Chapter 27: Chapter 2 Is This A Secret Agency Or What? Cont. 18

[A/N: Sorry it's been a while. I had a problem with my laptop. It was fixed and yet had another problem so i decided to manage it till i get a new one]


The other end was a mini training facility like the auditorium. It's large in its own right. It had a gun/archery range and a platform for other weapons and sparing. There are all sorts of weapons on racks around the place. The place is quite quaint. A base behind the door and a training facility to keep that at their best. A nice set up.

"Shall we begin then?"

Yasagawa-san takes her eyes of me and looks to Hoshi.

"So, Hoshi-kun, how about it? may we give a demonstration to our comrade here. How about a spar?"

She asked making way towards the platform.

"About time, been itching to get these knuckles cracking. We never got to see who is stronger. How about we settle it now."

He gave a wide grin, so unlikely of his calm demeanor, his right hand on his left shoulder, with a bend at his elbow swings his arm back and forth probably to relax his muscles before giving his neck a crack as he walks towards the stage. Wait don't tell me, he's the type of guy that switches between battle mode and gentleman mode, a battle freak.

He begun rolling up his sleeves.

"Do pay attention Rinji-kun."

She had return from picking a sword from the rack by the platform. A katana. I always wondered how people say a blade is beautiful but somehow I get. The sleek cold metal and piercing bluish reflection is really alluring.

They stood, facing each other, about 50 feet from each other.

Hoshi took a stance. He lowered himself a bit, his left foot forward and right leg back. His right arm, bent at the elbow, pulled back and his left arm out forward, both hands clenched to a fist. His eyes didn't leave her. She on the other hand stood freely, the sword in her right hand.

Is he really going to face a sword barehanded? Is this safe? Hey where are are the law enforcers here? Is this legal?


"Whenever you are." He replied.

Is it just me is there's tension in the air? Shinosaki-san and Inyx walk over to the wall. Shinosaki-san leans her back to it standing, chewing gum while Inyx sits of the floor hugging her legs closing her eyes.

A moment of prefunctionary quiet they dash at each other. Yasagawa-san gripped the hilt of the sword in both hands bringing it down. Hoshi responds by punching his right out meeting the blade. I had steeled my heart expecting blood and cut flesh but I was surprise when I heard a clank. Definitely not going to let the shock show on my face. So cool!

The hell! What is that dude's arm made of? Where are those anime description which explains what is going on? I need some explanation here.

Hoshi tries to counter with his left hand but she jumps back. Without hesitation she swings the sword diagonally. Using his hands as both shield and sword he block and parries often throwing a punch at her. She also does the same with her blade and moving nimbly. He move may look a bit fancy but it's practical.

As if answering my plea Ro spoke beside me.

"That's Herculean strength and armour. There is to some certain degree in strength granted to ability holders under the classification of 'heros'. Hoshi's is unrivaled strength which has an effect of enhancing his battle instincts and hardening his skin like an armor. Though the down side is he absolutely has no control over his strength so his mastery is shallow. A word of advice don't give him anything to hold on to for you~"

That deep looks like he might have lost something. There, there. You have my sympathy.

I look back to the fight and they still going at it full swing, I'm having time keeping up but I can see a few movements.

I confess. To tell the truth I can hardly concentrate because something big and bouncy and taking my attention. How does she maintain her balance with such a load?

"Captain on the other hand is different, born with only the sight to see the supernatural she has no other abilities. She many not look it now but she is no different from normal people, except for her sight. She is how she now due to the intense training she put herself through. It's enough to make a normal person crumble. Her movement, her reaction, all gain through practice. She is always up for a challenge no matter how tough it may be."

She that great of a swordswoman. Knowing this much about her makes me admire her. Her determination not to be undermined, to be called weak.

"What made you join this shady organisation?" I break away from the clanking of fists and blade towards Ro.

"That..." He wore a self-deprecating smile. "Unlike you most of us are born into this organisation. Generation our family groomed we are..." His voice went low, lowering his head. As if to clear the air he spoke up again. "The lesser majority are orphans taken in by the organisation. The organisation is the only family they know. As you can already guess it's not all sunshine having powers."

I feel rather sad for asking. We tend to live in our own shells that we are ignorant of things happening. Another is when something has nothing to do with you there is lack of sympathy. But once you've lived through grief you then feel the pain of others. The look I spotted on him and the subtle heaviness in his tone made all those possible scenarios rush through my mind.

"What about you?"

"It's nothing deep. I just want to be strong, to fight the ghoul that came after me." I said wryly, thinking about things, my reason feels shallow. But even so, no matter how shallow it is, it is something I intend to achieve. "And having this ability is only a plus, I will hunt it down."


"No your goal is not shallow at all, unlike me that has no goal to achieve... Wait, a ghoul? You're really going after a ghoul! That's insane. They may be low level demons but they are still tough to beat."

I can tell they really are and I will definitely track it down and kill it.

I want to say something but I have no words for him. I have no idea what he's been through to encourage. I could only look away returning to the battle on the platform which seems to be at it's climax.

Yasagawa-san slashed and Hoshi deflected with one hand and punched with another. Her leg was rooted to the floor she held the hilt at eye level pointing the blade down to meet his punch.

They both took a step back.

"Let's end this," His grin was wider.

"Ready when you are." Her smile was wild.

The air felt more heavier. Yasagawa-san took a Chudan-no-kamae (reference on Wikipedia). Hoshi stood much like the beginning, left leg forward and and right back, right hand was bent and cocked back, his fist clenched. I could feel the power just waiting to burst. But his left hands was stretched out and his palm upright facing her.

The rushed at each other once more tis time to release their strongest attack. Yasagawa-san switch to a Jodan-no-kamae (reference on Wikipedia) bringing the sword down and Hoshi punches out at the sharp edge of the sword. I know of the stance because Orino had forced--I mean asked me a few times to go with her to her kendo classes, though I only sat, watched and listened. When hand and blade meet with a loud 'thwank' a gust of wind whoosh over the whole place.

[So powerful. They are strong.]

The force was so strong that they skid away from each other. Thus came the end of their bout.

A draw. I have a feeling they really weren't going all out. That goes more for Yasagawa-san, she didn't even break a sweat. She must be truly strong.

I wonder if can I get like that.

Hoshi walks over to us, one hand in his pocket, whiles Yasagawa-san returns the sword to the rack.

"How was it, our little showcase?"

"You're strong!"

"Well from your point of view. But among the noobs we are the weakest." Why does he look proud saying that?

Seriously? That's weak? I guess I have to start changing my mindset and set a higher expectation for these abilities holders.

"I want to know how to do that."

"Everyone has different abilities, each with different effect in situations. So until you can figure out what yours is we can only try different approach, and thats where our trainer come in."

Shimura-san. Yay some alone time is coming with Shimura-san. Wait for me~

"I can't help but admire her.

In front of the rack Yasagawa-san holds the sword horizontally in both hands.

Hoshi quarter turns looking at her.

"Don't let her catch you saying that." He chuckled then he continued soflty "... We all do. Not so many are determined as she is. Some quit half way just because it's too strenuous but she holds on. Everyday sticking to perfecting herself, to grow stronger."

She gives a bow before hanging it.

Shinosaki-san passes by heading for the platform, her hands in her jacket's pockets.

"It's my turn now." Ro said softly and he also moved towards the stage rather timidly.

"Why is he going up there? I thought mages only provide support from the back."

"That's true. But often times they are the first target in combat, so Shimara-san and the Captain had us train him in a bit of close combat, so he can protect himself when we run into such situations." Hoshi commented.

"As you probably know, like these abilities magic can also perform similar feats such as enhancing the bodies, increase in senses and others, buffs in gamers' terms but unlike this abilities they require incantations/spells. So this training also helps in casting speed. There is another disadvantage to using spells which is the time limit which is affected by the amount of magical energy the mage can amass. So building stamina and expanding his reserves is another advantage for him." Yasagawa-san continued walking towards us stopping by my side, her eyes were on the platform. As she spoke on the platform Ro and Shinosaki-san were standing apart.