Chapter 96: CH.96 Horse Riding

Our ride… is this a ride? I think it is. It is called horse riding. Well our ride was going… I can’t say fine as this is not what I would call comfortable. 

I was thinking of having The Trojan Horse move at top speed, but that was stupidly bad. I think I would have killed someone if I kept up that speed. So instead we were moving at a decent trot.

I had Laura calculate the speed we would need to make it to Alewatch in the two hours we had, and set the speed a little above it. It was uncomfortable, but we would make it. 


“Brian, can’t we slow down?” Lua asked.

“Not really. We won’t make it in time if we do.” I told her.

“But this thing shakes more than the worst carriage.” She complained.

“Sorry, I don’t have anything that flies and can carry this many people.” I told her.

I don’t have a spaceship after all. 


(Actually, you do have Gradius. It is a spaceship.) Laura told me.

(Gradius? When did I get that?)

(After getting Blue-Eyes.) Laura said.

(... I totally didn’t overlook it. I would never do that. I just … ignored it.) I muttered in my mind.

(I know you didn’t. Of course you were just waiting for the perfect time to use it. Weren’t you?) Laura teased.

(You know I was. And Gradius wouldn’t fit all of us, would it?)

(No it would not. This was a good choice.) Laura confirmed.



The trot was going… well about as fine as you could expect it to go. My passengers used anything they had with them to protect their behinds from the damage, and even had to keep a horse calm. That’s not on me. If you want out, just say it. I’m not going to force you to stay.


When we ran into the on ground search party, we had to stop for a second. I think everyone was relieved by it and some were even asking for healing magic. It’s not that bad. Stop exaggerating. 

(It doesn’t feel as bad to you, Master. You have higher than average defense and the Summoner’s protection skill.) Laura reminded me.

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… oh yeah. I guess it might be painful then. My bad.

The ground squad was a little jealous about us in our rain cover, but there is no way we would fit three people and three horses in here. We were almost at max capacity already. Two people, or even three, maybe. But with the horses. No way.


After the quick information exchange, more like an info dumb, we were back on the move.

I had to speed up The Trojan Horse just a bit more so we would make it in time. Sadly, this also increased the shaking a bit, but we have to just deal with it.



We made it just in time to the gate. We did have to hurry a bit to get everyone off the horse before the time was up. I even felt a strange mana surging from the card as we were getting off. It was a stronger version of the mana signal that normally comes when the time limit is approaching. Perhaps something like a critical warning. I need to experiment on extending the summoning time. Alice can do it with Mana, so perhaps there is a way I can do it. Unless it’s tied to magic attributes or something. In that case I might not be able to do it, as I don’t have one.

… unless I got one when I got the water spirit’s blessing. 

(Laura. Did the blessing affect my attributes?) I asked.

(Sadly no. Master still has no attribute.) Laura told me. (That is why the blessing only gave you the ‘Summon water spirit’ skill. It adjusted to your body. For someone like Lucia, who has the water magic skill, it would boost her water magic on top of gaining the summoning skill.) 

Really? So Lua gained even more power than I did.

(Yes she did.) Laura told me. 

Lua is too powerful. How is she C-rank again? I feel like she should be at least B-rank. 



“Brian. Thank you for bringing everyone back.” The guild master.. the ex-master thanked me.

“I didn’t exactly bring everyone back.” I said back to him. 

“Even if they didn’t make it, you brought them back. It’s still better to get back home, instead of rotting on the side of the road.” He told me.

“Being alive is even better.” I argued.

“There is nothing more you could have done. Don’t look at this as you let four people die. Look at this as you saved sixteen people.” The guild master argued.

“I’ll try. Thanks.” 

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