[A/N: check out the part 12 of this chapter, made a mistake and posted 13 first. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks again.]
Along the way she said would be personally handling me—which was a total score for me—although there are others as well. Meaning I was already in a team, platoon or whatever it's called. It doesn't matter though, I thought I was going to end up with someone else but I get to see those drums—I mean her every day.
Oh yes, I forget one most important thing. The outside is built with high concentrated magic, a dome-like space which they expand when the need arises. There is an atmosphere and a simulated environment which basically works like the real world. So yes they have day and night, rain and other seasonal changes. There are real grass, trees, statues and other decorative places here. Not only that but there are other building like mansions and other cooperate looking building and smaller apartment looking buildings as well in this place. I can only guess they belong to the people who use magic or maybe have so other purpose.
So right now we a walking through a special corridor. After we were done walking outside checking the dorms, the stadium and other recreational facilities (like the gym, courts, the store—which means you don't have to go out to buy things—and the others, all in all the placed looked like a mini city) she decided to take me through the doors here which is more like a shortcut to the buildings she's already shown, though I doubt I'd use them. I'd prefer the walk. She looks real down, though. There's no particular change in her demeanor but somehow I can tell. I'm not exactly sure how she normally is but since the first time that I met her there was a hint and now it's even bigger. Am I the cause of this? I feel like I'm partly to blame.
Everything about this place is so awesome at the same time pretty hard to take in. Feels like I'm dreaming.
"Shimura-san… Can you start from the beginning. Tell me what's going on. What exactly is this place? What exactly are we? What do we do?"
We took one of the gates, it felt like we went through a short tunnel and in a flash we suddenly appear in the cafeteria. It was a large place serving all the food, from intercontinental to local. The placed looked so unreal.
I kinda felt she was ignoring me but after she had me order for food, luckily the wasn't much people around, so I did and we sat by the curved glass wall—though the wall was pushed in a bit so there was quite a space for a ledge—which covered the whole section of the wall and would give 80% of the light which brightened the place during the day, currently it's night though, around 9PM (when I was outside I could clearly see the place from the lights created by magic)… before she said any word.
"Listen closely. Consider this your orientation… Humans on earth are divided into three. The normals, the awakened and the magician or mages. That should be your basis on thinking. This all begun with the fall of the first man and woman…"
I eat as she speaks—Just so you know I was pretty much starving the whole trip, so I ordered Curry and rice and a bowl of pork and chicken ramen, awkward blend but I like it. I know it's late to eat but who cares. Side not food served is given on the budget from your platoon gotten from the amount of work you put in. This meal though is from Shimura-san's pocket. Ah, eating with Shimura-san. Such bliss. She on the other hand is just having coffee with milk and little on the sugar.
I'll just simplify what she said. There are three kinds of human as she mentioned. The awakened and Mages live among the normal humans. As the awakened have special abilities the magicians use, you know the name, magic. There was friction between the two for a while but now they work together in stopping the otherworlders. As for the normal they do not see whatever happens around them, which is their job in keeping that way. Anyways, to the main lesson, after the fall of Adam and Eve their descendants were divvied into the three as civilization begun to grow. The first to actually have awoken was Abel their second son, making his faith in the supernatural unyielding. He found the secrets of the other worlds and sort to use his power doing what he can keeping them at bay. But it so happen that his brother Cain got possessed by one of the otherworlders, instead of killing his brother to save him from his suffering he decided he'd find a way to save him only to end up killed himself in the process of saving him. Seth on the other hand was one blessed with magic. It was said that the three brothers did leave information on all three prospects—Magic, The other worlds and The ability holders. As for the parents they did have something to say but they clearly hid a lot considering how it was their fault to have trusted an otherworlder—a demon—themselves.
So from there as the records were passed down from generations to generations with the exception of Abel's—lost through the ages. There was the debate by the magicians on the approach of the otherworlders. Some sort them as familiars, making pacts to have more power, wealth, knowledge and others without knowing the consequences of said actions. Though the records of the Cain, Seth and their parents went on to tell a lot about the otherworlder Abel's on the other hand gave more to the truth of those beings, how may worlds believed to have existed, what they could really do if left unchecked and the existence of the ability holders. It wasn't until the 9th Century did they found those records along with ones from Adam and Eve acknowledging his claims. It took about two Centuries to be deciphered only to disappear again. It resurfaced during King James' rule when they discovered the tomb with scrolls long lost. Coinciding with the bible he implement hunt for the ability holders and with that a society was built with them to subjugate this other beings living among and influencing the humans. Though there are still some parts missing from the texts left behind by Abel.
"Which means this whole thing is under the jurisdiction of the church."
"Correct. But we are allowed to do whatever we please as long as it doesn't disrupt the churches activities."
So that goes to say the reason for the march of the crusaders that did all those massacre in the past, they talked about. Also pressing on with the records of Cain, Seth's and the other side of their parent's records found, they took the war to the magician in their witch hunt whiles still fighting the otherworlders. It wasn't until much recently did the war with the mages, with the help of Abel's texts, ended and now they help battle the otherworlders.
To be frank I don't care about all this I just want to get strong enough to protect my family from anything. But I guess knowing about these things too should be okay.
"You should find more about that in the library."
Speaking of library, that place was huge. It's a separate building on it's own. The whole interior is a field with books, painting of the legends who fought and others who helped with the truth, sculptures and other things. You can borrow books just like any normal library.
With our conversation over and me having finished my food half way through the speed course lecture I told her I'd walk around and find my way back to my room—which coincidentally is my birthday, room 2406. She told me she'd show me to my teammates and our HQ in the morning. Honestly I can't wait for tomorrow to come so I can start getting stronger.
After half-an-hour walking around, the place was totally empty—I left for my room, cleaned myself up and jumped straight on the soft bed. Before I did though I placed things in order so I could get to them easily (such us the soaps, cloths, you know that kind of things), checked the mini fridge and boy was I surprised to find it was already stocked up… It brought a big smile to my face.
And with that I close my eyes to sleep. My new life and training begins tomorrow. And I case you're wondering yes I did bring some of the 'materials' with me. I can't go without them; a few mags and DVD's. I had also found my bag I'd lost on the desk when I got inside my room, everything was intact, money fro Kofu. Plus before dad and the others left he pulled me to the side and said he'd make sure to send the usual weekly packages along with some spending money. So all's good in the hood.