal weapons or armor. The Demon class relies on the body of the individual, but differing from a monk they tread a much more dangerous line with their fighting style. Both rely on their body and mind almost solely to fight, but while the monk class slowly builds up their body to be in prime fighting condition, the Demon class specializes in drawing out as much power as possible from themselves. This means that with certain abilities, you can die without being injured: higher risk, higher reward.
The Demon class has access to magic. However, this magic is used purely for "buffing" capabilities and not for direct offensive or defensive use. This magic is also special and has its own list of spells. For spell-caster types, there is a long list of spells that can be used by multiple classes, but only the Demon class can use Demon spells.
You may have notices that there is no health-bar or stamina-bar as in other "games." The same rule applies to magic. There will be no numbers for you to rely on in the game. It is almost a perfect re-creation of reality. Your use of magic will depend on your understanding of yourself and the world around you.
When achieving a class, there is no initial reward. The class system is one of exponential growth. At level 100, you will be given the option of a sub-class.
While the general skills tab has abilities and features, both of which can be upgraded over time to their respective titles, classes don't have the distinctions. Classes have skills, and they are not upgraded in the traditional sense. Classes grant key skills that branch off into upgrades of that skill. Essentially, while general skills are arranged in a list-like structure of unconnected abilities and feats, classes have a few core skills that branch off into multiple smaller skills.
Now then, before we go over combat, do you have any questions?
Alexander shook his head.
The next couple hours, which was Alexander's best guess, was spent going over his fights so far, practicing movements, attacks, defenses, and parries. It was mostly dull, and he didn't get any stat bonuses. But the lessons did help him hone in on what he was in for. After all was said and done, the administrator beckoned at him to look at his class.
Alexander opened his HUD. It was basic, with the main page listing his inventory, with a 3D model of himself to his left with his stats to the left of it. To the right were other tabs. There was a friends tab, messages tab (which had a couple notifications), a skills tab, and a class tab. He selected the class tab and saw a portrait of a demon. He clicked on it and a small animation played of red mist flying away, revealing a web-like skill tree similar to the general skills tab. All the skills were greyed out and unaccusable, bar the one in the middle. It read "Demon Form."
It cost 100 skill points, but he clicked on it anyways to see the description.
Demon Form: 100 points– You have a from that is beyond human that can be activated at will. While it is active, the limits on your body are broken, and you can fight at the peak of your abilities. However, while active, it puts immense strain on your body. If used for too long, it can result in great injury or death. Once inactivated, it is incredibly hard to re-activate without rest. This is also magical in nature, so it drains your magic as well. There are some spells in this class that can only be used in this form. While in this form, your muscles will bulge, your skin will toughen and adopt a slightly red hue, and red horns of energy will form at your head. You will also be resistant to direct and indirect magical attacks. However, your vision will turn read and your mental capacities could be reduced if not properly trained.
Alexander didn't want to look at the general skills tab to see if he could spend any points there, nor did he want to dump and skills in his stats. He wanted that form.
Alexander looked up at the administrator. He was getting tired of all this information, it was hard to keep up with. Still, the administrator had more to go.
Now then, let's quickly go over the actual game. I assure you, this is the last step.
"The Game" is comprised of three distinct worlds. First, there is your home. This where we are, I have just modified it to my use. Only you and administrators are allowed here. You can customize this space however you like, and can alters properties such as light, gravity, and whatever else you can imagine. You can change the looks and add furniture by visiting an official administrator store.
The second world is the "over-layer." It is comprised of shopping districts, casinos, spas, hotels, libraries, meeting rooms, and anything else you can manage. This world is directed by the administrators, and it distinctly separate from the other two worlds. No physical harm is possible in this world to any person or property. It is intended as a neutral zone for humanity.
The third and biggest world is the universe itself. A 1 to 1 replica of the observable universe is simulated, and it where the real game is. Currently, most of humanity is on Earth, with some starting to colonize Mars. This is also the most complex world. There are some basic rules.
1. All things that happen in this world must be physically possible in what you call "reality."
2. There are no inherent laws to behavior and how to conduct yourself. Factions, guilds, or governments, however, can take control of a region by fulfilling certain requirements. Once that is done, they can instill their own laws and rules.
3. Within this world, there are four types of zones, each one harder to set up than the last. There is the Wild, which comprises almost the entirety of the universe. There are no rules in the Wild. Then, there are war-zones where certain groups are in combat to achieve control over a region; actions in these zones have consequences for which group gains control. Next, there are territories, which are areas under control of a group. Actions in these zones will positively or negatively affect your standing with the group in control. Territories are subject to the laws set up by the group in power, and breaking them will have consequences based on the group. Finally, there are peace zones. These are zones, like the over-layer, where any harm is impossible to inflict on persons or property. These zones can either by under control by administrators or a group if enough conditions are met.
4. The over-layer has most of the administrators, but there is a space station where there is an administrator headquarters. It is a peaceful zone, and it can be used for shopping, trading, or meeting. There can also be other administrator outposts set up in other zones if applied for and if certain conditions are met.
Do you have any questions?
Alexander yawned. His eyes were watering and he felt fatigued. "No." Was all he could mutter out. He felt over-stimulated.
Great. I am going to leave now. Your home will be set up with a basic bed for now. It is recommended you go back to reality before you head into the game. Keep in mind that leaving requires time. If you were to leave right now, it would take twenty-seven hours. This time gets longer the more time you spend in the game before leaving.
Alexander blinked. He tilted his head. Twenty-seven hours? It made no sense. Still, Alexander nodded his head and went with it. After a moment, the administrator took a short bow and vanished. Alexander looked around this expanse of white nothingness and noticed the bed. It was basic, wooden and with sickeningly white sheets. He walked over to it and collapsed. He then pulled up his HUD, and started the log-out sequence. A timer of twenty-seven hours started at the top of his HUD, and then he collapsed into sleep.